`aovaneiia, vege8
`Gregory OSTROW
`4682-701 STF
`Title of Invention
`Filing of terminal disclaimer does nol obviate requirement for resoonse under 3? CFR 1.411 to outstanding
`Ofice Acton
`This electronic Terminal Disclaimer is not being used for a Joint Research Agreement.
`Sydnexis, ine.
`Percent interest
`The owner(s} of percent interesi listed above in the instant application hereby disclaims, except as provided below,
`the terminal part of the stalutory term of any patent granted on the instant application which would extend beyond
`the expiration date of the full statutory term of any patent granted! on pending reference Application Number(s}
`Application #
`1 PeI4aR4.
`Filing Date
`OB/PAlP Nee
`as the term of any patent granted on said referenceBPPEREON may be shorfened by any terminal disclaimer Hed
`prior to the grant of any patent on the pending reference application. The owner hereby agrees that any patent so
`granted on theinstant application shall be enfarceable oniy for and during such period that # and any patent
`granted on the reference application are commonly owned. This agreement runs with any patent granted on the
`instant application and is binding upon the grantee,iis successars or assigns.
`in making the above disclaimer, the owner dees nat disclaim the terminal part of any patent granted on the instant
`aoolication that would extend fo the expiration date of the full statutory term of any patent granted on said reference
`application, "as the term of any patent granted or said reference apolicalion may be shortened by any terminal
`disclaimer fied prior lo the grant of any patent on the pending reference application,”in ihe event that any such
`patent granted on ihe pending reference application: expires for failure to pay a rnainienancefee, is held
`unenforceable, is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, is statutorily disclaimed in whole or lerminally
`disclaimed under 37 CFR 1.Gei, has all claims canceled by 4 reexamination certificate, is reissued, or is in any
`manner terminated prior to the exmiration of fis full slatutory terrn as shortened by any lerminal disclaimerfiled prior
`fo is grant
`The owner{s) of percent interest listed abovein the instant application hereby disclaims, except as provided below,
`the terminal part of the statutory terrn of any patent granted on the instant application which would extend beyond
`the expiration date of the full statutory ferm of prior patent number(s)
`as the term of said prior paieniis presently shortened by anyterminal disclaimer. The owner hereby agrees thai
`ary patent $0& granted orine instant apniication shail be enforceabie only for and during such period inal Hand the
`orfor patent are commonly owned. This agreement runs with any patent granted an the instant application and is
`binding upon the grarites, 4S successars or assigns.
`in making the above disclaimer, ihe owner does not disclaimthe terminal part of ine term of ary patent granted on
`ihe instant apolcation thal would extend te the exniralion date of ine full stalutory term of the prior patent, “as the
`termof saicl prior patent is presently shariened by any terminal disclaimer,” in the eveni that said prior patent later:
`» expires for fadure io pay & maintenance fee;
`sis held unenforceable)
`» is found invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction;
`*is Statutorilydisclaimed in whole or terminally disclaimed under 3? CFR 1924;
`has all claims canceled by a reexamination certficate;
`» ig reissued) or
`sis in any manner ferrinated prior to the expiration of its full statutory tearm as presently shoriened by any terminal
`arminal cisclaimer fee under 37 CFR 1.20(c) inclucted with Electronic Terminal Disclaimer request
`Applicant claims the following entity status:
`Reguiar Undiscounted
`inereby declare inal all statements made herein of my own knowledge are true and thal all sialemmnis made on
`information and belief are believed to be true: and further that these slalements were made wiih the knowledge [hal
`wiltul faise statements and the like so made are punishable by fine or imprisonment, ar both, under Section 1001 of
`Tite 18 of the United States Code and that such wilful falsestalements may jeopardize the validly of the
`application ar any patent issued therean.
`i certify, in accordance with 37 CFR i 4idi4} that | am: An attorney or agent registered fo practice before the
`Patent and Trademark Office who is of record in this apphcation
`‘Tyler Bire/
`Tyler Bird
`Registration #
`Statement under 37 CFR 3.#30) is required if iarminal cisciaimer is signed by the assignes (owner). Farm
`PTOSBOS may1 beused for making this certification. See MPEP O24.

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