`(Chapter I of the Patent Cooperation Treaty)
`(PCT Rule 44bis)
`Applicant’s or agent’s file reference
`See item 4 below
`International filing date (day/month/year)
`International application No.
`09 January 2017 (09.01.2017)
`International Patent Classification (8th edition unless older edition indicated)
`See relevant information in Form PCT/ISA/237
`Priority date (day/month/year)
`08 January 2016 (08.01.2016)
`This international preliminary report on patentability (Chapter I) is issued by the International Bureau on behalf of the
`International Searching Authority under Rule 44 bis.1(a).
`This REPORT consists of a total of 12 sheets, including this cover sheet.
`In the attached sheets, any reference to the written opinion of the International Searching Authority should be read as a
`reference to the international preliminary report on patentability (Chapter I) instead.
`Box No. I
`Box No. II
`4 L
`This report contains indications relating to the following items:
`Box No. I
`Box No. IV
`Box No. V
`Box No. VI
`Box No.
`Box No.
`Basis of the report
`Non-establishment of opinion with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial
`Lack of unity of invention
`Reasoned statement under Article 35(2) with regard to novelty, inventive step or
`industrial applicability; citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Certain documents cited
`Certain defects in the international application
`Certain observations on the international application
`‘Lhe International Bureau will communicate this report to designated Offices in accordance with Rules 44bis.3(c) and 93bis.1
`but not, except where the applicant makes an express request under Article 23(2), before the expiration of 30 months from
`the priority date (Rule 44bis .2).
`The International Bureau of WIPO
`34, chemin des Colombcttes
`1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland
`Facsimile No. +41 22 338 82 70
`Form PCT/IB/373 (January 2004)
`Date of issuance of this report
`10 July 2018 (10.07.2018)
`Authorized officer
`Xiaofan Tang
`e-mail: pct.team2 @wipo.int
`PCT/US2017/012709 23.03.2017
`From the
` z
`(PCT Rule 43dis.1)
`Daceimaing > MAR 2017
`Applicant’s or agent’s file reference
`See paragraph 2 below
`International application No.
`Priority date (day‘month’year)
`International filing date (day.month:year)
`09 January 2017
`08 January 2016
`International Patent Classification (IPC) or both national classification and IPC
`IPC(8)- GO6F 3/01; GOGF 3/048; GOGF 9/46; GOGF 15/16; HO4N 7/10; HO4N 7/173; HO4N 17/00 (2016.039
`CPC- GO6F 3/1423; GOGF 3/1454; GO6F 9/4443; GO6F 9/4445; GO6F 9/4843: GO6Q 30/0256: HO4L
`63/0428; HO4N 7/173; HO4N 7/17318; HO4N 17/004; HO4N 21/2223; HO4N 21/23439; HO4N
`21/25825; HO4W 12/06 (2016.08)
` Applicant WORTH, KENNETH
`1. This opinion containsindications relating to the following items:
`Box No.
`Basis of the opinion
`Box No. il
`Box No. HI
`Non-establishment of opinion with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability
`Box No. IV
`Lack of unity of invention
`OOOROUORX Box No. VIII Certain observations on the intemational application
`Box No. V
`Reasonedstatement under Rule 43d/s. 1(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Box No. VI
`Certain documents cited
`Box No. VII Certain defects in the international application
`If a demand for international preliminary examination is made, this opinion will be considered to be a written opinion of the
`International Preliminary Examining Authority (“IPEA”) except that this does not apply where the applicant chooses an Authority -
`other thanthis one to be the IPEA and the chosen IPEA has notified the International Bureau under Rule 66.1 5is(b) that written
`opinions of this International Searching Authority will not be so considered.
`If this opinionis, as provided above, considered to be a written opinion of the IPEA,the applicant is invited to submit to the IPEA
`a written reply together, where appropriate, with amendments, before the expiration of 3 months fromthe date of mailing of Form
`PCT/ISA/220 or before the expiration of 22 months from the priority date, whichever expireslater.
`For further options, see Form PCT/ISA/220.
`Name and mailing address of the ISA/US|Date of completion ofthis opinion Authorized officer
`Mail Stop PCT, Attn: ISA/US
`Blaine R. Copenheaver
`Commissionerfor Patents
`P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450
`PCTHelpdesk: 571-272-4300
`Facsimile No. 571-273-8300
`21 February 2017
`PCT OSP: 571-272-7774
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (cover sheet) (January 2015)
`whichis the language of a translation
`2.L] This opinion has been established taking into accountthe rectification of an obvious mistake authorized by or notified to
`this Authority under Rule 91 (Rule 436/s. 1(a)).
`3. [] With regard to any nucleotide and/or amino acid sequencedisclosed in the international application, this opinion has---
`been established on the basis of a sequencelisting:
`a. C] forming part of the international application as filed:
`[J in the form of an Annex C/ST.25textfile.
`| on paperorin the form of an imagefile.
`furnished together with the international application under PCT Rule L3¢er.1(a) for the purposes of international
`search only in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 text file.
`c. LC] furnished subsequentto the international filing date for the purposes of international search only:
`[_] in the form of an Annex C/ST.25 textfile (Rule 13/er.1(a)).
`C] on paperor in the form ofan imagefile (Rule 13¢er.1(b) and Administrative Instructions, Section 713). ;,.
`4. C] In addition, in the case that more than one version or copy of a sequencelisting has been filed or furnished, the required
`Statementsthat the information in the subsequent or additional copies is identical to that forming part ofthe application as_
`filed or does not go beyond the application as filed, as appropriate, were furnished.
`PCT/US2017/012709 23.03.2017
`International application No.
`Box No. I
`Basis of this opinion
`1. With regard to the language, this opinion has been established on the basis of:
`the international application in the language in whichit wasfiled.
`a translation of the international application into
`furnished for the purposes of international search (Rujes 12.3(a) and 23.1(b)).
`5. Additional comments:
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (Box No. I) (January 2015)
`PCT/US2017/012709 23.03.2017
`International application No.
`Box No. V
`Reasoned statement under Rule 43d/s.1(a)(i) with regard to novelty, inventive step and industrial applicability;
`citations and explanations supporting such statement
`Novelty (N)
`Inventive step (TS)
`Industrial applicability (IA)
`2,9, 9-8, 10, 11,.13-15, 1/-2U
`1,4, 9, 12, 16
`2 can
`Regarding Claim 1, Lajoie discloses a method for remotely configuring and controlling a client device without user input at the client:device
`(“capability to remotely control and configure premises devices(the client device] from the remote client device [without user input at!the
`client device)” [para 97]), the method comprising:
`providing usageactivities at the client device; (“The billing module 152 or other comparable processsoftware at the MSO head-endis
`configured to obtain the relevant data regarding the subscriber's remote device usage [usage activity], which is then integrated with that
`subscriber's otheractivity to generate a monthly statement.” [para 221]; “the display and seamlesstransition of primary [content] and
`secondary content[usage activity] within, e.g., a unified display mechanism (window).” [para 231]; see also [para 198])
`limiting usage of the client device by a user at the client device to a first set of the usage activities, wherein thefirst set includes an
`interaction activity; (See Figure 2B “Similarly, the RCD can be configured to communicate with the CM 238 (or even the LCD 208directly) -
`to enable/disable certain functions or tuning capabilities. For example, the RCD caninstruct the CM 238to disable serving VOD or :
`broadcastcontent[limiting usage] associated with more adult or mature channels to the LCD during certain time periods [user interaction
`activity is limited to the VOD/broadcast content that is not of a mature nature].” [para 198])
`receiving, at the client device, an instruction and distributed content from a device controller; (“For example, in one variant, the subscriber ~
`mustaffirmatively select content for recording via their DVR/NDVR/VDVR[device controller] before it can delivered to the RCD. In this
`manner, the user hasaffirmatively selected content for recording, and hence the MSO[client device] or other entity tasked with recording ~
`the content(if necessary)for delivery to the RCDis in effect simply acting as a remote recorder for the subscriber.” [para 199])
`based on the receivedinstruction,initiating installation of the distributed content on the client device without receiving any input from the
`userat the client device to initiate the installation of the distributed content and without receiving any input from the user at the client
`device during theinstallation of the distributed content; (“For example, one RCD 214 may have a Powerkeyor similar CA capability, while
`another is enabled for downloadable conditional access (DCAS)within its trusted domain. Accordingly, the head-end server process.:can ;e
`configure the CA aspects of the content as appropriate for the relevant CA context, and also trigger other processes (such as DCAS jie
`download, key negotiation, etc.) necessary to facilitate the playback of the requested content. In this regard, the server process 242 can
`be made "self healing" [install content without receiving input from the client device]; i.e., where the requesting RCD is not properly j=
`configured to play back the content, the necessary configuration changes[installing distributed content] can be instituted automatically to
`provide a scamless appearance to the remote user.” [para 161]) and
`allowing managementofthe client device by the device controller according to a second setof the usage activities. (See Figure 6 “The
`exemplary CD 602 comprises a remotely manageable premises device that, inter alia, acts as a centralized client networking platform
`providing gateway services such as network managementas well as traditional content and high-speed data delivery functions.” [para -
`215); See also “In effect, the rules engine comprises a supervisory entity which monitors and selectively controls, via the content manager
`238, the remote content delivery functions at a higherlevel, so as to implement desired operational or business rules. The rules engine
`can be considered an overlay of sorts to the remote content management and delivery algorithms. For example, the content manager 238-
`mayinvoke certain operational protocols or decision processes based on requests received from the RCD, subscriber data, geographic - -
`data, etc. However, these processes may not always be compatible with higher level business or operational goals, such as maximizing
`, -
`profit or system reliability. Hence, when imposed, the business/operational rules can be used to dynamically (or manually) [managing .
`according to a secondsetof usage activities] contro! the operation of the CM 238. The rules may be, e.g., operational or business-oriented
`in nature, or related to preservation of security, and may also be applied selectively in terms of time of day, duration, specific local areas,
`or even atthe individual user level." [para 233}; See Also Figure 2B “Similarly, the RCD can be configured to communicate with the CM
`238 (or even the LCD 208 directly) to enable/disable certain functions or tuning capabilities. For example, the RCD caninstruct the CMiig
`238 to disable serving VOD or broadcast content associated with more adult or mature channels to the LCD during certain time periods.,,
`{enabled serving mature content at a designated time is a second set of usage activities] [enabling a second set of usage activities}< [para
`Citations and explanations:
`Claims 1, 4, 9, 12, and 16 lack novelty under PCTArticle 33(2) as being anticipated by Lajoie et al. (hereinafter Lajoie).
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (Box No. V) (January 2015)
`PCT/US2017/012709 23.03.2017
`International application No.
`Supplemental Box
`In case the spacein any ofthe preceding boxesis not sufficient.
`Continuation of:
`Regarding Claim 4, Lajoie discloses the method of claim 1, further comprising: receiving touch-related input from the useratthe client-
`device ("A user interface may comprise, for example, a computer screen display, touch screen [touch input], speech recognition engine,
`text-to-speech (TTS) algorithm, and so forth.” [para 87]), wherein the touch-related input is related to a usage activity ofthefirst set; (“In
`one embodiment, the method comprises: providing a user with a plurality of copyrighted content choices; receiving at least one content
`selection from the user, the at least one selection relating to first copyrighted content; providing thefirst content to a first device in data
`communication with a network; receiving a request from a second device in data communication with the network for accessto thefirst
`content; determiningif the first and the second devices are associated with a commonuser; and if associated with a commonuser,
`permitting delivery of the first content to the second device [usage activity of the first set].” [para 35])
`storing the touch-related input in the client device; (“For example, in one variant, the subscriber must affirmatively select content for
`recording via their DVR/NDVR/VDVRbeforeit can delivered to the RCD [storing the input in the client device}. In this manner, the user
`hasaffirmatively selected content for recording, and hence the MSO orotherentity tasked with recording the content(if necessary) for
`delivery to the RCD isin effect simply acting as a remote recorderfor the subscriber.” [para 199]) and
`transmitting the touch-related input to the device controller. (“Hence, a given subscriber might remotely transmit a "tune" command from
`their RCD or anotherdevice (e.g., via a packetized communication delivered over an in-band-channel, OOB, DOCSIS channel, telephony
`or otherlink) to tune their LCD [device controller] to a given program channel, or invoke a DVR record function, thereby enabling the
`aforementioned delivery of the same content to the remote location.” [para 200])
`set of usage activities].” [para 198])
`Regarding Claim 9, Lajoie discloses a client device (“a client device architecture adapted for delivery of content over a network is
`disclosed” [para 34]), comprising:
`a touch-sensitive display; ("A user interface may comprise, for example, a computer screen display, touch screen, speech recognition
`engine, text-to-speech (TTS) algorithm, and so forth.” (para 87]) and
`@ processor communicatively coupled to the touch-sensitive display and configured to: (See Figure 5 “digital processor(s) 504” [para: fe
`provide usage activities; (“The billing module 152 or other comparable process software at the MSO head-end is configured to obtain the
`relevant data regarding the subscriber's remote device usage [usage activity], which is then integrated with that subscriber's other activity
`to generate a monthly statement.” [para 221])
`limit usage of the client device by a userat the client deviceto a first set of the usageactivities, wherein thefirst set includes an
`interaction activity; (See Figure 2B “Similarly, the RCD can be configured to communicate with the CM 238 (or even the LCD 208
`directly) to enable/disable certain functions or tuning capabilities. For example, the RCD caninstruct the CM 238 to disable serving VOD
`or broadcast content[limiting usage] associated with more adult or mature channels to the LCD during certain time periods [user
`interaction activity is limited to the VOD/broadcast contentthatis not of a mature nature].” [para 198])
`receive an instruction and distributed content from a device controller; (“For example, in one variant, the subscriber mustaffirmatively,
`select content for recording via their OVR/NDVR/VDVR[device controller] before it can delivered to the RCD. In this manner, the user, =
`has affirmatively selected content for recording, and hence the MSO[client device] or other entity tasked with recording the content(if
`necessary)for delivery to the RCDis in effect simply acting as a remote recorderfor the subscriber.” [para 199])
`basedonthe received instruction, initiate installation of the distributed content on the client device without receiving any input from the
`userat the client deviceto initiate the installation of the distributed content and without receiving any input from the userat the client
`device during theinstallation ofthe distributed content; (“For example, one RCD 214 may have a Powerkey or similar CA capability, while
`anotheris enabled for downloadable conditional access (DCAS)within its trusted domain. Accordingly, the head-end server process can
`configure the CA aspects of the content as appropriate for the relevant CA context, and also trigger other processes (such as DCAS..,..
`download, key negotiation, etc.) necessary to facilitate the playback of the requested content. In this regard, the server process 242 can
`be made "self healing"[install content without receiving input from the client device]; i.e., where the requesting RCD is not properly
`configured to play back the content, the necessary configuration changes[installing distributed content] can beinstituted automatically to
`provide a seamless appearanceto the remote user.” [para 161]) and
`allow managementofthe client device by the device controller according to a secondset of the usageactivities. (See Figure 6 "The.
`exemplary CD 602 comprises a remotely manageable premises device that, inter alia, acts as a centralized client networking platform
`providing gatewayservices such as network managementas well as traditional content and high-speed data delivery functions.” [para
`215); See also “In effect, the rules engine comprises a supervisory entity which monitors and selectively controls, via the content
`manager 238, the remote content delivery functions at a higher level, so as to implement desired operational or business rules. The rules
`engine can be considered an overlay of sorts to the remote content managementand delivery algorithms. For example, the content
`manager 238 mayinvoke certain operational protocols or decision processes based on requests received from the RCD, subscriber data,
`geographic data, etc. However, these processes may not always be compatible with higher level business or operational goals, such as ,,-
`maximizing profit or system reliability. Hence, when imposed, the business/operational rules can be used to dynamically (or manually)
`[managing according to a second set of usage activities] control the operation of the CM 238. The rules may be, e.g., operational or
`business-orientedin nature, or related to preservation of security, and may also be applied selectively in terms of time of day, duration,
`specific local areas, or even atthe individual userlevel.” [para 233]; See Also Figure 2B “Similarly, the RCD can be configured to ;,
`communicate with the CM 238 (or even the LCD 208 directly) to enable/disable certain functions or tuning capabilities. For example, thee
`RCDcaninstruct the CM 238 to disable serving VOD or broadcast content associated with more adult or mature channels to the LCD.an
`during certain time periods [enabled serving mature content at a designated time is a second setof usageactivities] [enabling a second
`Form PCT/ISA/237 (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)
`In case the space in any of the preceding boxes is not sufficient.
` Regarding Claim 12, Lajoie discloses the client device of claim 9, wherein the processoris further configured to: receive touch-related’
`input on the touch-sensitive display from the user of the client device (“A user interface may comprise, for example, a computer screen
`display, touch screen [touch input), speech recognition engine, text-to-speech (TTS) algorithm, and so forth.” [para 87]), wherein the
`touch-related inputis related to a usage activity ofthefirst set; ("In one embodiment, the method comprises: providing a user with a
`plurality of copyrighted content choices; receiving at least one content selection from the user, the at least one selection relating to first
`copyrighted content; providingthefirst contentto a first device in data communication with a network; receiving a request from a second
`device in data communication with the network for access to thefirst content; determiningif the first and the second devices are
`associated with a common user; and if associated with a commonuser, permitting delivery of the first content to the second device
`[usage activity of the first set].” [para 35])
`store the touch-related inputin the client device; ("For example, in one variant, the subscriber mustaffirmatively select content for
`recording via their DVR/NDVR/VDVRbeforeit can delivered to the RCD [storing the inputin the client device]. In this manner, the user
`hasaffirmatively selected content for recording, and hence the MSO orotherentity tasked with recording the content(if necessary) for cae
`delivery to the RCD is in effect simply acting as a remote recorderfor the subscriber.” [para 199]) and
`transmit the touch-related input to the device controller.
`(“Hence, a given subscriber might remotely transmit a "tune" command from,
`their RCD or another device (e.g., via a packetized communication delivered over an in-band-channel, OOB, DOCSIS channel, telephony
`or otherlink) to tune their LCD [device controller] to a given program channel, or invoke a DVR record function, thereby enabling the ~~.oa
`aforementioned delivery of the same contentto the remote location.” [para 200})
`Regarding Claim 16, Lajoie discloses a method for remotely configuring and controlling a client device without user inputat the client
`device ("capability to remotely control and configure premises devices[the client device] from the remote client device [without user.input
`at the client device)” [para 97]), the method comprising:
`receiving, at a device controller, a selection for remotely configuring the client device; (“Similarly, the RCD can be configured to
`communicate with the CM 238 (or even the LCD 208 directly) to enable/disable certain functions or tuning capabilities. For example, the
`RCD caninstruct the CM 238to disable serving VOD orbroadcast content associated with more adult or mature channels to the LCD»
`during certain time periods.” [para 198])
`based onthe selection, determining distributed content for transmitting to the client device; (“For example, in one variant, the subscriber
`mustaffirmatively select contentfor recording via their DVR/NDVR/VDVR[device controller) before it can delivered to the RCD. In this
`manner, the user hasaffirmatively selected content for recording, and hence the MSO[client device] or other entity tasked with recording _
`the content(if necessary) for delivery to the RCDis in effect simply acting as a remote recorderfor the subscriber.” [para 199]) and
`transmitting, by the device controller, an instruction and the distributed content to the client device (“For example, one RCD 214 may ,
`have a Powerkeyor similar CA capability, while another is enabled for downloadable conditional access (DCAS)within its trusted + *
`domain. Accordingly, the head-end server process can configure the CA aspects of the content as appropriate for the relevant CA
`context, and also trigger other processes (such as DCAS download, key negotiation, etc.) necessary to facilitate the playback of the;~~”
`requested content.In this regard, the server process 242 can be made"self healing"[install content without receiving input from theclient
`device]; i.e., where the requesting RCD is not properly configured to play back the content, the necessary configuration changes
`«ty -
`{installing distributed content] can beinstituted automatically to provide a seamless appearance to the remote user.” [para 161}),
`wherein the instruction is configured to cause the client device to install the distributed content without receiving any input from the user
`of the client device to initiate installation of the distributed content and without receiving any input from the userof the client device during
`the installation ofthe distributed content. (See Figure 6 “The exemplary CD 602 comprises a remotely manageable premises device that;
`inter alia, acts as a centralized client networking platform providing gateway services such as network managementas well astraditional
`content and high-speed data delivery functions.” [para 215]; See also “In effect, the rules engine comprises a supervisory entity which
`monitors and selectively controls, via the content manager 238, the remote content delivery functions at a higherlevel, so as to
`implement desired operational or business rules. The rules engine can be considered an overlay of sorts to the remote content
`managementand delivery algorithms. For example, the content manager 238 may invoke certain operational protocols or decision
`processes based on requests received from the RCD, subscriber data, geographic data, etc. However, these processes may not always _
`be compatible with higher level business or operational goals, such as maximizing profit or system reliability. Hence, when imposed, the
`business/operational rules can be used to dynamically (or manually) (managing according to a second set of usage activities} control the,
`operation of the CM 238. The rules may be, e.g., operational or business-oriented in nature, or related to preservation of security, and
`may also be applied selectively in terms of time of day, duration, specific local areas, or even at the individual userlevel.” [para 233]; See
`Also Figure 2B “Similarly, the RCD can be configured to communicate with the CM 238 (or even the LCD 208 directly) to enable/disable
`certain functions or tuning capabilities. For example, the RCD can instruct the CM 238to disable serving VODor broadcast content
`associated with more adult or mature channels to the LCD during certain time periods [enabled serving mature content at a designated
`time is a second set of usage activities] [enabling a second set of usage activities].” [para 198])
`PCT/US2017/012709 23.03.2017
` -
`International application No.
`Supplemental Box
`. mo
`sur |
`2 eB:
`Form PCT/IS A/237 (Supplemental Box) (January 2015)
`PCT/US2017/012709 23.03.2017
`International application No.
`Supplemental Box
`In case the space in any ofthe preceding boxesis not sufficient.
`Continuation of:
`Claims 2, 10, and 17 lack an inventive step under PCT Article 33(3) as being obvious over Lajoie et al. (hereinafter Lajoie) in view of
`Wookeyet al. (hereinafter Wookey).
`Regarding Claim 2, Lajoie fails to explicitly disclose the method of claim 1, wherein, duringinstallation ofthe distributed content, the
`methodfurther comprises: preventing, by an operating system onthe client device, invocation of an application program interface; and
`preventing, by the operating system ontheclient device, displaying on the client device requests for any input from the userof the client
`Wookeyin the field of preventing tocal display device from displaying data from a remote device [para 09] teaches preventing, by an
`operating system ontheclient device, invocation of an application programinterface; (See Figure 2 “In one of these embodiments, a. _
`computing environment may be one or moreof: an application, a plurality of applications, a desktop application, and a desktop session in
`which one or more applications may execute. In other embodiments, a resource 208 implements an application-programming interface
`(API) such as the MICROSOFTDirectX or the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) graphics APIs." [para 55] “In accordance with the .. . ae
`present disclosure, when operating system 206 receives a signal(for example, from an input device) to activate at least one display©?
`device, operating system 206 generates and sends a request signal to display adapter 204. Filter 202a [part of the OS)intercepts the
`requests and redirects the request signal to local agent 120 when a remote useris currently active [prevents local invocation of the API).
`If the remote useris not currently active, or if the remote session has ended, then filter 202a directs the intercepted requestto display~~ --
`adapter 204. However,filter 202a will send a signal to the operating system indicating that the display device has been powered on, even
`whenthe intercepted message was redirected to local agent 120 [remote device]. Thus, filter 202a will in effecttrick operating system *
`206into believing that the display device is powered on [prevents invoking the API].” [para 56]) and
`preventing, by the operating system ontheclient device, displaying on the client device requests for any input from the useroftheclient
`device. (See Figure 2 “Therefore, a user local to the local computing device 106 is unable to see what the remote useris doing on the
`local desktop [preventing display on client device). Even attempting to plug-in a new monitor, for example, will still fail to display the
`secure data since display adapter 204 neverreceivedthe instructions from operating system 206. In one particular embodiment,filter
`202ais activated whenever a remote sessionis established andis inactive when the remote session is terminated. This activating and
`deactivating is executing by local agent 120." [para 56))
`it would have been obvious to oneof ordinary skill in the art at the time of the invention to modify Lajoie with the teaching of Wookeyfor -
`the purpose of preventing the powering on of the display device [Wookey para 60]
`Regarding Claim 10, Lajoie fails to explicitly disclose the client device of claim 9, wherein, during installation of the distributed content,» 7;
`the processoris further configured to: prevent, by an operating system onthe client device, invocation of an application program acca
`interface; and prevent, by the operating system on the client device, displaying on the touch-sensitive display requests for anyinput from _
`the userof the client device.
`Wookeyteaches prevent, by an operating system on the client device, invocation of an application program interface; (See Figure:241n.~
`one of these embodiments, a computing environment may be one or moreof: an application, a plurality of applications, a desktop 3 /.11.
`application, and a desktop session in which one or more applications may execute. In other embodiments, a resource 208 implements an -
`apptication-programminginterface (API) such as the MICROSOFTDirectX or the Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) graphics APIs." [para;
`55] “In accordance with the present disclosure, when operating system 206 receives a signal (for example, from an input device) to
`activate at least one display device, operating system 206 generates and sends a requestsignal to display adapter 204. Filter 202a [part
`of the OS] intercepts the requests and redirects the request signal to local agent 120 when a remote useris currently active [prevents
`local invocation of the API]. If the remote useris not currently active, or if the remote session has ended, thenfilter 202a directs the,
`intercepted request to