`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Burcau
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2012/094176 A2
`(43) International Publication Date
`12 July 2012 (12.07.2012) WIPO! PCT
`International Patent Classification:
`HO4R 1/10 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`PCT/US201 1/067045
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`22 December 2011 (22.12.2011)
`Priority Data:
`3 January 2011 (03.01.2011)
`Applicant (for all designated States except US): BEATS
`ELECTRONICS, LLC [US/US]; 1601 Cloverfield Blvd
`Suite SOOON, Santa Monica, CA 90404 (US).
`Inventors; and
`Inventors/Applicants (for US only); BRUNNER, Robert
`[US/US]; 642 Carolina Street, San Francisco, CA 94107
`Waller Street, Apt 304, San Francisco, CA 94117 (US).
`FRUHAUF,Chris [US/US]; 21 Kenrick Avenue, San An-
`selmo, CA 94960 (US).
`Agents; KELBER, Michael et al.; Neal, Gerber & Eisen-
`berg LLP, Two North LaSalle Street, Suite 1700, Chicago,
`IL 60602 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AL, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BR, BW, BY, BZ,
`CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM, DO,
`HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KM, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,
`TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW,GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`GW, ML, MR, NE,SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report (Rule 48.2(g))
`(57) Abstract: A headphone assembly is provided and includes a headband assembly comprising at least one end; an ear-cup as~-
`sembly pivotably engaged to the headband assembly by an engagementstructure positioned proximate to the at least one end of the
`headband assembly, the ear-cup assembly comprising a cap and a housing, wherein the cap and the housing are connected to form an
`enclosed space inside the ear-cup assembly; a transducer configured to produce sound and positioned within the enclosed space of
`the ear-cup assembly; and a damper rimpositioned between the ear-cup assembly andthe at least one end of the headband assembly,
`the damperrim covering the engagementstructure and being engaged to the ear-cup assembly and the at least one end of the head -
`band assembly.
`WO 2012/094176
`[0001] This international patent application claims priority to U.S. Patent Application No.
`61/429,426, filed on January 3, 2011, which is incorporatedherein by reference in its entirety.
`In particular, the
`The description that follows relates generally to headphones,
`description relates to an improved audio listening system with improved audio output and
`improved earphone configurations.
`Commercially available headphones typically comprise apair of earphones, or ear-
`cups, coupled to one anotherbyaresilient curved band, e.g., a headband, that applies sufficient
`force to the ear-cups to hold the headphonesin place on the user’s head. Ear-cups are designed to
`be positioned close to the auditory canal of the user’s ear to oreate an acoustically necessary
`coupling space there between. If the ear-cup is not positioned squarely on the user’s outer ear,
`"the force holding the headphone in place may be concentrated on one part of the user’s ear,
`causing the ear to become sore. Moreover, the uniqueness. of each user’s ear shape creates a
`problem for designing ear-cups that universally provide a comfortable and close fit to the outer
`part of the ear. Because today’s users tend to wear headphones for relatively longer periods of
`time, the ability to completely and comfortably adjust a headphone to each particular user is
`becomingas important ofa feature to consumers as the acoustical parameters ofthe headphone.
`In commercially available headphones, the ear-cup design may produce different
`acoustic effects. For example, open-back ear-cup designs, e.g., where the back of the ear-cup is
`open, generate a morenatural or speaker-like sound and provide a more spacious "soundscape,"
`WO 2012/094176
`‘Le, the perception of distance from the audio source. However, open-back ear-cups tend to leak
`more sound and let more ambient sounds into the headphone. In contrast, closed-back designs,
`e.g., where the back of the ear-cupis closed, mayeffectively block out ambient noise (depending
`on the model, between 8-32 dB). However, closed-back ear-cups have a smaller soundscape,
`giving the wearer a perception that the sound is coming from within their head.
`Many of today’s headphone users also require greater portability from’a headphone,
`as the combination of the Internet and smart phones have made music, video, and online
`applications available virtually anywhere and at anytime. Among commercially available
`headband type headphones, a few of them can be folded into a compact form whennot in use,
`‘thereby protecting the headphones when not in use andincreasing their portability. In addition,
`with greater mobility comes increased visibility, and $0, for some users, headphones have |
`becomea form ofartistic expression, making the aesthetic appeal of the headphone an important
`feature as well.
`An example of a conventional headphone may be found in U.S. Patent No. 4,965,836
`to Eugene M. Andre et. al., which is directed to a headphone with dual-transducers in each ear-
`cup with a closed-back design. The ‘836 patent describes a headphone that uses a bellows
`memberwith an accordion-type cross section to seal a sizable, flexible gap betweenthe two sides
`of each ear-cup,
`i.e., a faceplate and a cover,
`in, order to enclose and direct’ sound waves
`generated by the dual-transducers. However, because the accordion-shaped bellows member
`allows flexibility, or movement, between the two ends of the ear-cup, the total volume enclosed
`within each ear-cup is independently variable depending on how much pressure is applied to
`each ear-cup while the user is wearing the headphone. Aswill be appreciated by those skilled in
`the art, the volume, or amount of air, within a closed-back ear-cup influences the acoustic
`WO 2012/094176
`- characteristics of the sound produced by the transducer included therein. Thus, it would seem
`that the sound quality of the headphonein the ‘836 patentis at least partially dependent on how
`muchor howlittle each bellows member is compressed when the ear-cups are placed against the
`user’s ears. In-addition to producing inconsistent sound quality, this bellows memberin the ‘836
`patent detracts from the aesthetic appeal and portability of the headphoneby increasing the bulk
`and thickness ofthe ear-cups.
`Accordingly, there still exists a need in the art for a slimmer, sleeker headphone
`design that provides comfortable long wear, superior sound quality, and convenient portability.
`This description
`invention is defined by the appended claims,
`The present
`summarizes some aspects ofthe present embodimentsand shouldnot be usedto limit the claims,
`The foregoing problemsare solved and a technical advanceis achieved by an audio
`listening device having ear-cups that are pivotablyengaged to a headband assembly by an
`engagementstructure positioned within a damperrim.
`One embodiment
`includes a headphone assembly, The headband assembly
`includes atleast one end and an ear-cup assembly pivotably engagedto the headband assembly _
`by an engagement structure positioned proximate to the at
`least one end of the headband
`assembly. The ear-cup assembly includes a cap and a housing, wherein the cap and the housing
`are connected to form an enclosed space inside the ear-cup assembly. The headphone assembly
`may further include a transducer configured to produce sound andpositioned within the enclosed
`space of the ear-cup assembly. The headphone assembly may further iriclude a damper rim
`positioned between the ear-cup assembly and the at least one end of the headband assembly,
`WO 2012/094176
`wherein the damperrim covers the engagementstructure and is engaged to the ear-cup assembly
`and the at least one end of the headband assembly.
`Otherarticles of manufacture, features, and advantages of the present invention will
`be, or will become, apparent to one having ordinary skill in the art upon examination ofthe
`It is intended that all such additional articles of
`following drawings and detailed description,
`manufacture, features, and advantages included within this description be within the scope ofthe
`present invention, and be protected by the accompanying claims.
`The invention can be better understood with reference to the following drawings. The
`components in the drawings are not necessarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon
`clearly illustrating the principles of ‘the present invention.
`In the drawings,
`like reference
`numerals designate corresponding parts throughout the several views.
`. [00013]
`FIG, 1 is a diagram showing a perspective view of an embodiment of a headphone;
`FIG. 2 is a diagram showinga perspective view of the headphone of FIG. 1 with one
`extended sliding member in accordance with one embodiment;
`FIG.3 is a diagram showing a perspective view of the headphoneof FIG.
`1 with the
`. ear-cups folded in the space underneath the headband in accordance with one embodiment;
`FIG. 4 is a diagram showing a side view ofthe headphone of FIG,1;
`FIG. 5 is a diagram showing a front view ofthe headphone ofFIG. 1;
`FIG. 6 is a diagram showing a perspective view of an ear-cup of the headphone of
`FIG,7 is a diagram showinga cross-sectional view ofthe ear-cup ofFIG.6;
`FIG. 8 is a diagram showinga cross-sectional view of the ear-cupof FIG. 7; and
`WO 2012/094176
`FIG. 9 is a diagram showing a front view of the headphone of FIG. 1 with the outer
`cap removed.
`Illustrative and exemplary embodiments of the invention are described in further
`detail below with reference to and in conjunction with the figures.
`The description that follows describes,
`illustrates and exemplifies one or more
`particular embodiments of the present invention in accordance with its principles.
`description is not provided to limit the invention to the embodiments described herein, but rather
`to explain andteach the principlesof the invention in such a way to enable one of ordinary skill
`in the art to understand these principles and, with that understanding, be able to apply them to
`practice not only the embodiments described herein, but also other embodiments that may come
`to mind in accordance with these principles. The scope ofthe disclosure is intended to coverall
`such embodiments that mayfall within the scope of the appendedclaims,eitherliterally or under
`the doctrine of equivalents.
`In this application, the use of the disjunctive is intended to include the conjunctive.
`In particular, a
`The use of definite or indefinite articles is not intended to indicate cardinality.
`reference to “the” object or “a” and “an” objectis intended to denote also one of a possible
`plurality of such objects.
`| FIG.1 illustrates an embodimentofan audiolistening system, or headphone 100. The
`headphone 100 includes a pair of ear-cups 102 (also referred to herein as an ear-cup assembly)
`which are interconnected by the two ends of a substantially U-shaped or C-shaped,flexible or
`elastic, and resilient headband assembly 104. The headband assembly 104 has an adjustable ,
`curvature so as to be arranged along a portion of the head or neck of the user or wearer.
`In one
`WO 2012/094176
`embodiment, the headphone 100 is constructed from strong yet lightweight aluminum, which
`helps minimize vibrations, thereby minimizing unwanted audioartifacts.
`At least one of the ear-cups 102 includes a cable port 106, In practice, by plugging a
`headphone cable 108 into the cable port 106, the headphone wearer may use the headphone 100
`to listen to audio. signals being transmitted through the headphone cable 108,
`In one
`embodiment, each of the ear-cups 102 includes a cable port 106, and the cable ports 106 operate
`as input/output cable ports for inputting audio signals throughone cable port 106 and outputting
`audio signals through the second cable port 106 to, for example, a second headphone set (not
`shown). Other mechanisms for transmitting signals to (and from) headphone 100 may be
`provided, such as alternative locations for cable port(s) 106 or the integration of wireless
`connectivity (such as, e.g., Bluetooth), without departing from the description herein.
`Referring additionally to FIGS. 2 and 3, in accordance with one embodiment, the
`headband assembly 104 includes a headband 110 and a bow-shaped arm 112at each end of the
`headband assembly 104. An ear-cup 102 is pivotally attached to each arm 112. The headband
`110 includes a pair of sliding. members 114, each having an extension 115 that can slide
`internally and relatively to one end of the headband 110, The headband 110 and the pair of
`sliding members 114 are coupled via a friction-based adjust mechanism, generated by external
`surfaces of the extensions 115 and corresponding internal surfaces of a channel (not shown)
`formed internally to the headband 110. Oppositely to the headband 110, each of the arms112is
`attached to a respective one ofthe sliding members 114,
`‘The friction-based adjust mechanism, provided at both ends of the headband 110,is a
`mechanism for adjusting the size ofthe headphone 100 so as to adaptto the size of thewearer’s
`head. To that end, the sliding members 114 are formed so as to create a biasing frictional force
`WO 2012/094176
`when they areslid relatively to the headband 110. Before the headphone 100 isfitted ontothe
`wearer’s head, each of the sliding members 114 can be substantially hidden within the
`corresponding channel. In this position, the distance between each of the headphone units 102
`and the apex of the headband 110 is minimal, thus corresponding to the smallest head size that
`can comfortably accept or wear the headband 110. When the wearer puts on the headphone 100
`by holding the earphone units 102 in his/her hands, he/she can adjust the headphone 100 by
`simply applying a force slightly greater than the frictional forces exerted by the sliding members
`114 onto the channelto slide down the earphone units 102 towards his/herears.
`As shown in FIG. 3, in one embodiment the headband assembly 104 includes a
`folding mechanism 117 for folding the headphone 100 into a closed position when notin use.
`The foldingmechanism 117 allows the arms 112, and their associated ear-cups 102, to be rotated
`inward to the closed position and housed in the internal space formed by the headband 110. The
`headphone 100 may be moved to an openposition by rotating the arms 112 outward about the
`folding mechanism 117. In one embodiment, the folding mechanism 117 is a hinge designed to
`allow rotation of the arms 112 within a predetermined angle of rotation that is defined by the
`open position and the closed position.
`[00030] Now referring to FIGS. 4-8, in accordance with one embodiment each of the arms
`112 is engaged to a respective one of the ear-cups 102 via a respective one of engagement.
`structures 116. As the connection point between the ear-cups 102 and the arms 112, the
`engagement structures 116 allow the ear-cups 102 to articulate or rotateinan infinite number of
`directions about an axis pointing into the head of the user, or approximately parallel to the ear
`canal. As a result, the engagement structures 116 enable the ear-cups 102 to adjust to any ear
`shape, thereby increasing the user’s comfort-level when wearing the headphone 100.
`WO 2012/094176
`Asshown in FIGS. 7 and 8, in one embodiment the engagement structures 116 form a
`ball-and-socketjoint to connect the arms 112 and the ear-cups 102. To form the ball-and-socket
`joint, each engagement structure 116 includes a ball part 118, that is coupled to a ear-cup
`housing 120 of each of the ear-cups 102, and a socket part 122, that is coupled to an inner
`housing 124 of each of the arms 112, The ball part 118 mates with the socket part 122 to
`pivotably connect the arms 112 and the ear-cups 102. As an example,the ball part 118 may be a
`' substantially spherical ball, and the socket part 122 may be formed by two, longitudinally placed
`In another embodiment, the ball part 118 is a circular assembly and the socket part 122 is a
`circular receptacle for receiving the circular assembly. It is contemplated that oneskilled in the .
`art may use other designs for forming the ball-and-socket joint in accordance with the teachings
`in this disclosure.
`Each engagementstructure 116 is positioned within and covered by a damperrim 126
`to protect the engagementstructure 116 from exposure to dust and other foreign particles. By
`covering the engagement structures 116, damper rims 126 also provide a smooth finish to the
`headphone 100 by hiding the engagementstructures 116 from view. The damper rims 126 also
`couple the ear-cup 102 to the arms 112 by serving as resilient and flexible connection between
`the ear-cup housing 120 and the inner housing 124 of the arms 112. The damperrims 126 are
`positioned vertically, or substantially parallel to the outer cap 128 of the ear-cups 102, and
`operate to dampen movementofthe ear-cups 102 and to generally maintain the position of the
`ear-cup 102 relative to the arms 112 and the headband 110, without providing undue pressure
`against the wearer’s outer ear. Moreover, dueto its slim profile, the damper rims 126 also reduce
`a thickness ofthe ear-cups 102, thereby giving the headphone 100 a sleck appearance overall and
`increasing its aesthetic appeal.
`WO 2012/094176
`In one embodiment, the damper rim 126 may be designed as abellows. Damperrims
`126 may be composed of a suitable flexible and resilient material, such as, C.8.,. rubber or
`polyester foam. As shown in FIG. 6, for example, the damper rims 126 are visible from an
`outside view of the ear-cups 102. Damper rims 126 may further have a unique color to bolster
`the aesthetic appeal of the headphone 100. Also, by adding a color to the damper rims 126, the
`damperrims 126 are emphasized on the ear-cups 102, so as to visuallycreate or mimic the look
`of a surround onatraditional speaker cone. For example, damper rims 126 may have a red-color
`to mimic the look of. popular, commercially available red speaker surrounds. This further
`enhances the aesthetic appeal, and marketing value, of the headphone 100.
`In one embodiment,each ear-cup 102 is acoustically enclosed on the back-side by the
`ear-cup housing 120, except for a small hole to allow routing of a cable 130 that electrically
`couples each ear-cup 102 to the headphone cable 108 connected to cable port 106. By
`acoustically sealing the back of each ear-cup 102 with ear-cup housing 120, the sound emitted
`from the rear of the transducer 132 is confined within each ear-cup 102, thereby enhancing the
`‘acoustic characteristics of the headphone 100. Each ear-cup housing 120 includes a transducer
`132 for converting electrical signals into sound (for example, electrical signals receiving via the
`headphone cable 108).
`In part, transducer 132 produces sound by vibrating and pushing air
`forward. Ear-cup caps 134 cover each transducer 132 to protect the transducer 132 from the
`elements, such as dust, small particles, or other contamination. Bach ear-cup cap 134 is |
`positioned on a front-side ofthe ear-cup 102, so as to be directly opposite ofthe ear-cup housing
`120, thereby creating an enclosed space around the transducer 132, The shape and size of this
`enclosed space determines, in part, the acoustic characteristics of the sound produced by the
`transducer 132. This enclosed space defines a fixed volume since the ear-cup housing 120 and
`WO 2012/094176
`the ear-cup cap 134 are relatively rigid components, i.e, not composedofflexible materials that
`significantly expand or contract when pressure is applied. The transducer 132 may be
`acoustically configured to produce optimal sound within the fixed volume formed by the
`enclosed space. As will be appreciated, internal soundreflections within the ear-cup housing 120
`can degrade sound quality by producing standing waves and other forms of sound diffraction. To
`address these and other known issues,
`the ear-cup housing 120 may be constructed from
`absorptive materials (e.g., wool, synthetic fiber batting, etc.), and/or the internal shape of the
`space enclosed within each ear-cup 102 may be designedto reflect sounds away from the ear-cup
`cap 134, where they may then be absorbed, Each ear-cup cap 134 may include a specifically
`designed grid-like surface for enabling sound to radiate from the transducer 132 towards the
`user’s ear. In one embodiment, the grid-like surface of the ear-cup cap 134 may be comprised of
`a wire or fabric mesh.
`Cushioning doughnut-shaped ear pads 136 are wrapped circumferentially around the
`sound-radiating side ofeach ear-cup 102 for providing comfortable positioning on the user’s ear.
`Dueto theflexibility provided by the engagementstructures 116 and the bow shape of the arm
`112, when the headphone 100 is mounted on the wearer’s head, each of the ear-cups 102 is
`completely self-adjustable with respect to the wearer’s ear to become substantially parallel to the
`ear, thereby adopting an optimum position which minimizes the travel of the sound outside the
`ear pad 136. As such, the cushioned ear-cups 102 provide very comfortable listening, superior
`passive soundisolation, and minimize ear fatigue due to extended wear.
`Referring additionally to FIG. 9, a cavity 138 in each of the arms 112 is formed
`between the outer cap 128 and the inner housing 124. The cavity 138 provides a space, ¢.g.,
`battery compartment,
`that houses one or more batteries 140 for providing power to the
`WO 2012/094176
`headphone 100 and a printed circuit board (PCB) (not shown) that controls the provision of
`battery power to the headphone 100. FIG. 9 shows an embodiment in which the twobatteries are
`required to power the headphone 100, and the cavity 138 is accordingly shaped and designed to
`accept two batteries. The disclosure is not limited to the illustrated configuration, and other types
`and/or quantities of batteries may be used in accordance with the teachings herein, By designing
`the arms 112 of the headphone 100 to include the cavity 138 for batteries 140, valuable space is
`saved, and the overall bulk of the headphone 100 is reduced.
`the above-discussed headphone 100 provides a sleek, space-saving
`audio listening device that can be comfortably worn by the wearer for an extended listening
`period, when compared to commercially available headphones, By pivotably connecting ear-
`caps 102 to arms 112 using engagement mechanisms 116, and covering the engagement
`mechanisms 116 with flexible damper rims 126, a comfortable, substantially pressureless, and
`precise fitting solution to the wearer’s ear is achieved. Furthermore, as discussed above, several
`features are provided to obtain a slimmer and sleeker design with convenient portability. For
`example, damper rims 126 not only provide a protective cover for the engagement mechanisms
`116, but also provide an element of aesthetic appeal by mimicking the look, and color, of a
`traditional speaker cone surround, Moreover, the size and positioning of the damper rims 126
`and the placementof batteries 140 in the arms 112 reduces the overall thickness of the ear-cups
`102, thereby increasing the commercial appeal and usability ofthe headphone 100.
`- [00038]
`It should be emphasized that the above-described embodiments, particularly, any
`“preferred” embodiments, are possible examples of implementations, merely set forth for a clear
`understanding of the principles of the invention. Many variations and modifications may be
`made to the above-described embodiment(s) of the invention without substantially departing
`WO 2012/094176
`from the spirit and principles of the invention. All such modifications are intended to be
`included herein within the scope ofthis disclosure and protected by the following claims.
`WO 2012/094176
`Whatis claimedis:
`1. A headphone assembly, comprising:
`a headband assembly comprising at least one end;
`an ear-cup assembly pivotably engaged to the headband assembly by an engagement
`structure positioned proximate to the at least one end of the headband assembly, the ear-cup
`assembly comprising a cap and a housing, wherein the cap and the housing are connected to
`form an enclosed spaceinside the ear-cup assembly,
`a transducer configured to produce sound and positioned within the enclosed spaceofthe
`ear-cup assembly; and
`a damper rim positioned between the ear-cup assembly and the at least one endof the
`headband assembly, the damper rim covering the engagementstructure and being engagedto the
`ear-cup assembly and the at least one end ofthe headband assembly.
`The headphone assembly of claim 1, wherein the engagementstructure includes a ball-
`and-socket joint that pivotably connects the ear-cup assembly to the at least one endof the
`headband assembly,
`The headphone assembly of claim 1, wherein the engagement structure includes a
`circular assembly coupled to a circular receptacle to pivotably connect the ear-cup assembly to
`the at least one end of the headband assembly.
`The headphone assembly of claim 1, wherein the damper rim is positioned substantially
`parallel to the at least one end of the headband assembly.
`WO 2012/094176
`PCT/US201 1/067045
`The headphone assembly of claim 1, wherein the damper rim is configured to dampen
`movementof the ear-cup assembly relative to the headband assembly.
`The headphone assembly of claim 1, wherein the damper rim is composed of rubber.
`| The headphone assembly of claim 1, further comprising:
`an outer cap removably coupled to the at least one end of the headband assembly; and
`a battery.compartment positioned within the at least one end of the headband assembly ,
`| the battery compartment housing batteries that provide operational power to the headphone
`wherein removing the outer cap provides
`to the battery compartment.
`WO 2012/094176
`PCT/US201 1/067045
`WO 2012/094176
`3/6 FIG.4
`WO 2012/094176
`FIG. 5
`WO 2012/094176
`~ PCT/US201 1/067045
`KES \
`WO 2012/094176

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