`(29) World dntelectaal Property Cireuniaathan
`Infernational Bureau.
`(28) lndernafioual PadbHcation Nuxafer
`WO 2OLL/160138 AZ
`reAppticant¢fas OS onde)
`Aired, Wilyau, De
`we RS
`Apenis: SYRENRAM, Kyun ct al:, Rilparick Toy
`wo Center, Bth Flo
`& Stockton LLP, Foro I sbatoads
`Set Francaco, California S4 bi '.3
` f
`ees_oakicrwae iaciveted,
`Os) international Pablication Date
`2 December 207% (22.22208 8}
`Teternational Patont ¢ciassifiegtiqan:
`StGIR GES (2006.03
`iniernativasl Aypicstios Naber:
`bs bebe
`iudernationsl Filing Uate:
`(25) PRLamguage:
`(s0} Fuhticstivs Languag
`30 Jeune 2G L CSG 4H OY 23
`36) Priurity Bats:
`Ob s
`Inventors; avd
`CTH Agplicants . SCHIMEDT, Mathias [CATIIS], 1209 Or
`Streat, Willng Delmer TSG!
`GOMER Adbort.
`Wibudngton, Delaware 180) ¢2U8)
`P2089 Crunge Sitrast,
`ME, Mit, MB, SEN. SEW, MAL, MY, ney, SNad
`MG, PAA OM, PE, Pha, DEL, PY, RE}~ RAL RU, &O, SIS,
`US, 12,
`pial paDecs
`LR Ls. MW, S
`an LAM, AZ, BY
`Sr Abeirueh The present disclusire relates
`Ss and in
`deal aren
`int aadig aon
`tat ian th need ba place al’ ste
`has at biitive
` 8 dnal ori
`Audio Ping
`O 2011
`Wa 200 ULES
`PULS. Provisional Patent Application Mo.
`Patent Application No
`the b
`the bene
`This application claims
` idence 18, 20H, which is hereby incorpanated by reference borent mi its entivery.
`“The re
`ni invention rolaties. gevierefins fe commeotars such as aucia connectors and uy
`partioglarte a dual orientation aadie commector with oxternal side aacdio onntacis that can be aged
`in place of standard aushe comneciges currontly asc,
`RGU Starland audio canmoctors ar gugs are availa
`ble in thvee smes accordingto the autaile
`(3/52") subminuiature plug, The plogs include roultinie camdwetive regions thal ox
`a 6.35 more (1.4) plug. a 3.8 romC18") miniatere plug and a 2.3 mer
`diameter of the shiz:
`longth of the connectors in distinet partions ofthe plug such as the tn, sleeve and ome or oe
`7] 4ke :
`ra Oo gh
`ne ty ie, 8)
`nuddie portions between the tip and sleeve resulting in the connectors offen being rote
`TRS (ip, cing and slsave) commectars.
`PANY Pies.
`TLAcand PB ibustrate oxanipica of audio plugs 16 and Sf having three and four
`pane wn,
`bed oS
`. respectfully, As shonwre in FIC
` oonduetive sleeve
`es a conductive tig PS, a
`w) tip PR and the sieeve
` i4 and a comductve ring Hy
`credoHve portions 12, id, 16 ave tor fof and ri
`id- by insulating rings 17 and IX. The three
`audio channels and a croncinection. Phic 20. shown in PiCh DB. dichides four conductive
`portions: a conductivetin 22, a conductive sleeve 24 and fea conductive rings
`26 aed ie thos
`acnyctimes refered to.as a PRES (ip. ring, ring, sleeve} oamecctor, The fear canductive
`porns are ehoctrigaily iwlated|By ingnlating By
`Band 29 and are typically uaed for left
`bee gs
`and neht audio, mmeraphone and ground sigy
`fQGOS8) When plugs 10 and 20 are 3.3 mum muniiure connectats, the enter diameter of
`condgetive slocve
`id, 24 and conductive rmgs 16, 24, 26's 3.5 ymand ihe inseruios length af
`oonnectar is 4 pret.
` ath of the comnecte
`sloeye is 2.8 rare amd the ire
`iy de
`ant TRRS ceamoctors arc used fz many cammercialy avaiable MP3 players and amart phones
` gamsubrainiature cenHOchys, the caster dharTreator oF the
`}Trang ba
`Such PRS
`as wall as other electronic devices. Electronica devices such as MP2 players and amart phonas are
`ened ta be thinner and amaller andar to inclade video displaya with
`OY SPAMS “ths fee yey he
`we ely oo tr the rerfeare he2e
`con gree.
`SOP USE BPO PRESHEK{aut as close te the enefor od Boa the davioes aa ys
`and sngth of current 3.3 mimand even 2.5 min audiconnectors are Tirdiing factors in milking
`Ty eeeagy etary
`such devices smaller and thinner anc imallowing the chapiayste be larger for a given form factor.
`Some manufacturers have msed USB. minl-US8 and mior-USEconnectors as audio
`COMEECTOTS 2 Cormect headpt anos and shrdlar audio ¢SOPRAPOEanin 63 aloctromc devices. Fig. 28
`an exumypde ca micro-USBS connecter 30, the sm Bi coms
`melades an outer housing 32 and a metallic shell 34 that is inserted info 4 correspemndiny
`toy cavity
`SR and dochides Sve contacts 36 Tormed
`e comeeiar Shell 34 defines an inte
`es sholl porhon34 ef commector 30 ia both thinner and aharter than
`sithin the cavity. The inser
`wend. mS
`even the 2.5 wen subrniniature warsion- of canmectors TQ amdb2d, Carancctar 34, however, safkors
`fromother drawbacks that detract fromthe averall user experience, For example, cormectar 30
`rust Te dneerted ieto Hs reaspectove rocertacic connector in 4 partioular orientation, yet i is
`cult fie the user te determine when connecter’ Sif is
`orleniead in the crv'rect iserian? peaitior
`ever when connector 30 is property aller
`fon ofthe cenmector is
`rand oxi:
`not precise, |has an incvensistent feel and, even+
`stor is Ally taserteshas ar
`Pwobbie that mayrosult ineth faulty connection ar breakage.
`Strapmagdebrin withhy the cavity which im
`the prosent invention provides a dual arioatationplog carmocior with graunc
`second maior appasing sides and s
`ontacts. Some ombodineanta of the con
`in wiew af the shoricamiays in carrantly avaital
`a redhiced phig iongth, an itudifive insertian orientation and2 smooth, cansiatent fool when
`@yted sil extracted from ifs greceplacie genmoctor, Adshtionally, pag
`faa Yona
`contigctors according fo the presdrt upvertion have o
` and thus do mat inchade a cavity thatius prove to coffoct
`dy ant a camnector tub connected to
`fone emibecnliment, aphug connector inc
`adimdly away fram the bady. The connectariab has fret and
`ond QMYOT
`opposing sides and third and fourth opposing sides that exterd between the first ard second
`eoptact is formed on at feast one of the fr
`tor tah anda plarality ofsignal cantacta gre carr
`“t formed ent the third side arc a scorn x
`the froth aul, Addinanally, the connector fab and contacts have DSO degres
`the plug connectaur can be Mmseried anc aneratively counfed fa « carraspomding reespracls
`nector tab
`payorsaides. A centrally located ground
`eorenctor in cifber of feo orientations.
`wend. mS
`In other ombodiments, a receptacle connector accordingto the present invention
`mectudes ¢ housing with an interior cavity havinig ¢
`taimular ores
`section, The inferiar cavity has
`bargund a pertmepke py ofthe inferior cavity and a oluralipy ofground
` thin the intenor cavity. Tho cavity rosy alae contain a retention feature that
`is part af a retentionmochanisrathat inferacts with another retentionfeature an a correspomding
`eonrecdar, Te sore cmbecinmeois, sensors are iiehided within the-ocaviiy in detect the aneniatian,
`ofa corresponding cannoctar upsmaertion into the cosmecior roceplacts tial canmmranicate with
`sofiware and hardware te switch at least one
`ofthe phiralities af contacts af the receptacic
`comenior based on the orientation af dhe correspordhig conrceter ups Sern.
`To better understand the nature and advantages af the present invention, reference
`should be madeta the fnliowing description and the accorapanyving Fugures.
`YE is BO be
`understoad, however, that Gach afthe fismres is provided for the purpose of Ulustration only and
`is not intended as a defiution ofthe fouis af the scape of the present invention:
`BRIEFPh Aand 1B showparsnective views of pr
`Fig. 2A shows @ perspective vidwof apreviously&
` Pig. 38 shows a Thont plan viewaf the oicro-USh connector shown in Fig. 2A;
`Fig. Sis @ simplified dlustrativebinokcaseamafan clectronic media device suitable
`far use with embodiment
`Pig. 4 depicts an Hlustrative rendering af one particular crabodireent afan clectranic
`media device suutablefor use with embodiments ofthe present peveriian;
`S8 are sermpb hed top and front views, respectively, of cammacetin TN)
`according tf ono ambediment afthe present invention;
`ified tap views af canmector [90 according additional
`anibodimoents afthe present pventiony
`rerspective and plen views of commector 180 aith
`We Viewof @ conechor dc
`vermeoctars TSO whde Fig. 7Ris a frant view of oummectar jack 4{Kk
`neds on
`+ is a bottom plan viewof connector fack
`AQQ shownir
`gannpliied perspective view showing phig connector [90 inserted inte connecter jack 400;
`ustvats the aligumicnt OF the camiacis of phig cermectar DON) again
` setejack GN} when mated according ta tee different insertion orientations:
`ENIQEP Bigs. 2A and OB are simnified top and front siews of cannectar SO0 accarding to
`aad ea
`anotber embadunent af the proser
`(NOR Pigs. 10 i.e apygifed cras-sectiansl views of consector MO according tn vat another
`srabentimient of ie present nywention that is inserted ints a corresponding connectar yak:
`fQOISE0Pigg LE dbustrates ane example of a connector 700 according te another envkadireent af
`the present imvention baying a Aber artic cable that runs throagh the center ofthe connectar and
`» 12.and 13 are gonliified top views. ef comnooctars according to additional
`enpbodimenteot the pywention.
`Emibodomenis of the present opening: pertain fo caamectors, such ax dual orientation
`audio cannoctors with side aadig contacts that can be used in. place of the standard TRS ar PRRS
`connectors, Those cammectors may be suntable far a oniltiplony af electronic devices, including
`audic ont stonals (e.g. radio, landline phone, sterco}. Ta scane ombadin
`apy dovice wit
`mventionis parfionlariy well suited for portable clectranic media deviogs
` any device with at leastene ein, an clootranie media devi
`fGNIBE Ax uNee
`ganic component that may be used ta present haman-perceivable media. Such d
`ingiude, for cwample, portable nvastc ayers io... Appie'sod devices}, poriable video players
`3, cellglar toleniwanes eg AApple's iPhone devices}, video cameras,
`ayy ple
`:, deskiog carmputers, ag well
`as tabloter ether motile carmpudters fo...
` so devices may he camfigurad in provide audie, video or other sensory
`rand 2Sead
`Big. 3 is aw atmaplified Uustrative black diagram representing an electronic media devic
`LK} that inclades sn audio plex re
`mvention, Electronic modis device
`receptacle 110, one ar rnore- user inpet coraponcrds P20, ane ar more oetpatComponents PS,
`GOTSTRACahoDs clreaitry LSS and POMCsostion, are
`control ciraniry 130,
`s P38. a bos 140, a memory 145, a storage des
`Central circuitry DSU my cormmanioate with the-other componenis of clectranic media device
`Li} Ga, vie bus 140) te contral the operation of clocirenic media device 100.
`Ip sare
`Porasicy 130 say oxecouts instructions Stored i a rnemory 148. Contral
`ao be operative to contral the performance of cheetronic media davice HR}
`roultry [SQ may incdade, for oxanmphy, a processar, a mucrocontrolier and a bus (o.2.,
` for seskding instructions to the other carnipsan
`tread clreuitny 130 niay also drive the display and process inguts received fram
`input component 120.
`faa Yona
`applicsnons (2.g., operating
` Momory 145 may inchide ane ar morc different types of murpoary that may be used to
`t% crmdevices fasctions, For oxanipie, marmory P48 may inclads cache, Hash mermony, ROM,
`RAMand ybridl ty
` farmory RS may alsa store firmware for the dewice and Hs
` a.
`aysten, ascr interface functions and procossar fenetions) Storage
`devices TAY may incladeasic ar more suitable storage modhums or mochanisms, Such as 4
`magneto hard drive, Hash drive, tape drive, aqitioal drive, permanent memiury (such as ROM),
`amipermanont raonmry(Sueh Bs
`be used for staring
`mcdia fe.g., audie and video file
`i ciroattry P30, may maintain
`able user
` forage device
`8 formation to fe road and edited by one ar more afthe applications s
` be unierstand that are of the information stared on storage doyice EA0 sueyinstead be
`jes thabmay ald the aperation of anc or rnore applications (@.g.,es with motadata).
`stored in raemery P43,
` onic modia device 100 mney aise include iypat compenent 120 ead gutpat
`eonponent 125 tor providuig & user wilh the ablinyte inicract with elsotronic media device LN),
`Por cxarplo, input coropeniend 120 arul outa cyerponent [2S may p user fo Urtera
`or fauch soreen. Input component 120 may alse include one or more devices for user
`Ler,Fivwergrtmireader or iris scammer} aswell as an audic
`autbontication ig. B®. Smart rard read
`mpl device (2.9..8 morapho “yor a wideo inpat device fo... a carnera-ar a web cam) for
`fideo ar sul frar Mutpat component
`evi tss+ re
`othar suitable systefar presenting miformation or media ia user. Oditout coarpanont P28 ony
`y CLAS) or atouchscreen. disphay, a projection deviee, 2 ap
`P23 may inchade any suitable display, such as
`be comtratied by grapbies cirevitry 138. Graphies cirowitry 133 may inchide a videw card, suchas
`a yideo cacd with SD) 30) or vectora
`ty seme ambodiments, sutra
`compet 125 may aise inchade an guste oormpormernt that ia reriareby coupied Gy aloctron
`ios capabibties.
`media deviee 100, Fer oxi
`var buds that rnay be counledte cleetronio media device HK with a wire of wire!
`Binetoaath headphones ara Biuctooth heudset}.
`Electronic mediadevice 100 may
`have cane or mars_ (eqs, software
` Oirmairy PAG may be confieares
`simple, cantral
`> 180 or in muernory P48. Contral circuitry 130 otey be
`suplicatians} stored. an stor
`configured to caacate instructions ofthe applications frog) mmamery P43. Por:
`that causes fall-metion
`sitoo or sudie to be prosanicd or displayed on caipat component 125. Ofbor applications
`gesident om electrome nuxha devide 100 may include, for ovample, a telophomy appheation, a
`PS savigetor application, a web browser apploatian aod a calandar ar organizer apphcation.
`rand 2Sead
`Elvetrovde mediadevice OO ray ulsn execute any suitable aperating systony, Such as a Mac O8,
`faa Yona
`Ape 105, Limax ar Windows and can include a set of applications stored on storage device US)
`oeameoeen ofwe pons
`nea Cooeoeot
`ae aetlt wepersme keree
` & yeert ralar arcrataRg Systm.
`(OFT ia seerembodiownts, electronic rnednt device. UM) may aise include coramunications
`creunry LSS to-connect £0 Gnor more ceryyTnsTUERONS nehworks. Conurantications CERCUHIDY
`ye be &aRY soitabis comrninications cureniiry GP vative fo cammoct faa camuumnications
`Sig VOROS QP dats} from electronic mula de
`neohwork und ter iensrnit communications (¢
`age Om fs 4 fssagt
`te mh. incoc
`Ons Cire
`stwoark, Conrymunic
`nyications network gang any siutabls commranioations
`EDGE, COMA._qaadband and other colluiar protsicada, VOEP or amy other suttablo proteced.
`2.0} protece)), Shosteoth, high traquoncy sy
` i
`nramicative systems}, iniparead, G
`GSM phus
`can tse
`wend. mS
`Insorae crabodiments, coramunmications cirouitry 155 may be operative fo create a
`COMPUOATIONS metoverk us ie AY suitable COMPRURICSHORES YESmai. Communications
`airepry PSS” ay Created short-ra VO COPAimicatians nenwork NINE a ahore-rTange
`COTHTRATCaHOTS pretocal to comnect to other devices.
`nig, communications ciremiry
`ISS may be operative fe create e local cornmunestions netwark usiog the Rhsoteath protacal &
`courkes with a Biactogth headset far any other Bluctosth device), Commrmurscations creuitry 135
`may diaeiocteds a wired or wireless network interface card (NEC) configured fo connect to the
`iyiarnst or any other public or private yohyverk, For oxaniple, cfeotremic moa device 100 ney
`be configured in counent fe the Intoriet vieaireloss nebvark, Such ass packet radio nebwark,
`an ELretook, @ celhiler network or any other suntable type af network, Commnumication
`wrouitry bdmay be used fo Iniiate and comduct com BASS
`6 within & comrvanioutions nefwark,
`deviees or mote devic
`other cormmanications
`Electronic media device 100 may also include any other camipanonts
`periorroigg a caniatunications operatian, FPorexanmmle, clectronis media de
`Na, ports or interfaces for coupling to a hast devios, a secondary iypat
`Bb} ar ary other subable component.
`finohaniany ¢o,
`ae eY
`aw net an,aoe
`sctronic tredia device [OG may alsa mchalc POMsensors Lf}. POMsonsen's
`oul bacation af clectrantic miccdha
`may be used to determine the ary
`devies HK). As described in oyore detail below, the location af electronic media device 1QQ may
`be dorived frees any suitable tnlarcratinn or tritaguiation fechriicne, in which case POMsonsars
`i8G may ficluide an RP triangulation detector or sensar or any other location cirenitry canfigured.
`to determine the location afclectromic media device 100.
`Ws TOY Teh Es
`POTAS2U M4127
`POMsensors Hhmayalsa include ane or more sensers ar circuitry forwv detocting the
`position Gricniation or raoverment of clectromic media device 100. Such sonsers amd cireairy
`frared’ (PIR) sense, active ulirasmic song
`locity somaors, Por example, control circultry TAQ mrey be contigured te
`read date fromane or muare af PON
`“semaers 160 inorder to determine the lication orientation ar
`Poloctranic media dovice TOG Cine o 7 more of POMsensors [60 may bo posthionad
`riput component 125 (e.g. above, below or on cither side o
`Pio. 4d depicts an Hhusrative rendering of one nartionlar electronic media device [RD
`MAR or malticaris accelerTOHTICESYS AR:lar rate or pertial BYTOSCOPSS, vibraiiTRRYPORES, BRS rats a Whe uhWLETLS fare
`ane tse
`ay [S84 as ay
`80 fnchides a chek wheel 182 as an ina commonent and an LED ¢
` e [SD alse includes connector receptacte P86 and aucke plug receptacic
`PSS. Far stmripiicniy, various internal comypenents, sack as the coriral circasivy, granhics
`CG a na +pa a a SS ee £
`tab*aeonpee) <5=fns~~.ee fery£4 wsm o 7ewems oS %wa
`f:a “ coweTh
`“4pa xcan v7 fatsal a “4ae
`.F iy &mt
`sess £%£3 te Fae yeinTh. o arapeoo rnwoebeetanmspeo
`Soa aSSeaPThe
`£% oot
`woe a3
`amiborchimonts of the favention aro dirscted towards an audio connector and arc particularly
`sulable for mating with rocomtuclo canmictor PSS. Other embeciimenis of fhe vention sre
`diremied towards date oonnectara arel rnay be particulariy useful for mating with reeoepiac!
`wormector TRG.
` Bigs. SA
`seticy appreciate and urvicrstund the pres
`vo HiventiosRY FLsferanee tn tide to
`and SB which demict various views ofa first crabodiraest.¢
`190 according fo the present irvertion. Specifically, Pigs SA and 3
`siropitied fap ard
` we, roapootively, af cannes
` As abenwn tn Pig
`eat oF and longitudinally awey dronta bedy P28. Tab 193 ineladesos vo Svrorncuical and
`aivevigion fhe losdtutaedd psirderotias
`ye LOY
`foe Seeteer
`here: veleiy
`oclectrioully iselated marductive sectings P92a, POSaround is canesmr pene which can
` partioar ombedimend <
`out eantiacth A muoroneac cont
`faa Yona
`electnical contacts and retention features 1Oda-and 1
`shown as neteches in Fi 3A, formed on
`i, PO2b which can be used aa part ofa retention mechanion. Allihs
`the side
`aforommitioned elernents make up tas connecter tah, which is canmected to body 198 at the base
`ofthe connector tab as
`mod SE fn aeore ambadiments bx y LOS muy be thicker than the com
`Je in-ether ombesdments the tab arc? boely ns
`(XRSRT As shown in Pigs, SA and38, contarts To
`re oxferrial cortacts ard camice
`1H) dows mat inchide an onpased cavity in which particles amd debris ray collect To imprive
`sealed and includes ma raovingparis,
`rovustness and roliability, comnector 190 is Tally
`wend. mS
`Parthermore, canmector EG has a considerably reduced insertion depth as coraparedte
`commoniy svalable TRS and PRRS oennecters described abows.
`In ane partionhir embodiment,
`the connector tab of connector 190 haya width, Kool about 4.7 mre a thickness, VY. of about 1.5
`mim, and an iertion denth, 2. of about SS mm.
`In another embodiment, the comcctor tab of
`coumectar TOO has a width, &, ofaboat 4.) om: a thickness, ¥, of about |S rar and an
`insertion dopth, 2, af about $75
`bs brasa, &< o
`Cenviacts 192a-14
`shaped so
`% ei oame other apprariviate condhietive matonal.
`ayniced are
`as to provide [NO dewroe symmetry so tht phWeeametor PG oun be inserted mey s
`PAT} in either af fed orfentauans as
` shacussed below. fn sonie on
`cand T92b may be a fractian of their
` SA, while still postuioned sc.as in provide E80 doeres ayvrametry for
`2, contacts [O2aand 1O2b as shownin Pig. 3D). In ane particalar
`emibelinient, comfacts 1929 and 1926 may be forrned te Inchide and surraund a amall region
`about retention firatures ]2¢eand D84h and are pousienisd sc as to provide TSO degroa aymmenry
` omnector POfe.g., cantiots }O2a and POSb as shown mm Pig. SC},
`In the creased position, cach of martacts 92a -]92d is iv ciectrical aemuact wih a
`mandine cavitaot in the receptacis Connectee, Connectar 180 has a 1803
` Sorjaackwith
`ign which enables the camnectar io be inserted into a cone
`of dre ben maha opposing Sides on tap. As previously discussed, the Pwo andin contacts
`ita and T92b are lected on *pposte sides ofthe carineetor.
`In chis manner, art audio comtact is
`always on the ri micraphone comact 1426 is always positioned
`tor and ground coracts ]92d onc on each af the two ouger
`sof the orientation. A semsing circuit j
`tie receplacic connectar or the electronic device in which the receptacic connector is housed may
`detect the orientation of comnector 190-.and ave corrasponniing fo contacts 192a and P82h in the connector jackaa described belowsith respect
`SA and 8B.
`(GGA Two retention features [9ds and 194b, shown as sermi-circular notches in Fig. SA, are
`in cortacts [92a and [2 incated an ayposing sides ofthe connector
`tub near its distal end. In operation, oonneetar 190 is inserted info a receptacle connector (shown.
`in Pig. 7A} until retention features [da and 1O4b. og, notches, aperavelyaay
`retention mechanism, such asa camilovered sprin
`TAATTS. Phe depth and position af refenthan featares 1a:
`dio provide
`specific duscrion and <
`ea euch that the retention force required te insert commector
`traction: fe
`TS0 inte a connecter jack (shown in Fig. 7A} is higher than the ostraction force required
`remmave the connecter from the connector dack, Theinventors have determinedthat positioningoo
`the retention features [Uda ancl 1Q4db and correspondinglateching mechanism (sheen i Pigs, 7
`7D) near the dietal ed af conpector 190 keine to better secure
`$90 sideways when
`Hus In an engaged position within a carniector lack (shea|
`srobextiments, the retention features ar notches niay be lewated on the distal third of the
` 4
`Tic, UP aorAS
`mechaniaras, which may of nay net
`retention festives Dfkts and
`rand 2Sead
`can tse
`ine aD
` anifered adage (80 connscts bedy LOS te
`commoctar £99,» Body 19s
`compensate for the chamfered sdue, without modifying the insertion depth.Z&, ofcomector LEXY,
`PU9Sd shown in Fig GA ray have a reduoed length as carypared
`conmectortab, Diother embodiments, other referntion mecharisnis can bo used sach as
`o (e.g. notches}. Ss BA-OTY are siniad perspective and planviews afcanmector 10 wa
`{G083) Reference
`is now orade to Figi
`ie commector 400 that can be used in.conjunction WHcertain plug connectors ofthe
`rant viewof PCariacie
` a3@ 40% that defines an inte
`ar catty404 info which cormiector (0) can be
` ground
`inserted, Also shownin Pig. |
`A are contacts 4060 that may be eloo!
`ooencetar 400, Crnnector jack 400
`contacts 192d (shown in Pie. SA)
`seardlesaaa. af the insertion orfentedion of carmectar 1:
`04 and correspend to plug connector
`Contacts 40ha-d06b are alse pres idas afosevity 4
`sc ig present at the beck af cavity dOf) aad
`© acratact 40)
`contacts 1S
`pesitionad us couplet@ contact 1O2c, Conmector jack 400 is designual to is: qwatermroaatso as to
`pot allow ingress af meistars ini whatever electronic devix
`ce the camccior is housed aithin.
`HMMA} An opening (not -visd
`apring-loaded retention ssechanism 408 (shownin Fig. 70} tc
`© protrude ite cavity 404. As
`FB} within the interior af cavity 404 allows ip 414 af
`sinyeen mm. Pee. PC
`Stor mrochariam 408
`metndes a spring 410 peasitioned in a cut-aot section 472
`Phausine 402. Searing $70 is pre-
`caivaub seetion 472 and cass
`o which is abottam plan view ofsuesack 400, rot
`foaded so that tip 414 eo
`agh an opeeng hatween,
`wend. mS
`can tse
` Whenplog
`y DSH} is Gaserted inte cavity 404, tip did
`a WHR eitharnaich [dda or
`Ody af the oormectar depending an iis insartion oriertaiicn
`> Breenenrbadiments, a socdund
`retention mechanism 4S can aia be pastioned within housing 402so that thereis a refenborn
`mochenism 408 on the icf and right side of connector P90 (ip 414 of both retention raochanisms
`BAaaoe. be] qoaeFefoesA
`48 are sheevn in Pig. 7B As pre
`reetares. 19de. POdb are located
`ython. f
`csousssal, re
`rear the dists! end ofoomnectara 190 ter batter
`nmcotary skieways when His ian
`seoare the ors dual pesition within
`me ro
`the rounded shape of tis 414 of spring 41.0to}
`fa, 1945 may mnetch
`spring 410 to provide 8
`crounded shape of
`retentionfeahures 14
`connector js
`dis rounded bulbous shape af
`vomfariaive chockfeel when the spriz
`wees with fhe retenthen feat
`etied info canmoctar jack HE} so that ane of notches 104,
`Somnoctar Poinasy
`wih spring 410. As previously discussed, in other endaxiiments, ather
`ean bo used such us mechanical or magnetic Niches
`or orthogorial insertion mechuitisms.
`rags | i, SABE Hhistrate the abgrenont ofthe comacts of phig connecter 190 againat that
`of comector jack HN} when mated according to both insertiim aneniavians. As discussex
`¥ a
`withhy 8 rate
`olatad Habves which may
`& ouRedtar 9G is ongaged
`rissation afconmicctor
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