`Doc Code: PA.
`PTOMAIVE2A (07-13)
`Approved tor use through 03/31/2021. OMB 0851-0035
`Document Description: Power of Attorney
`US. Patent and Trademark Office; U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE
`Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB contro! number.
`f NOTE: This form is to be submitted with the Power of Attorney by Applicant form (PTO/AIA/828) to identify the application to which the
`Power of Attorney is directed, in accordance with 37 CFR 1.5, unless the application number and filing date are identified in the Power of
`¢ Attorney by Applicant form.
`if neither form PTO/AIA/82A nor form PTO/AIA82B identifies the application to which the Power of Attorney is
`directed, the Power of Attorney will not be recognized in the application.
`forms are submitted,
`| Title (if Applicant is a|Attorney for Applicant
`juristic entity)
`Registration 70,524
`i Number
`: Applicant Name (fApplicant is a juristic entity)
`Elo Touch Solutions inc.
`NOTE: This form must be signed in accordance with 37 CFR 1.33. See 37 CFR 1.4(d) for signature requirements and certifications. {f
`i more than one applicant, use multiole forms.
`*Total of One (4 }
`This collection of information is required by 37 CFR 1.131, 1.32, and 1.33. The information is required to obtain or retain a benefit by
`the public whichis to file (and by the USPTO to process) an application. Confidentiality is governed by 35 U.S.C. 122 and 37 CFR
`1.44 and 1.14. This collection is estimated io take 3 minutes io complete, including gathering, preparing, and suomitiing ihe completed
`application form to the USPTO. Time will vary depending upon the individual case. Any comments on the amount of time you require
`to complete this form and/or suggestions for reducing this burden, should be sent to the Chief Information Officer, U.S. Patent and
`Trademark Office, U.S. Department of Commerce, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450. DO NOT SEND FEES OR
`COMPLETED FORMS TO THIS ADDRESS. SEND TO: Commissioner for Patents, P.O. Box 1450, Alexandria, VA 22313-1450.
`if you need assistance in completing the form, call 1-800-PTO-9199 and select option 2.
`Doc Gore: PA.
`Document Deexertiption: Power of larmey.
`Aparovedfor usethrough eeabs4, OMEBOS
`my akAEAtArnes PTGVAIAJB28 (
`faeawaliOMe ganadssentnerUnder the Papenvark Reduction Agia! 1208, ne nations are taquined to respond to 3 oetecton of ietermation unless|igfepke
`revoke. all previous powe?
`s below.
`i Applieation Nueber
`(Note: Coniplele fore PTCVAIAS2E. 3
`{Note: The boxas above may be leit btan information is prewar on form PTOVALVESAG
`i | hereby agpeintthe Patent Priciitioner(s) associated with the follmwing Customer Number as myfour atlomeyls) oragents), and
`is transact ail business in the United Stetes Patent and Trademark (fine sonneutedtherewith forihe application referenced Ws
`the ailached Wansmittal letter (form PTOVAIAARSA) or kiaciified’ abave: |
`i hereby aepoird Praciitionerts) named in ihe allached list [nimPTOAAIA/R2G) ae reayfour attormey(s) or agents} and io frangact
`alt hUshiass he the Uniiad States Patent and Trademers Office connected thanawilh for the paterd apolicallen-reiscancedt in the
`atiechad frangndiial ietter (form PTOVALAIS24} oF identified shove.
`Please recagnize or change the correspondence address forthe appliication identified in Hie allached transmittal
`letier or the boxes abave ta:
`The sddrace assaciaiad with the above-mentioned Custormiat Number
`| The address sesacigied with Customer Number: |
`coe ceccggeene cps aed
`Firm or
`[Elo Touch Salutions,
`23 h
`itlong, Ine.
`inventor ar doint inventor (ie not required below}
`Legal Representative ofa Docaase: oc Legally Incwpacitated Invenior (ide nol required below)
`be] ASseignes.or Person to Whom the inventoris Under anObligation inAssien foravics:a Hille if2aicant is.ojuristicentiyy
`— (Op ional)
`ROTE: Signatuce - FASom Trust beaigshedoythe applicactiih accordance wilh STOR 1.33. See BP -CER 1.4 for signature raquinoments
`andcertifications. 4 more than one applica, use rauiicie farms.
`af of
`“This = mm afirionmadtion i
`info ‘
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`a:benehhBythe public wanich
`USPTS to graoess) an ppphicallon. Creteeitiatiiyisgovemed by eeWg,
`vated to tafe A. mnilates:40complet,
`indiuding gathering, oreparing, and submittlag thecomplaiad snalcation fajane toothe USPTO, Tinesitvarysependinupon theIndividual ease.
`oftime you require
`ir aiviior guggagtions for reducing thig burdest, shail be santio ihe satintrmation OMox
`Patent.and TrademarkOffina, LES.
`Depsrimentof Canwtiens, PG. Box 1450, Ataxandria VA 22814-1480.“OO NOT SEND FERS OR COMPLETED FORME THTHIS ADDRESS SEND TO: Gommissioner
`fax Patents, P.O. Sox 1480, Aloxandels, V6 28242-1484.
`if you need assisienos i-compleling ihe form, osf« CoPTORTS and select ation