`Client Device
`Client Device
`Computing Device
`Client Device
`FIG. 1
`Computing Device
`2753138_1/ 14
`iP > ic
`Computing Device
`Server 106
`Component FC 208
`User Interface
`OT :
` Seriat
`Serial number 206
`Ge oSfC
`Client Devices
`from factory
`Device controller
`ardware ships t&
`serial numbers to
`. device controller _-
`devices having
`different serial
`| Match the serial numbers
`setting for
`with a customer
`\client device/
`Select conterit
`to run or client device J
`Content and
`settings are distributed
`to client devices
`Content and device °
`settings are installed
`, without user interaction
` ataclient device
`b. > ic
`Oa > co
`jo4as |
`Client Device
`FIG. 5
`i Device Controller |
`jij j
`Application Name
`(APPLY| 6 }
`Application Description
`Test App for
`<< Advanced Features >>
`Browser Settings
`Show Navigation Bar
`| Show Loading Bar [4 | Disable Downloads
`Form View Mode: Fullscreen {7}
`| Home Page Timeout:
`| Clear User Data and Cookies on:
`Abstract Loop
`[] Create Attract Loop
`(This will creais a copyof your apptication that can be found in the ‘Linked’ section of yourlibrary}
`va3 ooioxe)
`iSelectApo|{Select} Play After:(trin[<7)(CCreaie Linked Copy
`FIG. 6A
`27 5 31584 /
`Receive a selection of content or settings
`Receive a selection of cllent device(s) fram
`the client device(s} associated with an
` account
`Disirioute the selected content or settings to
`the selected client device(s}
`interaction with chent device(s}
`install the selected content or settings on the
`clent device(s) without requiring additional
`FIG. 6B
`Front-End Component 108A
`Content Library
`Default Area a
`hand > ic
`tore C: Aisle 7
`Device Name
`Now Playing
`e Device 14
`Store A's: Aisle 5
`Prey 75%
`» Device 2
`Store A’s: Aisle 14
`e Device 3
`Store A’s: Aisle 27
`2 Device 4
`Store B
`» Davice 5
`FIG. 7
`@Create Group
`| Support
`j Bus ness
`I Devices
`Add Device ©
`& Device Groups
`st Group 4 {3}
`o Device 01 Deevice Offline
`o Device 03 Devic
`6 Offine
`o Device 07
`Deevice Offline
`Group 7 1033 McCarthy Bivd Milpitas CA, 9...
`Sroup 1
`1234.N. Cherry St Chico CA, 95926
`2234 Thomion Fremont CA, 94536
`FIG. 8B
`| Busin
`ess Mame «
`C2 Device Groups 4
`ae Group 1 (3
`ae Group 2(F3}
`ss Group 3
`se Group 4
`at Group 5
`ae Group 6
`@ Create Group
`° Device 01
`>» Device 03
`> Device 07
`Device 02
`Device 05
`Device 04
`Device C6
`Device Offine
`Device Offline
`Device Offiine
`Last reboot 15
`Last reboot 5
`Last reboot 5
`Last reboot 53
`Add Device @
`cCarthy Blvd Milpitas CA, 9
`4234 N. Cherry St Chico CA, $5926
`2234 Thorton Fremont CA, 94536
`Group 3 1033 McCarthy BlydMiloitas CA, 9
`Group 4
`345 Montague Expy Milpitas CA,9...
`vity CA, 12346
`Group 2 204 Street Name ©
`42345 Extra Long Street City Name...
`Group client devices into one or more groups
`according to a parameter
`Select content or settings for one or more
`Provide the selected content to the one or
`more groups
`FIG. 8C
`Cut the Rope 2
`Device 01
`feu] >
`Most Popular App |
`Most Active Device
`Devices Online
`Devices Offline
`Devices Online
`Last Week v
`§ Mast Popular Apps
`- =n mens
`Cut the Rope 2 ~ 35%
`App 01 ~ 30%
`Angry Birds-17% |
`Moen ~ 13%
`EloTouch.com — 05%
`Touches Per Device
`1,083 Touches
`Device 01
`Device 29
`897 Touches
`Device 102
`758 Touches
`Device 11
`543 Touches
`Device $7
`493 Touches
`FIG. 9
`2753138_1/ 18
`Computer System 1000
`Device(s} 1003
`Processor 1004
`on Main Memory 1008
`= UserInput/Output
`interface(s) 1002
`Secondary Memory 1010
`Hard Disk
`infrastructure |
`entity(ies) 1028
`Storage Drive
`Storage Unit
`Storage Unit
`Remote device(s),
`‘ Communication Path 1026
`FIG. 10