`Document Description: Transmittal Letter
`PTO/SB/21 (07-09)
`Approvedfor use through 05/31/2024. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and vrademmark orice:(UzS. DEPARTMENTOF COMMERCE
`Filing Date
`Peter John COUSINS
`First Named Inventor
`Art Unit
`Examiner Name DEVINA PILLAY
`(to be usedforail correspondenceafterinitialfiling)
`Attorney Docket Number|cyxvwooose-1c US
`Total Numberof Pages in This Submission
`(Checkall that apply)
`After Allowance Communication to TC
`Fee Transmittal Form
`Fee Attached
`After Final
`Extension of Time Request
`Express Abandonment Request
`Information Disclosure Statement
`Certified Copy of Priority
`Reply to Missing Parts/
`Incomplete Application
`Reply to Missing Parts
`under 37 CFR 1.52 or 1.53
`Firm Name
`Schmidt Patent Law,Inc.
`Printed name
`Jackson Ho
`| hereby certify that this correspondence is being facsimile transmitted to the USPTO or deposited with the United States Postal Service with
`sufficient postage as first class mail in an envelope addressed to: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450 on
`the date shown below:
`/Jackson Ho, Reg. No. 72,360/
`Typed or printed name_|Jackson Ho, Reg. No. 72,360 08/12/2024
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`[ Landscape Table on CD
`Appeal Communication to Board
`of Appeals and Interferences
`Appeal Communication to TC
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`Status Letter
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`Under 37 CFR 1.17(a)(3) Request and pay three month extension fee; OA dated 02/20/2024.
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