Receipt date: 09/25/2081
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`Filing Date
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`GREENE,Paula Allen
`Attorney Docket Number |
`tut!|owe’|aomrenzcar|tase Soomeen
`/P.a.c./) usi|1,066,511 A 07-08-1913|Markoff
`1,367,746 A
`/P.A.S./| US3 03-07-1939|Harrison2,149,341 A
`/P-R-&-1) Usa|3,104,398 A 09-24-1963
`/p.a.c./| USS|D203,677S 02-08-1966
`/P.8../) yse|D229,833 S 01-08-1974
`/2.8.@./ ys7|D244,300S 05-10-1977
`/p.a.g./| US8 11-06-1979|Gosman4,173,715A
`/p.a.¢./| Us10|D254,876 S 05-06-1980
`jp.a.g./| US11|D255,352S 06-10-1980
`p.a.s./|usi2|4,385,209 A 05-24-1983
`/P.A.G./|US13|4,404,445 A 09-13-1983|Baran etal.
`P.A.S./|ysia|4,609,786 A 09-02-1986
`/Pp.a.@./| US15|D286,874S 11-25-1986|Bertagna et al.
`(P-B-B-1) sie|4,634,816 A 01-06-1987
`4,875,233 A
`/P.A.@./ Usig_| D313,092
`/P.8.G./| ysig|5,018,599 A 05-28-1991
`/e.A.@./] us20_| 07-30-1991|Hung5,035,005 A
`/p.a.c./| us21_|0328,0745 07-21-1992
`P-8-S-7) soo_|D328,461 S 08-04-1992
`fp.a.c./|us23_| D338,010S 08-03-1993
`fp.a.g./|US24|D351,172$ 10-04-1994|Nakamuraetal.|
`4P.A.G./|US25.|D358,389S 05-16-1995|Ilsono
`/P.A.G./|US26|D374,658S 10-15-1996|Bever et al.
`/P.A.G./| US27 11-26-1996|WhiddenD375,825S
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
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`Complete if Known
`Application Number
` Filing Date June 21, 2021
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Attorney Docket Number |
`GREENE, Paula Allen
`Cite No."
`Document Number
`Number-Kind Code’(if
`Publication Date
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Relevant Passages or Relevant
`Figures Appear
`5,812,680 A 09-22-1998|Glendon
`/P.A.3./) US28
`/P.A.G6./| US29
`D403,128 S
`D420,356 S 02-08-2000|Suzuki
`/p.a.a. /| US30
`/P.A.G./| US31
`D422,592 S
`p.a.G./|US32_| 6,081,604 A 06-27-2000
`p.a.c./|US33_|D430,140S 08-29-2000
`P-B.B-/|Ucaq|6,163,615 A 12-19-2000
`Vp.a.g./| US35_|D435,249S 12-19-2000
`/P.A.8./) us36|6,195,839 B1 03-06-2001|Patterson et al.
`/P.A.G./| YS37
`D457,512 S
`/P.A.S./] Us3g|6,449,806 B1 09-17-2002|Engelhardet al
`ye.a.@./] ysao|2003/0182713A1|10-02-2003| Rolla
`p.a.g./| US41|6,654,966 B2 12-02-2003
`fP-A-E-/|cad|484,485 S 12-30-2003|Matsuoka
`/P-A-@./|usa3_| D484,868S oe
`*P.AR.3./|US44|6,678,897 B2
`/p.a.g./| US46|2004/0216946 Al
`2005/0053255 Al
` 03-10-2005|Harris et al.
`/P.A.G./] ysag|D502,9385
`03-15-2005|Tokioka et al.
`/e.A.@./| ysag|D504,414 S 04-26-2005
`yp.a.g./| US52|D512,381S 12-06-2005| Sirichai etal
`/P.A.g./| US54|D512,708 S 12-13-2005
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possible. 6 Applicant is to place a check markhere if English language Translation is attached.


`/2.a.8./] usgi|D582,890S 12-16-2008|Kozaeta.=C|ti—<—stsSSSCSCid
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`Attorney Docket Number |
`Complete if Known
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`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`June 21, 2021
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`GREENE,Paula Allen
`29/795,780 - GAU: 2912
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`PRG) ccs|D512,981S 12-20-2005|Jacobsonetal.
`P-A-G-/'| cece|2006/0001307Al|01-05-2006jeetesonete
`/P.A.6./) Ussgpaints:[eateneat[Contes
`/P.A.G./| US57_|D514,086 S 01-31-2006|Skulley
`(2-*8-4) uss9|517,528|_03-21-2006|skulley|
`/2-8.8-/) ys60_|2006/006241703-23-2006|Tachikawa|CdA1_|
`je.n.s./) use1_|2006/0108471A1|05-18-2006|Tunodaetal.————+|
`/B.A.G./ Us62|7,072,483 B2 07-04-2006|Lenhard-Backhaus
`/p.a.c./| usea|05341558|_12-26-2006|Obata|
`#P.A.G./|US67|D539,788S 04-03-2007|Thompson etal.
`he.a.a./|use9|D540,303 S 04-10-2007|Rausch etal.
`/P.A.G./| us70|D540,778S 04-17-2007——
`(-*°S-] us73_|0541,2578|__04-24-2007|Thursfield|
`/P-B.G./| Us7a|D552,077S 10-02-2007|Brunner etal.
`/?--8-7||Wikel=|Cdys77_| D563,382S 03-04-2008
`jen.) |us7s|2008/0056525a1|03-06-2008|Fuiwaraetol«|Si
`/P.A.S./| US79|DS63,995S 03-11-2008|Deguchi et al.
`/p.a.G./| Usg0|7,356,362 B2 04-08-2008|Changetal. —_____—
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST-16 if pageihle. BeRPPRBONCRe° COS PABiH Faaebepen-ageeOR EREDSuROUGH.


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`June 21, 2021
`First Named Inventor
` Attorney Docket Number |
`GREENE, Paula Allen
`SO|ose: amiesecone|aa itoesasfe
`/p.a.g./| US83|D585,870S 02-03-2009|Zhengetal.
`/p.a.g./| US84|D585,871S 02-03-2009|Lee
`] use7[588.1008|03-10-2009|Denshoetal—SOSC*dSO
`7P-R.G-7| ysag[0501,2695|04282009[ShimieuSSCS
`/P.A.GB./) ysgg|D592,182S 05-12-2009|Sanguinetti
`/P.A.@./|US94|D602,906S 10-27-2009|Groves etal.
`/P.A.8./) Usg6|D603,371S 11-03-2009|Boateng etal.
`/p.a.c./| uso7_|2010/0128884A1 05-27-2010———
`/P-A.G-/] Ycag,|D617,771S 06-15-2010|Grovesetal.
`p.a.g./|US107|D637,1765 05-03-2011|Brunner eta.
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
`1 Applicant’s unique citation designation number(optional). 2 See Kinds Codes of USPTO Patent Documents at
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPOStandard ST.162{DossiersGAPREMCES plenighahMEREMeentECuesangyRensBtAMMROUGH. /P.A.G./


`Receipt date: 09/25/2081
`Substitute for form 1449/PTO
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`GREENE, Paula Allen
`29/795,780 - GAU: 2912
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`Complete if Known
`Application Number
` Filing Date June 21, 2021
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Attorney Docket Number |
`Document Number
`Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`FAS?) Yer09|D637,999 S 05-17-2011|Brunner etal.
` US135
`St NO!
`7®.8.8.7| ysri9Reseamee|“tetaonfronep
`/P.8.G./|ysii1|D639,776 S$ 06-14-2011|Arimoto
`je.a.c./| usi13|2011/0206216A1|08-25-2011|Brunnereta.|
`/P.A.G./] usi16|D652,017S 01-10-2012|Groves etal.
`eee epusii9|06544715|02-21-2012|Fischer|
`US [usizo|06544728|02-21-2012[Fischer|
`/e.A.G./|Usi21|D657,3445 04-10-2012|Brunner etai.
`B.A.S./|Us123|D657,776S 04-17-2012|Lee et al.
`woh" |usias|6608248|05-29-2012|Hardieta,=|
`/P.A.S./|ysi29|D673,136 S$ 12-25-2012|Kelly etal.
`02-05-2013|Cho et al.
`03-12-2013|Lee etal.
`D677,647 5
`D677,648 S
`/PAULA Allen GREENE/ (09/02/2021)|Sinetews [09/02/2021
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possibigsSyApgipaitasSfripAegeaarnCoeRaSieees iseanawase:Tregiatigns genet THROUGH.


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`29/795,780 - GAU: 2912
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`Complete if Known
`Application Number
`Filing Date
`June 21, 2021
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Art Unit
`GREENE,Paula Allen
`/P.a.g,/| US136|D683,329S 05-28-2013|Hagelin
`P.aA.G./|US138|D691,112$ 10-08-2013|Brunner etal.
`jeace./ [usiso|06019805|10222013[WangSSSSiYSSSSSSS
`je.n.e./ [usta|0692,6105|10-29-2013|Brunneretal———~S«dSSSCSC~C~C~S~S
`(PRCT stag[06937918|1192013Toy—SSSS«dSC‘“‘“*~C~*S
`ee"T6143|D696,226 S 12-24-2013|Brunner etal.
`Attorney Docket Number 3581.0150007(P25245USCS5)
`fP-A-S-7) yoragpesess|"onoeani[Bunestot
`Ae.a.G./|US148|D716,760S 11-04-2014|Brunner etal.
`/P.A.G./|5150|9,084,055 B2 07-14-2015|Brunner etal.
`yp.a.a./|usis2|D764,435S ———|_(08-23-2016|Brunneretal.|
`ye.n.6./) usiss[9,445,18582|09-13-2016|Brunneretal——«dYSSS
`yp.a.s./| usisa|D809,477S—_|__02-06-2018|Brunneretal.|
`/P.A.8./) Ysi55|D814,438 5 04-03-2018|Brunner etal.
`/P.A.G./) Usi61|D928,7345 08-24-2021|Brunner etal.
`Signature|/PAULA Allen GREENE / (09/02/2021) Considered
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPO Standard ST.16 if possiviexs$ Aggienniyasaniqgse cheskymarrherrfenaisensuege Tanager Seitgeess. tuROUGH.


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`STATEMENT BY APPLICANT First Namedinventor|BRUNNER, Robert D.
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`GREENE,Paula Allen
`Examiner|ForeignPatentDocument_|Publication Date NameofPatentee orApplicant of Pages, Columns, Lines, Where
`Foreign Patent Document
`Country Code*.Number*-Kind
`Cited Document
`RelevantPassages orRelevant
`Code’(if known)
`GB 2072035 B 01-27-1998|SONY CORPORATION
`WO 2007/103561 A2|09-13-2007|LOGITECH EUROPE S.A.
`|FP3_|JP D1318386 12-25-2007|BRUNNERet al.
`KR 30-0476152 01-15-2008|CRESYN CO., LTD.
`JP 01406347 01-31-2011|BEATS ELECTRONICS,LLC
`JP D1430542 12-26-2011|BEATS ELECTRONICS, LLC
`WO 2012/094176 A2|07-12-2012|BEATS ELECTRONICS, LLC
`Include name of the author(in CAPITAL LETTERS),title of the article(when appropriate),title of
`the item (book,magazine,journal,serial,symposium,catalog,etc.),date, page(s),volume-issue number(s),publisher, city and/or country
`where published.
`*EXAMINER: Initial if reference considered, whetherornot citation is in conformance with MPEP 609. Drawline through citation if not in conformance and not considered. Include
`copy of this form with next communication to applicant.
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`year of the reign of the Emperor must precede the serial number of the patent document. 5 Kind of document by the appropriate symbols as indicated on the document under
`WIPOStandard ST.16 if possitigyBr\pRinpEMeSBROSechcenaroeHtRag lisk pronaseTremgigines tag THROUGH.


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`Application Number
`Filing Date
`June 21, 2021
`First Named Inventor
`BRUNNER,Robert D.
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name
`GREENE,Paula Allen
`Attorney Docket Number
`Equivalent of Form PTO/SB/08
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Please see 37 CFR 1.97 and 1.98 to make the appropriate selection(s):
`That each item of information contained in the information disclosure statement wasfirst cited in any
`[J communication from a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application not more than three months
`prior to the filing of the information disclosure statement. See 37 CFR 1.97(e)(1).
`That no item of information contained in the information disclosure statement was cited in a communication from
`a foreign patent office in a counterpart foreign application, and, to the knowledge of the person signing the
`certification after making reasonable inquiry, no item of information contained in the information disclosure
`statement was knownto anyindividual designated in 37 CFR 1.56(c) more than three months prior to the filing of
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`See attached certification statement.
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`A certification statement is not submitted herewith.
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