`MAR 2:52013
`Karl R. Hermanns
`March 25, 2013
`Telephone: 206.694.4834
`Facsimile Transmission
`Examiner Ramesh Krishnamurthy — Petitions Examiner
`Fax No.:
`1571 273 8300
`Phone No.:
`a R
`esponseto Decision on Petition for Retroactive Foreign Filing
`Re! License
`Serial Number P00117279
`Seed IP Ref.:
`address 701 Fifth Avenue
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`telephone 206.622.4900
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`03/25/2013 15:17 FAX 1 206 682 6031
`March 25, 2013
`MAR 2.5 2013
`S eed
`Karn R. Hermanns
`Direct Line: 206.694.4834
`Via Facsimile: 1571273 8300
`Office of Petitions
`Attn: Examiner Ramesh Krishnamurthy
`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`P. 0. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`Response to Decision onthe Petition for Retroactive Foreign Filing License
`Under 35 U.S.C. 184 and 37 C.F.R. Section 5.25
`Serial Number: P00117279
`Patent Application Entitled: MULTIPLE EXON SKIPPING
`Our Reference: 120178.410TW
`Dear Examiner Krishnamurthy:
`In response to the Decision on Request under 37 CFR 5.25 mailed September 25, 2012,in
`response to the Response to Decision on Petition for Retroactive Foreign Filing under 37
`U.S.C. 184 and 37 CFR Section 5.25 filed November 15, 2010, we herewith submit a
`Replacement Declaration signed by Mr. Kyle Kosmicki that complies with the requirements
`set forth in 37 C.F.R. 5.25(a) 1 - 4.
`The Commissioneris hereby authorized to charge the extension of time fees under 37 CFR
`1.136(a), and any otherfees for expedited handling of a foreignfiling license under 37 CFR
`1.17(g) to our Deposit Account 19-1090.
`Please fax the ForeignFiling License retroactive to October 22, 2009 to fax number(206)
`682-6031, ATTN: Karl R. Hermanns.
`Very truly yours,
`Seed Intellectual Property Law Group PLLC
`R. Hermanns -
`USPTO Reg. No. 33,507
`Replacement Declaration of Events signed by Kyle Kosmicki, March 25, 2013
`sstrenn 701 Fifth Avenue
`Suice 5400
`Seattle, WA 98104
`ealapnona 206,622,4900
`wabelcs SeedIP.com
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