`a SES5
`est st
`est st
`a SES5
`Seo eis:
`Serial numberof registration
`Country code
`Bottle - Hi
`Locarno class
`Name and address of owner
`Nameand addressof owner(Original)
`BBE in SHAB), 6837 Commercial Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94111, United States
`Owner name
`a SES5
`Agent nameand address
`CLT PATENT & TRADEMARK (H.K.) LIMITED, Unit 09, 34/F., Office Tower, Convention Plaza, No. 1
`Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, (HK)
`Application number
`App. date
`Date of the registration
`Priority number
`US, 2019-07-08, 29/697,385
`Priority date
`Priority country
`Publication date
`Original description
`The features of the design for which novelty is claimed are the shape, configuration of the article as
`shownin the representations.