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`17(6):730-740 (2011).
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`SCHUBERTet al., Sterility of Anesthetic Multiple-Dose Vials after Opening.
`ANESTHESIOLOGY62:634-636 (1985).
`TAYLORetal. A critical appraisal of drug stability testing methods. Pharm. Res. 4(3):177-80
`UNKNOWN. Modern Physical Organic Chemistry. Notes Chapter 8 (2) Under the isotope effect.
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`U.S. Patent No. 10,842,787 File History.
` U.S.PatentNo.10,842,787PetitionforInterPartesReviewdatedDecember29,2021(Case °
`No. IPR2022-00384).
`U.S. Patent No. 10,888,557 File History.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,888,557 Petition for Inter Partes Review dated January 7, 2022 (Case No.
`U.S. Patent No. 10,940,145 File History.
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`U.S. Serial No. 16/785,411 Office Action dated January 24, 2022.
`USP 24 Official Monographs/ Atropine, THE UNITED STATES PHARMACOPEIA 177-180
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