`Amdt. dated May 23, 2024
`Response to Office Action of February 23, 2024
`Attorney Docket No.: 107033-1446687
`Status of the Claims
`Upon entry of the present amendment, claims 1 and 4-15 will be pendingin this
`application. Claims 1 and 13 have been amended, claims 2-3 have been canceled, and no new
`claims have been added. No new matter is added. Based on the following remarks, Applicant
`respectfully requests reconsideration and allowance of the pending claims.
`Claim Rejections - 35 USC§ 102 § 103
`Claims 1-2 and 13 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a)(1) as allegedly being anticipated
`by CHENetal. (US 20210257353), (hereinafter, CHEN);
`Claims 14 and 15 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as allegedly being unpatentable over
`CHENetal. (US 20210257353), (hereinafter, CHEN) in view of Xu (US 11721974),
`(hereinafter, Xu);
`To expedite allowance of this application, Applicant has amended claims 1 and 13, and
`cancelled claims 2-3 without prejudice or disclaimer. Specifically, claim 1 is amendedto include
`all elements of original allowable claims 2-3. Applicant has amended claim 13 with the features
`of original allowable claims 2-3. No new matter is added.
`Uponentry of these amendments, claims 1, 4-15 are pending and under examination.
`Applicant respectfully requests reconsideration of this application and timely allowanceofthe
`pending claims for at least the following reasons.
`Allowable Subject Matter
`The Allowable Subject Matter , Rejection of Claims 1-2, 13 under 35 U.S.C. § 102(a)(1)
`and Rejection of Claims 14-15 under 35 U.S.C. § 103
`The rejection of claim 2 is rendered moot due to cancellation of this claim.
`Applicant thanks the Examiner for indicating that claims 3-12 would be allowable if
`rewritten in independent form includingall of the limitations of the base claim and any intervening
`claims. Claim 1 is amendedto includeall elements of original claims 2-3, and thus amendedclaim
`1 is allowable.
`Applicant respectfully traverses Examiner’s rejection of claim 13. However, to expedite
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`Appl. No. 17/855,845
`Amdt. dated May 23, 2024
`Response to Office Action of February 23, 2024
`Attorney Docket No.: 107033-1446687
`prosecution, Applicant has amended claim 13 with the features of original claims 2-3. Thus,
`amended claim 13 is allowable for at least the same reasons as amended claim 1.
`The dependentclaims are also allowable at least due to their dependencies from one of
`the allowable independent claims.
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`Appl. No. 17/855,845
`Amdt. dated May 23, 2024
`Response to Office Action of February 23, 2024
`Attorney Docket No.: 107033-1446687
`In view of the foregoing, Applicant believesall claims now pendingin this application
`are in condition for allowance. The issuance of a formal Notice of Allowanceat an early date is
`respectfully requested.
`Except for the issue fees payable under 37 C.F.R. § 1.18, the Director is authorized to
`charge any additional fees during pendencyofthis application, including any required extension
`of time fees, or credit any overpayment to Deposit Account Number 20-1430. This paragraphis
`intended to be a constructive petition for extension of time in accordance with 37 C.F.R. §
`If the Examinerbelieves a telephone conference would expedite prosecution ofthis
`application, please contact the undersignedat (858) 350 3861 or fshen@ktslaw.com.
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Fei Shen/
`Fei Shen
`Registration No. 68,520
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