`International Bi
`(51) International
`Patent Classification
`(11) In
`A61B 17/70
`(43) International Publication Date:
`6 :
`21 March 1996 (21.03.96)
`(22) International Filing Date:
`8 September 1995 (08.09.95)
`cage (20) is introduced through an anterior procedure and ma.i.tains or increases the lordosis between adjacent vertebral bone structures.
`A fusion cage (20) for anterior vertebral body fusion is conically shaped and includes a rounded distal end (24). A thread (40) is
`formed as part of the external conical surface of the fusion cage (20). The thread (40) defines one or more flutes (52) which enhance the
`ability of the fusion cage (20) to be self-tapping. Apertures (54, 206, 322) are defined through the fusion cage in order to provide for
`contact between the engaged vertebral bone structures and bone growth inducing substances packed within the fusion cage. The fusion
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/US95/11281|(81) Designated States: AM, AT, AU, BB, BG, BR, BY, CA, CH,
`CN, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, GB, GE, HU, IS, JP, KE,
`KG, KP, KR, KZ, LK, LR, LT, LU, LV, MD, MG, MK,
`SK, TJ, TM, TT, UA, UG, UZ, VN, European patent (AT,
`BE, CH, DE, DK, ES, FR, GB, GR, IF, IT, LU, MC, NL,
`PT, SE), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF, CG, CI, CM, GA, GN,
`ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG), ARIPO patent (KE, MW, SD,
`SZ, UG).
`(30) Priority Data:
`1S September 1994 (15.09.94)
`INC. [US/US]; 2575
`(71) Applicant: SURGICAL DYNAMICS,
`Stanwell Drive, Concord, CA 94520 (US).
`(72) Inventors: PAVLOV, M., D., Paul, W.; Sint Maartenskliniek,
`Orthopedic, Hengstdal 3, NL-6522 JV Nijmegan (NL).
`WINSLOW,Charles, J.; 25 Hilton Court, Walnut Creek, CA
`94595 (US). JAYNE,Kirk; 785 Pacific Avenue, Alameda,
`CA 94501 (US). KLYCE, Henry, A.; 231 Sandringham
`Road, Piedmont, CA 94611 (US).
`(74) Agent: MEYER, Sheldon, R.; Fliesler, Dubb, Meyer and Love-
`joy, Suite 400, Four Embarcadero Center, San Francisco,
`CA 94111-4156 (US).
`With international search report.
`(57) Abstract
`Codes used to identify States party to the PCT on the front pages of pamphlets publishing international
`applications under the PCT.
`Viet Nam
`United Kingdom
`Democratic People's Republic
`of Korea
`Republic of Korea
`Sri Lanka
`Republic of Moldova
`Burkina Faso
`Central African Republic
`Cé&e dIvoire
`Czech Republic
`New Zealand
`Russian Federation
`Trinidad and Tobago
`United States of America
`WO 96/08205
`Field of the Invention
`The present
`invention is directed to devices and methods for
`facilitating the fusing of bone structures and more particularly the fusing
`together of adjacent vertebral bodies or bone structures.
`Background of the Invention
`Technica! literature and patent documents disclose a number of
`devices and methods for fusing bones together. One such device which
`has proven to be successful is disclosed in U.S. Patent 4,961,740, entitled
`which patent has been assigned the present assignee and which patentis
`incorporated herein by reference. The referenced patent discloses a fusion
`cage which is preferably cylindrical and has a thread formed as part of the
`external cylindrical surface. The fusion cage defines an internal cavity and
`apertures through the wall of the cage which communicate the external
`cylindrical surface with the internal cavity. The apertures are formed in
`the valleys of the thread. Normally two such cages are used to stabilized
`and fuse together adjacent vertebral bodies or bone structures.
`in practice, using a posterior approach, a patient’s vertebral bone
`structures are exposed and degenerate disk material located between the
`vertebral bone structures is removed. A threaded tap is used to tap a
`complementary thread in the upper and lower vertebral bone structures
`preparatory to the insertion of the above fusion cage. Once such tapping
`has been accomplished, using an introd':ction tool, the fusion cage is
`screwed into the space between the adjacent vertebral bone structures.
`The thread bites into the bone of the upper and lower vertebral bone
`structures, stabilizing the bone structures, and preventing the fusion cage
`from working out of this position due to patient movement. Generally two
`WO 96/08205
`such fusion cagesare applied using this technique. Once the two implants
`have been positioned, then bone growth inducing substances, such as
`bone chips, are packed into the internal cavity of the fusion cages. These
`bone growth inducing substances come into immediate contact with the
`bone from the vertebral bone structures which project into the internal
`cavity through the apertures. Such projection of bone is due to the fact
`that the apertures are formed in the valleys of the external thread of the
`fusion cage. Such immediate bone to bone contact between the vertebral
`bone structures and the bone pack within the fusion cages results in more
`rapid propagation of bone cells between the adjacent vertebral bone
`structures and thus a more rapid fusion of the adjacent vertebral bone
`Summary of the Invention
`The present invention is directed to a fusion cage which has been
`designed to be implanted using an anterior approach to the vertebral bone
`In a first embodiment of the present invention, the fusion cage
`includes a conically-shaped cage body having a proximal end and a distal
`end, said distal end having a diameter which is smaller than the diameter
`of the proximal end. The distal end further is rounded with for example
`a bull nose in order to facilitate the insertion of the cage body relative to
`The conically-shaped cage body is
`one or more bone structures.
`particularly advantageous for use with an anterior approach to vertebra!
`bone structure fusion. This is due to the fact that the norma! lordosis of
`the vertebral bone structures defines a wedged-shape spacefor a vertebral
`disk between, for example, lumbar vertebrae. Accordingly, the conically-
`shaped body cage can be sized and selected in order to maintain or
`enlarge upon the normal lordosis.
`In a second embodiment of the present invention, a fusion cage
`includes a conically-shaped cage body having a proximal end and a distal
`end with the distal end having a diameter which is smaller than the
`WO 96/08205
`diameter of the proximal end. The conically-shaped cage body has a
`conically-shaped outer surface and at
`least one flute formed in the
`conicaily-shaped outer surface. The flute acts as a relief much as the flute
`placed on self-tapping screws in order to facilitate the insertion of the
`fusion cage using a
`twisting motion between two vertebral bone
`in a third embodiment of the invention, a fusion cage includes a
`conically-shaped cage body having a proximal end and a distal end, the
`distal end having a diameter which is smaller than the diameter of the
`proximal end. The conically-shaped cage body has a conically-shaped
`outer surface and a thread formed as part of the conically-shaped outer
`surface. The thread allows the cage body to be inserted using an anterior
`approach. Due to the fact that the cage body is conically-shaped, the
`requirement for pretapping the vertebral bone structures to receive the
`fusion cage is eliminated with the fusion cage being self-tapping. Also the
`cage gradually spreads apart the vertebral bone structures as the cage is
`inserted in order to regain or enlarge the natural lordosis of the adjacent
`vertebral bone structures. As with other embodiments of the present
`invention, flutes can be provided through the thread in order to allow for
`enhanced thread tapping by the cage and for a smoother insertion of the
`fusion cage between the vertebral bone structures. Preferably two or
`three flutes would be formed spaced about the fusion cage in order that
`one flute would be engaging with or adjacent to an upper vertebra! bone
`structures with another flute being engaging with or adjacent to a lower
`vertebral bone structure. Such a relationship maintains alignment of the
`fusion cage and prevent wandering as the fusion cage is introduced
`between the twovertebral bone structures. Without two or more flutes,
`wandering might occur due to the fact that the thread is only substantially
`engaged with the vertebral bone structures and not with the disk material
`between the vertebral bone structures, which disk material does not
`provide support to the thread.
`WO 96/08205
`in a further aspect of the invention, any of the above embodiments
`can be provided with a plurality of apertures through the fusion cage and
`an internal cavity with the apertures communicating between the internal
`cavity and the external surface of the fusion cage. Bone growth inducing
`substances, such as bone chips, can be packed into the internal cavity
`either before the fusion cage is inserted or after the fusion cage has
`reacheda final insertion position. The bone chips come in contact with
`the vertebral bone structures through the apertures in order to facilitate
`fusion between the adjacent vertebra! bone structures.
`in another aspect of the invention which can be included in any of
`the above embodiments, the cage body can have a round or bull nose
`distal end with one or more fiutes formed in the round or bull nose distal
`end in order to enhance theself-tapping nature of the fusion cage.
`In yet another aspect of the invention, introduction tools allow the
`fusion cage to be accurately positioned between the vertebral bone
`The method of the present invention affords access to adjacent
`vertebral bone structures using an anterior approach and procedure. Such
`laparoscopically using an introduction set
`including a cannula.
`laparoscopic procedure is minimally invasive as the abdomen muscle tissue
`can be spread using a set of cannula of increasing size and a small
`opening thereby developed through which a fusion cage can beinserted.
`Such a procedureis less traumatic to the tissue than an alternate anterior
`approach and procedure, also known as an anterior lumbar interbody
`fusion, where anincision, perhaps upto five inches long is made, through
`the abdomen muscle tissue.
`It is to be understood howeverthat either
`anterior approach and procedure can be used with the fusion cage andfall
`within the scope of the invention.
`After such access, using preferably a laparoscopic technique,
`degenerate disk material can be removed and, using a cannula and
`insertion tool, an appropriately shaped fusion cage can be screwed into
`WO 96/08205
`place between the vertebral bone structures in order to stabilize the
`vertebral bone structures and allow for fusion. Either preparatory to
`insertion of the fusion cage or after it has been inserted, bone chips or
`other bone growth inducing substances can be inserted into the fusion
`cage to promote bone to bone contact and subsequentfusion.
`It is to be understood that although the above-embodiments have
`been described with respect to the fusion of adjacent vertebral bodies or
`bone structures, that the present invention can be used to fuse together
`a variety of bone structures,
`in addition to being fused to one bone
`structure and used as, for example, a base for an implant.
`Other objects and advantages of the invention can be obtained
`through a review of the specification and the figures.
`Brief Description of the Figure
`Figure 1
`is a partially sectional side view of an embodiment of the
`fusion cage of the invention.
`Figure 2 depicts a left end (distal end) view of the fusion cage of
`Figure 1.
`Figure 3 depicts a right end (proximal end) view of the fusion cage
`of Figure 1.
`Figure 4 depicts a view through line 4-4 of the fusion cage of Figure
`Figure 5 depicts the fusion cage of Figure 1
`in conjunction with an
`introduction tool.
`Figure 6 depicts an alternative embodiment of the introduction tool.
`Figures 7, 8, and 9 depict the progressive stages in the method of
`inserting the fusion cage between adjacent vertebral bone structures.
`Figure 10 depicts a side view of an alternative embodiment of the
`fusion cage of the invention.
`Figure 11 depicts the left end (distal end) view of the fusion cage
`of Figure 10.
`WO 96/08205
`Figure 12 depicts the right end (proximal end) view of the fusion
`cage of Figure 10.
`Figure 13 depicts a side view of yet another embodiment of the
`fusion cage of the present invention.
`Figure 14 depicts a left distal end (distal end) view of the fusion
`cage of the invention of Figure 13.
`Figure 15 depicts a right end (proximal end) view of the fusion cage
`of the invention of Figure 13.
`Figure 16 depicts a sectional view taken through line 16-16 of
`Figure 13.
`Detailed Description of the Preferred Embodiment
`With respect to the figures in a particular Figure 1, a side view of
`the preferred embodiment of the fusion cage 20 is depicted. Fusion cage
`20 includes a fusion cage body 22 which in this preferred embodimentis
`provided in the shape of a cone. Fusion cage 20 includes a distal end 24
`and a proximal end 26. The distal end 24 in a preferred embodimentis
`rounded or bull nosed in order to facilitate the insertion of the fusion cage
`20 relative to one or more bone structures. The proximal end 26 includes
`an opening 28 which communicates with an internal cavity 30 defined by
`the fusion cage 20. The opening 28 in a preferred embodiment
`threaded so that it can receive an end cap or plug 32 (Figure 5). End cap
`32 is used to close off the proximal end 26 and retain bone growth
`inducing substances packed therein as described herein-below. As can be
`seen in Figure 5, end cap 32 includes a threaded bore 34 which is
`designed to receive an insertion tool. The threaded bore 34 has an initial
`unthreaded, hex-shaped section 35 which can be used with a socket
`wrench to tightly position end cap 32 in opening 28. The proximal end 26
`further define first and second peripheral indentations 36, 38. These
`peripheral indentations 36, 38 receive tangs from an insertion tool as
`described hereinbelow forfacilitating the insertion of the fusion cage 20.
`WO 96/08205
`A thread 40 is defined as part of the outer cylindrical surface 41 of
`the body 22.
`It is to be understood that the thread can be replaced with
`a plurality of discrete threads or a plurality of projections,
`protrusions, barbs, or spurs and be within the spirit and scope of the
`The rounded distal end 24, and at least some of the turns of thread
`40 defined flutes or relief grooves 42, 44, and 46.
`(Figures 1, 2.)
`preferred embodiment, flutes 42, 44, and 46 meetat a central point 48 of
`the distal end 24 on the longitudal axis 50 of the fusion cage 20.
`In other
`embodiments the flutes can be smaller and not extend all the way to the
`central point 48 on the longitude axis 50. Still in other embodiments, the
`flutes can be eliminated from the distal end 24 and such embodiments are
`still within the spirit and scope of the invention.
`The flutes extend from the distal end 24 toward the proximal end
`26 as shownin Figure 1 with respect to flute 42. These flutes are defined
`by the sections 52 which are removed from the thread.
`In a preferred
`embodiment, the flutes become narrower as they approach the proximal
`end 26 due to the fact that thread relief for purposes of self-tapping
`becomes less important as the cage reachesa final resting position. As
`shown in other embodiments, the flutes can be deeper and extend from
`the distal end completely to the proximal end.
`Still further in other
`embodiments the flutes can be confined to the first several turns of the
`thread adjacent to the distal end and/or to just the distal end.
`As can be seen in Figures 1, 4, a plurality of apertures 54 are
`provided through wall 56 of
`the fusion cage 20.
`In a preferred
`embodiment, these apertures 54 are formed by broaching grooves 58 in
`the internal surface 60 of the interna. cavity 30. The effect of such
`roaching is to remove material from the valleys between the turns of the
`thread 40, thus defining the aperture 54. The advantages of such an
`arrangement are taught by the above-referenced U.S. Patent No.
`4,961,740, which patent is incorporated herein by reference and allows
`for immediate bone to bone contact between the vertebral bodies or bone
`WO 96/08205
`structures and the bone packed within the internal cavity 30 of the fusion
`cage 20.
`The apertures 54 in a preferred embodimentincrease in size from
`smaller apertures closer to the distal end 24 to a larger aperture closer to
`the proximal end 26. This increase in size allows for more bone to bone
`contact. Alternatively in the embodiment as shown in Figure 1, all the
`apertures are of the same size.
`As can be seen in Figure 4, the apertures are clustered about a
`transverse axis 51, both at the upper and lower end of the axis. This is
`so that in position, the apertures come into contact with the upper and
`lower vertebral bone structures (Figure 9) to encourage bone growth
`through the fusion cage from the vertebral bone structures. The lateral
`section of the fusion cage found along the other transverse axis 53 do not
`have apertures in order to prevent growth of disk material which might
`interfere with the bone fusing process.
`A preferred embodiment of the conically-shaped fusion cage 20
`includes a fusion cage which is 23 millimeters in length having a distal end
`24 with a diameter of 14 millimeters and a proximal end 26 with a
`diameter of 18 millimeters. The cage body is a right circular cone. The
`thread has a pitch of 30° and there are ten turns per inch with a thread
`depth of .053 inches. Further the cage is made of a titanium material.
`Preferably this and the other disclosed fusion cages disclosed are
`machined. However, the processes such as molding can be used to
`accomplished formation of the fusion cages.
`The cage is inserted between vertebral bodies using an insertion
`tool 62 (Figure 5).
`Insertion tool 62 includes an inner handle 64 and an
`outer handle 66. The outer handle includes a bore 68 for receiving the
`inner handle 64. Handles 64, 66 include knobs 70, 72 respectively. The
`distal end of inner handle 64 defines a threaded shaft 74, having a reverse
`thread to facilitate easy removal, and the distal end of handle 66 define a
`cylindrical disk 76 which has first and second tangs 78, 80, projecting
`from the peripheral edge of the cylindrical disk 76. These tangs 78, 80
`WO 96/08205
`are designed to mate with the peripheral! indentation 36, 38 of the fusion
`cage 20. For purposesof inserting the fusion cage between the vertebral
`bodies, the end cap 32 is inserted into the fusion cage 20 as shown in
`Figure 5. Then the threaded shaft 74 of the inner handle is introduced into
`the threaded bore 34 of the end cap 32. After this is accomplished, the
`outer handle 66 is slid over the inner handle 64 and the tangs 78, 80 are
`positioned into engagement with the indentations 36, 38.
`In this
`arrangement, the fusion cage 20 can be anteriorly inserted into the space
`between the vertebral body structure using the insertion tool 62.
`An alternative embodiment of the insertion tool is shown in Figure
`In this figure, insertion tool 82 includes a handle 84 with a knob 86.
`At the end of the insertion tool 82 distal from the knob 86 is a cylindrical
`disk 88 which has first and second tangs 90, 92, which have the same
`function as the above tangs 78, 80. Extending from the center of the
`cylindrical disk 88 along the centerline of the insertion tool 82 is a shaft
`94 which has a ball detent 96.
`For use with insertion tool 82,
`threaded bore 34 of the end cap 32 would be replaced with a bore having
`a lip which could engage with the ball detent 96 of the insertion tool 82.
`The method for inserting the fusion cage 20 of Figure 1 using an
`anterior approach and procedure to the vertebral bodies is as follows.
`is to be understood that although the focus of this discussion is on a
`laparoscopic procedure, that the anterior approach and procedure can also
`include a more invasive procedure where a long incision is made in the
`abdomen wall.
`With an anterior approach, using an introduction set such as
`described by way of example only,
`in U.S. Patent 4,863,430, entitled
`CANNULA,” which is incorporated by reference, but however with farger
`diameter instruments, an amount of disk material is removed between the
`two vertebra! bodies or bone structures which are to be fused together.
`This procedure is accomplished through a cannula position adjacent to the
`vertebral bone structures. With the same or a larger diameter cannula, the
`WO 96/08205
`fusion cage 20 can be introduced adjacent
`to the vertebral bone
`In a first procedure, the fusion cage is packed with bone
`growth substances and the end cap 32 is affixed to the fusion cage 20.
`insertion tool 62 is then secured to the fusion cage 20 and the fusion cage
`is guided through the cannula to a location adjacent to the upper and
`lower vertebra! body such as presented schematically in Figures 7, 8, 9,
`by upper body 98 and lower body 100.
`In the initial position as shown in
`Figure 7, the fusion cage 20 is adjacent to the anterior sections 102, 104
`of the vertebral bodies 98, 100. As the introduction too! is turned, the
`thread 40 of the fusion cage 20 bites into the vertebral bodies 98, 100.
`Further turning of the introduction tool causes the fusion cage to move
`through the position shownin Figure 8 to the final resting position shown
`in Figure 9, where the distal end 24 is moved adjacent to the posterior
`sections 106, 108 of the vertebral bone structures 98, 100.
`occurs, the fusion cage 20 increases the lordosis or spacing between the
`vertebral bodies, basically distracting the vertebral bodies and causing the
`vertebral bodies to pivot about the posterior sections 106, 108, with such
`posterior sections acting like a hinge.
`is noted that most of
`distraction occurs adjacent to the anterior sections, but that distractions
`also occur at the posterior sections where the hinged effect is exhibited.
`Preferably, the lordosis is increased over the normal lordosis in order to
`the vertebral bone
`structures prior
`to fusion occurring.
`Stabilization occurs due to the fact
`increased lordosis places
`additional stress on the anterior longitudinal ligaments which are part of
`the anatomyholding the vertebral bodies in place.
`Oncethe fusion cage 20 is appropriately positioned, the handle 64
`of the insertion tool 62 is unscrewed from the cap 32 and the insertion
`tool 62 is pulled away from the fusion cage.
`An alternative embodiment of a fusion cage 200 is shownin Figures
`10, 11, and 12. Fusion cage 200 inciudes a distal end 202 and ana
`proximal end 204. Fusion cage 200 includes an internal cavity 206. End
`caps not shown can be used to close the ports 208, 210 of distal and
`WO 96/08205
`proximal ends 202, 204. A plurality of threads 212 is defined on the
`external conical surface 214 of the fusion cage 200. Defined by the
`thread 212 are first and second flutes 216, 218, which in this embodiment
`extend from the distal end 202 to the proximal end 204. These flutes
`provide thread relief allowing the fusion cage 200 to be self-tapping.
`The fusion cage 200 includesaplurality of elongated apertures 220
`which are formed through the side walls of a fusion cage 200. The
`elongated apertures 202 are formed in such a way thatthe internal conical
`surface 214 is spaced away from the internal surface 224 of the internal
`cavity 206 by the thickness of the sidewall 222.
`A further embodiment of the invention is shown in Figures 13, 14,
`15 and 16.
`In Figure 16 the fusion cage 300 has distal and proximal ends
`302 and 304 respectively. The fusion cage 300 defines an internal cavity
`306, and ports 308 and 310 defined through the distal and proximal ends
`302 and 304 respectfully. A thread 312 is defined as part of the external
`conical surface 314 of the fusion cage 200. First, second and third flutes
`316, 318, and 320, are defined in the thread 312 from the distal end 302
`to the proximal end 304. These flutes give the fusion cage 300 an
`enhanced self-tapping advantage. These flutes are equally spaced about
`the fusion cage 300 in a manner similar to the flutes of the fusion cage
`embodiment 20 in Figure 1.
`A plurality of aperture 322 is provided through the external conical
`surface 314 of the fusion cage 300 and through the side wall 324 opening
`into the internal cavity 306. Accordingly, at the location of the aperture
`322 the external surface 314 is held away from the internal surface 326
`by the Sickness of the side wall 324.
`industrial Applicability
`The present invention affords the advantages of a fusion cage
`which can be introduced through an anterior approach in order to maintain
`or increase lordosis between adjacent vertebral bodies. The fusion cage
`has the advantage of being conically-shaped and self-tapping through the
`WO 96/08205
`use of external flutes. The flutes additionally assist in keeping the fusion
`cage aligned and centered as the cage is being inserted between the
`vertebral bone structures.
`Other advantages, aspects, and objects of the invention can be
`obtained through a review of the claims and the appended figures.
`It is to be understood that additional embodiments of the invention
`can be constructed and fall within the spirit and scope of the claims.
`WO 96/08205
`We claim:
`A fusion cage for promoting fusion with one or more bone
`structures comprising:
`a conically-shaped cage body having a pro» nal end and a distal
`end, said distal end having a diameter which is smaller than a diameter of
`said proximal end; and
`said distal end be.1g rounded in order to facilitate insertion relative
`to one or more bone structures.
`The fusion cage of claim 1
`said conically-shaped cage body having a conically-shaped outer
`surface and at least one flute formed in the conically-shaped outer surface.
`The fusion cage of claim 2 including:
`said conically-shaped cage body wherein said flute extends from
`the distal end toward the proximal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 2 including:
`at least three flutes formed in the conically-shaped outer surface.
`The fusion cage of claim 4 including:
`said three flutes are equally spaced about said distal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 2 including:
`said flute being additionally formed in the rounded distal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 4 including:
`said three flutes being additionally formed in the rounded dista! end.
`The fusion cage of claim 1
`WO 96/08205
`said conically-shaped cage body having a conically-shaped outer
`surface and a thread formed into said conically-shaped outer surface.
`The fusion cage of claim 8 including:
`at least one flute formed in the thread.
`The fusion cage of claim 8 including:
`said conically-shaped cage body having a conically-shaped outer
`surface and an internal cavity; and
`a plurality of apertures formed through the conically-shaped body
`which communicate said conically-shaped outer surface with said internal
`The fusion cage of claim 1
`said conically-shaped cage body is a right circular cone.
`A fusion cage for promoting fusion with between two spaced
`apart vertebral bone structures which have posterior sections and anterior
`sections and with a posterior interspace defined between the posterior
`sections and an anterior interspace defined between the anterior sections,
`said fusion cage comprising:
`a conically-shaped cage body having a proximal end and a distal
`end, said distal end having a diameter which is smaller than a diameter of
`said proximal end, with said distal end positionable in the posterior
`interspace between the posterior sections of the vertebral bone structures
`and with said proximal end positionable in the anterior interspace between
`the anterior sections of said vertebral bone structures in order to maintain
`the height of the anterior interspace larger than the height of the posterior
`interspace; and
`said conically-shaped cage body having a conically-shaped outer
`surface and a thread formed into said conically-shaped outer surface in
`WO 96/08205
`order to engage the vertebral bone structures as the cage body is inserted
`from the anterior interspace toward the posterior interspace.
`The fusion cage of claim 12 including:
`said distal end being rounded in order to facilitate insertion of the
`cage between the vertebral bone structures, from the anterior
`ace toward the posterior interspace.
`The fusion cage of claim 12 inciuding:
`at least one flute formed in the thread.
`The fusion cage of claim 14 inciuding:
`said flute extends from the distal end toward the proximal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 12 including:
`at least three flutes formed in the thread.
`The fusion cage of claim 16 including:
`said three flutes are equally spaced about said distal end.
`The fusion cage of clam 13 including:
`at least one flute being formed in the rounded distal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 18 including:
`three flutes being formed in the rounded distai end.
`20.+=The fusion cage of claim 12 including:
`said conically-shaped cage body having an internal cavity; and
`a plurality of apertures formed through the conically-shaped body
`which communicate said conically-shaped outer surface with said internal
`WO 96/08205
`The fusion cage of claim 12 including:
`said conically-shaped cage body is a right circular cone.
`A fusion cage for promoting fusion with one or more bone
`structures comprising:
`a conicaliy-shaped cage body having a proximal end and a distal
`end, said distal end having a diameter which is smaller than a diameter of
`said proximal end; and
`said conically-shaped cage body having a conically-shaped outer
`surface and at least one fiute formed in the conically-shaped outer surface.
`The fusion cage of claim 22 including:
`said distal end being rounded in orderto facilitate insertion relative
`to one or more bone structures.
`The fusion cage of claim 22 including:
`said conically-shaped cage body wherein said flute extends from
`the distal end toward the proximal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 22 including:
`at least three flutes formed in the conically-shaped outer surface.
`The fusion cage of claim 22 including:
`three flutes equally spaced about said distal end.
`The fusion cage of clam 23 including:
`a flute formed in the rounded distal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 25 including:
`said distal end being roundedin order to facilitate insertion relative
`to the one or more bone structures;
`WO 96/08205
`said three flutes being additionally formed in the rounded distal end.
`The fusion cage of claim 22 including:
`a thread formed into said conically-shaped outer surface.
`The fusion cag
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