`International application number. PCT/US2009/03 1886
`International filing date:
`23 January 2009 (23.01.2003
`Document type:
`Certitied copy of priority document
`Document details:
`Country/Office: US
`61/023 342
`Filme date:
`24 January 2008 (24.01.2008)
`Date of receipt at the International Bureau:
`03 February 2009 (03.02.2009)
`Priority document submitted or transmitted to the International Bureau in
`compliance with Rule 17. 1(a) or (b}
`World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) - Geneva, Switzerland
`Organisation Mondiale de la Propriété Intellectuelle COMPI} - Geneve, Suisse
`bouder Seeretary of Carnmierce
`for Dytellectual Property
`and rector af Che Liadtad States
`Potent aud Tracienark CNfisw
`Unlted States Patent and Pradomarch OWee
`February 02, 2008
`PILING DATE: fanuary 24, 2008
`Application Number:
`international Application Number:
`Confirmation Number:
`Tis of Invention:
`electronic Acknowledgement Receipt
`improved Hit Solar Cell Structure
`First Named inventor/Applinant Name:
`Peter G. Borden
`Filer Authorized By:
`Attorney Docket Number:
`Receipt Date:
`Filing Date:
`Time Stamp:
`Application Type:
`Mark J. Danieison/Bobbie Jutras
`Mark... Danielson
`012981 /NBNP/CKIM
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`Document Description
`Drawings-only black and white line drawings
`Provisional Cover Sheet (S316)
`Appendix to the Specification
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`The preseni invention relates io phatoveltaic devices, and more particularly to
`methods and apparatuses for providing an improved structure of a HIT type or polysilicon emitter
`type solar cells.
`HIT type solar cells are high efficiency devices with relatively simple structures.
`Sanyo Corporation of Japan has reported lab efficiencies of 21.5% and manufacturing efficiency
`in the mid-19% range. Many other groups have worked on this device, although nens has shown
`as high efficiencies.
`A typical HITtype solar cell structure is shown in FIG. 1. The device is
`symmetric, with the front and back of the n-type substrate both coated with thin arnorphous
`silicon (a-5:), thicker transparent conducting oxide (TCO) and metal grid line layers. As shown
`in the blowup portion of FIG. 1, the amorphous silicon layer consists of two layers, an intrinsic
`layer under a p-type layer on the front, and an intrinsic (1} layer under an n-type layer on the back.
`The purpose ofthe thin a-Si layers are to both passivate the surface and to provide
`a heterojunction with a widebandgap windowlayer to improve the opencircuit voltage, as _
`shown in the graph in the right portion of FIG. 1. However, these layers alse introduce
`considerable complexityinto the fabrication of the HIT cell. For example, the layers rnust be
`formed on a carefully prepared surface, whose preparation details have not been published.
`Further, they must net crystallize, as can happen when the amorphous silicon is seeded by the
`erystal silicon subsirate, as this will eliminate the passivation and heterojunction effects.
`Peter G. Borden
`AMAT 12981
`Therefore, there is a need for an improved interface that is well conirclled and
`understood and easy to manufacture, and does not seed crystal growth.
`The present invention relates to improved HITtype or polysilicon emitter solar
`cells. According to certain aspects, the Invention includes forming a masking oxide layer on the
`front and back of the cell and then patterning holes in the masking oxide, A HIT cell structure or
`polysilicon emitter solar cell structure is then formed overthe patterned oxide, creating the cell
`junction only in the areas where holes have been cut. Benefits of the invention include that ut
`provides a controlled interface for the HIT cell through insertion of a thin tunnel oxide.
`Moreover, the tunnel oxide prevents epitaxial growth of amorphous silicon, allowing it to remain
`amorphous for the optimum band structure. Still further, it provides a layer to protect the surface
`from plasrna damage during deposition of the a-Si layer. Further, it may be used in conjunction
`with a point contact structure to further increase efficiency.
`These and other aspects and features of the present invention will become
`apparent to those ordinarily skilled in the art upon review of the following description of specific
`ernbodiments of the invention in conjunction with the accompanying figures, wherein:
`Figure | shows a HIT cell and its band structure.
`Figure 2 shows the structure of the invention and its band structure.
`Figure 3 shows a process flow to formthe structure of this invention.
`Peter G. Borden
`FOOS4 TS 1av)
`AMAT 1298)
`The present invention will now be deseribed in detail with reference to the
`drawings, which are provided as illustrative examples of the invention so as to enable those
`skilled in the art to practice the invention. Notably, the figures and examples beloware not meant
`to limit the scope ofthe present invention to a single embodiment, but other embodiments are
`possible by way ofinterchange of someorall of the described or illustrated elements. Moreover,
`where certain elements of the present invention can be partially or fully implemented using
`known components, only those portions of such known components that are necessary for an
`understanding ofthe present invention will be described, and detailed descriptions ofother
`portions of such known components will be orniited so as not to obscure the invention.
`In the
`present specification, an embodiment showing a singular component should not be considered
`limiting; rather, the invention is intended to encornpass other embodiments including a plurahty
`of the same component, and vice-versa, unless explicitly stated otherwise herein. Moreover,
`applicants do not intend for any termin the specification or clams to be ascribed an uncommon
`or special meaning unless explicitly set forth as such. Further, the present invention
`encompasses present and future known equivalents to the known components referred to herem
`by way of illustration.
`In general, the present invention forms a masking oxide layer on the front and
`back ofthe cell and then patterning holes in the masking oxide. A HIT cefl structure or
`polysilicon emitter solar cell structure is then formed over the patterned oxide, creating the cell
`function Only in the areas where holes have been cut.
`The present inventors recognize that thin fine! oxide layers can be used in solar
`cells. For example, MIS cells are made using aluminum over tunnel oxides. The present
`Peter G. Borden
`AMAT 12981
`inventors further recognize that tunnel oxides can be used between a heavily doped or insulating
`layer of polysilicon and a crystal silicon substrate, forming a polysilicon emitter solar cell. Such
`a solar cell has a similar band structure to a HIT cell, essentially replacing the TCO and a-Si
`layers with polysilicon. However, such cells do not provide the heterojunction and its benefit of
`a higher cell voltage due to the higher bandgap of a-Si.
`In this invention, a thin dielectric layer is inserted between the a-Si layer and the
`substrate in a HIT cell. The dielectric layer should be thin, on the order of 8-15A,in order to
`support a tunneling current. This structure and the associated band structure is shownin FIG. 2.
`The thin layer can be formed using conventional methods such as rapid thermal oxidation,
`furnace oxidation, or the Chemox process (formation in an ozonated H,O, bath}.
`In some cases,
`the layer maybe nitnided or formed using other matenals such as silicon nitride or silicon
`. The benefits of this layer are several-fold. For example, it may be formed using
`conventional surface cleaning and preparation methods, as are used to rake MOS gates for ICs.
`Therefore, the surface preparation is well known and understood, and routinely implemented in
`high volume-manufacturing. Moreover, as it 1s an amorphous layer, if separates the subsequent
`a-Si layer from the substrate, preventingepitaxial seedingof crystal.growth inthe a-Silayer.
`Further, it provides an intervening layer to protect the crystal silicon surface from plasma damage
`during deposition of the a-&i layer.
`FIG. 3 shows an example of the process flaw used to make this structure. First,
`the front surface of the n-type substrate is textured. This may be accomplished using
`conventional etching, such as isopropyl alechol and ROH. Next, the surface is provided with a
`standard MOS clean to remove native oxides, ionic contamination, and organics.
`in one
`Peter G. Borden
`POG Fad yd
`AMAT 12981
`embodiment, a rapid thermal oxide process is used to form a thin tunnel oxide, typically i2A
`thick, on the front surface. In another embodiment,the oxide is formed on both front and back at
`the same firne. Next, the a-Si layers are deposited on the front surface.
`In one embodiment, the
`a-Si is formed as a two layer stack, with an intrinsic a-Si, 20-50 A thick, under a p-type a-Si, 20-
`50 A thick.
`in another embodiment, only a p-type layer is formed, without the i-type layer. The
`TCO is deposited, which may be a quarter wave thick layer of indium tin oxide. The wafer is
`then flipped over, and the structure is deposited in the same manner on the back side, now using
`n-type a-Si instead of p-type. Finally, contacts are formed by screen printing or sputtering.
`Additionally or alternatively, a method te form point contacts for HIT or
`polysilicon emitter solar cells, as described in co-pending application No. (AMAT-12964),
`the contents of which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety, may be used.
`‘The attached Appendix forms part of the present disclosure and is incorporated
`herein by reference.
`Although the present invention has been particularly described with reference to
`the preferred embodiments thereof, it should be readily apparent to those of ordinary skill in the
`ari that changes and modifications in the form and details may be made without departing from
`thespirit and scopeof theinvention.
`[t is intended that theappendedclaims encompass such.
`changes and modifications.
`Peter G. Borden
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`The present invention relates to improved HIT type or polysilicon emitter solar cells,
`According (o certain aspects, the invention includes forming a masking oxide layer on the front
`and back of the cell and then patterning holes in the masking oxide. A HIT cell structure or
`polysilicon emiter solar cell structure is then formed over the patterned oxide, creating the cell
`junction only in the areas where holes have been cut. Benefits of the invention include that it
`provides a controlled interface for the HIT cell through insertion of a thin tumnel oxide.
`Moreover, the tunnel oxide prevents epitaxial growth of amorphous silicon, allowing if to remain
`araorphous for the optirnurn band structure. Stull further, it provides a layer to protect the surface
`from plasma damage during deposition ofthe a-Si layer. Further, it may be used in conjunction
`with a point contact structure io further increase efficiency.
`Peter G. Borden
`7009478 avd
`AMAT 12981
`A solar cell including a passivation structure consisting of a tunnel dielectric interposed
`between a substrate and a layer of an amorphous semiconductor.
`A solar cell ag in claim | in which the substrate is silicon and the tunnel dielectric is a
`layer of silicon dioxide.
`A solar cell as in claim }] in which the substrate is silicon and the tunnel dielectric
`includes nitrogen.
`A solar cell as in claim 1 in which the amorphous semiconductoris silicon.
`Peter G. Borden
`AMAT 12581

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