`BuopaischesFoterant MAN
`European Patent Office
`Office européen des brevets
`EP 0 81 1 356 A2
`(43) Date of publication:
`10.12.1997 Bulletin 1997/50
`(21) Application number: 97106894.5
`(51) Int. cL: A61B 17/70
`(22) Date offiling: 25.04.1997
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`* Kraig, Martin H.
`Colchester, Vermont 05446 (US)
`(30) Priority: 05.06.1996 US 658749
`Cleveland Ohio 44115 (US)
`(72) |
`(74) Representative:
`Rottmann, Maximilian R. et al
`c/o Rottmann, Zimmermann + Partner AG
`Glattalstrasse 37
`8052 Zurich (CH)
`* Glascott, Craig
`Twinsburg, Ohio 44087 (US)
`Spinal column retaining apparatus
`retaining vertebrae in a
`An apparatus for
`desired spatial relationship. The apparatus includes a
`fastener which cooperates with a connector assembly, a
`longitudinal memberwhichis positionable along the spi-
`nal column at a location offset from the fastener, and a
`connector assembly which connects the fastener with
`the longitudinal member. The connector assembly
`includes a transverse member, a retainer block, and a
`set screw. The transverse member and retainer block
`have mating teeth. When the desired spatial relation-
`ship is achieved,
`the set screw is tightened thereby
`engaging the teeth and providing for a rigid locked
`Printed by Xerox (UK) Business Services
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`Background of the Invention
`The presentinvention relates to an apparatus which
`is used to retain portions of a spinal column, such as
`vertebrae in a desired spatial relationship.
`A known apparatus for retaining vertebrae in a
`desired spatial relationship is disclosed in U.S. Patent
`No. 5,129,900. This known apparatus includes a fas-
`tener having a threaded end portion which engages a
`vertebra. A connector assembly interconnects the fas-
`tener and a longitudinal member, such as a rod, which
`extends substantially parallel to the axis of the spine.
`The connector assembly is adjustable to enable the dis-
`tance between the longitudinal member and the fas-
`tener to be varied while the fastener remains stationary
`relative to the vertebra to whichit is connected. Other
`known apparatus for retaining vertebrae in a desired
`spatial relationship are disclosed in U.S. Patent Nos.
`5,053,034; 5,254,118; 5,257,993; and 5,306,275.
`Summaryof the Invention
`The present invention provides a new and improved
`apparatus for retaining portions of a spinal column in a
`desired spatial relationship. The apparatus includes a
`fastener having a threaded end portion which engages
`a portion of the spinal column and a longitudinal mem-
`ber which is positioned along the spinal column at a
`location offset from the fastener. A transverse member
`is connected with the fastener and extends transversely
`to a central axis of the longitudinal member.
`An improved retainer assembly is provided to retain
`the transverse member against movement relative to
`longitudinal member. The
`retainer assembly
`includes a retainer block into which the longitudinal
`member and the transverse member extend. The
`retainer assembly is effective to hold the transverse
`memberagainst movementrelative to the retainer block
`due to force transmitted between the transverse mem-
`ber and the longitudinal member. In one embodiment of
`the invention, the force is transmitted betweenthe longi-
`tudinal memberand the transverse memberby pressing
`them against each other with a set screw.
`The retainer block may advantageously be provided
`with retainer surfaces which are engaged byretainer
`surfaces on the transverse member. The retainer sur-
`faces on theretainer block and the retainer surfaces on
`the transverse member cooperate to retain the trans-
`verse memberagainst rotation about a central axis of
`the transverse member.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`The foregoing and other features of the invention
`will become more apparent upon a consideration of the
`following description taken in connection with the
`accompanying drawings, wherein:
`is a dorsal view of a portion of a spinal col-
`umn with the spinal column retaining apparatus of
`the present invention to maintain a desired spatial
`relationship between vertebrae of the spinal col-
`Fig. 2 is a sagittal view of the spinal column of Fig.
`1, furtherillustrating the manner in which vertebrae
`of the spinal column are held in the desired spatial
`Fig. 3 is a sectional view, taken generally along the
`line 3-3 of Fig. 1, illustrating the manner in which
`the apparatus is connected with a vertebra;
`Fig. 4 is an enlargedpictorialillustration of a portion
`of the apparatus of Figs. 1-3;
`Fig. 5 is a sectional view, taken generally along the
`line 5-5 of Fig. 4, furtherillustrating the construction
`of a portion of the apparatus;
`Fig. 6 is a plan view, taken on a reduced scale
`along the line 6-6 of Fig. 5, furtherillustrating the
`construction of a portion of the apparatus;
`Fig. 7 is an enlarged fragmentary sectional view of
`a portion of Fig. 5 andillustrating the relationship
`between a transverse member, a longitudinal mem-
`ber, and a retainer assembly in the apparatus; and
`Fig. 8 (on sheet 2 of the drawings) is an enlarged
`side elevational view, taken generally along the line
`8-8 of Fig. 7,
`illustrating the construction of a
`retainer block in the apparatus.
`Description of Specific Preferred Embodiments of the
`General Description
`A humanspinal column 10 to which spinal column
`retaining apparatuses 12 and 14 are connectedisillus-
`trated in Figs. 1-3. The spinal column retaining appara-
`tuses 12 and 14 position portions of the spinal column
`10, that is vertebrae 16, in a desired spatial relationship
`relative to each other.
`The spinal columnretaining apparatuses 12 and 14
`have the same construction and include fasteners 20
`(Fig. 3) made of a biocompatible material, such as stain-
`less steel. The fasteners 20 have threaded inner end
`portions 22 which engage vertebrae 16 to fixedly mount
`the fasteners in the vertebrae. Usually there are a pair
`of fasteners 20 for each vertebrae, as shownin Fig. 3. It
`should be understood that there could be more or fewer
`than that. In Figs. 1 and 2, five pairs of fasteners 20 are
`connected with five vertebrae 16 of the spinal column
`It should be understood that there is no specific
`upperor lowerlimit to the numberof vertebrae involved.
`The spinal column retaining apparatuses 12 and 14
`include a longitudinal member, such as the depicted
`cylindrical rod 26, which extends along the spinal col-
`umn 10. Each of the longitudinal membersorrods 26is
`made of a biocompatible material, such as stainless
`steel. Each of the rods 26 has a length sufficient to ena-
`ble the rod to spanat least two of the vertebrae 16.
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`the embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figs.
`and 2, the rods 26 spansix vertebrae 16. Of course, the
`length of the rod in any particular apparatus will depend
`upon the condition to be corrected and The numberof
`vertebrae 16 to be held in a desired spatial relationship
`relative to each other by the apparatus. The rods 26
`may be bent as desired,
`typically to conform to a
`desired curvature of the spinal column 10 in all or any of
`three possible anatomic planes.
`The apparatus 12 (Fig. 4) includes a connector
`assembly 30 which is constructed in accordance with
`the present invention and interconnects the rod 26 and
`a fastener 20. The connector assembly 30 includes an
`improved retainer assembly 34 which is mounted on the
`rod 26. In addition, the connector assembly 30 includes
`a transverse member 36 which extends between the
`fastener 20 and the retainer assembly 34. The retainer
`assembly 34 fixedly connects a generally cylindrical
`inner end portion 40 (Fig. 5) of the transverse member
`36 with the rod 26. A clamp assembly 42 fixedly con-
`nects a slotted outer end portion 44 of the transverse
`member36 with the fastener 20.
`The retainer assembly 34 includes a set screw 70
`and a generally rectangular retainer block 50 into which
`the transverse member 36 and rod 26 extend. The
`retainer block 50 has a rod passage 54 (Figs. 5, 7 and
`8) through which the rod 26 extends.
`In addition, the
`retainer block 50 has a transverse passage 56 through
`which the inner end portion 40 of the transverse mem-
`ber 36 extends.
`In accordance with a feature of the present inven-
`the transverse passage 56 has a plurality of
`inwardly projecting retainer surfaces or teeth 60 (Fig. 8)
`which engage retainer surfaces or teeth 62 (Fig. 7) on
`the inner end portion 40 of the transverse member36.
`Meshing engagement between the teeth 60 on the
`retainer block 50 and the teeth 62 on the transverse
`member 36 hold the transverse member against rota-
`tion about its longitudinal central axis 66 relative to the
`retainer block 50 (Figs. 5 and 7).
`In accordance with another feature of the present
`invention, force is transmitted between the transverse
`member36 and the rod 26 to hold the transverse mem-
`ber 36 against movementrelative to the retainer block
`50. Thus, the set screw 70 presses the rod 26 down-
`ward (as viewed in Fig. 7) against the transverse mem-
`ber 36. This presses the teeth 62 on the transverse
`memberinto tight meshing engagement with the teeth
`60 on the lowerportion of the transverse passage 56in
`the retainer block 50. Engagementof a cylindrical outer
`side surface 74 on the rod 26 with an annular groove 76
`on the inner end portion 40 of the transverse member
`36 retains the transverse member against movement
`relative to the retainer block 50 along the central axis 66
`of the transverse member36.
`Retainer Assembly
`The retainer block 50 has a pair of parallelflat side
`surfaces 82 and 84 (Figs. 4, 6 and 8). The rod passage
`54 (Fig. 7) extends between and is perpendicular to the
`parallel side surfaces 82 and 84 (Fig. 6). The rod pas-
`sage 54 has a straight longitudinal central axis which
`extends parallel to side surfaces 90 and 92 (Fig. 7). The
`side surfaces 90 and 92 extend perpendicular to the
`side surfaces 82 and 84 (Figs. 4, 6 and 8).
`The rod passage 54is formed by a pair of circular
`openings having centers which are offset along a cen-
`tral axis 86 (Fig. 7) of the retainer block 50. This results
`in the rod passage 54 having a generally oval cross sec-
`tional configuration. The size of the circular openings
`which cooperate to form the rod passage 54 are such
`that the rod 26 can move between the upper(as viewed
`in Fig. 7) and lower portion of the rod passage 54.
`fact, the lower circular opening in Fig. 7 has a smaller
`diameter than the diameter of the rod 26. Thus, the rod
`26 and retainer block 50 have aninterference fit when
`the rod 26is in the lowercircular openingin Fig. 7.
`The transverse passage 56 extends betweenand is
`perpendicular to the parallel side surfaces 90 and 92
`(Figs. 4, 6, 7 and 8). Like the rod passage 54, the trans-
`verse passage 56 has a generally oval cross sectional
`configuration. The transverse passage 56 is formed by
`a pair of cylindrical openings having centers which are
`offset along the central axis 86 of the retainer block 50
`(Fig. 8).
`The diameters of the cylindrical openings forming
`the transverse passage 56 are large enough to enable
`the teeth 62 on the transverse member36(Fig. 7) to be
`spaced away from the teeth 60 (Fig. 8) when the trans-
`verse member 36 engages an upper(as viewedin Figs.
`7 and 8) portion of the transverse passage 56. This ena-
`bles the transverse member 36to be rotated aboutits
`central axis 66 to a desired position relative to the
`retainer block 50 and the rod 26. Once the transverse
`member 36 has been rotated to a desired orientation
`about the axis 66, the transverse member is moved
`downward (as viewedin Fig. 7) to move the teeth 62 on
`the transverse memberinto meshing engagement with
`the teeth 60 onthe retainer block 50.
`The transverse passage 56 and rod passage 54
`have an intersection 96 (Fig. 8) in a central portion of
`the retainer block 50. Thus, a portion of the transverse
`passage 56 extendsinto the rod passage 54 and a por-
`tion of the rod passage extendsinto the transverse pas-
`sage.In theillustrated embodimentof the invention, the
`rod passage 54 has a central axis which extends per-
`pendicular to the central axis of the transverse passage
`56. This results in the central axis 66 of the transverse
`member 36 extending perpendicular to the a central
`axis 100 of the rod 26 (Fig. 6). However, the transverse
`passage 56 could be skewed at an acute angle relative
`to the rod passage 54. This would result in the trans-
`verse member 36 having a central axis 66 which
`extends at an acute angle relative to the central axis 100
`of the rod 26.
`Whenthe retainer block 50 is positioned on the rod
`26, in the mannerillustrated in Figs. 4-7, the rod extends
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`into the intersection 96 (Figs. 7 and 8) between the rod
`passage 54 and the transverse passage 56. This ena-
`bles the cylindrical outer side surface 74 of the rod 26
`(Fig. 7) to be pressed against the annular groove 76 in
`the inner end portion 40 of the transverse member36 by
`the set screw 70. The transverse member36 is pressed
`against the lower (as viewed in Fig. 7) portion of the
`retainer block 50 by the rod 26. If desired, an intermedi-
`ate force transmitting member could be provided
`between the rod 26 and the transverse member36.
`The set screw 70 is disposed in an internally
`threaded set screw passage 104 disposed in the
`retainer block 50. The central axis of the set screw pas-
`sage 104 is parallel with the central axis 86 of the
`retainer block 50 and is aligned with the center of the
`intersection 96 between the rod passage 54 and trans-
`verse passage 56. The central axis of the set screw 70
`extends perpendicular to and intersects the central axis
`100 of the rod 26 and the central axis 66 of the trans-
`verse member36 (Figs. 5-7).
`Whenthe set screw 70is tightened in the set screw
`passage 104, force is transmitted from the set screw to
`the rod 26 along the central axis of the set screw. This
`force is transmitted directly from the rod 26 to the trans-
`verse member36 at the intersection 96 between rod
`passage 54 and the transverse passage 56. Thus, the
`outer side surface 74 of the rod 26 is pressed against
`the surface of the annular groove 76 in the transverse
`member36. The force is transmitted through the trans-
`verse member36to the retainer block 50.
`The teeth 60 (Fig. 8) on the retainer block 50 project
`into the transverse passage 56. The teeth 60 are dis-
`posed ona side of the transverse passage 56 opposite
`from the intersection 96 between the transverse pas-
`sage and the rod passage 54. The teeth 60 have an
`arcuate extent of approximately 30° on each side of the
`central axis 86 of the retainer block 50. Thus, the teeth
`60 have a total arcuate extent of approximately 60°
`about the center of the cylindrical opening forming the
`lower portion of the transverse passage 56. The teeth
`60 havestraight longitudinal central axes which extend
`parallel to the central axis of the transverse passage 56
`and to the opposite side surfaces 82 and 84 of the
`retainer block 50. When the transverse member36 is
`positioned in the transverse passage 56 (Fig. 7), the
`teeth 62 on the transverse member 36 are disposed in
`meshing engagement with the teeth 60 on the retainer
`block 50.
`Transverse Member
`The transverse member 36 (Figs. 4, 5 and 6) has
`inner and outer end portions 40 and 44 (Fig. 5). The
`inner end portion 40 of the transverse member 36 has a
`generally cylindrical configuration. Each of the teeth 62
`on the inner end portion 40 of the transverse member
`36 has a longitudinal central axis which extendsparallel
`to the central axis 66 of the transverse member. The
`plurality of teeth 62 have an arcuate extent of approxi-
`mately 120° about the central axis 66 of the transverse
`member 36. However, the teeth 62 may be generated
`along the entire circumference of the transverse mem-
`ber 36.
`Since the arcuate extent of the plurality of teeth 62
`on the inner end portion 40 of the transverse member
`36 is greater than the arcuate extent of the plurality of
`teeth 60 (Fig. 8) on the retainer block 50, the teeth 62 on
`the transverse member 36 can meshingly engage the
`teeth 60 on the retainer block 50 when the transverse
`memberis at any one ofa plurality of rotational orienta-
`tions relative to the retainer block. The transverse mem-
`ber 36 can be rotated aboutits central axis 66 relative to
`the retainer block 50 when the transverse memberis
`displaced upward (as viewedin Fig. 7) toward the upper
`portion of the transverse passage 56.
`Whenthe transverse member 36 has beenrotated
`to a desired orientation relative to the retainer block 50,
`the transverse member is moved downward to movethe
`teeth 62 on the transverse member 36 into meshing
`engagement with the teeth 60 on the retainer block 50.
`Force transmitted from the set screw 70 through the rod
`26 to the transverse member 36, firmly presses the
`teeth 62 on the transverse memberagainst the teeth 60
`on the retainer block 50. Although it is preferred to have
`the rod 26 disposed in engagement with the transverse
`member36, an intermediate force transmitting member
`could be provided between the rod and transverse
`memberif desired.
`The outer end portion 44 of the transverse member
`36 is provided with a slot 110 (Figs. 5 and 6). The slot
`110 has a central axis which is coincident with the cen-
`tral axis 66 of the transverse member. The fastener 20
`extends through the slot 110 in the outer portion 44 of
`the transverse member 36. The clamp assembly 42
`clamps the transverse member 36 against movement
`relative to the fastener 20. When the clamp assembly 42
`is engaged, a central axis 112 of the fastener extends
`perpendicular to and intersects the central axis 66 of the
`transverse member36.
`The clamp assembly 42 is formed by a threaded
`outer end portion 114 of the fastener 20, an internally
`threaded nut 116, and a hexagonal shoulder 118
`formed onthe fastener (Fig. 5). A hexagonal outer end
`portion 122 of the fastener 20 is engageable by a
`wrench. At the same time, the nut 116 is engageable by
`a wrench. This enables the nut 116 to befirmly tight-
`ened on the externally threaded outer portion 114 of the
`fastener 20 without transmitting force to the threaded
`inner end portion 22 of the fastener 20. The slot 110
`allows the distance between the central axis 112 of the
`fastener 20 and the central axis 86 of the retainer block
`50 to be varied to suit the characteristics of the particu-
`lar location in which the connector assembly 30 is dis-
`posed along the spinal column 10.
`In the illustrated embodiment of the transverse
`member 36, the slot 110 accommodates variations in
`the distance between the fastener and the longitudinal
`memberor rod 26. However,it is contemplated that the
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`transverse member 36 could be formed by a straight
`projection which doesnot have a slot and extendsinto a
`clamp assembly connected with an end portion of the
`fastener 20 if desired.
`The presentinvention provides a new and improved
`apparatus 12 for usein retaining portions 16 of a spinal
`column 10 in a desired spatial relationship. The appara-
`tus includes a fastener 20 having a threaded end por-
`tion 22 which engages a portion 16 of the spinal column
`and a longitudinal member 26 whichis positioned along
`the spinal column 10 at a location offset from the fas-
`tener 20. A transverse member 36 is connected with the
`fastener 20 and extends transversely to a central axis
`100 of the longitudinal member26.
`An improved retainer assembly 34 is provided to
`retain the transverse member 36 against movementrel-
`ative to the longitudinal member 26. The retainer
`assembly 34 includes a retainer block 50 into which the
`longitudinal member 26 and the transverse member 36
`extend. The retainer assembly 34is effective to hold the
`transverse member 36 against movementrelative to the
`retainer block 50 due to force transmitted between the
`transverse member36 and the longitudinal member26.
`In one embodiment of the invention, the force is trans-
`mitted between the longitudinal member 26 and the
`transverse member 36 by pressing them against each
`The retainer block 50 may advantageously bepro-
`vided with a plurality of retainer surfaces or teeth 60
`which are engaged byretainer surfaces or teeth 62 on
`the transverse member36. The teeth 60 on the retainer
`block 50 and the teeth 62 on the transverse member 36
`cooperateto retain the transverse memberagainst rota-
`tion about the central axis 66 of the transverse member.
`2. Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said trans-
`verse member and said longitudinal member are
`disposed in engagement with each other, said
`retainer means includes means for pressing said
`longitudinal member against said transverse mem-
`berto transmit force betweensaid transverse mem-
`ber and said longitudinal member.
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said
`retainer meansincludesa first plurality of teeth dis-
`posed on said retainer block and a secondplurality
`of teeth disposed on said transverse member, said
`first and second pluralities of teeth being disposed
`in meshing engagement to retain said transverse
`member against rotation relative to said retainer
`An apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said
`retainer means includes means for pressing said
`transverse member and said longitudinal member
`against each otherto retain said transverse mem-
`ber against movementrelative to said longitudinal
`memberin a direction transverseto a central axis of
`said longitudinal member.
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said
`retainer block hasa first passage into which said
`longitudinal member extends and a second pas-
`sage into which said transverse member extends,
`said first passage in said retainer block intersects
`said second passage in said retainer block, said
`longitudinal member and said transverse member
`being disposed in engagement with each other at
`the intersection betweensaid first and second pas-
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 5 wherein said
`retainer means includes a memberwhich is mova-
`ble relative to said retainer block to press said lon-
`gitudinal member and said transverse member
`together at the intersection between said first and
`second passages.
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 7 wherein said sec-
`ond plurality of teeth is pressed against said first
`plurality of teeth underthe influence of force trans-
`said transverse member and said_longitudinal mitted from said longitudinal memberto said trans-
`verse member.
`1. An apparatus for use in retaining portions of a spi-
`nal column in a desired spatial relationship, said
`apparatus comprising a fastener having a means
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 5 wherein said
`for engaging a portion of the spinal column, a longi-
`tudinal memberwhichis positionable along the spi-
`retainer block includesa first plurality of teeth which
`nal column atalocation offset from said fastener, a
`at least partially define said second passage and
`transverse member connected with said fastener
`have longitudinal axes which extend parallel to a
`longitudinal axis of said second passage, said
`transverse member having a second plurality of
`teeth which are disposed in meshing engagement
`with said first plurality of teeth to retain said trans-
`verse member against
`rotation relative to said
`retainer block.
`and having a central axis which extends trans-
`versely to a central axis of said longitudinal mem-
`and retainer means
`transverse member against movementrelative to
`said longitudinal member,
`said retainer means
`including a retainer block into which said longitudi-
`nal member and said transverse member extend,
`said retainer means being effective to hold said
`transverse member against movementrelative to
`said retainer block dueto force transmitted between
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 5 wherein said first
`passage hasa central axis whichis aligned with the
`central axis of said longitudinal member, said sec-
`ond passage having a central axis whichis aligned
`with the central axis of said transverse member.
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 1 wherein said trans-
`verse memberincludes surface meansfor defining
`a recess into which said longitudinal member
`extends, said longitudinal member being pressed
`against said surface meansby said retainer means
`to retain said transverse member against move-
`mentrelative to said longitudinal memberin a direc-
`tion transverse to the
`longitudinal member.
`Apparatus as set forth in claim | wherein said’trans-
`verse memberhas surface means which defines an
`elongated opening through which said fastener
`clamp means operable between an engaged condi-
`tion retaining said transverse memberand said fas-
`tener against movementrelative to each other and
`a disengaged condition in which said clamp means
`is ineffective to retain said transverse member and
`said fastener against movement relative to each
`other, said fastener and transverse member being
`movable relative to each other along a path which
`extendsparallel to longitudinal axesof saidfirst plu-
`rality of teeth when said clamp meansisin the dis-
`engaged condition.
`Apparatusas set forth in claim 12 wherein said lon-
`gitudinal member is pressed against said trans-
`verse member to retain said transverse member
`against movementrelative to said retainer block.
`Apparatusas setforth in claim 12 wherein said first
`and second pluralities of retainer surfaces are
`pressed together underthe influenceof force trans-
`mitted between said transverse member and said
`longitudinal member.
`An apparatus for usein retaining portions of a spi-
`nal column in a desired spatial relationship, said
`apparatus comprising a fastener having meansfor
`engaging a portion of the spinal column, a longitu-
`dinal memberwhichis positionable along the spinal
`column at a location offset from said fastener, a
`transverse memberhavingafirst portion connecta-
`ble with said fastener and a second portion con-
`nectable with said longitudinal member, and a
`retainer block into which said longitudinal member
`and said transverse member extend, said retainer
`block includingafirst plurality of retainer surfaces,
`said transverse memberincluding a secondplural-
`ity of retainer surfaces which are disposed in
`engagementwith said first plurality of retainer sur-
`faces to retain said transverse member against
`An apparatus as set forth in claim 12 wherein said
`first plurality of retainer surfaces at least partially
`define a first plurality of teeth which are disposedin
`a passage in said retainerblock, said secondplural-
`ity of retainer surfaces at least partially define a
`second plurality of teeth which are disposed on an
`end portion of said transverse member, said end
`portion of said transverse memberextendsinto the
`passage in said retainer block to provide meshing
`engagement betweensaid first and second plurali-
`ties of teeth.
`Apparatus as set forth in claim 13 wherein said
`transverse member includes surface means for
`defining a slot through which said fastener extends,
`said slot having a central axis which extends paral-
`lel to the longitudinal axes of said secondplurality
`of teeth.
`Apparatus as setforth in claim 13 further including
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`EP 0 811 356 A2
`EP 0 811 356 A2
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