`Dear Applicant,
`United States Patent anc Tracemark Office
`Office of the Commissioner for Patents
`You recently received an Office action from your examiner. Review of your patent application is under way! You can continue to
`advertise or mark any products covered by your application for your invention as “Patent Pending”for as long as this application Is
`pending. This letter provides information about how to continue through the patent application process and the help available to you
`on your journey.
`Became a registered electronic filer registered eFiler}. As a
`registered eFiler, you can electronically view your submission,
`track progress of your application, and respand to USPTO
`correspondence. (www.uspte.gov/NewPatentFilers)
`Contact us
`* General information: USPTO Contact Canter —
`800-785-3199 = TTY/TDD 800-877-8339 =
`> Patent Center: Patent Electronic Business Center
`Inventors Assistance Center
`Want to learn more?
`° Hear about resources for startups, inventors, and
`entrepraneurs, as well as our initiatives engaging women,
`the military community, and others. These programs offer
`helpful tips and tricks on identifying and managing your IP,
`finding options for funding, and expanding your network ta
`support your business.
`- www.uspto.gov/startups
`- www.uspto.gov/inventors
`-~ Www.usoto.cov/initiatives
`« Access aur free servicas all in one spot. Find all of our
`contact centers, nationwide services, events, education
`and training. Qvww.usoto.go
`» Connect with us on Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook
`and YouTube.
`* Hear about the great things we are doing by subscribing at
`Where are you in the patent application process? Your
`patent application is nowin step 3, Application Prosecution
`Cwww.usoto.gov/UtilityPatentGuide.) Though the Office action
`includes a “rejection,” that does not mean that you don’t have
`a goad idea you can patent. Ht means your exarniner beliaves
`your application is not yet ready for allowance.
`Ready to respond? Responding to the Offica action is your
`opportunity to address the issues raised by your examiner.
`Responses must be timely, complete, and in writing. In your
`response, you may want to consider amending your application
`We provide Pro Se Assistance, support specifically gearedfor
`independent inventors without an agent or attorney. Visit
`www.uspto.gov/ProSePatents for a consolidated lst of
`resources, including a sample amendment format. Full
`description of amendment formatting can be found at
`www.uspto.cov/web/offices/pac/mneo/s7 14 html. Call us at
`866-767-3848, or email proseassistancecenter@uspto.gov.
`Have questions about the Office action? Contact your
`examiner! A conversation with your examiner Ccalled an
`“interview” may hele clarify and resalve anyissues and
`possibly identify what you can patent. While an interview does
`not stop the clock for your official response or substitute fara
`response, there is no fee for an interview. To schedule a call ar
`video, you can:
`1, use the USPTO’s AutomatedInterview Request CAIR)
`form Gvww,usoto.zov/patents/uspto-automated-
`file the Applicant Initieted Interview Request form
`(PTOL-413A) Quww.usptegov/sites/defaultTes/
`documents/PTOLAISA pdf): or
`3. contact your exarniner directly via telephone (contact
`informationis provided at the end of your Office action).
`Need help naar you? We have regional offices across the
`courtry Gwww.uspto.gov/locations), as well as Patent and
`Tradernark Resource Centers in libraries in nearly avery state
`(www.usoto.gov/pire), with specialists standing by to help you
`aino cost.
`/ V
`aishali Udupa
`Commissioner for Patents
`United States Patent and Trademark Office