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`P.O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313 - 1450
`11/28/2023 06:18: 21PMZET
`Title of Invention
`Application Information
`Utility - U.S. National Stage under 35
`USC 371
`FILED BY Tamara Haynesworth
`AUTHORIZED BY Marsha Gillentine
`2023-11-28-P reliminary-
`2023-11-28-P reliminary-
`PEFR .pdf
`Transmittal Letter
`388 KB
`Extension of Time
`348 KB
`151 KB
`Applicant Response to Pre-
`Exam Formalities Notice
`120 KB


`2023-11-28-P reliminary-
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`2023-11-28-P reliminary-
`Applicant Arguments/R emarks
`Made in an Amendment
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`2023-11-28-ADS -Marked-up-
`Request for Corrected Filing
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`Application Data Sheet
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`Warning: This is nota USPTO supplied ADS fillable form. Data in the form cannot be
`automatically loaded to other USPTO systems.
`2023-11-28-5B08-F orm-
`Transmittal Letter
`115 KB
`Information Disclosure
`138 KB
`Statement (IDS) Form (SB08)
`Warning: This is nota USPTO supplied IDS fillable form. Data in the form cannot be
`automatically loaded to other USPTO systems.
`FOR _9WO02014015183A1.p
`FOR_7_ W02017160548A1.p
`Foreign Reference
`421 KB
`Non Patent Literature
`350 KB
`Foreign Reference
`586 KB
`Foreign Reference
`462 KB


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`Foreign Reference
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Foreign Reference
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`Foreign Reference
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`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents, characterized
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`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
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`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
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`if a new international application is being filed and the international application includes the necessary components for an
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