`26522 La Alameda Avenue, Suite 360
`Mission Viejo, California 92691
`(949) 282-1000
`fax: (949) 282-1002
`September 22, 2023
`Office of Patent Publication, Attention: Certificates of Correction Branch
`United States Patent and Trademark Office
`Examiner: Rudy, AndrewJ.; Art Unit: 3687
`Application Serial No.: 17/106,648
`Patent No: 11,750,477
`Filing Date: 11/30/2020; First-Named Inventor: Raleigh
`Attorney Docket No.: RALEPO24C3C1C4C1C1
`Farjami & Farjami LLP
`Number of pages including the cover sheet: 4
`Enclosed, please find the Request for a Certificate of Correction for USPTO’s error and
`Form PTO-1050.
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