`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequancy offset correction
`ar with a transrnitter
`Methods and apparatus
`nal Carries Frequency Offset
`ig methods and appar
`}. The wireless receiver receivesa signalthat includes an Orthogonal Frequency Givision
`se (OFDMA) symbol that
`Muhiplexing (OFDMi/Orthogonal Frequecey Division Muitip
` ands te 4 Primary Synchronization Channel (P-SCH) that is encoded or modutated in
`lance with a constant amplitude zerc auto-correlation
`(CAZAC) sequence. The wireless
`OED value by computing a differential phase of a cross-correlation
`ain OFDM/CFDMA symbol anc a second-half of the
`receives time-domain OFDM/OFDMA symbol
`images (7)
`Other languages¢
`Current Assignee : *.
`Worldwide applications
`2073-05-07» Publicatl ‘
`a Bees 2010-08-30 *
`2 Symbot synchronisation
`2016-O8-GE © An:
`2016-08-03 © Pultic
`7030-09-30 » 4
` External links:
`Claims (295
`1}. one kind is used for the method make wireless receiver (500) and transmitter synchronaus, and described method comprises:
`Reception has the OFDM (OFDM) of main synchronizing channel (CH) sequerice & (ny)/OFDMCOPOMA) syrabal, and described ragin synchronizing channel (SCH)
`sequence G (n}) generates based on the permanent width of cloth zara auto-currelation (CAZAC) sequence;
`The differential ahase of the crosscormelation
`i calcutating between the second partion 40) of the first (639) of described OFDM/GFDMAsymbal and
`OFDBMA syrapet, wi
`yer (S003 and the
`ssoribed transmitter (3 (5
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P... 38 AM
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
` g
` sg receiver (500) that communicaios with transi
`Synchronization ma
`ad synchronization module {
`described transmitter emissinn/GFDM (OFDMA) symoct!,
`9) is designed ta receive by the OFDM(DF DA) af
`880), dese
` ST,
`ded OFDM/OFDMA symbol has the main synchica
`ing channel of time domain(
`ICH) sequence (x (n}) of the emission that qenerates based on the parr
`tule (5B) comsbed synchronization cr
`width of cloth zero auto-correlation (CAZ AL)
`2 (530), deseribed mark carrier iracuency shill (FCFO} estimator module (829) jNis oskeulated the differential phase of the
`Mark carrier frequenay shift (FCFO) astimator rice
`crosscorrelation between the
`rtian (643) of the first (630) of the described OFDM/OFDMAsymbolthat receives and the described OF DM/OFDMAsymbatl that
`FOFO between cese
`receives, with the FCFO vatue of the esticsation that is crested on the desoribed
`ascribed wansmitter (
`wihed wireless receiver (690) and 1
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`6/14/23, 9 SENSES
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
` ain with ge
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`The methad are apparatus that is used for Carrier frequenay offset estimation and offset acrrecti 1 of carrier frequenoy
` hinieal field
` aby te far the transmitter of realizing such as the equipment place cf base
`Relate generally to radia communication of the present invention, ard relate more spe
`elver of ane
`= carrier frequency synchronization between the
`e mothed and appar
`station with at
`ant piace realization of Femto ceil or
`Rackercund technolagy
`OFDM(OFDM) is divided ir
`of a large amount a
`srthagonal sub-carriersUse
`ngs (or narrow waves
` at is,
`at modulation s
`as quadrs
`e moduigtior:
`conventional ci eamp
`QAM) or Quadrature
`ft Keying (QPSKwith tow ol
`the channe! time characteristic i
` elyBecause ratative length} each subcarrier te be modulated sena
`ne fanger duration of each OFOM
`t between the OFDM symbeci so be called the pret
`ream of modulation can be
`n interval of Cyctic Prefix (CP}.T
`¢ OFDM/OFDMAsymbal transmits
`in each orthoae
`ymibel interferan
`ath {multipath} propagation caus
` bine te
`rs, OFDM can co
`fity of us
`ple acoess that
`Jancy or coding separate
` channels is assigned te different users Owing to high spectrum
`channel access.in OFDM (GFOMA),trequericy division multinie access realizes oy different OFDMsul
`ng OFDM/OFDMA in various communication st
`effidignay and the robust perfarmance i
`no and or the
` n standard
`horkzen, carncsuniostion standard comprises HEESO2. tin
`ton (LTE) mobile communica
`Re wall krawn tha fdr system is responsive te time and frequency synchronization errorAny communication system based on OFDMall need te be between receiver
`ci time ane
`(for example, at the subsoriber equipment placed an
`ar Hor
`nla, al base sisticnor access pb
`aCe) Very Ge
`frequency synchronously.
` g information (where being po
`ence US}, need accurately tir
`oned at about
` wit
`that receives for
`it damaging (uncerrupted) cart ts the OFDM/OFBMA sy:
`e the OFDMsO
`@, time synehranized :
`j OF DM/OFDMA symbai
`japed and alicwed receiver to dete
`character boundary and determine thus the many frame detection methods of OFDM/OFLMSSymbat T
`frequeney in GFDM, orihogenatiy tas su
`receiver all cas
`ges cartier frequency
`nalts by ir
`between transmitter and receiver alsa can cause
`eGFDM subca
`the subcarrier, and this oan ca
` axage "te assist in ersurin: Can Ge by sultap!
`ay af carrier freee
`zadion at the receiver place, to estimate the CFO between receiver and
`ar and recelver
`ar piace, with the CFO cf compensation between trans!
`ection in the frequency of
`astimaticnis ¢
`er part estimate that the total CFO at the
`acelver ol
`ually in other words, an
` nal part at CRGis kriownas mark CEOUECEC
`rration is estimated the
`1 Can be usec
`to receiver with the FCFO of the [CFO that estimates and estimation.Then, the CFS cf total estimati:
` nization ot rece nel vans!
`receiver to promote the Frequency Syne
`mated the
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`vat ICFO and FCFO hava devaicped many technic
`= because they be
`me, process Inlensive and/or inaocurate. 7
`ebe desirably in OFDM receiver place Innay
` tan of OFDM
` @ raethod arid
`e@sysiernthat efeetively is used for the Frequenay Synctico!
`% carrier frequencysi
`Also expectation is provided for estimating and preefreading and correct the
`ter is provided
`method and system ot the
`od and systern that
`ised for estimating
`between OFDM receiver and OFOM transmitter Aisa expectation is accurately and effectively and to
`the fading channel me
`Uilariy in being provided on a larae scaletn addition, ov reference to the accompanying drawings and
`FORO of solectivity and multipath detay-insensi
`acteristic wik become chylous
`oned techniosl field acd
`of other expectations of the present invention and ¢
`and tectiolagy varry Gut, the feature
`trom follow-up the detailed description and the accompanying drawings.
` Gs
`Description of draw:
`reference te specific descriptions and claim when consid vith the tollewing
`Can be by obtaining more cornplete understanding of the invention with
`drawings,inthe accompanying drawings,identical Reference numeral is all referring to sinsilar element arnang the figure.
` Fig.
`1 fs the black
`mi that cai
`ne exemmlary communication netwark of some disclosed ernib
`Fig. 2 A illustrates the radia frame struc 2 Class? for FrequencyGivision Duplexing (FDD} (FGD} execution
`Fig. 2B has descr
`ad the exarnate of the corresponding temporal freauency rescurcs grid of downlink time slots in normal CP pa
`and subcarrier and OFDM/OFDMA
`Sis the dis
`ram that schematically Hustrates the +
`availabie subcarrier in the frequency derna:
`foure that ustrates the periodicity automatic corraiative property of the FSC erates when supposi
`¢ of the exemalary Za
`Chu sequer
`3) used accerding to san
`2 the disclosed embedir
` jon does not exist interierence or deci
`Fig. Zig th
`in Fig. 3;
`Fig. Sis the block diagram according ta the part of the wireless
`2 sequential chart of v ion of a plurality of excessive re:
`Fig. Sis
`cram of raark carries frequency shift (FCFO} astimator
`tof the Hustrative ombodirnents of disclosed ernbe
`influences of the OFDM/OFDMA symbol that receives of
`nnation FOFO cf some disclase
`hat is used fore
`Fig. 7 is that ciagrarnis according to the block di
`iG fer estimation ICEO of same
`Fic. 8 is the block diagram t or that is i
`ancy skew (ICFO} estim
`disclosed embodiment;
`Fic. 9 fs the simula
`ion drawing of the periodigity automatic correlative property of the PACH 5)
`multipath facing channet.
`Embed et
` inal that gerierates in Fig 3 after the trans
`of that is shown in by the
` As amplayead
`tion or apntication of the pres
`more fay
`nthe art can make or uz
`@ present invention ance
`Wirt exemplary
` is not the constraint of thetheorythat is subject ts any expression cf in atorament
`followina embodiment, sresenting or
`é describingindetail according ta embodiments af the ould chserve, embadiraent mai j the synchronaus method and apparatus
` ed in Fe:
`f wireless receiver and tranamitteri
`i, wireless receiver can be realized in subscrit
`cell, and transmitter cam be re.
`er OCuIGMent or F:
`calf or base station in an exeoution mode of the disclosed embodimerrts, provieie for making the sync
`ov of wirelass receiver and base station Fraguency.
` ented in the Frequency Synchronization between wirless receiver and the tranarnittes (he method and apparatus
`ulating based
`tr orderte be irmplern
`on the OFDM/OFDMA symbol rnark carrier frequency shifi (FCFO) of estimation is sravided, and
`this GFDM/OFDMA sy:
`Lis with <
`ing to the main
`synchronizing charmed (FASCH) of nero auto-correl
`ion (CAZAC) seacuential coding of the permanert width of cloth or modulation Wireless receiver reacive
` el
`that cenerates based an the perma
`mprises the OFDM /GFDMAsymbol The OFLM/OFOMAsymbdcl comorises main synchranizing chant
`f} sequence
`s-corralatic nm (CAZAC} sequenced ane ¢
`with of cl
`sodiment, generate the time domain P-SCH sequence
`original t
`sed on the frequency
`that ts used far c.
`g o
` HE seque
`the first half ane later h
`The time demain Pe
`Similarly, the time domain OFDM
`vides the
`The FOFO vatue of estima
`that receives /OFDMA symbol has the
`estimation of the FCFO between wireless reoeiver and transmitter. Tf
`rantial phase of the crosson
`main OFDMthat r
`OFDM that wireless receiv
`ceives by calou
`estimation Use the methad,
`ralian can de estir
`the F
`value oF
`ated as int/-one subcarrier spacing
`in one embodiment, wincess receiver caiculates the first crosscarrelation between the
`first half of the time domain P-SCH sequence of the first half of the time domain P-
` lation betweer
`mitted, determine the complex ca:
`m, ane calculate the sec
`SCH sequence thai race!
`ugaie of the first crcsscorralat
`4Hsequence that receives and ori
`transmitted For exarnpile, in one
`the later half af the
`tie darngin P-SCH sequerice of the later half of the time dornain
`wireless receiver is at samole ra
`& domain P-QCH sequence that time shin
`ge n=O...
`(N/2}1 in based on {1} be applied at tirning slip the tirst half
`of th
`fatethe first
`receives alter the first
`sequence that receives samigte, calou
`ro Gomain P-SCH
`@ of the first half of tf
`corresponding sz
`river is at sample
`= complex Carp.
`neN/2 ... dhe summat
`Hugate that
`has been applied to the time domain PACH
`sequence o
`oF product of acrresponding sar flater half of
` lomain PSH sequence that time sniff receives after the later half of received tiene damain P-SCHsequence and (2) desoribed original
`of later half of the ti
`a sli basec on Ci} in the N-7 is calculated the second crasscarrelation.
` ‘st cross:
`ration, the
`ralation is worth witk
`oc and ih
` q
`x conjugate of th
`complex phase angle of calculated value, and can
`ne OPO value af convergent-divergent complex phase angle generate to estimate via noorn factor
`CFS value ot
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`nerates compensatlrasignal based on the FCFSvalue of astimating, arid the time domain OFDMthat this cornpensating signal
` iment, wireless recely
`Hed 1o recelve/GFL
`jen, the tine do
`AS syrabolis with the
`snsation and receive/OFOMA syrrinol 1
`time cornain
`nein OFDMthat
`receives/OFOMAsymbol af compensation can be trans
`used in the frequency damain symbol th
` rtof oarrier Frequency
`integer cal
`equency skew (CFO) value of estima
`dag the
`imem, wir
`frequericy shift
`uency of wireless receiver and transmitier.in one embo:
`er subcarrier spac
`© frequencyshittedetween the corn
`ited se
`that rece
` neration
`P-CH sequence
`2a sample of th
`smitied, and determines that then
` ¢ frequency domain P-SCH sequence of ¢
` janis with the IOEO value of genei
`the maximum value of correts
`an estimation,
`hat this is total
`make the FCFG vatue of estimation and ine ICFSaddition of estimating, generating total estimation CFO value, the CFO vatue of the estirnat
`i that vans,
`eiver and the ransy
`provides the estims
`e CFG benween wire
`faite.Then,the CFO value of tokal
`frequency of adjusting the digital cutput signal that is
`read ane corre x a CES between rece
`yo with the
`As will be described belowin
`ton made in disels
`mibadimnent, the period
`ity autocorrelation
`cenerates 1S u
`Zadoff-Chu sequent
`generate the FCFG of estimation. These FCFG are ac
`ventional crs
` MVSTe ¥ fs helng used for est
` sed method and apoaratus of the FORO that
`stimates 12
`calculating the dis
`Before describing the disclosed embociments with reference to figure
`example of a
`awe vith rete’
`sure 2A ang Fig. 2B, and be dese:
` mes
`mein synchye
`ti figure 3 and F
`Fig. 1 is the black di
`am of realizing the exernplary communication network 160 af some disclosed embadciment.in ane embaciment, communication network 100is
`OFDMA net
`OFDMA network car be real
`6 of Universal Mobite
`E-UTRA are the par
`de the redaction of using the UMTSof &
`ent (2GPP} in addition, system 100 can utilize basically, and
`such as Freq
`¥ Division Dupkexing (F
`{FDD), Frequenoyci
`nthe FDD aystern, down link signal can util
`texing (CDM}
`is used by uptive sigsrahaan
`{in the differant mom
`is: the TDD systen
`owstink signal can uti
`the fr
`cy range that can be used
`bandwidth or (i) tow fragu
`and can ai
`used for above-mentioned wi
`s network and radictech
`netwark and vadiotechnice.€
`ar wire!
`described with the LTE techneloay below; Yet, p
`nm OF skill in the art will aaoreciate that such description
`Os oI
`purpose tha explanation realizes an exemplary environments of the ¢
`no cell 1DOGs aiso referred to as aacess point da 2 station or home node-b (HNEE,
`lyseenode b5 HeNBLFo:
`clarity sake, Fig. thas
`at, mobile core network (MON) 156 anc ihe macra cell base station (BS) 160 that aisis called fa:
` desciibed a Fernin ce
` a UEIZG and & macrar ppresiated that network 19 can com
`more than each af ane,
`#8S760 is cougied to MONT SO communicatedly via backhaul TSS. MCNTSG can ca
`ol BS} network
`other me
` se be coupled to macr
` “maere cell base
`: control so that this netur
`citer (not sheavn) coordinate 3:
`ifs BS_As employed in this article, t
`controfier can provide for these mas
`OF Pagre Sean
`ton” can refer to oy ait int
`ce by
`ors and LE and by communicate by letter device in the access
`network that
`cornniunioates with o
`station of backhaul network. Macro
`8S can be conver
`ecelve the !
`be car
`= router between
` stes the mans
`Mant for the attribute of sirit
`of UE and socess network, ari access network can come
`55 also coorci
` Paccess paint (AP), Node B, evolution, base station (e8S}, access network (AN) o
`gther tect
`= the Node & fe Node B
`can aise be called
` skilled! i
`antenna, transmitter chain
`of evel
`should be apprecisted by those skilled in the artihat, macroael BST60 cornsprises
`strata, but i
`id hransmilts and receives the parts Gor exariple, proce or, modulator multiplexer demodulater
`and receive: chain, wherein each can
`demodulation multiatexer, antenn
` s provided for the celular : to improve the recely
` eticensed-in electromagnetic specteurrs
`ioure te cellular service provider, ang the
`coe 1G fs lowsower cellular basestation or access points
`1 indoGr
`mabile +
`@ pace such as
`sgth (SS)
`rea relatively lit
`G Gower, SO Fan Cor
`q or house. Because Fernte coll 119 has low
`noel BS
`CSEKte i
`iiked or
`can provide better indoor signal intensity, at
`dhe improve
` khaul T15é
`S IP-based ba
`and guardstation be
`conmected te
`4, Fernte cell 14
`core network 130 of mobile operatorin the exernplary arrangement shownIn Fig
`internet via OSL reuter cable modem and/or others
`coess to MCN1T50 via bac!
`te device (not shown), tc provide
`@ Can subscribe to in
`6/46 information Mobile Ser
`a that provides by mobile
`the WEfr the olosed suh
` the lier
`}, be used for the user's of family
`nie call Gor example,
`soriber grous (C
`cell 13 can be installec in user residence 139 or other the small-scale netwerk env
`one example, Fe:
`motoved in this article, term: " subscriber equipment " refers to be designed to anv portable eemputer er cther hardware that communicate bv alr
` infrastiucture equipment by wireless channel Subscriber equiprrie:
`table “and may be movile or” tea
`means that subseriber eq.
`rit can be raobile
`physically everywhere, but mav be
`ri time Subscriber equipment can be
`$ but cert the
`non (or
`ple, calf shone cell chone, mic
`rel or laptop
`uting device inch
`ed to
`i persaral computer, PDA(Personal al Assistant} otc.}, accesses terminal, subseriber st
`yunicates via radio corimunication,
`aCe Bi
` #§ BS160 can fs
`elatively large ¢
`me ¢2 3 ==F a i aeS B &a rdD> x2a wr>®3 ia©es @
`unrestricted access of service subscription.{n this, macrocell BS150 has defined resic
` al nuarter 170 can be
`Oa plurality of
` residential quarter
`comet that uses term,
`rocell BST60.
`"can refer to the overlay area far
`the subsysters of the macroceil 8S169 of service coveragearea ai
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`Fig. 1 in the Hustrated example, macracell BS160 can with UET29(and otf
`The communication link that is used for the transmission from
`and oan bec
`on from: UETZG ta miacrocell
`macrocell BSTS59te VETS can be called as down link (iL)
`Hed as up fink (UL) for the commu
`on dink of the transrats:
`160 can be
`n be called as forwardlink ar forward channel, and up link can be called as reverse link or backward channel Macrocell BS
`BS71S0. Reolaceddy, down link can
`UET20 receive
`mation or dowr: tink, and can be
`transmitted into UETZO with cata and sion
`data and signaling/control information an us tink
`nermtimiting execution mode, car come se)
`and receiving signal between macrn cell base station 260 and UETZO acca:
`ing to the OFOM/OFDMAtechnolegy.
`Ferrio cell 110 can 4
`meaulation and ena
`nicate with
`ecnnology type with macrocell BS1S0 technology (Far example
`UET20 Accord
`a, Femtocell 170 can b
`se @ plurality of frequencies
`nged on the single fregueney or ons pluradi
`y with
`corresponding macrocell frequency overlao.Fe
`acelt 116 than macrocell BS1SGifor example can have, 20 watts) inwer tranamit power level (for oxaraple, 7 west},
`different overlay areas, anc to the Different Effec
`: Of the interference in the systern 160.
`receiver of Femia cell P10 and VETZ0 shou
`ion with the tr
`{ Frequency Synohrori
`smitier of macrovell BS165in thearyAs will be desaribed with
`below, Fernte cell 170 and/or UETZO can the arosertion dias estimation and technologyfor eliminating reduce carriereensshit between
`referenceto figs
`and with the
`at of the rain
`ance to Fig. SandFig.
`zed ite rad
`rd, downlink transrrassion is or
`sion Duplexing (FOG) (EDD) and time a
` 3 (FDD} (POD) exec:Class? 200 for Frequency Division Buptexing £
` Fig. 2 & Riustrates the radio frame struc
` terrestrial radio access (LITRA) ccexistence cf sysiems.tn LTE fre
`tor down fink and is optimised for and 3.84Mons
`divided into each unt with radio franve 200 of aedleter nined lasting time Gor exzamonie, 10 milliseconds (ms)Fach radia fraene 22
`ees 20 trae slats.
`arid each sudtrame (fF
`.. 10) all have two continuous O Sris time slots.
`are, each downlink radio frame 209 ca’
` ostruction symbolic
`2 slotis guided by Cy:
`& slot comprises a pluratity of OFDM/OQFOMA symbols in the
`ic Prefix
`" notenatiy" sil" expansion”Cyclic Prefix (CP) satiern operate and
` ie slot according to the base station wit
`bol in each ti
`number of the OFDM/GFDMAsy
` on interval, CP is added to symabel as the repetition of the end of symboi as p
`change.As be that these slilled in the art is
`known, CP is the protec
`synth BO than with adjacent Symbol division.CP the symbol of front may have distortion.Yer if CF has anc
`Of is greater
`ion (for example, the ¢
`that is gastponed to cause by multioath can be
`aymiel inter
`than maximum channel
`will mot spill inte current sign, and the inte:
`we, for effective, the length of CP must ecual the lengthof the expection of multi-path channel at
`otha miuttoath of a
`For " reliably " communication tink,
`© of different coverage area, channel condition or var
`arranges «!
`ag according to
` ifications
`is grown or expansion OP pattern, and for not tec reliable communication fink, can use short or
`CP pattern.The number cf OFDM/OFDMA in each
`time slot changes ace
`tothe CP patternthat realizes in fone or ezoansion CP pattern, each tire stat has six (6) individual OFDM/GFDMAsymibals, and each time
`ra Class? 200 respectively ne
`siot has seven (7} individual OFDM/OQFDMA symbcfs in short or normal CP patiern.For exarnania,
`frame struct
`of dow:
` shot 230 comprises
`chancel te
`be u
`sto 230/240
`Spetern, each th
` Be expansic
`slot 240 consists of (and theretore each
`of 14 symbols).in contrast ta this, in expansici
`s.No matter s:
`ry how, orthogonality al
`akes syrobollengtts equat subcarrier
`bSkH2,this means that symbai lengths is 667 ys.
`nev fesource grid anc rescurce element
`Each downlink time sie
`the temporal frequency resource grid.Fig. 25 has described downlink tire slots 230lin normnat CP patter:a)and the
`3 corresponding with
`of the corresponding ternpora
`resource grid of sisbes
`and OFDM/OFDMA symadalThe date of launchi
`re frrapped &ta the basic
`lied resource eleme:
`tion symbDol, and this modulation symibot ice!
`ntifies uniquely by the GEBM/G
`symbol of reaf cuimber value or complex values thatcan de aeduist
` oh resource ler
`transmihing antenna, sub-
`ihe radi
`ey cells for downlinktransmission .tustrated
`nthe period, and is the mirimum timefre:
`used for sending. Resaurce element can cover the subcarrier of a symba!
`uancy rascurce carbe divided into Rascurca BieckResource Blockis det
`Fig. 2 B, availabie tempera’
`In individual continunus GFDM/GFIMAsymbol andthe frequency darnain Individual continuous subcarrier. Therefore, Resource Slack by
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
` responding with:
`ime stot and the 180kHz in the frequency dom
`i the time comain.
` ie, RB comprises the
`ucture Class of reatizing normal CP int
` Weach Resource Block can oaver TZ subcarniel the tine sion) in
`the frequency, and a time slot forris Resource Hock (PB) (th
` ts are at the tirne sict cf 0.4ms ont & subcarrier spacing of TSkHz for RBA!
`Ss subcarriers, and 7 continucus sy
`hes 84 rascurce elernenis (12 subssrrier x7 symbols), and itis
`Fig. 2 B, CPis acled to each symbol as the ss:
`ta time stot in the time domain and 120kHZ21Z subsarrier NTSkHz interval in the frequency domain}.The size af RS is identical far all bandwidth, and
`able physical RB depends on dandwidth.in fren
`ancy domain, the scope of number
`RB can be frors S(when
`nansmission bandwidth be 14 Ho TOG(when transmission bandwidth is ZOMbz)
`tn the LTE
` ide
`i quarier carries out
`the ceil search process that allows the dissimilar information of this UE
`aueney, Oa, always
`a symbol and radio frame tint
`nsinission bandwidth, antenna configuration and
`of synchronous phases aflaw
`; parameter
`fess important syrchret
`uzing sional (G88),
`and S85 correspond respectively to main synchronizing channel (F-SCH) and se
` i
`As shown in Fig. 2 4, 888210/212 and PSS8220/222 are that
`avery radio frameis Jauinched or broadcas
`twice downlink ohvsical signalling. Particularly, use the first
`HSE it
`: Slot lather two CRON/OFIMA syenbol and serlodically launch SSSZ7G/242
`222 every & arnong father two
`é (subframe index 0} the
`in being applicante to an execution mode of FDD residential quarter, SSSis arranged in the
`OFDM/GFEDMAat the first time stot of the &th subframe (subtras
`fer before PSS,
`glace suppart CFOM/OFOMA
`provided. will
`2 provided for now generating the description of the
`-corraation (CAZAC) sequence is to have mould one {ciroulation) autccarrelative periodigity complex values mathert
`mown example of CAZAC sequence comprises: Chu sequence, Frank Zadeoff sequence and Zacdott-Chu(ZCi sequence. Zadott-
`(og alsa referred to as broad serise warble shape (GCL) sequence) is one type CALAwaveform wi
`nS is the complex values
`mtwe ZCS is cerrelat
`& racy
`ing cross betw
`ie with the permanent width cf cloth and smooth fraqu
` $6 showed z
`on, cgans th
`vith po
`of otcth shuatiorin prime te
`th, be fow ZCShas <
`aly zero clroulation auto-corre
`even of cyotc
`an, and
`shift version with itself is residual quantity function Gelta functian)
`he mean value of crosscorreiation and peak value are low with respect te auto-cerrala
` @ that
`have the fow white 1
` aference se
`uring arc
`srafore any remaining
`una can be
`s almast desirable o:
` tation autoraatic correlative prope
`delay of expansian
` fe radio signal when at receiver place
`used far ta gen
`and receiver, ft is orthogonal that the cyolie shift versi
`Like this, when ZOE
`ignal, the cyclic shift version of ZCS sequence is crosscorrelation not each other.
`S also has the low frequency deviation sensitivity, the autoccrrel
` mw frequenay deviation pesk of the exp
` aractoristic
`iency domain automatic corre
`jative oroperty and law frequency deviation sensiti
`frequency catoutatio
`uring being supe
`rarly + P&S of the frequency shift (FS) of 7
`detect PS8(a
`referring sow to the descr ed FSS GF Fig ta and P-SCH
`hy SGPP ETE standard CS is for defini
`emacein wi
`SGPPETE standard, the FUSCHsignal is to nave near
`subcarrier elemant d of the spe
` ific P-SCH sequence
` 23) ¢ (nj be mapped ta the diagram GG of the
` cally lustrate accorting te some disciosed embodiment use with exernplary Zadoff-Chu sequen:
` enerating main synchronizing signa! (PSS) sequence, and this rain synchronaus signal sequence
`aing is used far
`availabie subcarrier in the frequency domain. This ma
`is modulated soca
`cas SCH in
`each downlink radio Frame at lest.
`to 20S, amd is Hour
`the DC subcarder
`738-34 -33
` esting
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`The ZCS that does not aisc have disniacemer: at generates is called as "root sequence "Jn LTE, in each call s hree ZCSs correspericing with the concrete rect
`sequence index (ui of ZCS sequence have been generated Zadofhithu root sequence index (uy) is designated in table 1, table 1 in first row, dustrated the cell ID group {
`fE Thu
`root sequenae index (u) tH
` }, andl the 2
`ca of P-SCH signal has bean shown in secordary series.
`he corresne
`Tabie ‘4
`This group root (u=29,34,25} that is used for the ZC sequence is selected for its gaod Cyclic autecerrelation and crossaorrelation character,
`Equation (2) 264
`om O te 67 ar id and M >-Bewween-1) the index of scope, and uis fEThu root
`(MN of FCS oe} be thet 63, 1 is fr
`in expression formula (1), the sequence ie
`index (uj, wherein, is aforesaid u+25,29,84 for seleotad of three ZOS.Three ZCStha nerate have langth 62 and are orthoqonal,
`in order to generate the PSS sequence, via the sequence (d of equation (1 generation (CG) ..d 60} element can be mapped to resource clement (a according to
`following equation (iy iy
`NeG &1, equation (2)
`A= Me
`scope trom-37 tot3t, and Lis the notation it jex corresponding
`the sub-caiier indices correspanding with a subcarrier (k) of
`Wherin, a fe resource slemerit (k, 1), kis
`with a specific OFDM/OFDMA symbol petien (3, arid nis the secuience index of scone fram 0 to 61, The number of the cont
` ac time dornain GFDM/OFBMA syrr
`the Resource Block, and
`https://patents.google.com/patent/CN 10308 1425A/en?0q=cn103081425a
`6/14/23, 9:38 AM
`CN103081425A - Methods and apparatus for carrier frequency offset estimation and carrier frequencyoffset correction - Google P...
` antinucus suboarrier in frequency darmain in the Resource B

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