Dec C6118: PA.
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`E hereby appoint the Patent Praciiiipnads) ass-named with 3115 fpiiewimg (Sussmmer Number as; my/our atmmeyfi) 01' agenfls), and
`to transact 331 business in the United Stems Patent and 'E'rademark Office emphasised therewith for the applicatian referenced in
`the attachecé transmittai iefier {form PTOI’AEAIBZ‘A} or identified above ““”%“““”“
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`‘1'“1513 ADDRESS SEEM} To: Commissioner
`for Patents, F0.13am 1451) Alexanfiria, VA 2231341555
`if '19:} 11865} assiswnpe 1'11 earfipiaadmp 1119 Farm, p.315: 1SSSrPF0919
` Lipiip‘n 2.

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