`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`14 September 2017 (14.09.2017)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2017/153152 Al
`International Patent Classification:
`GO03F 7/20 (2006.01)
`G02B 7/18 (2006.01)
`GO03F 1/24 (2012.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`17 February 2017 (17.02.2017)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`7 March 2016 (07.03.2016)
`Box 324, 5500 AH Veldhoven (NL).
`Inventors: VAN BERKEL, Koos; P.O. Box 324, 5500
`AH Veldhoven (NL). KOEVOETS, Adrianus, Hendrik;
`P.O. Box 324, 5500 AH Veldhoven (NL).
`Agent: FILIP, Diana; PO Box 324, 5500 AH Veldhoven
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DJ, DK, DM,
`KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA,
`MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, Mw, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG,
`NL, NO, NZ, OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS,
`RU, RW, SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY,
`TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN,
`ZA, ZM, ZW.
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, ST, SZ,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE,
`LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SF, ST, SK,
`GW, KM, ML, MR,NE, SN, TD, TG).
`with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`Fig. 3
`(57) Abstract: A reflector for EUV radiation, the reflector comprising a reflector substrate and a reflective surface, the reflector sub-
`strate having a plurality of coolant channels formed therein, the coolant channels being substantially straight, substantially parallel to
`each other and substantially parallel to the reflective surface and configured so that coolant flows in parallel through the coolant
`channels and in contact with the reflector substrate.


`WO 2017/153152
`Multilayer Reflector, Method of Manufacturing a Multilayer
`Reflector and Lithographic Apparatus
`This application claims priority of [UP application 16158898.3 which was filed on 7 March
`2016 and whichis incorporated herein in its entirety by reference.
`[0002] The present invention relates to multilayer reflectors for EUV or X-ray radiation, to methods
`of making such multi-layer reflectors and to lithographic apparatus using such multi-layer reflectors.
`[0003]Alithographic apparatus is a machine constructed to apply a desired pattern onto a substrate.
`A lithographic apparatus can be used, for example, in the manufacture of integrated circuits (ICs). A
`lithographic apparatus may for cxample project a pattern from a patterning device (c.g. a mask) onto a
`layer of radiation-sensitive material (resist) provided on a substrate.
`[0004] The wavelength of radiation used by a lithographic apparatus to project a pattern onto a
`substrate determines the minimumsize of features which can be formedonthat substrate. A
`lithographic apparatus which uses EUVradiation, being electromagnetic radiation having a
`wavelength within the range 5-20 nm, may be used to form smaller features on a substrate than a
`conventional lithographic apparatus (which may for example use electromagnetic radiation with a
`wavelength of 193 nm).
`[0005] Collecting EUVradiation into a beam, directing it onto a patterning device (e.g. a mask) and
`projecting the patterned beam onto a substrate is difficult because it is not possible to make a
`refractive optical element for EUV radiation. Therefore these functions have to be performed using
`reflectors (i.e. mirrors). Even constructing a reflector for EUV radiation is difficult. The best
`available normal incidencereflector for EUV radiation is a multi-layer reflector (also known as a
`distributed Bragg reflector) which comprises a large numberof layers whichalternate between a
`relatively high refractive index layer and a relatively low refractive index layer. Each period,
`consisting of a high refractive index layer and a low refractive index layer, has a thickness equal to
`half the wavelength (4/2) of the radiation to be reflected so that there is constructive interference
`between the radiation reflected at the high to low refractive index boundarics. Such a multilayer
`reflector still does not achieve a particularly high reflectivity and a substantial proportion of the
`incident radiation is absorbed by the multilayer reflector.
`[0006] The absorbedradiation, including infra-red radiation also emitted by the radiation source,
`can cause the temperature of the multilayer reflector to rise. Known multilayer reflectors are formed


`WO 2017/153152
`on substrates made of materials having a very low coefficient of thermal expansivity, for example
`ULE™, However, in some cases the cross-section of the beam whenincident on a reflector may be
`small enough that localized heating of the reflector causes undesirable deformation of the surface
`figure of the reflector. Such deformation can cause imaging errors and the constant desire to image
`ever smaller features means that the amount of deformation that can be tolcrated will only reduce.
`It is an aim ofthe invention to provide an improved multilayer reflector.
`[0008] According to the present invention, there is provided a reflector for EUV radiation, the
`reflector comprising a reflector substrate and a reflective surface, the reflector substrate having a
`plurality of coolant channels formed therein, the coolant channels being substantially straight,
`substantially parallel to each other and substantially parallel to the reflective surface and configured
`so that coolant flows in parallel through the coolant channels and in contact. with the reflector
`[0009] According to the present invention, there is provided a lithographic apparatus arranged to
`project a pattern from a patterning device onto a substrate, the apparatus comprising at least one
`reflector as described above.
`[0010] According to the present invention, there is provided a method comprising projecting a
`patterned beam of radiation onto a substrate, wherein the patterned beam is directed or patterned using
`at least one reflector as described above while coolant is conducted through the coolant channels.
`[0011] According to the present invention, there is provided a method of manufacturing a reflector
`for a projection system of a lithographic apparatus using EUVradiation, the reflector comprising a
`reflector substrate and a reflective surface, the substrate having a plurality of coolant channels
`embeddedtherein, the coolant channels being substantially parallel to the reflective surface, the
`method comprising polishing the reflective surface while a pressurised fluid is provided to the coolant
`[0012] Embodiments of the invention will now be described, by way of example only, with
`reference to the accompanying schematic drawings, in which:
`Figure 1 depicts a lithographic system comprising a lithographic apparatus and a radiation
`source according to an embodimentof the invention;
`Figure 2 depicts in cross-section a multilayer reflector;
`Figure 3 depicts in perspective view a multilayer reflector illustrating the areas of incidence
`oo way
`of a projection beam;
`Figure 4 depicts in plan a reflector according to an embodiment of the invention;


`WO 2017/153152
`Figure 5 depicts in cross-section a part of a reflector according to an embodiment of the
`invention; and
`Tigure 6 depicts in cross-section a part of a reflector according to another embodimentof the
`[0013] Figure | showsa lithographic system including a multilayer reflector according to one
`embodiment of the invention. The lithographic system comprises a radiation source SO and a
`lithographic apparatus LA. The radiation source SOis configured to generate an extremeultraviolet
`(EUV)radiation beam B. The lithographic apparatus LA compriscs an illumination system IL, a
`support structure MT configured to support a patterning device MA(e.g. a mask), a projection system
`PS and a substrate table WT configured to support a substrate W. The illumination system IL is
`configured to condition the radiation beam B beforeit is incident upon the patterning device MA.
`The projection system is configured to project the radiation beam B (now patterned by the mask MA)
`onto the substrate W. The substrate W mayinclude previously formed patterns. Wherethis is the
`case, the lithographic apparatus aligns the patterned radiation beam B with a pattern previously
`formed on the substrate W.
`[0014] The radiation source SO, illumination system IL, and projection system PS may all be
`constructed and arranged such that they can be isolated from the external environment. A gas ata
`pressure below atmospheric pressure (e.g. hydrogen) may be provided in the radiation source SO. A
`vacuum may be providedin illumination system IL and/or the projection system PS. A small amount
`of gas (e.g. hydrogen) at a pressure well below atmospheric pressure may be providedin the
`illumination system IL and/or the projection system PS.
`[0015] The radiation source SO shown in Figure | is of a type which maybe referred to as a laser
`produced plasma (LPP) source). A laser 1, which may for example be a CO,laser, is arranged to
`deposit energy via a laser beam 2 into a fuel, such as tin (Sn) which is provided from a fuel emitter 3.
`Althoughtin is referred to in the following description, any suitable fucl may be used. The fucl may
`for example be in liquid form, and may for example be a metal or alloy. The fuel emitter 3 may
`comprise a nozzle configured to direct tin, e.g. in the form of droplets, along a trajectory towards a
`plasma formation region 4. The laser beam2 is incident uponthe tin at the plasma formation region
`4. The deposition of laser energy into the tin creates a plasma 7 at the plasma formation region 4.
`Radiation, including EUVradiation, is emitted from the plasma 7 during de-excitation and
`recombination of ions of the plasma.
`‘he EUV radiation is collected and focused by a near normal incidence radiation collector 5
`(sometimes referred to more generally as a normal incidence radiation collector). The collector 5 may
`have a multilayer structure (described further below) whichis arranged to reflect EUV radiation(e.g.


`WO 2017/153152
`EUVradiation having a desired wavelength such as 13.5 nm). The collector 5 may have an elliptical
`configuration, having twoellipse focal points. A first focal point may be at the plasma formation
`region 4, and a second focal point may be at an intermediate focus 6, as discussed below.
`[0017] The laser 1 may be separate from the radiation source SO. Wherethis is the case, the laser
`beam 2 may be passed from the laser | to the radiation source SO with the aid of a beam delivery
`system (not shown) comprising, for example, suitable directing mirrors and/or a beam expander,
`and/or other optics. The laser | and the radiation source SO may together be considered to be a
`radiation system.
`[0018] Radiation that is reflected by the collector 5 forms a radiation beam B. The radiation beam
`B is focused at point 6 to form an image of the plasma formation region 4, which acts as a virtual
`radiation source for the illumination system IL. The point 6 at which the radiation beam B is focused
`maybe referred to as the intermediate focus. The radiation source SO is arranged such that the
`intermediate focus 6 is located at or near to an opening 8 in an enclosing structure 9 of the radiation
`[0019] The radiation beam B passes from the radiation source SO into the illumination system IL,
`whichis configured to condition the radiation beam. The illumination system IL mayinclude a
`facetted field mirror device 10 and a facetted pupil mirror device 11.
`‘The faceted field mirror device
`10 and faceted pupil mirror device 11 together provide the radiation beam B witha desiredcross-
`sectional shape and a desired angular distribution. The radiation beam B passes from the illumination
`system IL andis incident upon the patterning device MA held by the support structure MT. The
`patterning device MAreflects and patterns the radiation beam B. The illumination system IL may
`include other mirrors or devices in addition to or instead of the faceted field mirror device 10 and
`faceted pupil mirror device 11. The faceted field mirror device 10, faceted pupil mirror device 11 and
`other reflectors of the illumination system may have a multilayer structure as described further below.
`‘Following reflection from the patterning device MAthe patterned radiation beam B enters
`the projection system PS. The patterning device may include a reflector having a multilayer structure
`as described further below. The projection system comprises a plurality of mirrors which are
`configured to project the radiation beam B onto a substrate W held by the substrate table WT. The
`projection system PS may apply a reduction factor to the radiation beam, forming an image with
`features that are smaller than corresponding features on the patterning device MA. A reduction factor
`of 4 may for example be applied. Although the projection system PS has two mirrors in Figure 1, the
`projection system may include any numberof mirrors(e.g. six mirrors). The mirrors, and any other
`reflectors of the projection system PS, may have a multilayer structure as described further below.
`‘Lhe radiation source SO shownin Figure 1 may include components which are not
`illustrated. For example, a spectral filter may be providedin the radiation source. The spectral filter
`may be substantially transmissive for EUV radiation but substantially blocking for other wavelengths


`WO 2017/153152
`of radiation such as infrared radiation. Alternative radiations sources, such as free electron lasers, can
`also be used.
`[igure 2 depicts a multilayer reflector 30 according to an embodimentof the present
`invention. The multilayer reflector 30 comprises a plurality of alternating high refractive index layers
`32 (somctimes referred to as spaccr layers) and low refractive index layers 34 (sometimes referred to
`as refracting layers). A pair of adjacent layers is referred to herein as a period. The thickness of a
`period is approximately equal to half the wavelength (A/2) of the radiation that is desired to be
`reflected, e.g. 6.9 nmto reflect EUV radiation at 13.5 nm. There may be between 60 and 100 periods,
`e.g. about 80. The multilayer reflector functions as a distributed Bragg reflector with constructive
`interference betweenthe radiation reflected at the boundarics between high refractive index laycrs and
`low refractive index layers. The multilayer reflector may be formed on a reflector substrate 38 and
`may be provided with a capping layer 36. Capping layer 36 can be formed of various known
`materials and helps to protect the multilayer reflector from chemical and physical damage. Tn an
`embodimentof the invention the low refractive index layers are Mo and the high refractive index
`layers are Si but other combinations of materials are possible.
`[0023] Figure 3 depicts reflector 13, that is a reflector (e.g., the first) in projection system PS after
`the patterning device MA,in a perspective view. Reflector 13 (or, 14) may be a multilayer reflector
`of the type described above with reference to Figure 2. As can be seen, the projection beamB is
`incident on reflector in two localized areas BA corresponding to the illuminator pupil. Reflector 13
`may havea reflectivity of about 70% or less. Therefore reflector 13 absorbs a significant amount of
`energy from the projection beam whenthe lithographic apparatus is operating. The energyis
`absorbed by reflector 13 in the areas BA on whichthe projection beam is incident. ‘Wherefore the
`reflector experiences a non-uniform temperature rise. Although the reflector substrate 38 may be
`made of a material having a very low coefficient of thermal expansion, such asa titania silicate glass
`(specifically ULE™manufactured by Corning Incorporated), a non-uniform temperature rise in the
`reflector substrate 38 can lead to a significant deformation of the surface figure of reflector 13. Even
`though the deformation of the surface figure of reflector 13 may be very small in absolute terms, duc
`to the extreme precision required to manufacture devices with small feature sizes, such deformation
`can lead to imaging errors. The continual desire to increase throughput, by increasing beam power,
`will lead to an increase in the temperature rise, whilst the continual desire to image smaller features
`makes any deformation of the surface figure more problematic.
`[0024] Existing reflectors in the projection systems of EUV lithographic apparatus are cooled
`passively, i.e. by radiation, conduction and convection. However none of these modes of cooling
`allows a high rate of heat transfer. In particular, the reflectors are generally in a high vacuum or a low
`pressure of Hydrogenso that heat transfer by convection is minimal. Active cooling of reflectors has


`WO 2017/153152
`been avoided because of the risk of introducing vibrations in the reflector which could easily be more
`problematic than the distortion caused by the localized heatrise.
`[0025] An embodimentof the invention is a reflector for a projection system of a lithographic
`apparatus using EUVradiation, the reflector comprising a reflector substrate and a reflective surface,
`the substrate having a plurality of coolant channels embeddedtherein, the coolant channels being
`substantially parallel to the reflective surface.
`Byproviding a plurality of straight coolant channels parallel to each other and parallel to the
`reflective surface, a coolant can be circulated throughthe reflector substrate to control or reduce the
`localized temperature rise without generating problematic vibrations in the reflector. As the coolant
`fluid flows in parallel through the plurality of coolant channcls and in direct contact with the reflector
`substrate, the thermal conductivity between the reflector substrate and the coolant fluid is enhanced.
`The heat transfer capacity of the coolant system is increasedsoit is possible to reduce the mass flow
`(kilograms per second) and average velocily (meters per second) to reduce pressure variations induced
`by inertia and friction, respectively. Therefore vibrations are reduced.
`In an embodiment, each coolant channel has a substantially constant cross-section. By
`making the coolant channels with a constant cross-section, it is possible to further reduce the
`generation of vibrations in the reflector.
`In an embodiment, each coolant channel is spaced apart fromthe reflective surface by a
`distance in the range of from 5 to 10 times the diameter of the coolant channel. By providing a
`spacing in this range it is possible to ensure that the pressure variations of the coolant in the coolant
`channels does not cause a problematic deformation of the reflective surface.
`In an cmbodiment, the distance between the centres of adjacent coolant channelsis in the
`range of from 5 to 10 times the diameter of the coolant channels. By spacing the coolant channels in
`this wayit is possible to ensure a desirably uniform temperature profile at the reflective surface.
`In an embodiment, the coolant channels have substantially the same cross-section. By
`making the coolant channels have a substantially uniform cross-section, it is possible to reduce
`turbulence in the flow of coolant and so further reduce the generation of vibrations in the reflector.
`In an embodiment, there are from 10 to 100, e.g. from 20 to 60, coolant channels. By
`providing this numberof coolant channels it is possible to ensure a desirably uniform temperature
`profile at the reflective surface.
`In an embodiment,the reflector substrate comprisesa first reflector substrate part joined to a
`secondreflector substrate part, the second reflector substrate part having a different composition from
`the first reflector substrate part. In this way it is possible to use a material with a very low coefficient
`of thermal expansion for the parts of the reflector substrate that have most effect on the surface figure
`of the reflective surface and another material having other desirable properties or lower cost for the
`remaining parts of the reflector substrate.


`WO 2017/153152
`In an embodiment, the reflector substrate is formed ofa titania silicate glass. A titania
`silicate glass can be optimised to have a low or zero coefficient of thermal expansion at a desired
`temperature or temperature range. In a twopart reflector substrate, different grades of glass can be
`used for the different parts.
`In an embodimentthe reflector also comprises a coolant supply system connected to the
`coolant channels for supplying a coolant comprising water and/or carbon dioxide. Water and carbon
`dioxide can provide sufficient heat transfer capacity at reasonable mass flow rates.
`In an embodiment, the coolant supply system is configured to supply water at a pressure in
`the range of from 0.001 to 10 bar, for example 2 bar. Such a pressure range can provide sufficient
`heat transfer capacity without causing undue vibrations and/or deformation of the surface figure.
`In an embodimentthe coolant supply system is configured to supply liquid carbon dioxide at
`a pressure in the range of from 20 bar to 100 bar, desirably 50 bar to 70 bar. Such a pressure range
`can provide sufficient heat transfer capacity without causing undue vibrations and/or deformation of
`the surface figure.
`In an embodiment,the reflector is the first reflector after the patterning device. In many
`configurations of lithography apparatus, the first reflector after the patterning means experiences the
`highest heat load in use and therefore is where the invention provides the mostbenefit. ‘The present
`invention can also provide significant advantage for other reflectors and in particular for reflectors
`wherethe effect of surface deformation on the projected imageis highest.
`[0038] A maskfor usein a lithographic apparatus, the mask comprising at least one reflector as
`described above and a patterned absorberlayer.
`[0039] An cmbodiment of the invention is a method comprising projecting a patterned beam of
`radiation onto a substrate, wherein the patterned beam is directed or patterned using at least one
`reflector as described above while coolant is conducted through the coolant channels.
`[0040] An embodimentof the invention is a method of manufacturing a reflector for a projection
`system of a lithographic apparatus using EUV radiation, the reflector comprising a reflector substrate
`and a reflective surface, the substrate having a plurality of coolant channels embedded therein, the
`coolant channels being substantially parallel to the reflective surface, the method comprising
`polishing the reflective surface while a pressurised fluid or gas(air is practical) is provided to the
`coolant channels.
`[0041] By polishing the reflective surface to its final surface figure whilst the coolant channels are
`pressurized to their working pressure, it is possible to pre-compensate for any deformation of the
`surface figure due to the static component of the pressure in the coolant channels.
`[0042] Figure 4 illustrates the arrangements of coolant channels in a reflector 13 of an embodiment.
`A plurality of coolant channels 41 are connected to input manifold 40 and output manifold 42. The
`plurality of coolant channels 41 are straight, parallel to each other and parallel to the reflective surface


`WO 2017/153152
`to minimise turbulence. They are configured to form a plurality of parallel coolant circuits to
`maximise thermal transfer between the reflector substrate and the coolant fluid. The coolant channels
`are formed directly in the material of the reflector substrate so as to maximiseheattransfer; there 1s no
`lining to the channels. In an embodiment, the plurality of coolant channels 41 comprises a first subset
`of coolant channels that arc connected to a first input manifold anda first output manifold and a
`second subset of coolant channels that are connected to a second input manifold and a second output
`manifold. In such embodiment, the manifolds may be arranged in such mannerthat a flow of coolant
`through the first subset of coolant channels flows in a opposite direction as a flow of coolant through
`the second subset of coolant channels. In such an arrangement, the first input manifold and the
`second output manifold may be arranged adjacent cach other on one side of the reflector 13, whereas
`the first output manifold and the second input manifold are arranged adjacent each other on an
`opposite side of the reflector 13. By arranging an opposite flow in the subsets of coolant channels, a
`more homogeneous temperature profile of the reflector may be obtained.
`[0043] Coolant fluid is supplied from coolant supply unit 43 to input manifold 40 and removed
`from output manifold 42 by coolant recovery unit 44. In an embodiment input manifold 40 and
`output manifold 42 are omitted and the coolant channels 41 are separately connected to the coolant
`supply unit 43 and coolant recovery unit 44. Coolant fluid recovered by coolant recovery unit 44 can
`be recirculated to coolant supply unit 43. Coolant supply unit 43 can include a temperature
`conditioning system to ensure that the coolant fluid supplied to the input manifold 41 is at a desired
`temperature and pressure. The coolant supply unit and coolant recovery unit are an example of a
`coolant supply system. In the embodiment whereby the plurality of coolant channels 41 comprises a
`first subset of coolant channels that are connected to a first input manifold and a first output manifold
`and a secondsubset of coolant channels that are connected to a second input manifold and a second
`output manifold, the first and second input manifolds may be supplied from a commoncoolant supply
`unit, e.g. coolant supply unit 43. In such an arrangement, due to the flow in opposite directions
`through the first subset of coolant channels and the second subset of coolant channels, effects of
`pressure variations in the coolant supply may, at Icast partially, be cancelled out. In an embodiment,
`the number of coolant channels in the first subset is substantially the sameas in the second subset.
`[0044] Reflector 13 is the first reflector in the projection system after the patterning means. This
`reflector experiences the highest heat load of the reflectors of the projections system. Dueto the
`illumination pupil the heat load is concentrated on reflector 13. Therefore reflector 13 may obtain the
`most benefit from in the invention. Other reflectors in the projection system may also obtain
`significant benefit from the invention, e.g. small reflectors, reflectors where the beam cross-section is
`small and/or reflectors having a high sensitivity to surface figure errors.
`[0045] The coolant fluid may be water, which is advantageousas it has a high thermal capacity and
`so arelatively low mass flow rate can provide a large heat transfer capacity. If the coolant fluid is


`WO 2017/153152
`water, the coolant supply system may be integrated with a coolant supply system used for temperature
`conditioning of other parts of the lithographic apparatus, e.g. the substrate table.
`[0046] The coolant fluid may be carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is advantageousas it can be
`supplied as a liquid (under pressure) so that it evaporates within the coolant channels in the regions of
`higher temperature. The latent heat of cvaporation therefore increascs the heat transfer capacity of the
`coolant fluid. For a given heat load, the required mass flow can be much lower than with water,
`therewith reducing flow-induced vibrations.
`Asillustrated in Figure 5, coolant channels 41 are embeddedin the reflector substrate 38.
`Depending on the material of reflector substrate 38, coolant channels may be formed simply by
`creating voids of the appropriate shape andlocation in reflector substrate 38.
`[0048] Coolant channels 41 are located a distance d1 below thereflective surface (e.g. multilayer
`30) of reflector 13 and are spaced apart by a distance d2. Distance d1 may be greater than or equalto
`5 times the diameter of the coolant channels in order to prevent the pressure of coolant fluidin the
`coolant channels 41 causing a deformation of the reflective surface. Distance d1 may be less than or
`equal to 30 times the diameter of the coolant channels in order to ensure a sufficient heat transfer from
`the reflective surface to the coolant fluid in the coolant channels. In an embodiment distance d1 is
`equal to about 7.5 times the diameter of the coolant channels 41.
`[0049] Distance d2 may bein the range of from3 to 30 times the diameter of the coolant channels
`41. If distance d2 is too large, the cooling of the reflective surface may not be sufficiently uniform. If
`distance d2 is too small, the reflector substrate may be weakened or the number of coolant channels
`may becometo large. The optimum distance between coolant channels may depend on the distance
`di. If the coolant channels are close to the reflective surface then a close spacing may be desirable to
`achieve uniform cooling.
`[0050] The cross-section of the coolant channels can be any convenient shape, e.g. square or round.
`It is desirable that the aspect ratio of the cross-section of the coolant channels 41 not be too high,e.g.
`less than 4. If the cross-section of the coolant channels is not circular, the diameter of the coolant
`channels should be taken to be the largest dimension of the cross-section. The diameter may be
`greater than or equal to 0.5 mm,desirably greater than or equal to 1 mm. If the diameter is small the
`flow resistance may be high requiring a higher pressure difference to achieve a sufficient mass flow
`rate and potentially causing vibrations or deformationof the reflective surface. The diameter may be
`less than or equal to 5 mm, desirably less than or equal to 3 mm. If the diameter is too large,
`deformation of the reflective surface due to the pressure of the coolant fluid may be too large and/or it
`may bedifficult to achieve uniform cooling. In an embodimentthe diameter of the coolant channels
`is 2 mm.


`WO 2017/153152
`[0051] The numberof coolant channels is dependent on the size of the reflector 13 and the distance
`d2 between coolant channels. In an embodiment, there may be between 10 and 100 coolant channels,
`desirably between 20 and 60. In an embodimentthere are about 40 coolant channels.
`[0052] Desirably the coolant channels are straight to reduce flow resistance and make manufacture
`casy. Desirably the coolant channels have a constant cross-section along their lengths to reduce flow
`resistance and make manufacture easy.
`In an embodiment having 40 coolant channels which have a square cross-section of side 2
`mm, a volume flow rate of water of 0.1 slm can be achieved with a pressure drop of about 20 Pa.
`Such a flow is found not to induce undue vibrations or pressure deformation of the surface figure. A
`reduction in temperature at the reflective surface of

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