`Inventors: AKANAefal.
`Applicant: Apple Inc.
`Application No.: To Be Assigned
`Filing Date: Herewith
`Confirmation No.: To Be Assigned
`Art Unit: To Be Assigned
`Examiner: To Be Assigned
`Atty. Docket: 2607.8550005(P25033USC5)
`Authorization to Treat a Reply as Incorporating an
`Extension of Time Under 37 C.E.R.§ 1.136(a)(3)
`Commissioner for Patents
`PO Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to treat any concurrentor future
`reply that requires a petition for an extension of time underthis paragraphforits timely submission,
`as incorporating a petition for extension of time for the appropriate length of time. The U.S. Patent
`and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge all required extension of time fees to our
`Deposit Account No. 19-0036, if such fees are not otherwise provided for in such reply.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Tracy Durkin/
`Tracy-Gene G. Durkin
`Attorney for Applicant
`Registration No. 32,831
`Date: November 18, 2019
`1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
`Washington, D.C. 20005-3934
`(202) 371-2600
`141621 1t5_1.docx