`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
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`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Paula Allen GREENE
`US1 07-08-1913|Markoff1,066,511 A
`US3 01-18-1927|Morser1,615,028 A
`US8 02-08-1966|SpilmanD203,677S
`US13|4,114,885A 09-19-1978|Morrow
`US15|D254,183S 02-12-1980|Doodson
`US20|4,378,824A 04-05-1983|Carder
`US25|D286,874S 11-25-1986|Bertagna et al.
`Art Unit Attorney Docket Number |
`cane|cues|—eseneea|"iainer reppamot
`US26|4,634,816A 01-06-1987|O'Malleyetai. —_____—
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror not citation is in conformance with
`MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhereif English lang uage Translation is attached.
`Art Unit
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Paula Allen GREENE
`Attorney Docket Number |
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`Cite No.
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code’(if
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee orApplicant of
`Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`Derhaag etal
`US28|4,875,233A 10-17-1989
`D307,275 5
`D313,092 S
`5,018,599 A
`5,035,005 A
`D328,074 5S
`D328,461 5
`Dohi et al.
`D338,010 S
`D351,172 5
`D358,389 S
`us39_|D358,391S 05-16-1995
`us4o|D362,841 S 10-03-1995|Roza
`us41_|374,658 S 10-15-1996
`us42_| 11-26-1996|Whidden375,825 S
`386,223 S
`us44_|D390,282 S 02-03-1998
`US45|5,812,680A 09-22-1998
`us46|D403,128 12-22-1998
`us47|407,985 S 04-13-1999|Pimentel
`420,356 S
`usag_|D422,592 5 04-11-2000
`uS52_|6,163,615 A 12-19-2000| Callahan
`uss3_|D435,249 S 12-19-2000|Yasutomi
`us54_|6,195,839 B1 03-06-2001
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror not citation is in conformance with
`MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhereif English lang uage Translation is attached.
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`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Attorney Docket Number
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Art Unit
`Paula Allen GREENE
`Cite No.
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code’(if
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee orApplicant of
`Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`US55|D457,512 S$ 05-21-2002
`Engelhard etal.
`D464,630 5
`6,449,806 B1
`D468,723 S
`2003/0182713 Al
`D482,484 S
`Pham et al
`us62_|6,654,966 B2 12-02-2003| Rolla
`us63_| 12-30-2003|MatsuokaD484,485 S
`us64|484,868 S 01-06-2004
`US65|6,678,897 B2 01-20-2004
`uses|D487,733 5 03-23-2004
`us67|D491,163 S 06-08-2004|Green
`uses|2004/0216946 A1|11-04-2004
`Harris et al.
`us70|502,938 S 03-15-2005
`us71_|D504,414 5 04-26-2005
`Jacobson et al
`US72|D504,883 S 05-10-2005
`us73_|508,247 S 08-09-2005
`us74_|2005/0226452A1|10-13-2005|Amae etal
`us75__|512,381 S 12-06-2005| Sirichai et al
`US76|D512,417S 12-06-2005
`us77_|D512,708 § 12-13-2005
`us79_|2006/0001307 A1|01-05-2006|Embach
`usgo_|D514,086 S 01-31-2006| Skulley
`Jacobson et al
`US81|D517,043 $ 03-14-2006
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetheror not citation is in conformance with
`MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhereif English lang uage Translation is attached.
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`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Art Unit
`Paula Allen GREENE
`Attorney Docket Number
`Document Number
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Number-Kind Code?(if
`Cite No.!
`US82|D517,528S 03-21-2006|Skulley
`US84_|2006/0104471 A1 05-18-2006|Tsunoda et al
`uses|7,072,483 B2 07-04-2006
`D532,407 S
`US89_|7,172,052 B2 02-06-2007|Lenhard-Backhaus
`US90|DS539,788 S 04-03-2007|Thompson etal
`uso1_|D540,301 04-10-2007
`D540,303 S
`uso3_|D540,778S 04-17-2007
`uso|D541,255 S 04-24-2007| Taylor etal.
`uses|D541,256 S 04-24-2007
`uso6|541,257 S 04-24-2007
`10-02-2007|Brunner et al.
`usos_|D557,684 5 12-18-2007
`D560,654 S
`D563,382 S
`2008/0056525 A1
`Fujiwara et al
`D563,995 S
`7,356,362 B2
`D582,890 S
`Deguchi et al
`D585,872 S
`D584,715 5
`Zheng etal.
`D585,870 S
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.
`Cite No."
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code’(if
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee orApplicant of
`Cited Document
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`US109|D588,098 S
`03-10-2009|Densho et al
`D588,100 S
`D591,263 S
`D592,182 S
`D592,640 S
`D593,995 S
`2009/0220118 A1
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`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
` Filing Date January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Attorney Docket Number |
`Paula Alen GREENE
`D600,674 S
`10-27-2009|Groves et al
`US117|D602,906 S
`US119|D603,371 5
`US120|2010/0128884 A1
`05-27-2010|Sapiejewski et al
`06-01-2010|Marchand et al
`US121|D616,865 S$
`06-15-2010|Gellis et al.
`US122|7,735,154 B2
`06-15-2010|Groves et al
`US125|D625,705 S$
`US126|2010/0284558 A1
`US127|D632,668 S
`03-08-2011|Kondo et al.
`US128|D633,896 S
`US129|D635,959 S$
`US131|D637,998 S
`US132|D637,999 S$
`US133|D638,000 S
`US134|D639,776 S$
`07-19-2011|Chonget al.
`US135|D641,725 S$
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
` Filing Date January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Attorney Docket Number |
`Paula Alen GREENE
`Cite No.
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code?(if
`Publication Date
`Name ofPatenteeorApplica nt of
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`08-23-2011|Lee et al.
`2011/0206216 A1
`08-25-2011|Brunner et al.
`D646,280 S
`2011/0249856 A1
`01-17-2012|Lee etal.
`D652,406 S
`D648,330 5S
`D652,017 S
`D652,405 S
`D654,472 5
`D657,345 S
`04-17-2012|Lee etal.
`05-29-2012|Hardi et al
`D660,823 S
`05-29-2012|Hardi et al.
`D660,824 S
`05-29-2012|Brunner et al.
`D660,826 S
`D662,490 S
`D663,716 5
`09-18-2012|Rolli et al
`12-25-2012|Kelly et al.
`D675,595 S$
`D682,934 5S
`03-12-2013|Lee etal
`D677,647 5
`03-12-2013|Lee etal.
`D677,648 S
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.
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`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
` Filing Date January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Attorney Docket Number |
`Paula Alen GREENE
`Cite No.
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code?(if
`Publication Date
`Name ofPatenteeorApplica nt of
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`07-23-2013|Lee et al.
`D686,597 S
`D689,843 S
`10-08-2013|Brunner et al.
`D691,112 5S
`12-24-2013|Brunner et al.
`D696,226 S
`D691,984 S
`2013/0343591 Al
`D698,749 S
`03-11-2014|Miller et al.
`D700,904 S
`05-06-2014|Brunner et al.
`D704,163 S
`8,774,442 B2
`07-29-2014|Brunner et al
`D709,860 S
`US178|2014/0211976 A1
`07-31-2014|Brunner et al.
`US179|D711,348 S$
`US180|8,831,266 B1
`12-30-2014|Haug et al.
`US182|D720,304 S
`US183|2015/0086058 A1
`03-26-2015|Harms et al.
`US184|9,031,275 B2
`US185|9,036,855 B2
`US186|D731,457 S$
`06-16-2015|Brunner et al.
`US187|D732,000 S
`06-23-2015|Brunner et al.
`US188|D732,503 S
`US189|9,084,055 B2
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.
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`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
` Filing Date January 14, 2022
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Attorney Docket Number |
`Paula Alen GREENE
`Cite No.
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code?(if
`Publication Date
`Name ofPatenteeorApplica nt of
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`07-14-2015|Paterson et al.
`09-08-2015|Brunner et al
`D746,792 S
`07-05-2016|Brunner et al.
`D760,687 S
`2016/0330542 A1
`02-07-2017|Hsu et al.
`D778,258 S
`D760,688 S
`D764,435 5
`9,445,185 B2
`D791,103 S
`D791,733 5
`D795,835 S
`02-06-2018|Brunner et al.
`D813,837 5S
`04-03-2018|Brunner et al
`D814,438 S
`D836,600 S
`D843,345 S
`D857,652 S
`D858,483 S
`09-24-2019|Brunner et al.
`D860,969 S
`D863,256 S
`D867,327 5S
`D868,729 S
`D888,008 S
`D874,430 5S
`02-11-2020|Nagamine etal.
`D875,068 S
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.
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`Complete if Known
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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`Se Pan
`BRUNER, Robert D,
`Paula Allen GREENE
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Art Unit
`Attorney Docket Number |
`SO|ose: amiesecone|aa itoesasfe
`US217|D889,432S 07-07-2020|Brunner etai.
`US219|D893,452 S 08-18-2020|Yook
`us222|2021/0084401 41|03-18-2021|Smiechowski et al.
`us223|D922,978 S 06-22-2021
`US224|D927,453S 08-10-2021|Smiechowski et al.
`US225|D927,454 S 08-10-2021
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee or Applicant of
`Cited Document
`Foreign Patent Document
`Country Code*-Number*-Kind
`Code(if known)
`FP1|GB 2072035 B 01-27-1998|SONY CORPORATION
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`FP2|WO 2007/103561 A2 09-13-2007|LOGITECH EUROPE S.A
`FP3|JP D1318386 12-25-2007|BRUNNER etal
`FP4|KR 30-0476152 01-15-2008|CRESYN CO., LTD.
`FP5|JP D1406347 01-31-2011|BEATS ELECTRONICS, LLC
` FP6|JP D1430542 12-26-2011|BEATS ELECTRONICS, LLC
`FP7|WO 2012/094176 A2 07-12-2012|BEATS ELECTRONICS, LLC
`FP8|KR 30-0709905 09-17-2013|BEATS ELECTRONICS, LLC
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
`www.uspto.gov or MPEP 901.04. 3 Enter Office that issued the document, by the two-letter code (WIPO Standard ST.3). 4 For Japanese patent documents, the indication of the
`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.
`Complete if Known
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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`January 14, 2022
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`Paula Allen GREENE
`Attorney Docket Number|3531.0150008(P25245USC6)
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`Please see 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 to make the appropriate selection(s):
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