`Original (for SUBMISSION)
`For receiving Office use only
`International Filing Date
`Name of receiving Office and "PCT
`International Application"etree RO/US PCT INTERNATIONAL APPLICATION
`Form PCT/RO/101 PCT Request
`Prepared Using
`PCT-SAFE [EFS-—-Web mode]
`Version MT/FOP
`The undersigned requests that the present international application be processed according to the Patent Cooperation
`Receiving Office (specified bythe United States Patent and Trademark
`ric optics (USPTO)
`RopersoragaRTE4902 O11PCOS
`Title of Invention
`This personis
`I I
`Applicant only
`All designated States
`2 Nickerson Street, Suite 101
`Seattle, Washington 98109
`United States of America
`Inventor only
`All designated States
`SCHIFFMAN, Rhett Mead
`1970 Temple Hills Drive
`Laguna Beach, California 92651
`United States of America
`State of nationality
`State of residence
`Applicant and/or inventor
`This person is
`Inventor for
`Applicant and/or inventor
`This person is
`Inventor for
`Name (LAST,First)
`Inventor only
`All designated States
`FIRESTONE, Bruce Alan
`18 Cedar Ridge
`Irvine, California 92603
`United States of America
`Agent or common representative; or
`address for correspondence
`The person identified below is hereby/
`has been appointed to act on behalf of
`the applicant{s) before the competent
`International Authorities as:
`IV-1- Original (for SUBMISSION)
`GILLENTINE, Marsha Rose
`1100 New York Avenue, NW
`Washington, District of Columbia 20005
`United States of America
`Facsimile No.
`exclusively in electronic form (no paper
`E-mail authorization
`- :
`The receiving Office, the International
`Searching Authority, the International notifications will be sent )
`Bureau and the International Preliminary
`Examining Authority are authorized to
`use this e-mail address, if the Office or
`Authority so wishes, to send notifications
`issued in respect of this international
`Agent's registration No.
`KIM, Josephine J. (71909)
`additional agent (s) with same address as
`first named agent
`COVERT, John M. (38759); LONGSWORTH, Gaby
`L. (47756); STEFFE, Eric K. (36688);
`RYGIEL, Mark W. (45871); GAJEWSKI, Daniel
`A. (64515); BODENSTEIN, Matthew
`S. (58885); BEZOS, Salvador M. (60889);
`CALVO, Paul A. (57913); CAMARCE,
`Christian (65021); CIMBALA, Michele
`A. (33851); COLLER III, Richard
`D. (60390); CONKLIN, Kyle(59425); DURKIN,
`Tracy—Gene G. (32831); EISENBERG, Jason
`D. (43447); ELLISON, Eldora L. (39967);
`ESMOND, Robert W. (32893); FEATHERSTONE,
`Donald J. (33876); FRUEAUF, Jeremiah
`B. (66638); GOLDSTEIN, Jorge A. (29021);
`HELVEY, Jeffrey T. (44757); HICKS,
`Ross (56374); HOLOUBEK, Michelle
`K. (54179);
`JACKMAN, Peter A. (45986);
`KIM, Ji-Eun (68504); LEE, Michael
`Q. (35239); MILLONIG, Robert C. (34395);
`MUTSCHELKNAUS, Joseph (63285);
`COMBS, Bonnie (67836); PICKARD, Byron
`L. (65172); RAY, Michael B. (33997); SHEA,
`JR., Timothy J. (41306); SOKOHL, Robert
`E. (36013); SPECHT, Michael D. (54463);
`STERLING, Deborah A. (62732); STERNE,
`Robert Greene (28912) ; TUMINARO,
`Jonathan (61327); WRIGHT, Jon E. (50720);
`BANOWIT, Donald R. (42289); YONAN, Daniel
`E. (53812); DESAI, Nirav N. (69105);
`POWERS III, R. Wilson (63504);
`FITZSIMMONS, Jason A. (65,367); KENTON,
`JR., Lestin L. (72,314); BLOCK, Daniel
`S. (68,395); RICHARDSON, Ryan C. (67,254);
`BEMBEN, Richard M. (68,658); HOLMAN,
`David H. (61205); PHERO, Graham
`C. (64228); HOPFINGER, Todd M. (72567);
`Original (for SUBMISSION)
`The filing of this request constitutes under Rule 4.9(a), the designation of all Contracting States bound by the PCT
`on theinternational filing date, for the grant of every kind of protection available and, where applicable, for the
`grant of both regional and national patents.
`Priority claim of earlier national
`[Filing date
`|Country or Member of WTO
`02 November 2020 (02.11.2020)
`63/108, 720
`Original (for SUBMISSION)
`17 March 2021 (17.03.2021)
`63/162 , 367
`18 October 2021 (18.10.2021)
`63/257 , 024
`Priority claim of earlier national
`[Filing date
` |Number
`|Gountry or Member of WTO
`Priority claim of earlier national
`[Filing date
` |Country or Member of WTO
`Priority document request
`The International Bureau is requesied to
`obtain from a digital library a certified VI-1 Access code: 8735
`copyof the earlier application(s)
`VI-2 Access code: 1022
`identified above as item(s), using, where/VI—-3 Access code: 5661
`applicable, the access code(s) indicated:
`Incorporation by reference :
`where an element of the international application referred to in Article 11(1){iii)(d) or (e) or a part of the description, claims
`or drawings referred to in Rule 20.5(a), or an elementor part of the description, claims or drawings referred to in Rule
`20.5bis(a) is not otherwise contained in this international application but is completely contained in an earlier application
`whosepriority is claimed on the date on which one or more elements referred to in Article 11(1){iii) were first received by
`the receiving Office, that element or part is, subject to confirmation under Rule 20.6, incorporated by referencein this
`international application for the purposes of Rule 20.6.
`International Searching Authority United States Patent and Trademark
`Office (USPTO)
`Number of declarations
`Declaration as to the identity of the
`Declaration as to the applicant's
`entitlement, as at the internationalfiling
`date, to apply for and be granted a
`Declaration as to the applicant's
`entitlement, as at the internationalfiling
`date, to claim the priority of the earlier
`Declaration of inventorship (only for the
`purposesof the designation of the
`United States of America)
`Declaration as to non-prejudicial
`disclosures or exceptions to lack of
` IX
`Numberof sheets
`Electronic file(s) attached
`IX-1 Request(including declaration sheets)PoOB Y
` IX-2 Description 53 -
` |Sequencelisting partofthe description BT -
`{also to be used for the purposesof
`international search)
`Original (for SUBMISSION)
`Accompanying Items
`Electronic file(s) attached
`Paper document(s) attached
`accompanythe abstract
`Signature of applicant, agent or
`common representative
` Reg. No.
`/Marsha Rose Gillentine,
`58 403/
`Capacity (if such capacity is not obvious
`from reading the request)
`GILLENTINE, Marsha Rose
`Date of actual receipt of the
`purported international application
`02 November 2021 (02.11.2021)
` |Received
`|Not received
`Corrected date of actual receipt due
`to later but timely received papers or
`drawings completing the purported
`international application
`Date of timely receipt of the required
`corrections under PCT Article 11(2)
`International Searching Authority
`Transmittal of search copy delayed
`until search fee is paid
`Date of receipt of the record copy by
`the International Bureau