`Document Description: Transmittal Letter
`PTO/SB/21 (07-09)
`Approved for use through 05/31/2024. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and Trademark oMnce:UzS. DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE
`Filing Date
`First Named Inventor
`David O. MEYERS
`Art Unit
`To Be Assigned
` Examiner Name To Be Assigned (to be usedfor all correspondenceafterinitialfiling)
` Attorney Docket Number 43702030001 Total Numberof Pages in This Submission
`(Checkall that apply)
`After Allowance Communication to TC
`Licensing-related Papers
`Petition to Convert to a
`Provisional Application
`Powerof Attorney, Revocation
`Change of Correspondence Address
`Terminal Disclaimer
`Request for Refund
`Appeal Communication to Board
`of Appeals and Interferences
`Appeal Communication to TC
`(AppealNotice, Brief, Reply Brief)
`Proprietary Information
`Status Letter
`Other Enclosure(s) (please Identify
`Copy of FP1
`Conf. No. 4492
`The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office is hereby authorized to charge any fee deficiency, or
`credit any overpayment, to our Deposit Account No. 19-0036.
`Typed or printed name
`[] Fee Transmittal Form
`Fee Attached
`After Final
`LI Affidavits/declaration(s)
`Extension of Time Request
`Express Abandonment Request
`Information Disclosure Statement
`CD, Number of CD(s)
`[| Landscape Table on CD
`Certified Copy of Priority
`Reply to Missing Parts/
`Incomplete Application
`Reply to Missing Parts
`under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53
`Firm Name
`Sterne, Kessler, Goldstein & Fox P.L.L.C.
`/Daniel A. Gajewski #64,515/
`Daniel A. Gajewski
`| hereby certify that this correspondenceis being facsimile transmitted to the USPTO or deposited with the United States Postal Service with
`sufficient postage asfirst class mail in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 on
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`Commissionerfor Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
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