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`O. Box 1450
`Alexandria, VA 22313 - 1450
`07/17/2023 11:46:40 PM ET
`Title of Invention
`Application Information
`APPLICATION TYPE—Utility - Nonprovisional Application
`under 35 USC 111(a)
`James Brady
`PATENT CENTER # 62456809
`1DS 22773-826-309-07-17-
`IDS 22773-826-309-07-17-
`2023-IDS .pdf
`FOR W0O2013130552A1_EF
`FOR _WO2010043419A1_EF
`282 KB
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`Page 2 of 4
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Non Patent Literature
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`Non Patent Literature
`4032 KB
`Non Patent Literature
`8283 KB
`Non Patent Literature
`8717 KB
`Non Patent Literature
`11952 KB
`NPL_DIACONU_ Properties_
`ry_ Second6EFS.pdf
`NPL_MIX_Standard_} ournal_
`echnical_ 86_EFS.pdf
`NPLQI StressMechanics_
`FS .pdf
`IDS 22773-826-309-07-17-
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`Page 3 of 4
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`IDS 22773-826-309-07-17-2023-
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`NPL_CALLISTER_Materials_ Int
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`5033C 4A6E 4E 53430F 0890705E 6054E 60FDS5BIA18F97C24F 7FD
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`955BE2825EF 24037EAC0959599C617812DC BOC 23EF 4980EEB
`NPL_MIX_Standard_} ournal 2
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`T95A6C5F43A6E 95744E 7A16149DD7BEEB6C2D89144D5EE 823
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`Page 4 of 4
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`A7CA6699B637BCOE 7DD2E 796E2E 169ECBE9SEBDECC74012B
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`D8C18E 469BEDA815CA38B 79D6C 24F 7
`NPL_PAINTER_Essentials Me
`chnical_ 86_EFS.pdf
`LECICFE32F009E086185BE 9DC76F 293F A6BCBFE3949E178A19
`NPL_QI Stress Mechanics 20
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`NPL_YAM_Wiley_Third_4 EFS
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`DA487993016A53E 3828BF 42A7087E OE 625DC BF DDA9A596C79
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`This Acknowledgement Receipt evidences receipt on the noted date by the USPTO of the indicated documents, characterized
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`New Applications Under 35 U.S.C. 111
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`National Stage of an International Application under 35 U.S.C. 371
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