`Reply to Office Action of May 15, 2023
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.309
`Upon entry of the instant response, claims 2-6, 10-30 and 33 will be pending.
`Reconsideration in view of the remarksherein is respectfully requested.
`Double Patenting Rejections
`Claims 2-6, 10-13, 15-20, 22, 24-30, and 33 were rejected on the groundof nonstatutory
`double patenting as allegedly unpatentable over claims 1-15 of U.S. Patent No. 11,213,369 in
`view of Tadros, Bedard, WO 2006/0996558, DeSimone, Phan, Kalili, Texin 990R, and Shore A
`Hardness Scale. Claims 2-6, 10-30, and 33 were rejected on the ground of nonstatutory double
`patenting as allegedly unpatentable over claims 1-26 of U.S. Patent No. 11,648,091 in view of
`Tadros, Bedard, WO 2006/0996558, Desimone, Phan, Kalili, Texin 990R, and Shore A Hardness
`Scale. Claims 2-6, 10-30, and 33 were also provisionally rejected on the ground of nonstatutory
`double patenting as allegedly being unpatentable over claims 1-21 of co-pending U‘S.
`Application No. 17/510,276 (U.S. 2022/0249203); or claims 1-30 of co-pending U.S.
`Application No. 18/107,736; or claims 1-30 of co-pending U.S. Application No. 18/107,742 in
`view of Tadros, Bedard, WO 2006/0996558, Desimone, Phan, Kalili, Texin 990R, and Shore A
`Hardness Scale.
`Without conceding to the Office Action’s characterizations of the various references
`above, Applicant respectfully submits that a Terminal Disclaimer is being submitted herewith.
`Accordingly, withdrawal of the double patenting rejections and a Notice of Allowance of claims
`2-6, 10-30 and 33 is respectfully requested.
`Page 6 of 7
`Appl. No.: 17/553,590
`Reply to Office Action of May 15, 2023
`Attorney Docket No.: 22773-826.309
`In view of the foregoing, Applicant believesall claims now pending in this Application
`are in condition for allowance. The issuance of a formal Notice of Allowanceat an early date is
`respectfully requested. Further, the Commissioneris hereby authorized to charge any additional
`fees or credit any overpayment in connection with this paper to Deposit Account No. 23-2415.
`If the Examinerbelieves a telephone conference would expedite prosecution of this
`application, please telephone the undersigned at 206/295-7363.
`Dated: May 30, 2023
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Garrett T. Potter/
`Garrett T. POTTER, Ph.D.
`Registration No. 76,602
`650 Page Mill Road
`Palo Alto, CA 94304-1050
`Tel: 650-493-9300
`Fax 650-493-6811
`Page 7 of 7