`Approved far use iitrough 1133012320. OMB (2651-0032
`LLS. Palené and Trademark Office; US. OEpARTMfiNT OF COMMERCE
`Underline Praguerwm‘k Reduction Act of 1995, no persms are requved to respcnd to a ovlieclion of informafiiarl unless ii displays a valid OMB control number.
`mm of
`As the below named inventor, l hereby declare that,
`This declaration
`is directs:d m:
`The armched figfiplicatlc‘fl‘ or
`United States application or PCT international application number
`2020*? 1~23
`filed on
`The above—identified application was made or authorized to be made by me
`l balieve that l am ”the original inventor or an original joint inventor al‘ a claimed invention in the application.
`l hereby acknowledge that any wiilful false statement made in this declaration is punishable under 38 U.S.C. 3001
`by fine: or imprisonment of not more than five ('5) years, Cir both.
`Petitioner/applicant is cautinned to avoid submitting personal information in documents filed in a patent applicatiun that may
`contribute to identity iheit. Personal information such as soda? security numbers, bank account numbers, or credit card numbers
`(other than a check or credit card authorization form PTO~2038 submitted for payment purposes) is never required by the USPTO
`to support a petition or an application.
`if this type of personal information is included in documents submitted to the USPTO.
`petitionersfapplicants should consider raciacting such personal information from the documents before submitting them to the
`USPTO, Petitionerlapplicam is advised that the record of a patent application is available to the public after publication of the
`applicatisn (unless a non~puhiication requast in compliance with 3.7 CFR 1.213(3) is made; in the application} or issuanca of a
`patent. Furthermore, the record from an abandoned application may also be available to the public if the application is
`referenced in a published application or an issued patent (see 37 CFR Mil} Checks and credit card authorization forms
`PTO—2638 submitted for payment purposes are not retained in the application file and therefore are not publicly available.
`Signature: MM
`WW a
`Date (Optional) :
`x70?“ 13% 5 ‘29)!
`Note: An application data sheet {PTOfSBIM or equivalent), including naming the enlira inventive entity. must accompany this form or must have
`been previously filed Use an additional PTOXNA-fi‘l form for each additional inventor.
`This coileotian of information is required 213:35 USCK HS and 3? CFR 1.63. The; information is required it} obtain m retain a benefil by the public which is to file (and
`by me lJEsPT-ii In process) an applicatinn, Canfidentiaiiiy i5 governed by 35 L133 122 and 3? CFR H l am 114 This collaciéan :3 esrimaled to rake 1 minute in
`campieie. including gamer-rig, preparing. and suit-milling the completad application form ta the USPTO, Time will vary depending upon the inciivic‘uai case». Any
`comments on the amaunt of rim»:- you require to camplefie {his farm armies suggestions far i‘EduClfiQ this burden, shauld he sent 10 the Chief Imomtalim Officer. US.
`Palent and Trademark Office. US Department of Commerce. PO. Box 3450, Alexandria, VA. 22333»? 45!). DO NOT SEND FEES OR COMPLETED FORMS To
`‘mzs AGDRESS. SEMI} “f0: Commissioner for Patents, $1.0. Box 1458,. Alexandria, VA 223134459.
`rfyeu need assistance in completing the farm, ml; $4350~F"3'Ov9?9§ and salami 0,01%!) 2.
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