`Hague Express
`(information valid as of 2075094 1}
`Hague Registration
`Current Status
`Registration under #999 Act
`(i1} Registration Number
`{15} Date of the registration
`{18} Expected expiration date of the registration/renewal
`Filing date
`{73} Name of hoider
`Boerhaavelaan 22.
`NL-2713 HX Zoatermeer (NL}
`{86} Contracting Party of which the holder is a national
`{87} Contracting Party in the territory of which the holder has a domicile
`{88} Contracting Party in the territory of which the holder has an industrial or commercial establishment
`{83} Applcant's Contracting Party
`(74) Name and address of representative
`52 rue de la Victaire,
`F-75440 PARIS CEDEX 09 {FR}
`{72} Name and address of creator of designs
`iM. Bruno Belamich, c/o Bell & Ross, & rue Copernic, F-75716 PARIS
`{28} Number of designs included in the international registration
`{57} Chass and subclass of the Locarno Classification
`Cl 10-02
`indication of products
`4.-8. Watches
`Designated Contracting Parties
`Data relating to priority claim under the Paris Convention: date of the earlier filing and, where
`available, number of that filing, followed by the two-letter code identifying the authority with which it
`was made, all preceded by the numbers of the designs concerned where the claim does not relate to
`all designs
`17.04.2073; 007367965-0001; EM: 17.04.2013; 061387965-0002: EM: 17.04 2073; 007367965-0003; EM
`17.04.2073; 007367965-0003: EM: 17.04.2043; 001367965-0005: EM: 17.04.2013; O04 367965-00065; EM:
`17.04.2033; 001367955-0007; EM: 17.04.2013; 001367965-0008; EM
`international exhibition; name and place of the exhibition, and date on which the designs were first
`exhibited there, all preceded by the numbers of the designs concerned where the declaration does
`not relate to all designs
`BASEL WORLD 2013; Bale (Suisse24.04 2043
`Date of publication of the registered industrial design by printing or similar process, or making it
`available to the public by any other means
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`(i1} Registration Number
`Dy08 1400
`{35} Date of the registration
`Filing date
`22.07 2043
`{73} Name of holder
`Boerhaavelaan 22,
`NL-2713 HX Zoetermeer {NL}
`{86} Contracting Party of which the holder is a national
`{87} Contracting Party in the territory of which the holder has a domicile
`{88} Contracting Party in the territory of which the holder has an industrial or commercial establishment
`Applicant's Contracting Party
`Name and address of representative
`52 rue de ja Victoire,
`F-75440 PARIS CEDEX 09 (FR)
`Name and address of creator of designs
`iM. Bruno Belamich, co Bell & Rass, & rue Coparmic, F-75716 PARIS.
`Number of designs included in the international registration
`& C
`lass and subclass of the Locarno Classification
`Ch 10-02
`indication of products
`1.-8. Montres /
`1.-8. Watches /
`1-8. Relojes de pulsera
`Designated Contracting Parties
`Data relating to priority claim under the Paris Convention: date of the earlier filing and, where
`available, numberof that filing, fallowed by the two-letter code identifying the authority with which it
`was made, all preceded by the numbers of the designs concerned where the claim does not relate to
`all designs
`17.04.2073; 007367965-0007; EM: 17.04.2013; 0613867965-0002: EM: 17.04 2075; 0607367965-0003; EM
`17.04.2073; 007367965-0003: EM: 17.04.2043; 003367965-0005: EM: 17.04.2013; O04 367965-0006; EM:
`17.04.2033; 001367955-0007; EM: 17.04.2013; 001367965-0008; EM
`international exhibition; name and place of the exhibition, and date on which the designs were first
`exhibited there, all preceded by the numbers of the designs concerned where the declaration does
`not relate fo all designs
`BASEL WORLD 2013; Bale (Suisse24.04 2043
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`Unformation valid as of 20750917}
`Haque Registration