`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`FILOSA, Louis
`ll _
`Search Notes
`| |
`CPC - Searched*
`* See searchhistory printout included with this form or the SEARCH NOTESbox below to determine the scopeof
`the search.
`Examiner, Art Unit 2931
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 1 of 2
`Part of Paper No.: 20230717
`Application/Conirol No.
`Applicant(s)/Patent Under Reexamination
`Search Notes
`| |
`Examiner, Art Unit 2931
`Google/Internet image (NPL) search, including Amazon.com:
`Packaging Container, Louis FILOSA, Method Products, Dishwasher
`pods/packs, Detergent packs/pods, Soap packs/pods, Cascade,
`seventh generation, clorox,finish, myer's, tide, all, gain, persil, pod
`container, Method Laundry booster
`ll _
`Search Notes
`soon) search in DAV, SEARCH (US-PGPUB, USPAT,
`Assignee search in DAV, SEARCH (US-PGPUB, USPAT, USOCR)
`Title search in SEARCH (US-PGPUB, USPAT, USOCR)
`Word/Term Search: storage, (pack OR package OR packaging OR
`container OR box OR carton), display, (product OR consumables),
`plastic, s.at.
`Orbit Intelligence Database Search(Title, Inventor, Assignee,
`Locarno, Keywords,Etc.)
`Forward & backward search onall pertinent references
`IDS Considered
`Instagram: @louis.filosa, @methodproducts
`Search (Including Inventor, Assignee, word/term search, CPC,
`Forwards/Backwards, relevant classes and subclasses) refreshed 07/|07/10/2023
`IDS Considered
`Interference Search
`US Class/CPC US Subclass/CPC Group
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
`Page 2 of 2
`Part of Paper No.: 20230717