`Approved far use iitrough 1133012320. OMB (2651-0032
`LLS. Palené and Trademark Office; US. OEpARTMfiNT OF COMMERCE
`Underline Praguerwm‘k Reduction Act of 1995, no persms are requved to respcnd to a ovlieclion of informafiiarl unless ii displays a valid OMB control number.
`mm of
`As the below named inventor, l hereby declare that,
`This declaration
`is directs:d m:
`The armched figfiplicatlc‘fl‘ or
`United States application or PCT international application number
`2020*? 1~23
`filed on
`The above—identified application was made or authorized to be made by me
`l balieve that l am ”the original inventor or an original joint inventor al‘ a claimed invention in the application.
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