`EAST Search History (Prior Art)
`=. 2021/06/14
`‘12 OFF=2021/06/142,429 ~—_(607/88).CCLS. ‘US- OR
`—- (600/9,13,14).CCLS.
`4 4138
`862 LB
`‘L6 OFF=—-2021/06/141,750 —_-(600/9,13,14).CCLS. ‘US- OR
`-L5 and L6
`‘L8 OFF=2021/06/141,750 —- (600/9,13,14).CCLS. ‘US- OR
`— 2
`‘LQ 2,429~~(607/88).CCLS. ‘OFF=2021/06/14‘US- OR
`‘10 41
`-L8 and L9
`-L10 and(optical light magnet
`electromagnet electromagnetic
`- electromagnet)
`("20100121 131") or ("20100179372") or
`("5807232") or ("20150025299")).PN.
`:(°4622952" | "4662359" | "5147284"|
`"5156587" | "5211622" | "5451199").PN.
`OR ("2010/0121131"| "2010/0179372"|
`:"2015/0025299" | "5807232").URPN.
`-(""20090270945" | "4140130"|
`-"4262672").PN. OR("8998791").URPN.
`-("20090270945"| "4140130"|
`"4262672").PN. OR ("8998791").URPN.
`_(switch near2 parallel) with capacitor with
`‘123 4,029
`_ buck near2 boost near2 circuit
`("20040087970") or ("4743198")).PN.
` US-
`("20060074468") or ("6387089") or
`‘124 2
`‘26 44 ON—2021/06/14/("'3915151"| "4665898" |'"4993413"| _-US- OR
`_ "5085626"| "5401233" | "5766124"|
`"5984854"| "6179769" | "6213933"|
`"6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694"|
`"6569078"| "6939287" | "7030764"|
`"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`"7946973"| "7998053" | "8088058"|
`"9002477"| "20010031906"|
`"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699"| "20100179372"|
`"20100331603" | "20110021863"|
`"20110263925" | "20120053449"|
`"20130030239" | "20130158634"|
`"20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`"20140046423" | "20150025299"|
`"20150123661" | "20150133717"|
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`"3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413" |
`"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124" |
`"5984854" | "6179769"| "6213933"|
`"6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523" |
`"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058"|
`"9002477" | "20010031906"|
`"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699" | "20100179372"|
`"20100331603" | "20110021863"|
`"20110263925" | "20120053449" |
`"20130030239" | "20130158634"|
`"20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`"20140046423" | "20150025299" |
`"20150123661" | "20150133717"|
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`‘127 44
`‘128 1 OFF=2021/06/14-("5807232").PN. 'US- OR
`‘129 1,847
`130 579
`‘131 542
`‘132 0 ON—2021/06/14a61n2/0002.cpc. ‘US- OR
`133° 1,192
`134 805
`‘L135 1,788 ON=2021/06/14—_a61n2/006.cpc. ‘US- OR
`136 692
`‘137 (2,738
`138 «(3,832
`~—-L34.L35 L36 L37
`‘139 4315
`L34.L35 L36 L37 L33
`_( w/cm$6)with(light or electromagnetic)
`same (tissue skin face facial)
`“152 4,315
` —_-L34.L35.L36 L37 L33
`153 439
`—_L52. and incontinence
`(US-20100042009-$ or US-20100121131-§ US-
`154 20
`= or US-20100179372-$ or US-20120016174- PGPUB;
`-$ or US-20150025299-$ or US-
`-20090005631-$ or US-20070027411-$).did. USOCR -
`-or (US-5807232-$ or US-5908444-$ or US-
`-8998791-$ or US-4841220-$ or US-
`-4857822-$ or US-6198260-$ or US-
`6771518-$ or US-5057986-$ or US-
`-6166527-$ or US-6063108-$ or US-
`-5725471-$ or US-5984854-$).did. or (US-
`-L54 and hz
`155 14
`= 2021/06/14
`=. 2021/06/14
`156 2
`‘158 0
`-L57 and degrees
`=. 2021/06/14
`L61 2,547
`—_ (600/9-15).CCLS.
`-("'20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`"20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`-("20040093042" | "20060036300"|
`20060184214" | "20080262574"|
`"20090036958" | "20090254154"|
`"20100217253" | "20110112520"|
`"20120271294" | "20140005758"|
`"20140243933" | "20140249600"|
`"20140276693" | "20140277302"|
`5199951" | "6334069" | "6663659").PN.
`‘186 7
`‘187 1
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`: prouza.in.
`_(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`= 2021/06/14
`=. 2021/06/14
`‘188 2,547
` —_ (600/9-15).CCLS.
`189 12,725_insulated with wire with coil -US- OR ON 2021/06/14
`‘190 91
`-L88 and L89
`/L92 70,968
`coil with inductance
`193 3,802
`_coil with inductance with different
`194 2,547
`‘195 16
`-L93 and L94
`=. 2021/06/14
`196 912
`adjustable adj inductance
`coil with (variable or adjustable) with
`coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`(coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`- inductance ) and ( patient or therapy or
`: therapeutic)
`L104 and (focus or focussed or focused)
`-and electromagnet
`L109 2,547 OFF=2021/06/14 —_ (600/9-15).CCLS. ‘US- OR
`L110 60
`L109 and (nh or mh)
`=. 2021/06/14
`‘Lt11 21 L109 and (inductance with (nh ormh))=_US- OR OFF —- 2021/06/14
`‘L112 2
`-(""20140330067"| "6117066").PN.
`‘113 1
`‘L114 0
`L113 and muscle
`‘L115 1
`=. 2021/06/14
`‘L117 1
`‘L118 1
`‘1119 1
`L120 896
`‘1121 2,429
`—_ (607/88).CCLS.
`1122 1,750
`—_ (600/9,13,14).CCLS.
`=. 2021/06/14
`L129 and(optical light magnet
`- electromagnet electromagnetic
`("20100121131") or ("20100179372") or
`("5807232") or ("20150025299")).PN.
`»(°4622952" | "4662359" | "5147284"|
`"5156587" | "5211622" | "5451199").PN.
`OR ("2010/0121131"| "2010/0179372"|
`:"2015/0025299"| "5807232").URPN.
`"20090270945" | "4140130"|
`-"4262672").PN. OR ("8998791").URPN.
`-("20090270945" | "4140130"|
`-"4262672").PN. OR ("8998791").URPN.
`_ (switch near2 parallel) with capacitor with
`- inductor
`("20060074468") or ("6387089") or
`:("3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413" |
`"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124" |
`"5984854" | "6179769" | "6213933" |
`: "6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058" |
`>"9002477" | "20010031906" |
`L146 44
`- PGPUB;.
`"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`:"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699" | "20100179372" |
`"20100331603" | "20110021863" |
`-"20110263925" | "20120053449"|
`"20130030239" | "20130158634" |
`: "20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`"20140046423" | "20150025299" |
`:"20150123661" | "20150133717"|
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`:("3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413" |
`-"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124"|
`"5984854" | "6179769" | "6213933"|
`"6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`-"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058" |
`"9002477" | "20010031906"|
`-"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699" | "20100179372"|
`"20100331603" | "20110021863" |
`:"20110263925" | "20120053449"|
`"20130030239" | "20130158634" |
`"20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`-"20140046423" | "20150025299"|
`"20150123661" | "20150133717" |
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`“L147 1 OFF=2021/06/14-("5807232").PN. ‘US- OR
`: BSL
`L148 1,847
`L149 579
`L150 542 ON~~2021/06/14-a61n2/00.cpc. ‘US- OR
`‘L151 0
`_ a61n2/002.cpc.
`L152 1,192
`— |
`: BSL
`L153 805
`L154 1,788 ON—2021/06/14—_a61n2/006.cpc. ‘US- OR
`L155 692
` —-2021/06/14
`L156 2,738 ON=2021/06/14_a61n2/02.cpc. ‘US- OR
`“1157 3,832
`(1158 4,315
`L153 L154 L155 L156
`L153 L154 L155 L156 L152
`L159 109
`L158 and (powerwith flux with density)
` US-
`L160 36
`L158 and (poweradj flux adj density)
`(watt or W/cm) with (poweradj flux adj
`‘L161 49
`— density)
` US-
`‘L162 957
`L152 and (w or watt or power or w/em)
`“1163 11
`L152 and ( w/cm$1)
`- US-_—sOR
`:( w/cm$6)with (light or electromagnetic)
`“same(tissue skin face facial)
`-(US-20100042009-$ or US-20100121131-$ |
`or US-20100179372-$ or US-20120016174-
`-$ or US-20150025299-$ or US-
`-20090005631-$ or US-20070027411-$).did.
`“or (US-5807232-$ or US-5908444-$ or US-
`-8998791-$ or US-4841220-$ or US-
`4857822-$ or US-6198260-$ or US-
`6771518-$ or US-5057986-$ or US-
`6166527-$ or US-6063108-$ or US-
`_5725471-$ or US-5984854-$).did. or (US-
`/("20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`-("20110077451"| "20150216719"|
`“L186 3
`a -"4237898").PN.
`: ("20040093042" | "20060036300"|
`"20060184214" | "20080262574"|
`-"20090036958" | "20090254154"|
`-"20100217253" | "20110112520"|
`"20120271294"| "20140005758"|
`"20140243933"| "20140249609"|
`:"20140276693" | "20140277302"|
`-"5199951" | "6334069"| "6663659").PN.
`L187 17
`1188 1
`L189 1
`duration and L188
`‘190 1 ‘US-=OR=ON‘rate and L188 2021/06/14
`‘L191 1
`_(hz or hertz) and L188
`‘1192 1
`(nm) and L188
`L193 0
`1194 0
`“L195 1
`1196 1
`(w/cm)and L188
`(cm) and L188
`(w) and L188
`(c) and L188
`‘L197 1
`(rate) and L188
`L198 1
`L199 1
`L198 and pulse
`1200 2,547
` —- (600/9-15).CCLS.
`‘L201 446 ON=2021/06/14cooling and L200 ‘US- OR
`‘1202 0
`_("(magneticwithfieldwithparallel).clm.").PN. US-
`—- 2021/06/14
`1203 14,344
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm.
`‘1204 2
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`: prouza.in.
`L205 7
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`(1206 1 OFF=2021/06/14-("20060152301").PN. -US- OR
`L207 2,547
`—_ (600/9-15).CCLS.
`1208 12,725_insulated with wire with coil -US- OR ON ~—.2021/06/14
`coil with (variable or adjustable) with
`Coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`‘(coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`inductance ) and ( patient or therapy or
`: therapeutic)
`L223 and (focus or focussed or focused)
`-and electromagnet
`L245 and(optical light magnet
`electromagnet electromagnetic
`- electromagnet)
`("20100121 131") or ("20100179372") or
`("5807232") or ("20150025299")).PN.
`:(°4622952" | "4662359" | "5147284"|
`"5156587" | "5211622" | "5451199").PN.
`OR ("2010/0121131"| "2010/0179372"|
`:"2015/0025299"| "5807232").URPN.
`-(""20090270945" | "4140130"|
`-"4262672").PN. OR("8998791").URPN.
`-("20090270945"| "4140130"|
`"4262672").PN. OR ("8998791").URPN.
`_(switch near2 parallel) with capacitor with
`1258 4,029
`_ buck near2 boost near2circuit
`L259 2 OFF=.2021/06/14("20040087970") or ("4743198")).PN. US- OR
`L260 3
`("20060074468") or ("6387089") or
`‘(L261 44
`L262 44
`"3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413"|
`"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124" |
`"5984854" | "6179769" | "6213933"|
`-"6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`:"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523" |
`-"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058" |
`:"9002477" | "20010031906"|
`"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`-"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699" | "20100179372" |
`"20100331603" | "20110021863" |
`"20110263925" | "20120053449" |
`"20130030239" | "20130158634" |
`: "20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`"20140046423" | "20150025299" |
`-"20150123661" | "20150133717"|
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`:("3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413" |
`"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124" |
`"5984854" | "6179769" | "6213933" |
`: "6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`-"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058" |
`>"9002477" | "20010031906" |
`"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`: "20100087699" | "20100179372" |
`"20100331603" | "20110021863" |
`:"20110263925" | "20120053449"|
`"20130030239" | "20130158634" |
`"20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`-"20140046423" | "20150025299"|
`"20150123661" | "20150133717" |
`:"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`‘1263 1
`=. 2021/06/14
`1264 1,847
`L265 579
`1266 542
` —-2021/06/14
`‘1267 0 ON=2021/06/14-a61n2/0002.cpc. ‘US- OR
`‘1268 1,192
`1269 805
`1270 1,788 ON—2021/06/14_a61n2/006.cpc. 'US- OR
`— :
`‘L271 692
`L272 2,738
`1273 3,832
`—- L269 L270 L271 L272
`(1274 4,315
`L269 L270 L271 L272 L268
`=. 2021/06/14
`_( w/cm$6)with(light or electromagnetic)
`same (tissue skin face facial)
`L287 4,315
`L269. L270 L271 L272 L268
`1288 439
`a ,
`1289 20
`1290 14
`‘L291 2
`_(US-20100042009-$ or US-20100121131-§ US-
`or US-20100179372-$ or US-20120016174- PGPUB;
`-$ or US-20150025299-$ or US-
`-20090005631-$ or US-20070027411-$).did. USOCR »
`-or (US-5807232-$ or US-5908444-$ or US-
`-8998791-$ or US-4841220-$ or US-
`-4857822-$ or US-6198260-$ or US-
`6771518-$ or US-5057986-$ or US-
`-6166527-$ or US-6063108-$ or US-
`-5725471-$ or US-5984854-$).did. or (US-
`L289 and hz
`= 2021/06/14
`(292 1
`(1293 0
`L292 and degrees
`(1294 0 ON=2021/06/14L292 and temperature ‘US- OR
`1295 1
`=. 2021/06/14
`1296 2,547 OFF=.2021/06/14—_ (600/9-15).CCLS. ‘US- OR
`-("'20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`"20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`- "20040093042" | "20060036300"|
`"20060184214" | "20080262574"|
`-"20090036958" | "20090254154"|
`-"20100217253" | "20110112520"|
`"20120271294" | "20140005758"|
`"20140243933" | "20140249609" |
`"20140276693" | "20140277302"|
`-"5199951" | "6334069" | "6663659").PN.
`1320 2
`‘1321 7
`1322 1
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`: prouza.in.
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`=. 2021/06/14
`1323 2,547
` —_- (600/9-15).CCLS.
`1324 12,725_insulated with wire with coil -US- OR ON —_.2021/06/14
`1325 91
`1326 1
`L323 and L324
`=. 2021/06/14
`1327 70,968
`coil with inductance
`1328 3,802
`coil with inductance with different
`1329 2,547 OFF=2021/06/14(600/9-15).CCLS. 'US- OR
`1330 16
`L328 and L329
`1331 912
`adjustable adj inductance
`coil with (variable or adjustable) with
`coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`(coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`- inductance ) and ( patient or therapy or
`: therapeutic)
`L339 and (focus or focussed or focused)
`-and electromagnet
`1344 2,547 OFF=—-2021/06/14(600/9-15).CCLS. -US- OR
`— |
`1345 60
`L344 and (nh or mh)
`=. 2021/06/14
`1346 21 L344 and(inductance with (nh ormh))=-US- —OR OFF =—.2021/06/14
`‘L347 2
`-("20140330067"| "6117066").PN.
`1348 1 OFF=2021/06/14-('20110263925").PN. -US- OR
`1349 0
`1350 1
`L348 and muscle
`—- 2021/06/14
`‘13510 -L350andmuscleiiiti(‘<«;SS]SOROFF2021/06/14
`1352 1 OFF=2021/06/14-("9937358").PN. 'US- OR
`— :
`(1353 1
`1356 2,429
` —_ (607/88).CCLS.
`1357 1,750
`—_ (600/9,13,14).CCLS.
`=. 2021/06/14
`L364 and(optical light magnet
`- electromagnet electromagnetic
`("20100121131") or ("20100179372") or
`("5807232") or ("20150025299")).PN.
`»(°4622952" | "4662359" | "5147284"|
`"5156587" | "5211622" | "5451199").PN.
`OR ("2010/0121131"| "2010/0179372"|
`:"2015/0025299"| "5807232").URPN.
`"20090270945" | "4140130"|
`-"4262672").PN. OR ("8998791").URPN.
`-("20090270945" | "4140130"|
`-"4262672").PN. OR ("8998791").URPN.
`_ (switch near2 parallel) with capacitor with
`- inductor
`("20060074468") or ("6387089") or
`:("3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413" |
`"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124" |
`"5984854" | "6179769" | "6213933" |
`: "6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058" |
`>"9002477" | "20010031906" |
`"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`:"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699" | "20100179372" |
`"20100331603" | "20110021863" |
`-"20110263925" | "20120053449"|
`"20130030239" | "20130158634" |
`: "20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`"20140046423" | "20150025299" |
`:"20150123661" | "20150133717"|
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`:("3915151" | "4665898" | "4993413" |
`-"5085626" | "5401233" | "5766124"|
`"5984854" | "6179769" | "6213933"|
`"6223750" | "6402678" | "6527694" |
`"6569078" | "6939287" | "7030764" |
`-"7601115" | "7740574" | "7744523"|
`"7946973" | "7998053" | "8088058" |
`"9002477" | "20010031906"|
`-"20060152301" | "20060187607"|
`"20080262287" | "20090005631" |
`"20100087699" | "20100179372"|
`"20100331603" | "20110021863" |
`:"20110263925" | "20120053449"|
`"20130030239" | "20130158634" |
`"20130238061" | "20130317281" |
`-"20140046423" | "20150025299"|
`"20150123661" | "20150133717" |
`"20150157873" | "20150367141" |
`(1381 44
`1382 1
`1383 1,847
`L384 579
`1385 542
`1386 0
`- PGPUB;.
`=. 2021/06/14
`_ a61n2/002.cpc.
`1387 1,192
`— |
`L388 805
`1389 1,788
`1390 692
` —-2021/06/14
`1391 2,738 ON=2021/06/14_a61n2/02.cpc. ‘US- OR
`1392 3,832
`1393 4,315
`1394 109
`—_ L388. L389 L390 L391
`L388. L389 L390 L391 L387
`L393 and (powerwith flux with density)
` US-
`L395 36 ON—2021/06/14L393 and (poweradj flux adj density) ‘US- OR
`L396 49
`(watt or W/cm) with (poweradj fluxadj
`L397 957 = US-~—ORL387 and (w or watt or power or w/cem) ON 2021/06/14
`‘1398 11
`L387 and ( w/cm$1)
`| 13:53
`:( w/cm$6)with (light or electromagnetic)
`“same(tissue skin face facial)
`(US-20100042009-$ or US-20100121131-$
`-or US-20100179372-$ or US-20120016174- -
`-$ or US-20150025299-$ or US-
`20090005631-$ or US-20070027411-$).did.
`“or (US-5807232-$ or US-5908444-$ or US-
`-8998791-$ or US-4841220-$ or US-
`-4857822-$ or US-6198260-$ or US-
`6771518-$ or US-5057986-$ or US-
`-6166527-$ or US-6063108-$ or US-
`-5725471-$ or US-5984854-$).did. or (US-
`/("20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`1421 3
`"20110077451" | "20150216719"|
`(L422 17
`: ("20040093042" | "20060036300"|
`"20060184214" | "20080262574"|
`-"20090036958" | "20090254154"|
`-"20100217253" | "20110112520"|
`"20120271294"| "20140005758"|
`"20140243933"| "20140249609"|
`:"20140276693" | "20140277302"|
`-"5199951" | "6334069"| "6663659").PN.
`‘1423 1 OFF=2021/06/14-('20170106201").PN. ‘US- OR
`1424 1 ON=2021/06/14-duration and L423 ‘US- OR
`1425 1 ON—2021/06/14‘rate and L423 ‘US- OR
`1426 1
`(hz orhertz) and L423
`‘(1427 1
`(nm) and L423
`1428 0
`1429 0
`L430 1
`‘1431 1
`-(w/cm) and L423
`(cm) and L423
`(w) and L423
`(c) and L423
`(rate) and L423
`‘1432 1
`| |
`1433 1
`L434 1
`L433 and pulse
`1435 2,547
`—- (600/9-15).CCLS.
`1436 446
`cooling and L435
`‘1437 0
`_("(magneticwithfieldwithparallel).clm.").PN. US-
`—- 2021/06/14
`L438 14,344
`(magnetic with field with parallel).cim.
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`: prouza.in.
`(magnetic with field with parallel).clm. and US-
`L439 2
`L440 7
`‘L441 1
`1442 2,547 OFF=.2021/06/14 — (600/9-15).CCLS. ‘US- OR
`1443 12,725_insulated with wire with coil -US- OR ON ~—.2021/06/14
`coil with (variable or adjustable) with
`Coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`‘(coil near2 (variable or adjustable) near2
`inductance ) and ( patient or therapy or
`: therapeutic)
`L458 and (focus or focussed or focused)
`-and electromagnet
`‘1469 1
`L470 0
`L469 and muscle
`10124187"| "10245430"|
`‘L471 45
`a "20060287566" | "20080306325"|
`"20080306326" | "20090018384"|
`"20090108969" | "20100081971" |
`"20100152522" | "20100160712"|
`"20100222629" | "20100309689"|
`"20110130618" | "20120302821" |
`"20120310033" | "20130053620"|
`"20130123764" | "20130123765"|
`"20130331637" | "20140148870"|
`"20140371515" | "20170000001" |
`"20170001025" | "20170001029"|
`"20170001030" | "20170072212"|
`"20170106201" | "20170120067"|
`"20180001106" | "20180125416"|
`"20180236254" |

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