`Reply to Office Action of May 15, 2023
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.309
`Upon entry of the instant supplemental response under 37 CFR § 1.111, claims 2-6, 10-
`30, and 33 will be pending. The Title and Abstract are herein amendedto address informalities in
`directing the Title and Abstract toward the claimed subject matter. Reconsideration is
`respectfully requested.
`In view of the foregoing, Applicant believesall claims now pending in this Application
`are in condition for allowance. The issuance of a formal Notice of Allowanceat an early date is
`respectfully requested. Further, the Commissioneris hereby authorized to charge any additional
`fees or credit any overpayment in connection with this paper to Deposit Account No. 23-2415.
`If the Examinerbelieves a telephone conference would expedite prosecution ofthis
`application, please telephone the undersigned at 206/295-7363.
`Dated: June 8, 2023
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Garrett T. Potter/
`Garrett T. POTTER, Ph.D.
`Registration No. 76,602
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
`Tel: 650-493-9300
`Fax 650-493-6811
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