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`S-20030036535-Al|02-20-2003 NOLAN;G.
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`an FicjalalePin|niniwmalel;eina
`S-20140113946-Al|04-24-2014|ABAD;J. Po
`S-20090156606-Al|06-18-2009|SHARMA:A. Po
`io MN — —,S-20120329805-Al
` algN!NMleWw]de
`CG TN — &
`gND _ Nn
`S-20220175734-Al|06-09-2022 SAMBURSKY;RP., etal.
`Al|07-06-2023 SAMBURSKY;R_P., et al.
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`WO-2020252057-Al|12-17-2020|VISUS THERAPEUTICS, INC. [US]
`CA-2747095-C 02-18-2020|SHARMA ANANT[GB] fT
`FP5|WO-2016205068-Al 12-22-2016|PRESBYOPIA THERAPIES LLC [US]
` a S-20230210821-
`WO-2014015183-Al_| 01-23-2014|LUIS FELIPE VEJARANO RESTREPO [CO]|[|
`FP10|WO-2021021644-Al|02-04-2021|ALLERGAN SALES LLC [US] ||
`FP11|WO-2021021646-Al|02-04-2021|ALLERGAN INC [US]
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`International Search Report and Written Opinion for International Application No.
`PCT/US2020/037042, USPTO, mailed on October 16, 2020, 20 pages
`ABDELKADER,A., "Improved Presbyopic Vision With Miotics," Eye Contact Lens
`41(5):323- 7, Lippincott Williams and Wilkins Ltd., United States (September 2015)
`ABDELKADER,A., "Influence of Different Concentrations of Carbachol Dropson the
`Outcome of Presbyopia Treatment-A Randomized Study," International Journal of
`Ophthalmic Research 5(1):317-320, ACT Publishing Group Limited, United Kingdom
`ABDELKADER,A., et al., "Clinical outcomes of combined versus separate carbachol and
`brimonidine drops in correcting presbyopia," Eye Vis (Lond) 3:31, BioMed Central, United
`Kingdom (December 2016)
`International Search Report and Written Opinion for International Application No.
`PCT/US2020/037046, USPTO, mailed on October 26, 2020, 14 pages
`ABDELKADER,A. "A Novel Pharmacological Treatment of Pseudophakic Presbyopia,"
`International Journal of Ophthalmic Research 4(2): 291-294, ACT Publishing Group Limited,
`United Kingdom (2018)
`International Search Report and Written Opinion for International Application No.
`PCT/US2021/057720, Commissioner for Patents, United States, mailed on February 1, 2022,
`16 pages.
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