`World Intellectual Property
`>) NNN0800008
`OM ene ee
`(10) International Publication Number
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date —
`WO 2021/144245 Al
`22 July 2021 (22.07.2021)
`(1) International Patent Classification:
`A6IK 8/73 (2006.01)
`A61@ 11/00 (2006.01)
`(21) International Application Number:
`PCT/EP202 1/050454
`(22) International Filing Date:
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`12 January 2021 (12.01.2021)
`(30) Priority Data:
`14 January 2020 (14.01.2020)
`(71) Applicant: ROQUETTE FRERES [FR/FR]; | rue de la
`Haute Loge, 62136 LESTREM (FR).
`(72) Inventors: HASJIM, Jovin; Unit 701 Building 9 Lane
`1789 North Shanxi Rd., Putuo District, SHANGHAI(CN).
`ZHANG, Guangyu; Unit 401, No.78, Lane 255, MeiChuan
`Road, Putuo District, Shanghai (CN). LI, Jia; Building 33,
`Lane 177, South Gutong Rd., New Pudong District, Shang-
`hai (CN). PORA, Bernard; Unit 1101 Building 391Lane
`1517 Huqingping Rd., QingpuDistrict, SHANGHAI (CN).
`(74) Agent: PLASSERAUDIP; 66 tue de la Chaussée d'Antin,
`75440 PARIS CEDEX 09 (FR).
`(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, GT, HN,
`HR, HU, D, IL, IN, IR, IS, IT, JO, JP. KE, KG, KH, KN,
`KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LU, LY, MA, MD,
`ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO,
`SA, SC, SD, SE, SG, SK, SL. ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, WS, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofregional protection available); ARIPO (BW, GH,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`KM,ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`— with international search report (Art. 21(3))
`(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to the use of native and/or porous starch as white pigment in dental health products and
`in particular in toothpastes. The present invention also relates to the process of fabricating a dental health product composition and in
`} particular a toothpaste composition.


`WO 2021/144245
`Native and porous starch as white pigment in
`of the invention
`invention relates to the use of native and/or
`in dental health products and
`The present
`porous starch as
`in particular in
`white pigment
`toothpastes. The present invention also
` Fabricating a dental health product
`relates to the process of
`composition and in particular a toothpaste composition.
`agent and a gelling agent
`in a
`and various
`ingredients such as
`compositions generally contain an
`liquid medium consisting of a
`flavors, colorants,
`white pigments,
`preservatives, detergents,
`anti-tartar agents,
`and the
`Typical white pigments
`used in
`titanium dioxide. However,
`studies have rec
`ognized titanium dioxide particles as emerging
`Syed Niaz Ali
`et al.,
`in Ecosystem,
`Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications. Volume 2017, Article
`ID 4101735,
`12 pages)
`and as being harmful
`to human health
`it safe?, Matej
`(Titanium dioxide in our everyday life;
`Radiol Oncol.
`45 (4):
`247) (Titanium dioxide nanoparticles:
`review of
`toxicological da
`ta, Hongbo Shi,
`Particle and Fibre Toxicology
`a need to provide more environmentally
`for dental health
`friendly and
`toxic white pigments
`products such as toothpastes.
`The present
`inventors have surprisingly found that native
` friendly white pigment
`in dental products and
`in particular in
`starches are toothfriendly,
`In particular, native and porous
`are perceived as
`a natural
`volume 10,
`is thus
`Article number:


`WO 2021/144245
`healthy ingredient by the consumers,
`and do not have tolerance
`Summary of the invention
`A first object of
`the present
`invention is directed to the
`use of
`starch as white pigment
`to replace titanium dioxide in
`a dental health product composition,
`the starch being a native
`a porous starch or a mixture
`A second object of
`the present
`invention relates to a
`in particular
`toothpaste composition comprising a white pigment containing
`or consisting of a native starch,
`porous starch or a mixture
`process oO
`third object of
`fabricating the dental health product composition
`the present
`invention relates to a
` of
`composition of
`the present
`adding a native starch,
`a porous starch or a mixture
`as white pigment.
`comprising the step of
`A fourth object of
`the present
`invention relates to a
`dental health product composition,
`in particular a toothpaste
`Detailed description
`A first object of
`the present
`invention is directed to the
`use of
`starch as white pigment
`to replace titanium dioxide in
`a dental health product composition,
`the starch being a native
`a porous starch or a mixture


`WO 2021/144245
`As used herein the expression “dental health product”
`As used herein the expression
`starch coming from natural
`It does not
`“native starch” refers to
`processing methods. Typical
`the starches are cereal,
`In the present
`invention, native starch may be
`recovered from native sources such as
`tapioca, waxy tapioca,
`pea, potato, waxy potato, wheat, waxy wheat, waxy
`maize, high-amylose maize, mung bean,
`rice, waxy rice,
`potato, waxy
`sweet potato, millet,
`lotus root
`Native starch is normally extracted using either
`wet milling or dry milling known process.
`and buckwheat by extraction
`An example of a first starch extraction process comprises
`the following steps:
`cleaning of grain kernels from foreign matters;
`steeping of
`the grain in water, alkaline solution or
`solution containing a reducing agent
`to soften the kernels and
`to facilitate the separate of starch and protein;
`coarse grinding followed by hydrocyclone to
`remove the germ from the kernel;
`fine grinding of the remaining grain kernel
` fiber, protein, and starch;
`to release the
`passing through
`separate fiber from protein and starch;
`screens with various opening sizes
`removing the excess water in slurry containing
`starch and protein;
`separating protein from starch by density,
`such as using
`multiple-stage hydrocyclone;


`WO 2021/144245
`drying the
`as using centrifugal
`vacuum filter, belt-type dryer, and/or flash dryer;
`recovering the dried starch.
`example of
`second starch extraction process
`comprises the
`following steps:
`cleaning and washing of
`starchy root or
`and sticks;
` from dirt
`the peel
`starchy root
`chopping the flesh into chunks;
`pulverizing the roots into pulpy slurry;
`removing the coarse and fine fiber
`from starch slurry by
`filter cloths with large
`concentrating starch slurry using two-
`separator or a series of
`starch using
`centrifuge or high-pressure
`dewatering the
`filtration or press
`drying the starch using
`recovering the dried sta
` flash
`the extraction process is
`free of organic
`solvents and free of chemical reactants. There is no chemical
`the dental health products,
`can be
`clean labeled
`in particular
`obtained from the extraction process
`dental health products,
`The native starch useful
`the present
`ar form.
`gelatinized but is under granul
`invention is not
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`starch is a porous starch.


`WO 2021/144245
`As used herein the expression “porous starch” refers to a
`granular starch that has been hydrolyzed by one or multiple
`amylolytic enzymes until multiple pores are visible on
`surface of the starch granules by microscopic technique.
`According to the present
`invention, porous starch may be
`of native
`enzymatic hydrolysis
`such as a-
`produced through an
`granules with one or multiple amylolytic enzymes,
`amylase and amyloglucosidase, at a temperature inferior to the
`the starch. The native starch
`gelatinization temperature of
`granules may be based on tapioca, waxy tapioca, maize, pea,
`potato, waxy potato, wheat, waxy wheat, waxy maize,
`amylose maize, mung bean,
`rice, waxy rice,
`sweet potato, waxy
`potato, millet,
`amaranth and buckwheat.
`The particle size of the resulting porous starch granules
`such as hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid, can be
`used to hydrolyze the native starch or
`weaken the granular structure prior
`the porous starch to
`to enzyme hydrolysis or
`physical modification
`homogenization or micronization).
`The resulting starch granules may have a porous structure
`on the surface and inside the granules. Preferably,
`they have
`a high number of
`large and small pores, which may or may not
`be connected to the hilum though internal channels.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`porous starch used in the present
`invention has multiple pores


`WO 2021/144245
`on the surface with a diameter comprised between 0.01 um and 5
`wm, preferably between 0.05 um and 2.5 wm, and more preferably
`between 0.1 um and 1 um.
`The porosity can
`be observed using scanning electron
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`starch used in the present
`invention has
`comprised between
`0.5 pm and
`a particle
`um, preferably
`between 1 um and 100 um, and more preferably between 2 pm and
`60 um.
`The particle diameter may be measured by laser diffraction
`particle sizer (Beckman Coulter LS 13 320).
`In the present
`the starch may be selected from
`the group consisting of
`tapioca starch, waxy tapioca starch,
`maize starch, pea starch, potato starch, waxy potato starch,
`starch, waxy wheat
`starch, waxy maize
`amylose maize starch, mung bean starch,
`rice starch, waxy rice
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`porous starch used in the present
`invention is not gelatinized
`but is under granular form.
`As used herein,
`the expression “white pigments” refers to
`a compound that changes the color of reflected or
`light as the result of wavelength-selective absorption.
`sweet potato starch, waxy sweet potato starch, millet
`sago starch,
`starch and
` starch.
`sorghum starch, quinoa starch, arrowroot


`WO 2021/144245
`Typical white pigments used
`in toothpaste are titanium
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`starch replaces
`to 30%, preferably up
`to 60% and more
`preferably up to 100% by weight of the titanium dioxide in the
`in particular
`dental health product
`toothpaste composition.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`native starch represents from 0.5 %
`the present
`to 30%, preferably from 1%
`to 20% and more preferably from 2% to 15%,
`preferably from 5
`weight of the dental health product composition,
`the toothpaste composition.
`to 10% by weight with respect
`and even more
`to the total
`in particular
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`porous starch represents from 0.5% to 30%, preferably from 1%
`to 20% and more preferably from 2% to 15%,
`and even more
`preferably from 5
`weight of the dental health product composition,
`to 10% by weight with respect
`to the total
`in particular
`the toothpaste composition.
`The dental health product
`composition of
`the present
`ticular the toothpaste composition of
`further comprise abrasives,
`invention may
`thickening agents and optionally additives.
`invention and in part
`is the main part of
`Abrasive is the powder material
`function of tooth cleaning.
`the toothpaste formula, giving the
`function is to remove the dirt on the tooth surface,
`luster, and, at the same time,
`do not wear the teeth.


`WO 2021/144245
`comprise but
`limited to,
`calcium carbonate,
`dicalcium phosphate,
`aluminum hydroxide,
`calcium pyrophosphate,
`dicalcium phosphate
`dihydrate or a mixture thereof.
`the abrasives represent
`from 10% to 25% (low
`abrasive toothpaste,
`preferably from 30% to 50% (high abrasive toothpaste,
`like silica), or
`from 25% to 50%,
`calcium carbonate/dicalcium phosphate)
`by weight with respect
`to the total weight of
`and preferably of the toothpaste composition.
`the dental health product composition
`represents from 0%
`to 40%,
`15% to
` from
`more preferably
`the present
`In a preferred embodiment of
` from ]
`to 30%
`and even
`to the
`by weight with respect
`lth product
`composition and
`25% nea
` as
` from the tube;
`total weight of
`preferably of the toothp
`Le compositi
`is used to keep ¢t
`toothpaste within certain
`level of moisture,
`viscosity and smoothness,
`to prevent
`from hardening and to render
`the paste easy
`to reduce
`point of
`toothpaste so that it can be used in cold areas.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`selected from glycerin,
`the present
` to extrude
`glycol, butanediol, polyethylene glycol and mixtures thereof.
`The humectants represent
`from 10% to 70%, preferably from
`20% to 60%, and more preferably from 30% to 50% by weight with
`total weight of
`the dental health product
`to the
`composition, and preferably o
`F the toothpaste composition.


`WO 2021/144245
`Surfactants are used to provide a
`ability of decontamination and of
`toothpaste with the
`Examples of surfactants comprise, but are not
`limited to,
`sodium Jlauroylmethylamine
`sodium lauryl
`sodium lauryl
`sodium glyceryl monolaurate
`sodium dioctyl sulfonated succinate.
` to 10%, preferably
`The surfactants represent
` from 0.01%
`to 7%,
`and more preferably from 1
`to 4%,
`by weight with
`to the
`total weight of
`composition and preferably of
`F the toothpaste composition.
`dental health product
`toothpaste with
`fluidity and stability.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`thickening agents
`from carboxymethyl cellulose,
`xanthan gum and mixtures thereof.
`from 0.
` from 1% to 2%
`from 0.1
`weight with
`health product composition
`to 5%,
`and more
` the toothpaste
`the total
`and preferab]
`y of
`the dental
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
` fro
`flavoring agents,
`mixtures thereof.
`The additives represents from 0%
`to 10%, preferably from
`0.1% to 7%
`by weight,
`more preferably from 1%
`to 4% by
`weight with respect
`to the total weight
`the dental health


`WO 2021/144245
`avoring agents wel
`types of
`ll known in the art may be
`tal health product composition of
`the present
` All
`added to the den
`invention and in
`particular of
`the present
`Flavoring agents may comprise essential
`and mixtures
`including but
`limited to oils
`fruit essences,
`citrus oils,
`from plants and
`peppermint oil,
` fruits su
`ch as
`spearmint oil,
`clove oil, oil of
`flavoring agents
`the art will
`and the like.
`can also be contemplated.
`lled in
` avoring
`recognize that natural and arti
`agents may be combined in any sensorially acceptable blend.
`Examples of
`sweeteners comprise,
`but are
`limited to,
`composition of
`from putrefying and
`health product
`deteriorating and extend
`sodium sacharin,
`(or steviol glycosides),
`stevia extract
`acesulfame K,
`sugar alcohols
`(such as
`xylitol, maltitol,
`extract, and mixtures thereof.
`to substan
`prevent dental
`comprise, but
`are not
`limited to, methyl p-
`hydroxybenzoate and mixtures thereof.
`Examples of colorants comprise, but are not
`limited to
`zeaxanthin, brilliant blue,
`and mixtures


`by weight of
`the from
`by weight of
`weight of the dental health product composition,
` of
`toothpaste composition,
`from 1%
`0.5% to 30%, preferably
`ferably from 2% to 15%,
`WO 2021/144245
`of anti-tartar
`are not
`limited to sodium monoflucrophosphate, and mixtures thereof.
`Examples of others additives comprise, but are not
`to, ethanol.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`dental health product
`in particular
`toothpaste composition comprises:
`from 0.5% to 30%, preferably from 1%
`preferably from 2% to 15%,
`to 20% and more
`and even more preferably from 5
`native starch with respect
`to the total
`in particular
`to 20% and more
`and even more preferably from 5
`porous starch with respect
`to the total
`weight of the dental health product composition,
` of the toothpaste composition,
`in particular
`- optionally from 0% to 40%, preferably from 10% to 30%,
`even more preferably from 15% to 25% by weight of water with
`to the
`total weight of
`the dental health product
`in particular of the toothpaste composition,
` from 10% to 70%, preferably from 20% to 60%,
`ferably from 30% to 50% by weight of humectant with respect
`total weight of
`the dental health product composition,
`and more
` the
`in particular of
`the toothpaste composition,
`- optionally from 10% to 25% (low abrasive toothpaste,
`and preferably from 30% to 50%
`Silica), or
`from 25% to 50%,
`like calcium carbonate/dicalcium
`to the total
`in particular
`phosphate) by weight of abrasives with respect
` of the dental health product composition,
` of
`the toothpaste composition,


`WO 2021/144245
`preferably 0.1% to
`from 0.01% to
`preferably from 1
`to 4% by weight of surfactants with respect
`to the total weight of
`the dental health product composition,
`and more
`in particular of
`the toothpaste composition,
`from 0.01% to 10%, preferably from 0.1% to 5%,
` preferably from 1% to 2% by weight of
`thickening agents with
`and more
`to the
`total weight of
`the dental health product
`in particular of the toothpaste composition, and
`- optionally from 0% to 10%, preferably from 0.1% to 7% by
`and more preferably from 1%
`total weight of
`the dental
`4% by weight
`additives with respect
`to the
`health product composition,
`in particular of
`the toothpaste
`The present
`invention also relates to a dental health
`product composition and in particular a toothpaste composition
`comprising a white pigment
`containing or consisting of
`a porous
`starch or
`a mixture
`previously defined.
`In a preferred embodiment of
`the present
`titanium dioxide
`as white
`Thanks to the specific dental health product composition,
`in particular
`tolerance issues at all while having good mouthfeel
` defined it is possible to obtain a toothfriendly dental health
`good processing properties.
`In particular,
`the dental
`in particular
`a mouthfeel


`WO 2021/144245
`delivery characteristics similar and even improved to that of
`a dental health product,
`and in particular toothpaste, made
`with a
` native
`titanium dioxide
`as white pigment.
`In particular,
`environmentally friendly white pigments.
`In the present
`invention “a toothfriendly dental health
`to a product
`that has
`low fermentability,
`noncariogenic and nonerosive potential
`toothfriendly toothpaste”
`in healthy people.
`same way,
` toothpaste
`nonerosive potential in healthy people.
`low fermentability,
`The “toothfriendly” properties of
`a dental health product,
`and in particular toothpaste,
`can be determined by intraoral
`pH-telemetry according to a standardized method (Toothfriendly
`International’s Standard Operation Procedures)
`described in
`Th. N.,
`Identification of Law Caries Risk Dietary
`Components, Monographs in Oral Science, Vol. 11, 198pp., H.M.
`(ed.), S. Karger AG, Basel, 1983.
`In this standardized
`the pH of
`interdental plaque is measured during and
`30 minutes after
`health product
`the consumption or use of
`the dental
`and in particular of
`to be
` tested with
`A dental health
`and in particular toothpaste,
`low fermentability, noncariogenic and nonerosive potential
`is considered to have
`it does not depress the pH of the interdental plaque below 5.7
`by bacterial
`fermentation, neither during consumption/use nor
`during a period of 30 minutes following consumption/use.
`In particular,
`the present
`inventors have
`found that
`native and porous starch were not easily fermented by bacteria
`in the mouth thus the pH of
`the interdental plaque after the
`consumption or
`the use of dental health product
`in particular


`WO 2021/144245
`the toothpaste does not drop to critical
`(pH 5.7).
` of
`a preferred embodiment
`the present
`interdental plaque after
`the consumption or
`the use of
`dental health product
`in particular
`composition does not
`to a
`pH below 5.7,
`preferably the interdental plaque after the consumption or the
`dental health product
`comprised between 5.7 and 7, and more preferably between 6 and
`The abrasion of
`the dental health product may
`according to the protocol described in Tawakoli et al., 2015,
`Swiss Dent J, 125, 1210-9.
`Another aspect of
`coothfriendly dental health product composition and preferably
`toothpaste composition with native starch, porous
`the present
`invention is
`to make
`starch or
`mixture thereof as white pigment, while keeping mouthfeel and
`flavor delivery characteristics similar and even improved to
`that of a dental health product composition, and in particular
`toothpaste composition, made with a titanium dioxide as white
`In particular, native starch and porous starch are
`and environmentally friendly white pigments and
`do not have tolerance issues.
`Thus, another object of the present invention relates to a
`process of
`fabricating the dental health product composition
`composition as previously defined,
`comprising the
`step of
`adding native
`starch or mixture
`white pigment.


`WO 2021/144245
`invention does not comprise a step of adding titanium dioxide
`In a preferred embodiment,
`as white pigment.
`the process of
`the present
`composition of
`the present
`toothpaste composition may be
`The dental health product
`invention and in particular the
`manufactured by sequentially adding the various dental health
`ingredients to a commercially available mixer known in
`the art.
`The present
`invention also relates to the dental health
`product composition,
`and in particular toothpaste composition,
`obtained from the process of the
`present invention.
`invention will
`following figures and examples,
`now be
`illustrated by means of
`it being understood that
`are intended to explain the invention,
`and in no way to limit
`its scope.


`WO 2021/144245
`Brief description of the drawings:
`scanning electron
`micrograph of porous waxy
`maize starch
`2: pH-telemetry
` of
`the toothpaste made with
`native waxy
`maize starch of
`3: pH-telemetry
` of the toothpaste made with
`porous waxy
`maize starch of


`WO 2021/144245
`products are used:
`- Neosorb 70/70B (liquid sorbitol) commercialized by Roquette
`- Sodium lauryl sulfate commercialized by Sinopharm
`- Carboxymethyl cellulose commercialized by Ashland
`- Ethanol commercialized by Sinopharm
`- Flavor commercialized by IFF
`- Sodium saccharin commercialized by Sinopharm
`- Methyl p-hydroxy benzoate commercialized by Sinopharm
`- Propyl p-hydroxybenzoate commercialized by Sinopharm
`- Sodium monofluorophosphate commercialized by Sinopharm
`The native waxy maize starch used in example 1 was produced
`according to the protocol mentioned in the first example of
`starch extraction process described in the description.
`The porous waxy maize starch used in example 2 was produced
`from the
`native waxy maize
`1. Suspending native waxy maize starch in decarbonated water
`to 26% solid content.
`2. Adjusting pH of
`starch slurry to 7.0 using 3.3% NaOH
`3. Adding
`Novozymes, 2.67 mg enzyme/g dry starch)
`and reacting at
`55°c for 4 hours.
`4, Stopping the reaction by adjusting the pH to 3-3.5 using
`5% hydrochloric solution and holding for one hour.
`5. Adjusting back
`hydroxide solution.
`pH to 4.5-5.5 using
`3.3% sodium
`6. Cooling the starch slurry to about 25°C.
`7. Press filtering the slurry to obtain porous starch cake.
`8. Washing the cake with decarbonated water.


`WO 2021/144245
`9. Drying the cake using a
`flash dryer
`into powder with
`moisture content below 12%.
`The scanning electron micrograph of porous waxy maize starch
`is shown on Figure 1.
`1: Analysis
`fermentability of
`toothpaste made using native waxy maize starch
`abrasivity and
`The recipe of
`the toothpaste sample to be tested is presented
`in table 1.
`Percentage by
`Neosorb 70/70B
`Waxy maize starch (white
`pigment/potential abrasive)
`Sodium lauryl sult
`Carboxymethyl cellulose
`(anti-tartar agent)
`(thickening agent)
` Ethanol
`(flavoring agent)
`Sodium saccharin (sweet
`methyl p-hydroxy benzoate
`propyl p-hydroxybenzoate
`Sodium monofluorophosphate
`Table 1


`WO 2021/144245
`The toothpaste sample was prepared according to the following
`Preparing a first solution by dissolving sodium saccharin
`and sodium monofluocrophosphate in water at 50°C.
`Preparing a second solution by adding the preservatives to
`70/70B sorbitol
`solution at
`80°C. This
`cellulose is dispersed under conditions of vigorous agitation.
`Adding the first solution to the second solution. Allowing
`the resulting mixture to stand for 30 minutes.
`Vacuum-mixing for 5 minutes.
`Adding half of
`the waxy maize starch and mixing for
`Adding the second half of
`the waxy maize starch and mixing
`for another 10 minutes.
`7. and=ethanol,Adding sodium lauryl sulfate solution
`followed by 3 minutes of mixing.
`adding flavoring agent
`and mix
`5 minutes
`under vacuum.
`The “toothfriendly quality” of
`the resulting toothpaste was
`standardized method
`(Toothfriendly International’s Standard Operation Procedures
`Identification of Law Caries Risk
`described in Imfeld, Th. N.,
`Dietary Components, Monographs
`in Oral Science, Vol.
`198pp., H.M. Myers
`S. Karger AG, Basel,
`1983). The
`sample has been tested in a volunteer having a 5-day old
`Results are shown on figure 2.
`the obtained plaque
`demonstrated that
`toothpaste sample was not associated


`WO 2021/14424

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