`Don Featherstone <DONF@sternekessler.com >
`Tuesday, December 17, 2024 12:54 PM
`Riddle, Christina A.
`RE: interview re Appl. No. 18/251,261
` aN: This email has originated §: 3. PLEASE CONSIDER THE SOURCE before responding,clicking on
`“links, or opening attachments.
`1. Applicant wishes to discuss the objection and §112 rejections.
`In particular, proposed amendments:
`29: “...wherein the first and second conditioning fluid reservoirs are in fluid connection with one
`another via a valve that is operable to control the level of conditioning fluid in the first conditioning fluid
`reservoir that is in fluid communication with the optical element.”
`32: “The conditioning system of claim 29, wherein the conditioning system is configured to operate
`at between around 0.02 and 0.9 bara erareund-0-3-bara.”
`35: “A [[use of a]] sub-atmospheric pressure conditioning method system in a lithographic
`apparatus, comprising:...”
`37: “The method of claim 36, wherein the system or sub-system comprises an optical element, a
`reflector,or a mirror.”
`(New- from 32) The conditioning system of claim 29, wherein the conditioning system
`Add 39:
`is configured to operate around 0.3 bara.”
`Don Featherstone
`rat K Streat AVY, 109 Floor, Washington, OC 20005
`Surah DONF @isternekessier. cor
` 2US 772 8629
`Administrative Assistanh Leonard Ad
`Direct: 202.772 6911 Main: 202.271.
`From: Don Featherstone
`Sent: Saturday, December 14, 2024 4:47 PM
`To: Christina.Riddle@USPTO.gov
`Subject: interview re Appl. No. 18/251,261
`Interview scheduled for Tues., Dec. 17th @ 2pm
`For PTO: Examiner Christina Riddle
`For Applicant: Don Featherstone (Reg. # 33,876)
`Appl. No. 18/251,261
`Atty Ref: 3857.2970001
`Dear ExaminerRiddle,
`Thank you for agreeing to an interview.
`In particular, proposed amendments:
`Applicant wishes to discuss the objection and §112 rejections.
`29: “...wherein the first and second conditioning fluid reservoirs are in fluid connection with one another via a
`valve that is operable to control the level of conditioning fluid in the first conditioning fluid reservoir that is in
`fluid communication with the optical element.”
`32: “The conditioning system of claim 29, wherein the conditioning system is configured to operate at between
`around 0.02 and 0.9 bara or around 0.3 bara.”
`35: “A [[use of a]] sub-atmospheric pressure conditioning method system in a lithographic apparatus,
`37: “The method ofclaim 36, wherein the system or sub-system comprises an optical element, a reflector, or a
`Add 39: (New — from 32) The conditioning system of claim 29, wherein the conditioning system is configured to
`operate around 0.3 bara.”
`Applicant wishes to discuss the §103 rejections.
`Novak is directed to cooling linear motor coils, but does not disclose conditioning optical elements. Mainly
`concerned with leakage of the cooling fluid.
`Re claim 24, Nomoto FIG. 3 has valve 9 and pump 1 after heat exhausting member 11 and flow restrictor (valve 4
`and sensor 5) before heat exhausting member 11.
`Recognizing that Internet communications are not secure, | hereby authorize the USPTO to communicate with the
`undersigned and practitioners in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33 and 37 CFR 1.34 concerning any subject matter of this
`application by video conferencing, instant messaging, or electronic mail. | understand that a copy of these
`communications will be made of record in the application file.
`Please contact me you have any questions or comments.
`Regards, Don.
` Don Featherstone
`r 4404 K Street NW,10"
` nor, Vidashingfon DC 20005
` DONF gisternekesster com
`202.772 8629
`Administrative Assistant Leonard Adgerson
`Main: 202.371.2600 ODlrect: 202.772 89114