`S550 10-0945294
`(45) $227 20104034082!
`OA) paws
`11) Sa
`Int. Cl.
`AGIF 7/10 (2006.01) AGIF 7/02 (2006.01)
`(21) 29s
`(22) #914}
`so ae 2009840681269
`3 KAS
`” Novoaoe1 A
`KR1020080102178 A
`ez Albeo] Slate] C12el FS)
`(73) =o] a4}
`71a se} o} ZEA] SAE
`AAS Gat wee 222-247] BU 4q
`ent Saige APY loswLd Bel
`(72) ot
`ASSAD) Wee ALE 106014) Ze opspE
`(74) deel
`(54) 4 a We
`a Zo] QaIse AL Chody heat)S WHe7] Ast AlSsS YZ A nil = (Cool ing gel mat)ol]
`OF, Bu} Avy]s7le 2S Bee 4 #1") Cabsorptiveness polymer)°] 2% Clump) BAS 8]
`Pues] e2}Fou Ase Pape F Pe] pea es} ee wee2%) SES A7) | 2] G31 EsS 4}
`se TRe te Y4 42 WSAsset. 47) 44 42 Wee WSs A8Gse HASSE Pts} Se
`4 SY Bre SNS 27) Soe Base] AAs so S44 WAPAESH +H, 27] =
`red 2S Bole] Pas sao S48 WAASSsSe treeon Ae Hed AVEC 7+49°]
`€8yn 4
`7) JESFae] Ale ass 27) 7 te] BY Ales He] qeae Base] 27] “7p Me] Fe AE
`oF uy See Ses S244He9 TAS easel 7st.
`14a 12a
`56~~14b 126 106
`7 16
`ib oFXe
`| 7
`sels} esl S24] SEa o]-4=
`o] #41
`, vola wae
`tilization So &
`ars Gs WHA 2c. dS Seo] ras 4
`Alo] St7] oreo] Ql FEO oO) ee sored
`= M7 AES) S7)e SHAoe Ayo] on mye] SCwidth)et} 4A] al4te}e zoyaya
`700mm UA) 1700mm= A] 24S] = Alo] Gak4fojr}.
`S550 10-0945294
`a8 m4 ad 2rt ne ol te, Ja 2b flo a2 ont ra Mu as te, &
`2% oft ro an ro+ ot wk we z Je,
`ch nlp of N ot rir a iNwt
`lr ob
`SUM HE S42 Bore Sete] MAS wWzlotoy azureege] UeheS U4 2 Wes alee 22, may
`Ye SAS ggal7| ae Bowes EWSoR Ee Ws] Belo] Ac|=(polvester)7} Sel WH
`eyqon AS Pad fA] BASSI. ope wSsl*%) OES
`o} AajEs roll Fe SHA BISA, FS HE HMA So ele ou slyz
`bas} sdo] Abe efAlA]E(mesh sheet9 Faso, wlaes
`fyytg[atfirotKKHRWNodo:4'Saobyot¢ Bodgea& aeinwa>
`be alt
`Off ci my lo ain on lo Hu ra o
`ee In 2
`=e] PEGS] AG Sebo] ebelulo]a(dry lamination) #, SE hotmelt) B48,
`] ae} BApspe] ASS Ao) abesofr}.
`ac ox
`rh+)ONo% cult ay
`akchop aus yot4oft
`Offoh4 Om a7 ea
`ola} BG EUS BAe] M Wyo] was Aa] SS wep gasp AVM. Bey w wee ap
`2) Pole BAS FAR H aw, lee A) ole] ABY*] VSS clepotojor Me}. ale] AVHS Bow
`8 BA) Ae Bata BWI] ATS SLspy Asap) MA AYe) Folsprek Bey,
`12 2 WSS] oP AA) ao] Pe Wz} aA ES) Qawola, BV = io) SA yp a ES
`AANGAS OA, * 32
`lo YAlS U4 4 Wee) BBA Solty. tas, S45 F lo VAS WA
`AE aul Pam+
`m1 U4 = 48 4448, 2 wes] ) al GS 44 42 ABODE HMA obs] HMB BTS
`Paeesd2a), WAAEBSC4a), Sree S46), WANE S14d), SAPs cd2), 84
`37) rea, 10b)2 Se ANE ASS | ROU, B WYolaAS Ws} SepyArde7) Sead AS 4}
`SaAr. Het a7) Wirsc0a,
`lob)Asd Spy ds(i2a,
`l2b)2 Seto] BH] yolAay, ae
`(hotmelt) 4H, BE) eypyolawel wet Baste] ASeke Aol Sth. 7) Brea, 10d) au}
`als (12a, 12b)2] BAb Aol Sa Vea HF Ae] MAAS SC13a, L2d)S Bes Sel S(16)el a] est
`foe 144
`LIoxcif NI
`| 2A) ES(13a,130)2] FAS ASel A HAA} Mad GES AES se Ae] Sch. as
`F 100g] 3} 8} EF 2] S} AS 7Opmo}S}7b Be}.
`Sy~Sea qu
`I at
`2] ohadabrelty. Be] ohaadthire] ete Se] ob
`ae >
`He (satts} aaa] essa), Bel wet
`SSeS ST At. B, ATS] PAA qerye,
`olf ttlp th rr+ teYD mu
`ahs Mt
`ofklas, 4 ERE ofelaw, este aa
`|PGAaAS 3 4) 10 SHH, HS 4 ups
`&tu micmeoe jo,
`omilo rh+ ou aut ats Efu pu of
`aa Ol
`24s, 87) $73 SA4GIOS SS S1G 7 she
`ge] Sale ae} 7talals 7a a] Bac}. B98
`lw ra ot
`Cy} BSEALS, whowuld, ahd, ob, TREE, SEPM, EL, Dz, see, Ul Se] cpp Ba, sel
`Ag BE Tae sho) adc. ad, Wa, aA Sao) Paoeye, bevy, vue, te
`> ARES MW cy} HS SNES] vbeelsta, Se) eM SNES] vpebalatch.
`Ash Be Sa SYISU8)L Sely7} arse] V7) WE Bl wa @ #2180] ors} Bol a
`Yh Pe BRE 7A Aabegys uepelch.
`Zle] nbgh=y hc}
`opmh aby) Bea BelMIS(16) 9] EAS OF Gmm—LOmMy] SBA
`47) Bad SY S16)2] Yas} sds Fa EL Mer} SS Fe Soa) Bae oe sys ud
`o Zo] WSO} PAA S (Ma, MCGEE Mo] BAbHo) eh. A) MALES Ca, Mb)-S sey ZB
`2 dee] EISasl?) wt) Sa SY ISUG)2] EV Kola] ATI, Sea Sysco)
`HMO] SED Ms S70] Maal1 VALS] Sey So] HES YPROE EYE AS wzlapo} Gopal
`A By, SR HOM PAVE Ato] S ga + ach.
`ee Boe] We API SMFS) s+ 2 BM BM PAA PVIEBSCda, doe MPSSA]
`@ vfs} Qo] FL Sy A Aole Bae RYO) A.V YI-Fg(22)0] BRO} ep.
`HAF (QS BM 33} Po] AS Wa Ae}. olwi, a7) F Ae] PAIES3a, 13)e] BIL A
`$a SS AREAS] ZF A MEC100)9] BY SelH segPpOQO)S BIteh.
`olwi, 7) By Bel
`M) HANG) RES HR Male BEA SIMS6)2] BWpa) Sa she Bayt Day) Saye
`37) Bea SYS) TAM Sade aga Tes acy
`& 3a} Go] Asso] UMspBasia. Past saa) MAA Se(i4a, 14d)o] 4a Bos Bel
`S169] HUS FS 24] SAAC 3a, 13b)SlB sae. ol, F Ae] SRVIES(18a, 13b)9] Be]-P ell
`We(2a, 12p)9] Yo] Sra Sel Sdore ep] ee.
`1%, FH) PINESC3a, 13b)9] EMMA FH SqYIsaso Boa JEOPANEY22) ¥VS 2
`oo NS Del ee AS TE AGA] M 3x} Po] Pad. dA 2S Sal PL wey
`BAGO Base. cfu, 47s]
`4 Beceal-Fe)
`AAA Be AeA zo A medo0o)s|
`| Sal Bar re] ebgaAl18)S Gel Ace Alo] plate Sct.
`B wbgel ue) wesor4) YZ} A wee SFR SII sCi9)o] Aa} aol WES Cda, 1b) S
`AS PS Wea, a)
`= EsB41 TE22)& eal F So SALES (3a, 13sb)S BAGOeBW
`@(13a, 1s) EGE Bea Al
`NSP Seve 6)e] eae eye are
`27) s+ 20] Pea Uz A qeS Ao SE ees] aod Balsste ARCHES), WAS AE,
`S52 2 6 2 Mgo] mS YW} aA MES MEAS] Jeo] Aor AAS A ALS PES HEHE
`JUS AVS Melle}. oF BAA} ALS WHE ARS deps] ay eep
`As} Ao] ASD AA A ECO) BPA SIISUHS BL Go] BS wespar a7) HE] S4Vo]
`AGS ALL 36% SH) MURS 2 E7} Me Ae. Me, Aa] SS EEA] Ao) B go] ups
`lm), at a wECOO)S] AbSHol Alas QaySI2] WE He] wee lish darehst sel Valee] ao}
`go] wo) SR SIyscs)e] Se} aziz dese] az a ECON cl Bopala) Pep. apep,
`Bae] LA) lol ake YF al MEO IA AAS aS heH| ae Heep) ae.
`mle 2 Bye] yes A) ao] BS 4 4 qe Bam,
`% 2: & 1] SAS 4p A MES] AAAS.
`E38 Eid) SAS WA A Wes] BBA,
`= 45 6 led) SA) WA) AES] Ba PAR.
`BSR 268 #2 YE] Fe a4 A WES wWEeze] Apo Sel Abe 4) ALS ASVHH 4] ehe
`AGS 4gohe wa
`(Sae] Fa. Bite] det Yee] AW)
`10a, 10b : AHAES,
`12a, 12b: SePueks,
`14a, 14b > WAIAES,
`16: 37s Sq4%,
`18: 44 al-Fe] Plea,
`20: Bala,
`22: ALY,
`100 : zp al ae,
`210 : WZ.
`26: Sra Sey vay,
`200 : MEAS,
`oln IH Soli 10-0945294
`al oe
`S550 10-0945294
`The present invention relates to a cooling gel mat used to lower constant body heat, such as a human
`body and an animal, and more particularly, to prevent lumping of an absorptiveness polymer that
`lowers the temperature. A cooling gel mat having a structure is provided. The cooling gel mat may
`include twobarrier sheet layers in which a fiber layer and a polyurethane layer are sequentially
`laminated and bonded from a surface to be connected to the outside; An absorbent polymerlayer
`encapsulated between the twobarrier sheet layers so as not to be exposed to the outside; The
`absorbent polymer layer and the mesh sheet layer attached to the upper and lower surfaces of the
`absorbent polymer layer, and the mesh sheet layer attached to the upper and lower surfacesof the
`absorbent polymer layer are formed in a rectangular shape and have a sheet laminated hole penetrated
`vertically. Opposite surfaces in the two barrier sheet layers corresponding to the positions are bonded
`to maintain a uniform thickness of the absorbent polymer layer enclosed in the twobarrier sheet layers.
`CO (19) cheheistSS CRR)
`S550 10-0945294
`(45) $227 20104034082!
`OA) paws
`11) Sa
`Int. Cl.
`AGIF 7/10 (2006.01) AGIF 7/02 (2006.01)
`(21) 29s
`(22) #914}
`so ae 2009840681269
`3 KAS
`” Novoaoe1 A
`KR1020080102178 A
`ez Albeo] Slate] C12el FS)
`(73) =o] a4}
`71a se} o} ZEA] SAE
`AAS Gat wee 222-247] BU 4q
`ent Saige APY loswLd Bel
`(72) ot
`ASSAD) Wee ALE 106014) Ze opspE
`(74) deel
`(54) 4 a We
`a Zo] QaIse AL Chody heat)S WHe7] Ast AlSsS YZ A nil = (Cool ing gel mat)ol]
`OF, Bu} Avy]s7le 2S Bee 4 #1") Cabsorptiveness polymer)°] 2% Clump) BAS 8]
`Pues] e2}Fou Ase Pape F Pe] pea es} ee wee2%) SES A7) | 2] G31 EsS 4}
`se TRe te Y4 42 WSAsset. 47) 44 42 Wee WSs A8Gse HASSE Pts} Se
`4 SY Bre SNS 27) Soe Base] AAs so S44 WAPAESH +H, 27] =
`red 2S Bole] Pas sao S48 WAASSsSe treeon Ae Hed AVEC 7+49°]
`€8yn 4
`7) JESFae] Ale ass 27) 7 te] BY Ales He] qeae Base] 27] “7p Me] Fe AE
`oF uy See Ses S244He9 TAS easel 7st.
`14a 12a
`56~~14b 126 106
`7 16
`ib oFXe
`| 7
`sels} esl S24] SEa o]-4=
`o] #41
`, vola wae
`tilization So &
`ars Gs WHA 2c. dS Seo] ras 4
`Alo] St7] oreo] Ql FEO oO) ee sored
`= M7 AES) S7)e SHAoe Ayo] on mye] SCwidth)et} 4A] al4te}e zoyaya
`700mm UA) 1700mm= A] 24S] = Alo] Gak4fojr}.
`S550 10-0945294
`a8 m4 ad 2rt ne ol te, Ja 2b flo a2 ont ra Mu as te, &
`2% oft ro an ro+ ot wk we z Je,
`ch nlp of N ot rir a iNwt
`lr ob
`SUM HE S42 Bore Sete] MAS wWzlotoy azureege] UeheS U4 2 Wes alee 22, may
`Ye SAS ggal7| ae Bowes EWSoR Ee Ws] Belo] Ac|=(polvester)7} Sel WH
`eyqon AS Pad fA] BASSI. ope wSsl*%) OES
`o} AajEs roll Fe SHA BISA, FS HE HMA So ele ou slyz
`bas} sdo] Abe efAlA]E(mesh sheet9 Faso, wlaes
`fyytg[atfirotKKHRWNodo:4'Saobyot¢ Bodgea& aeinwa>
`be alt
`Off ci my lo ain on lo Hu ra o
`ee In 2
`=e] PEGS] AG Sebo] ebelulo]a(dry lamination) #, SE hotmelt) B48,
`] ae} BApspe] ASS Ao) abesofr}.
`ac ox
`rh+)ONo% cult ay
`akchop aus yot4oft
`Offoh4 Om a7 ea
`ola} BG EUS BAe] M Wyo] was Aa] SS wep gasp AVM. Bey w wee ap
`2) Pole BAS FAR H aw, lee A) ole] ABY*] VSS clepotojor Me}. ale] AVHS Bow
`8 BA) Ae Bata BWI] ATS SLspy Asap) MA AYe) Folsprek Bey,
`12 2 WSS] oP AA) ao] Pe Wz} aA ES) Qawola, BV = io) SA yp a ES
`AANGAS OA, * 32
`lo YAlS U4 4 Wee) BBA Solty. tas, S45 F lo VAS WA
`AE aul Pam+
`m1 U4 = 48 4448, 2 wes] ) al GS 44 42 ABODE HMA obs] HMB BTS
`Paeesd2a), WAAEBSC4a), Sree S46), WANE S14d), SAPs cd2), 84
`37) rea, 10b)2 Se ANE ASS | ROU, B WYolaAS Ws} SepyArde7) Sead AS 4}
`SaAr. Het a7) Wirsc0a,
`lob)Asd Spy ds(i2a,
`l2b)2 Seto] BH] yolAay, ae
`(hotmelt) 4H, BE) eypyolawel wet Baste] ASeke Aol Sth. 7) Brea, 10d) au}
`als (12a, 12b)2] BAb Aol Sa Vea HF Ae] MAAS SC13a, L2d)S Bes Sel S(16)el a] est
`foe 144
`LIoxcif NI
`| 2A) ES(13a,130)2] FAS ASel A HAA} Mad GES AES se Ae] Sch. as
`F 100g] 3} 8} EF 2] S} AS 7Opmo}S}7b Be}.
`Sy~Sea qu
`I at
`2] ohadabrelty. Be] ohaadthire] ete Se] ob
`ae >
`He (satts} aaa] essa), Bel wet
`SSeS ST At. B, ATS] PAA qerye,
`olf ttlp th rr+ teYD mu
`ahs Mt
`ofklas, 4 ERE ofelaw, este aa
`|PGAaAS 3 4) 10 SHH, HS 4 ups
`&tu micmeoe jo,
`omilo rh+ ou aut ats Efu pu of
`aa Ol
`24s, 87) $73 SA4GIOS SS S1G 7 she
`ge] Sale ae} 7talals 7a a] Bac}. B98
`lw ra ot
`Cy} BSEALS, whowuld, ahd, ob, TREE, SEPM, EL, Dz, see, Ul Se] cpp Ba, sel
`Ag BE Tae sho) adc. ad, Wa, aA Sao) Paoeye, bevy, vue, te
`> ARES MW cy} HS SNES] vbeelsta, Se) eM SNES] vpebalatch.
`Ash Be Sa SYISU8)L Sely7} arse] V7) WE Bl wa @ #2180] ors} Bol a
`Yh Pe BRE 7A Aabegys uepelch.
`Zle] nbgh=y hc}
`opmh aby) Bea BelMIS(16) 9] EAS OF Gmm—LOmMy] SBA
`47) Bad SY S16)2] Yas} sds Fa EL Mer} SS Fe Soa) Bae oe sys ud
`o Zo] WSO} PAA S (Ma, MCGEE Mo] BAbHo) eh. A) MALES Ca, Mb)-S sey ZB
`2 dee] EISasl?) wt) Sa SY ISUG)2] EV Kola] ATI, Sea Sysco)
`HMO] SED Ms S70] Maal1 VALS] Sey So] HES YPROE EYE AS wzlapo} Gopal
`A By, SR HOM PAVE Ato] S ga + ach.
`ee Boe] We API SMFS) s+ 2 BM BM PAA PVIEBSCda, doe MPSSA]
`@ vfs} Qo] FL Sy A Aole Bae RYO) A.V YI-Fg(22)0] BRO} ep.
`HAF (QS BM 33} Po] AS Wa Ae}. olwi, a7) F Ae] PAIES3a, 13)e] BIL A
`$a SS AREAS] ZF A MEC100)9] BY SelH segPpOQO)S BIteh.
`olwi, 7) By Bel
`M) HANG) RES HR Male BEA SIMS6)2] BWpa) Sa she Bayt Day) Saye
`37) Bea SYS) TAM Sade aga Tes acy
`& 3a} Go] Asso] UMspBasia. Past saa) MAA Se(i4a, 14d)o] 4a Bos Bel
`S169] HUS FS 24] SAAC 3a, 13b)SlB sae. ol, F Ae] SRVIES(18a, 13b)9] Be]-P ell
`We(2a, 12p)9] Yo] Sra Sel Sdore ep] ee.
`1%, FH) PINESC3a, 13b)9] EMMA FH SqYIsaso Boa JEOPANEY22) ¥VS 2
`oo NS Del ee AS TE AGA] M 3x} Po] Pad. dA 2S Sal PL wey
`BAGO Base. cfu, 47s]
`4 Beceal-Fe)
`AAA Be AeA zo A medo0o)s|
`| Sal Bar re] ebgaAl18)S Gel Ace Alo] plate Sct.
`B wbgel ue) wesor4) YZ} A wee SFR SII sCi9)o] Aa} aol WES Cda, 1b) S
`AS PS Wea, a)
`= EsB41 TE22)& eal F So SALES (3a, 13sb)S BAGOeBW
`@(13a, 1s) EGE Bea Al
`NSP Seve 6)e] eae eye are
`27) s+ 20] Pea Uz A qeS Ao SE ees] aod Balsste ARCHES), WAS AE,
`S52 2 6 2 Mgo] mS YW} aA MES MEAS] Jeo] Aor AAS A ALS PES HEHE
`JUS AVS Melle}. oF BAA} ALS WHE ARS deps] ay eep
`As} Ao] ASD AA A ECO) BPA SIISUHS BL Go] BS wespar a7) HE] S4Vo]
`AGS ALL 36% SH) MURS 2 E7} Me Ae. Me, Aa] SS EEA] Ao) B go] ups
`lm), at a wECOO)S] AbSHol Alas QaySI2] WE He] wee lish darehst sel Valee] ao}
`go] wo) SR SIyscs)e] Se} aziz dese] az a ECON cl Bopala) Pep. apep,
`Bae] LA) lol ake YF al MEO IA AAS aS heH| ae Heep) ae.
`mle 2 Bye] yes A) ao] BS 4 4 qe Bam,
`% 2: & 1] SAS 4p A MES] AAAS.
`E38 Eid) SAS WA A Wes] BBA,
`= 45 6 led) SA) WA) AES] Ba PAR.
`BSR 268 #2 YE] Fe a4 A WES wWEeze] Apo Sel Abe 4) ALS ASVHH 4] ehe
`AGS 4gohe wa
`(Sae] Fa. Bite] det Yee] AW)
`10a, 10b : AHAES,
`12a, 12b: SePueks,
`14a, 14b > WAIAES,
`16: 37s Sq4%,
`18: 44 al-Fe] Plea,
`20: Bala,
`22: ALY,
`100 : zp al ae,
`210 : WZ.
`26: Sra Sey vay,
`200 : MEAS,
`oln IH Soli 10-0945294
`al oe
`S550 10-0945294

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