`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`10 November 2016 (10.11.2016)
`International Patent Classification:
`A61J 1/14 (2006.01)
`B65D 25/08 (2006.01)
`AG61K 9/14 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`2 May 2016 (02.05.2016)
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`Priority Data:
`PCT/IB2015/053209 1 May 2015 (01.05.2015)
`PCT/IB2015/055780 30 July 2015 (30.07.2015)
`20 April 2016 (20.04.2016)
`LIMITED [IN/IN]; Sun House, Plot No. 201 B/1, Western
`Express Highway, Goregaon (E), Mumbai, Maharashtra
`400 063 (IN).
`Inventors: BHARGAVA,Rahul, G-73, Sarita Vihar, New
`Delhi, Delhi 110076 (IN). MITTAL, Bhupesh Kumar;
`House No. 1/439, Kala Kua, Housing Board, Alwar, Ra-
`jasthan 301001 (IN). RAMARAJU, Kalaiselvan;
`Ramaraju, Udayampatty, Kattukulam Post, Tiruvellerai
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2016/178132 Al
`VIA, Trichirapalli, Tamil Nadu 621009 (IN). KUMAR,
`Ashish; House No. 79/11, Gali No. 04, Nehru Park, Ba-
`hadurgarh, Jhajjar, Haryana 124507 (IN).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG,
`PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SA, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU,
`TJ, TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DF,
`[Continued on next page]
`Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the components of a dual-chamber pack with a
`powderfor suspension prefilled in the plunger,
`(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to a dual-cham-
`ber pack comprising a first chamber prefilled with a suspen-
`sion base and a second chamberprefilled with a powderfor
`suspension comprising an active ingredient, wherein upon
`activation of the dual-chamberpack, the contents of both the
`chambers are mixed to form an extended release suspension
`composition which is characterized by having no substantial
`change in the in-vitro dissolutionrelease profile ofthe active
`ingredient upon storage for at least seven days.
`Overcap - |, Tamper evidentband - 2. Plunger- 3. Plug - 4, Breakable polymeric
`membrane- 5. Openingofthe comiainer- 6, Container- 7.
`Published: —__before the expiration of the time limit for amending the
`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`claims and to be republished in the event of receipt of
`amendments (Rule 48.2(h))
`WO 2016/178132
`Field of the Invention
`The present inventionrelates to a dual-chamber pack comprising a first chamber
`prefilled with a suspension base and a second chamberprefilled with a powderfor
`suspension comprising an active ingredient, wherein uponactivation of the dual-chamber
`pack, the contents of both the chambers are mixed to form an extended release suspension
`composition which is characterized by having no substantial change in the in-vitro
`dissolution release profile of the active ingredient upon storage for at least seven days.
`Background of the Invention
`Extended release solid compositions are preferred dosage forms over immediate
`release solid compositions, especially for active ingredients showing fluctuationsin the
`plasma concentration and for active ingredients having short half-lrves. Extended release
`solid compositions can be in the form of tablets or capsules, wherein the release of the
`active ingredient is controlled by using a reservoiror a matrix system. However, extended
`release solid compositions suffer from certain drawbacks such as difficulty in swallowing,
`particularly for certain groups of patients, e.g., pediatrics and geriatrics, resulting in poor
`patient compliance. Further, high doses of active ingredients lead to large-sized
`compositions which aggravates this problem. Also, there remains a tendencyto divide
`extended release solid compositions such as tablets into small pieces in orderto facilitate
`administration, which may ultimately lead to inaccurate dosing and/or dose dumping. In
`viewofall this, extended release liquid compositions provide the best alternative over
`extended release solid compositions. Extended release liquid compositions are casy to
`administer, thereby leading to enhanced patient compliance. Additionally, extended
`release liquid compositions provide a unique advantage of having a flexible dosing
`Extended release liquid compositions are conventionally administered as powder
`for suspensions which are to be reconstituted by the end users at the time of administration
`using household pre-boiled and cooled water. Alternatively, the diluent or purified wateris
`supplied separately along with the bottle having the extended release powder for
`suspension. These conventional packs lack patient compliance and may lead to
`WO 2016/178132
`contamination due to improper quality of water. Further, there remains a possibility of
`dosing errors if the diluent or water is not added to the marked level.
`US. Patent No. 3,156,369; U.S. Patent No. 3,603,469: U.S. Patent No. 3,840,136;
`and U.S. Patent No. 4,982,875 disclose the use of dual-chamberpacks for separately
`storing two compositions in two compartments which can be admixedat the timeofuse.
`The two compartments are separated by a breakable membrane whichis ruptured by the
`depression of a plungerso that the one composition gets released into another and is
`mixed. However, there remains a possibility that the membrane fragments may get
`detached andfall into the final product. This maylead to undesirable contamination and
`can pose serious health hazards. Furthermore, the dual-chamber packs disclosed in the
`prior art have a limited capacity for the compartments which may not be suitable for high-
`dose drugs or for drugs which require chronic administration. Also, the liquid composition
`may get permeated into the solid composition across the membrane during storage which
`can lead to the agglomeration of the solid composition. This may result in poor flow of the
`solid composition, thus affecting the content uniformity of the final product. Also, the
`liquid composition on permeation can affect the stability of moisture-sensitive active
`The present invention provides a patient compliant dual-chamber pack with a
`significant improvement overthe prior art and which fulfills the unmet need of
`incorporating variety of active ingredients. The present dual-chamber pack can be suitable
`for anyclass of active mgredients including the high-dose active ingredients, active
`ingredients requiring chronic administration, and/or moisture-sensitive active ingredients.
`Further, the plunger used in the pack ofthe instant invention is designed in a way suchthat
`the breakable membrane remains adheredto the plug at the time ofactivation and
`membrane fragments do notfall into the final product. During activation, the pack ensures
`that the final product remains safe for the use of patients. The pack also ensures that the
`solid composition is completely released into the liquid composition thereby maintaining
`the content uniformityof the final product. Further, the pack also ensures that there is no
`permeation of moisture into the chamber having solid composition comprising the active
`ingredient, and the stability of the active ingredient remains unaffected during storage.
`Apart from storage, there remains someof the complexities involved in
`formulating such reconstituted extended release powderfor suspension compositions.
`Uponreconstitution, the important prerequisite of these compositions is to provide the
`WO 2016/178132
`desired extended release ofthe active ingredient throughout its shelf life, as irregular
`release may lead to sub-therapeutic or toxic effects. Once reconstituted, the key hurdle
`remains to overcomethe leaching ofthe active ingredient from the coated cores into a
`suspension base during storage. The objective for a scientist remains to develop a
`formulation such that the release of the active ingredient into the suspension base during
`storage is avoided, and only whenthe suspension enters the gastrointestinal tract the
`release is allowed.
`The present invention offers the reconstituted suspension compositions which
`provide the desired extended release ofthe active ingredient throughout the shelf life of
`the compositions. In the present invention, the suspension base prevents the leaching of
`the active ingredient from the coated cores and thus ensures substantially similar in-vitro
`dissolution release profile of the active ingredient throughoutthe shelf life of the
`compositions. This consistent in-vitro release then ensures a steady plasma concentration
`with no fluctuations throughout the shelf life of the compositions.
`The present invention thus provides a novel patient-compliant dual-chamber pack
`prefilled with solid and liquid compositions tn two chambers, which upon mixing forms a
`unique composition providing the desired extended release of the active ingredient
`throughout the shelf life of the composition. The compositionsprefilled in the dual-
`chamberpack remain stable during the storage.
`Summaryofthe Invention
`The present invention relates to a dual-chamber pack comprising a first chamber
`prefilled with a suspension base and a second chamber prefilled with a powder for
`suspension comprising an active ingredient, wherein upon activation of the dual-chamber
`pack, the contents of both the chambers are mixed to form an extended release suspension
`composition which is characterized by having no substantial change in the in-vitro
`dissolution release profile of the active ingredient upon storage for at least seven days. The
`pack allows the end-users ease of dispensing with only a few simple steps required for
`reconstitution. The pack is suitable from lowto high dose active ingredients, active
`ingredients required for chronic administration as well as moisture-sensitive active
`ingredients. The pack ensures that the powder for suspension falls completely mto the
`suspension base thereby maintaining the content uniformity. The pack also ensures that
`final product remains free of any contamination from the pack components andis safe to
`WO 2016/178132
`the end-users. Further, the pack ensures the stability of the active ingredient during
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Figure 1: Schematic diagram of the components of a dual-chamberpack with a
`powderfor suspension prefilled in the plunger
`Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the components of a dual-chamberpack with a
`powderfor suspension prefilled in the reservoir
`Figure 3: Schematic diagram for the biphasic connector — top view and front view
`Figure 4: Schematic diagram representing the assembly of a dual-chamber pack
`with a powderfor suspension prefilled in the reservoir
`Figure 5: Schematic diagram representing the functioning of a dual-chamber pack
`with a powderfor suspension prefilled in the reservoir
`Detailed Description of the Invention
`A first aspect ofthe invention provides a dual-chamber pack comprising;
`(a) a first chamberprefilled with a suspension base; and
`(b) a second chamberprefilled with a powder for suspension comprising an
`active ingredient;
`wherein uponactivation of the dual-chamberpack, the contents of both the chambers are
`mixed to form an extended release suspension composition whichis characterized by
`having no substantial change in the in-vitro dissolution release profile of the active
`ingredient upon storage for at least seven days.
`According to one embodiment of the above aspect, the powder for suspension
`prefilled in the second chamberis present in a volume ranging from about 0.5 cc to about
`500 ce.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the first chamber comprises
`of a container and the second chamber comprises of an overcap, a plunger, and a plug with
`a breakable polymeric membrane. The plungeris prefilled with the powder for suspension
`in a volumeranging from about 0.5 cc to about 30 cc.
`WO 2016/178132
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the first chamber comprises
`of a container and the second chamber comprises of a reservoir, a biphasic connector, a
`plunger, and a plug with a breakable polymeric membrane. Thereservoiris prefilled with
`the powderfor suspension in a volumegreater than about 30 cc. Inparticular, the reservoir
`1s prefilled with the powder for suspension in a volume ranging from about 30 cc to about
`500 cc.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the biphasic connector of
`the second chamber connects the reservoir to the container of the first chamber.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plunger ensures the
`breakable polymeric membrane remainsattached to the plug during activation.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plunger comprise of one
`or more sharp projections with an essential continuous blunt area. In a preferred
`embodiment, the plunger comprise of one sharp projection with an essential continuous
`blunt area. The plunger can further have one or more grooves. The body of the plunger can
`be in the form of a cylinderor a funnel.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plug is made up ofa
`polymeric material selected from the group comprising polyolefin, polyethylene,
`polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, cyclic olefin polymer, cyclic olefin co-polymer,
`polyethylene terephthalate, polyethylene terephthalate - G, polypropylene, and
`polycarbonate. In a preferred embodiment, the plug is made up of polyethylene.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plug additionally
`includes one or more moisture barrier additives.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the moisture barrier
`additives are selected from the plastic additive group comprising of monomers and co-
`polymersthat get activated through polymerization process to form an effective organic
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the moisture barrier
`additives improve the moisture barrier properties by up to 50%. In particular, the moisture
`barrier additives improve the moisture barrier properties by up to 30%.
`WO 2016/178132
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plug with the breakable
`polymeric membrane prevents moisture permeation fromthe first chamber into the second
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the extended release
`suspension composition is a stable composition.
`A second aspect of the present invention provides a dual-chamber pack
`a first chamber in the form of a container(7) prefilled with a suspension
`base and provided with an opening (6) at an upper end;
`a second chamber comprising:
`a overcap (1) optionally having a tamper evident band (2) fitted into
`a plunger (3);
`the plunger(3) adapted to fit into a plug (4), having a topflat
`surface, prefilled with a powder for suspension comprising an active
`the plug (4), with a breakable polymeric membrane (5), adapted to
`fit into the openimg (6) from a lower end and into the
`overcap (1) from the upper end; and
`wherein the overcap (1) has a means to exert pressure onto the plunger(3) so as to
`partially rupture the breakable polymeric membrane(5) of the plug and deliver the powder
`for suspension into the suspension base of the container (7); and wherein the powderfor
`suspension is mixed with the suspension base to form an extended release suspension
`composition which ts characterized by having no substantial changein thein-vitro
`dissolution release profile of the active ingredient upon storage forat least seven days.
`According to one embodimentof the above aspect, the plungeris prefilled with the
`powderfor suspension in a volume ranging from about 0.5 cc to about 30 cc.
`According to another embodimentof the above aspect, the plunger may be opened
`at both the ends. In this case, the plungeris fitted into the overcap first, and then the
`powderfor suspensionis prefilled into the plunger whichis then fitted with a plug.
`WO 2016/178132
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plunger comprise of one
`or more sharp projections with an essential continuous blunt area. In a preferred
`embodiment, the plunger comprise of one sharp projection with an essential continuous
`blunt area.
`The overcap exerts pressure onto the plunger whenit is screwed during activation
`of the dual-chamberpack.
`A third aspect of the present invention provides a dual-chamber pack comprising:
`a first chamber in the form of a container(8) prefilled with a suspension
`base provided with an opening (7) at an upper end;
`a second chamber comprising:
`a reservoir (1) adapted tofit into a plunger(2) prefilled with a
`powderfor suspension comprising an active ingredient; the plunger
`(2) is further adapted to fit mto a plug (3) having a top flat surface,
`the plug (3), with a breakable polymeric membrane (4), adapted to
`fit into the biphasic connector (5) optionally having a tamper
`evident band (6) whichis further connected from the lower end to
`the opening (7) of the container(8);
`wherein the reservoir (1) at the top of the second chamberhas a meansto exert pressure
`onto the plunger(2) so as to partially rupture the breakable polymeric membrane(4)of the
`plug and deliver the powder for suspension into the suspension base of the container(8);
`the second chamberis replaced with a cap (9), and wherein the powderfor suspensionis
`mixed with the suspension base to form an extendedrelease suspension composition
`which is characterized by having no substantial change in the in-vitro dissolution release
`profile of the active ingredient upon storage for at least seven days.
`According to one embodiment of the above aspect, the reservoir is prefilled with
`the powderfor suspension in a volume greater than about 30 cc, particularly in a range
`from about 30 cc to about 500 cc.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the plunger comprise of one
`or more sharp projections, wherein the plungeressentially has a continuousbluntarea. In a
`preferred embodiment, the plunger comprise of one sharp projection with a continuous
`WO 2016/178132
`blunt area. The bodyof the plungercan be in the form of a cylinder or a funnel. The funnel
`shaped plungerfurther helps to increase the capacity to incorporate high dose drugs.
`According to another embodimentof the above aspect, the plunger is opened at
`both the ends.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the cap is a conventional
`cap or a child-resistant cap.
`According to another embodimentof the above aspect, the biphasic connector has
`a tampercvident band on the side connected to the containerof the first chamber and
`grooves on anotherside for locking with the reservoir of the second chamber.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspect, the reservoir exerts
`pressure onto the plunger whenit is screwed during activation of the dual-chamberpack.
`A fourth aspect of the present invention provides a method of providing an
`extended release suspension composition stored in a dual-chamber pack, comprising the
`providing a first chamber comprising a container (7), a second chamber
`comprising an overcap (1), a plunger (3), a plug (4) with a breakable
`polymeric membrane(5);
`prefilling the container (7) of the first chamber with a suspension base;
`prefilling the plunger(3) of the second chamber with a powderfor
`suspension compnising, an active ingredient,
`fixing the plunger(3) into the plug (4) and mounting the plug on an
`opening (6) of the container (7) of the first chamber;
`activating the dual-chamberpack by screwing the overcap (1) so that the
`plunger(3) partially ruptures breakable polymeric membrane(5) of the
`plug (4); and
`shaking the container(7) to allow the mixing of the powder for suspension
`with the suspension base to obtain the extended release suspension
`composition which is characterized by having no substantial change in the
`in-vitro dissolutionrelease profile ofthe active ingredient upon storage for
`at least seven days.
`WO 2016/178132
`According to one embodiment of above aspect, the plungeris prefilled with the
`powderfor suspension in a volume ranging from about 0.5 cc to about 30 cc.
`According to another embodiment of above aspect, the plunger may be openat
`both the ends. In this case, the plunger1s fitted into the overcap first, and then the powder
`for suspension isprefilled into the plunger which is then fitted with a plug. Alternatively,
`the overcap may beprefitted with the plunger.
`The overcap may have a tamper-evident band which1s to be removedfirst to start
`the activation process.
`A fifth aspect of the present invention provides a method of providing an extended
`release suspension composition stored in a dual-chamber pack, comprising the steps of:
`providing a first chamber comprising a container (8), a second chamber
`comprising a reservoir (1), a plunger (2), a plug (3) with a breakable
`polymeric membrane (4), and a biphasic connector(5);
`prefilling the container(8) of the first chamber with a suspension base to
`form a first chamber;
`prefilling a reservoir (1) of the second chamber with a powder for
`suspension comprising an active ingredient;
`fixing the biphasic connector(5) into the reservoir (1);
`fixing the plunger(2) in the biphasic connector(5);
`mounting the plug (3) onto the plunger of the biphasic connector(5) to
`form the second chamber,
`mounting the second chamberonto the opening (7) of the container (8) of
`the first chamber;
`activating the dual-chamberpack by screwing the reservoir (1) of the
`second chamberso that the plungerpartially ruptures the circumference of
`a breakable polymeric membrane; and
`removing the second chamber and replacing it with a cap (9):
`shaking the container(8) to allow the mixing of the powder for suspension
`with the suspension base to obtain the extended release suspension
`composition which is characterized by having no substantial change in the
`WO 2016/178132
`in-vitro dissolution release profile of the active ingredient upon storage for
`at least seven days.
`According to one embodiment of the above aspect, the reservoiris prefilled with
`the powderfor suspension in a volume greater than about 30 cc, particularly in a range
`from about 30 cc to about 500 cc.
`According to another embodiment of above aspect, the biphasic connector has a
`tamper evident band on the side connected to the containerofthe first chamber and
`grooves on anotherside for locking with the reservoir of the second chamber. The tamper
`evident band is removedfirst to start the activation process.
`According to another embodimentof the above aspects, the powder for suspension
`comprise of extended release coated cores of an active ingredient, optionally admixed with
`one or more pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. The powder for suspension may
`additionally have one or more osmogents, or one or more suspending agents. The core
`may comprise ofa release-controlling agent in the form of a matrix withthe active
`ingredient, which can be coated with a coating layer that remain insoluble in the
`suspension base during storage.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspects, the extended release
`coated cores comprise a core comprising, an active ingredient and a coating laver over said
`core comprising one or more release-controlling agents.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspects, the core is m the form of a
`bead, a pellet, a granule, a spheroid, or the like.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspects, the active ingredientis
`layered onto an inert particle to form the core.
`Alternatively, the extended release coated cores comprise a core comprising an
`active ingredient in a complexed or an ion-exchange resin form and a coating layer over
`said core comprising one or more release-controlling agents.
`According to another embodimentof above aspects, the release-controlling agentis
`selected from the group comprising a pH-dependent release-controlling agent, a pH-
`independent release-controlling agent, or mixtures thereof.
`According to another embodiment of the above aspects, the extended release
`suspension composition is characterized by having an osmolality ratio of at least about 1.
`WO 2016/178132
`The term “powder for suspension,” as used herein, refers to a solid composition
`comprising extended release coated cores of an active ingredient, optionally admixed with
`one or more osmogents, one or more suspending agents, or pharmaceutically acceptable
`excipients. The plungeror container of the second chamberof the present invention is
`prefilled with the powderfor suspension.
`The term “suspension base,” as used herein, refers to a medium whichis used to
`suspend the coated cores of the active ingredient. The suspension base of the present
`invention comprises one or more suspending agents, one or more osmogents, and a
`pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle. It may further comprise one or more
`pharmaceutically acceptable excipients. The powder for suspension having coated cores
`of active ingredient maybe reconstituted with the suspension base having suspending
`agents, osmogents, pharmaceutically acceptable excipients, and a pharmaceutically
`acceptable vehicle. Alternatively, suspending agents, osmogents, or other
`pharmaceutically acceptable excipients may be premixed with the coated cores which may
`be reconstituted with the pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle. The pharmaceutically
`acceptable vehicle may comprise of purified water or a mixture of purified water with one
`or more suitable organic solvents, in particular purified water. The container ofthe first
`chamberofthe present invention is prefilled with a pre-formed suspension base or a
`pharmaceutically acceptable vehicle which forms the suspension base at the time of
`reconstitution. The suspension base generates a hypertonic condition such that there is no
`substantial change in the in-vitro dissolution release profile ofthe active ingredient upon
`storage of the reconstituted extended release suspension compositionfor at least seven
`days. The suspension base of the present invention has an osmolality of at least about |
`osmol/kg of the suspension base.
`The term “activation,” as used herein means a process which reconstitutes the
`powderfor suspension with the suspension base. The activation can be done bythe end-
`users such as patients, pharmacists, or caregivers. The activation process starts by either
`screwing the overcap or the reservoir.
`The term “extended release,” as used hereim, refers to the release profile of the
`active ingredient over an extended periodoftime, e.g., over a period of 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
`hours, or more.
`WO 2016/178132
`The term “hypertonic condition,” as used herein, means the suspension base has
`higher solute concentration which helps to generate high osmotic pressure such that there
`is no significant leaching of active ingredient from the coated cores into the suspension
`base. In the present invention, the solutes are osmogents /.e., pharmaceutically acceptable
`inert water-soluble compoundsthat contribute towards generating hypertonic conditions in
`the suspension base. Alternatively, a saturated solution of the active ingredient present in
`the suspension baseor the external phase may prevent the substantial leaching of the
`active ingredient from the extended release coated cores.
`The term “osmolality ratio,” as used herem, meansthe ratio of the osmolality of
`the external phase to the osmolality of the internal phase. The external phase herein means
`the suspension base without the multiple extended release coated cores of the active
`mgredient. The internal phase herein means the extended release coated cores ofthe active
`ingredient. As the direct measurement of the osmolality of the internal phase i.e., coated
`coresis difficult, the osmolality of the internal phase herein, is represented as the
`osmolality of a solution which prevents significant leaching of the active ingredient from
`the coated cores into the solution. The leaching ofthe active ingredient from the extended
`release coated cores is determined bythe difference in the osmolalities across the coating
`layer and the absence of any significant leaching from the extended release coated cores
`directs that the osmolality of the solution has become equal to the osmolality of the
`extended release coated cores. The osmolality ratio of the extended release suspension
`compositions of present inventionis at least about 1.
`The term “osmolality,” as used herein, is expressed as number of moles of any
`water-soluble compoundper kg of a liquid phase. The liquid phase can be a suspension
`base or a solution. In the present invention, the osmolality may be measured according to
`known methods, such as using a vapor pressure osmometer, a colloid osmometer, or a
`freezing point depression osmometer such as Osmomat 030-D or Osmomat 3000, in
`particular bya freezing point depression osmometer.
`The term “inert particle,” as used herein, refers to a particle made from a sugar
`sphere also known as a non-pareil seed, a microcrystalline cellulose sphere, a dibasic
`calcium phosphate bead, a mannitol bead, a silica bead,a tartaric acid pellet, a wax based
`pellet, and the like.
`WO 2016/178132
`The term “substantial,” as used herein refers to any value whichlies within the
`range as defined by a variation of up to +15 from the average value.
`The term “about” as used herein, refers to any value which lies within the range
`defined by a variation of up to +10% ofthe value.
`The term “significant leaching,” as used herein means more than 20% ofthe active
`ingredient is leached out from the extended release coated cores into the solution.
`The term “stable,” as used herein, refers to chemical stability, wherein not more
`than 5% w/w oftotal related substances are formed on storage at 40°C and 75%relative
`humidity (R.H.) or at 25°C and 60% R.H.for a period ofat least three monthsto the extent
`necessary for the sale and use of the composition.
`The term “osmogent,” as used herein, refers to all pharmaceutically acceptable
`inert water-soluble compoundsthat can imbibe water and/or aqucousbiological fluids.
`The osmogent can be present in the suspension base or in the powderfor suspension or
`both. Suitable examples of osmogents or pharmaceutically acceptable inert water-soluble
`compoundsare selected from the group comprising carbohydrates such as xylitol,
`mannitol, sorbitol, arabinose, ribose, xylose, glucose, fructose, mannose, galactose,
`sucrose, maltose, lactose, dextrose and raffinose; water-soluble salts of inorganic acids
`such as magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate, potassium sulfate, lithium chloride,
`sodium chloride, potas

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Please refresh this page in a few minutes to see if the filing has been downloaded. The filing will also be emailed to you when the download completes.

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If you do not receive the document in five minutes, contact support at support@docketalarm.com.

Sealed Document
We are unable to display this document, it may be under a court ordered seal.
If you have proper credentials to access the file, you may proceed directly to the court's system using your government issued username and password.
Access Government Site