`Approved for use through 05/3 1/2024. OMB 0651-0031
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; US8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`ier the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection
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`Docket Number Optional)
`[22778-826 308
`In re Application of Chunhua LI et al.
`[ Application No.: 17/553,590
`| Filed: December 16, 2021
`percent interest in the instant application hereby
`, owner of
`§ The applicant, Align Technology,
`§ disclaims, except as provided below, the terminal pad of the statutory term of any patent granted on the instant application which would extend
`§ beyond the expiration date of the full statutory term of any patent granted on pending reference Application Nos.17/516,276fited
`§ Qetober 25, 2021, 18/107, 736 filed February 9, 2023, and 18/107,742filed February 9, 2023, as the term of any patent granted on said
`} reference appliccation may be shortened by any terminal disclaimerfiled prior to the orant of any patent on the pending reference
`§ application. The applicant hereby agrees that any patent so granted on the Instant application shall be enforceable only for and during such
`§ period that it and any patent granted on the reference application are commonly owned.
`| This agreement runs with any patent granted on the instant application and is binding upon the grantee, iis successors or assigns
`In making the abovedisclaimer, the applicant does not disclaim the terminal part of any patent granted on the instant application that would
`§ extend to the expiration date of the full statutory term of any patent on said reference application, “as the term of any patent granted on said
`| reference application may be shortened by any terminal disclaimerfiled prior toi he grant of any patent on the pending reference application,”
`inthe event that: any such patent granted on the pending reference application expires for failure to pay a maintenancefee, is held
`| unenforceable, is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, is statutorily disclaimed in whole or terminally disclaimed under 37 CFR
`§ 1.221, has all claims canceled by a reexamination certificate, is reissued, or is in any manner terminated prior te the expiration ofits full
`§ statutory term as presently shortened by any terminal disclaimer filed prior to its grant.
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`thanfive (5) years, orboth.
`B 2.
`The undersigned is an attorney or agent of record. Reg. No._ 76,602
`Garrett T. Potter/
`May 30,
`Garrett T._ POTTER
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`Agent of Record
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`Terminal disclahnerfee under 37 CFR 1.20(0) included.
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