`Approved for use through 05/31/2008, OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Substitute for form 1449A/PTO
`arch 2, 2009
`atrick Miles
`—_ fd
`harles A. Rademaker
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB conitrel number.. STATEMENT BY APPLICANT
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`Attorney Docket No: 104DES2
`Initial *
`Where Relevant Passages
`or RelevantFigures Appear
`May 10, 1988
`May 30, 1989
`Dec 15, 1992
`Mar 9, 1993
`Oct 9, 1990
`Mcintyre,J. L.
`Ray, C. D., et al.
`Kozak, J. et al.
`Substituta Dieclosura Statement Form (PTO-1448)
`“EXAMINER:Initiel If reference considered, whether or not citation is in contasmance with MPEP 609, Draw lina throughcitation Hf nol In conformancs and not coneidered. Include copy of this fort with naxt communication to
`spplicant1 Applicants unique citation designation number (optional) 2 Applicant Is to place a chack mark hare if Engiish language Translation is attached
`All:references have: been: considered by the examiner
`/Charles:A. Rademaker/ Primary Examiner 3/31/2009
`PTO/SB/08a (01-08)
`Approved for usa through 05/31/2008, OMB 06514-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unlessit contains a valid OMB control number..
`Substitute for form 1449A4/PTO
`arch 2, 2009
`stick Miles
`rartunt 129
`harlesA, Rademaker
`— Nad
`Attorney Docket No: 104DES2
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`initlal *
`Document Number
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee or Appiicant of Cited
`Pages, Columns, Lines,
`Where Relevant Passages
`of AelevantFigures Appear
`|«|sd5669909"|Sep23,1997|Zdeblick et al.|—s—‘isC
`||i700291—s«d|Dec23,1997 [Kuslichetal.||
`||SiS766252——— «(Jun 16,1998 [Henryeta.|«|
`|Cd Sid5797917}Aug25,1998[|Boyd,L.M.,etalss
`|CdTCCid865045Feb2,1999|Thalgott, John S.
`|tC(‘iL(C(SCLCSBG5O48|Feb 2, 1999
`|StiLsCSC*d 885299—s«d|Mar23,1999[Winslowetal.
`|tCti‘dL:(C(§sCéid 888224Mar30,1999|Beckers,L. F., et al.
`|st5899890=——sd|sApr 13, 1999 Pisharodi
`Castro etal.
`Scarborough etal.
`Brosnahan, Ill
`Substitute Disclosure Statement Form (PTO-1449)
`* EXAMINER;Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation Is in conformance with MPEP 60, Draw Une through cttation If not In canfomnance and nol considered. Include copy of this form with next communication to
`applicant.1 Apolcant's unique cRaton designation number (optional) 2Applicant is 40 placa @ check mark here i English language Translation Is attached
`All references have been considered by the examiner ‘Charles Rademaker/ Primary Examiner 2916 3/31/2009
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it contains a valid OMB contral number..
`Substitute for form 1449A/PTO
`PTO/SB/08a (01-08)
`Approvedfor use through 05/31/2008, OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`arch 2, 2009
`atrick Miles
`harles A. Rademaker
`(Use as many sheets as necessary)
`a 2
`Document Number
`Publication Date
`Name of Patentee or Applicant of Cited
`lala —_b bhPKOoaa
`Pages, Columns, Lines,
`Where Relevant Passages
`or RelevantFigures
`Paul, D. C., et al. po
`Nov 7, 2000
`Boriani, S. et al.
`Dec 12, 2000
`Andersonet al.
`Mar 13, 2001
`Zdeblick, T. et al. Po
`Mar27, 2001
`May 1, 2001
`Paulet al.
`Boyleet al. p
`un 25, 2002
`Brett, D. C.
`Aug 13, 2002
`Lin, Chih-|
`6447547 Sep 10,2002_|Michelson,G.K.
`Ferree, B
`}6635086|Oct21,2003|Lin, Paul S. Pp
`Jun 8, 2004
`Liu, M. et al
`Crozet, Y.
`6942698|Sep13,2005|Jackson, R.P.
`Bernard, P. M., et al.
`McGahan, T.V., etal.
`Subatitute Disclosure Statement Form (PTO-1449)
`* EXAMINER:Initial if reference considered, whether or not citation is in cofamarce with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation If not in conformance and not considered. Include copy of this form with next communication bo
`Applicant Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional) 2Applicant is to place a check mark here If English language Transiaton Is attached
`All references have been considered by the examiner /Charles Rademaker/ Primary Examiner 2916 3/31/2009
`Substitute for form 14494/PTO
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act af 1995, no
`PTO/SB/0Ba (01-08)
`Approved for use through 05/31/2008, OMB 0651-0031
`U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`persons are required to respondto a collection of information unlass it contalns a valld OMB control number..
`Attorney Docket No: 104DES2
`Examiner|Cite|Document Number Publication Date Nameat Patentoe or Applicant of Cited Pages, Coiurnns,Lines,
`or AglevantFigures Appear
`|SC 503801|Apr5,2005‘|Jackson,R.P.
`|sts530423 Oct 17, 2006 Mites, P. et al.
`Foreign Patent
`Publication Date
` (Use as many sheets as necessary)
` |
`Pages, Columns,
`Lines, Where
`Name of Patenseeor Applicant of cited
`Relevant Passages
`or RelavantFigures
`Jan 5, 1999
`where published.
`include name of the author (in CAPITAL LETTERS),title of the article (when appropriate),title of the Item
`(book, magazine, journal, serial, symposium, catalog, etc.)}, date, page(s), volume-issue number(s),
`All references have been considered by the examiner /Charles Rademaker/ Primary Examiner 2916 3/31/2009
`Substitute Disclosure Statement Form (PTO-1449)
`* SXAMINER: Initial if refarence considered, whether or not ciation ia In conformance with MPEP 609. Draw line through citation Ht net In confomiance and not considered, include copy of his form with next communication to
`@pplicant1 Applicant's unique citation designation number (optional) 2Applicant is to place a check mark here if English language Translation Is attached