`Sequence Listing was accepted.
`Tf you need help call the Patent Electronic Business Center at
`217-9197 (toll free).
`Reviewer: Saleem, Syed (ASRC)
`sec=25; ms=287;
`[year=2021; month=3; day=4; hr=11; min=28;
`Validated By CRFValidator v 1.0.5
`Application No:
`Version No:
`Input Set:
`Output Set:
`2021-03-02 15:27:44.048
`2021-03-02 15:27:46.190
`O hr(s)
`0 min(s)
`2 sec(s) 142 ms
`Total Warnings:
`Total Errors:
`No. of SeqIDs Defined:
`Actual SeqID Count:
`Error Description
`Error code
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (1)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (2)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (3)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (4)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (5)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (6)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (7)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (8)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (9)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (10)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`ain SEQ ID (11)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (12)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (13)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (14)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (15)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (16)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`ain SEQ ID (17)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`in SEQ ID (18)
`ain SEQ ID (19)
`ain SEQ ID (20)
`or Unknown found in <213>
`or Unknown found in <213>
`Input Set:
`Output Set:
`2021-03-02 15:27:44.048
`2021-03-02 15:27:46.190
`O hr(s)
`0 min(s)
`2 sec(s) 142 ms
`Total Warnings:
`Total Errors:
`No. of SeqIDs Defined:
`Actual SeqID Count:
`Error code
`Error Description
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(573) on
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(574) on
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(575) on
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(576) on
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(576) on
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(577) on
`n or Xaa used,
`SEQID(577) on
`SEQID(578) on
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`n or Xaa used,
`This error has occured more than 20 times, will not be displayed
`SEQID(572) on
`line number 6917
`line number 6941
`line number 6965
`line number 6989
`line number 7013
`line number 7015
`line number 7039
`line number 7041
`line number 7065
`line number 7105
`line number 7131
`SEQID(581) on
`line number 7133
`SEQID(582) on
`line number 7159
`SEQID(582) on
`line number 7161
`line number 7187
`line number 7853
`line number 7873
`line number 7893
`SEQID (639) on
`SEQID(580) on
`SEQID(581) on
`SEQID (583) on
`SEQID(637) on
`SEQID (638) on
`A 140>
`A 150>
`A ua oO v
`A gu oO Vv
`A gu oO Vv
`A ua oO v
`A U Vv
`A 150>
` <170>
`A 150>
`A 160>
`Sarepta Therapeutics,
`Sazani, Peter
`Kole, Ryszard
`4140 .001000 Fl
`G S 16/899, 802
`US 16/243, 926
`G n 16/146, 328
`N oO US 15/789, 862
`US 15/349,778
`US 14/523,610
`US 12/605,276
`US 61/108, 416
`FastSEQ for Windows Version 4.0
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`etgcaggtaa aagcatatgg atcaa
`2 2
`Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 2
`atcegectgca ggtaaaagcea tatgg
`<210> 3
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 3
`gtcaaatcge ctgcaggtaa aagca
`<210> 4
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 4
`gatctgtcaa atcgectgca ggtaa
`<210> 5
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 5
`caacagatct gtcaaatcge ctgca
`<210> 6
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 6
`tttctcaaca gatctgtcaa atcgce
`<210> 7
`<211> 25
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ecatttctca acagatctgt caaat
`8 2
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ataatgaaaa cgecgecatt
`9 2
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`aaatatcttt atatcataat gaaaa
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`tgttagecac tgattaaata tettt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`aaactgttca gettctgtta gcecac
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ttgtgtcttt ctgagaaact gttca
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ecaattctca ggaatttgtg tettt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gtatttagca tgttcccaat tectca
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ettaagatac catttgtatt tagcea
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 16
`ettaccttaa gataccattt gtatt
`<210> 17
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 17
`aaagacttac cttaagatac cattt
`<210> 18
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 18
`aaatcaaaga cttaccttaa gatac
`<210> 19
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 19
`aaaacaaatc aaagacttac cttaa
`<210> 20
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 20
`tegaaaaaac aaatcaaaga cttac
`<210> 21
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 21
`etgtaagata ccaaaaagge aaaac
`<210> 22
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 22
`ectgtaagat accaaaaagg caaaa
`<210> 23
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 23
`agttectgta agataccaaa aagge
`<210> 24
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 24
`gagttectgt aagataccaa aaagg
`<210> 25
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 25
`ectggagttc ctgtaagata ccaaa
`<210> 26
`<211> 25
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`teetggagtt cctgtaagat accaa
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gecatecctgg agttcctgta agata
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`tgecatcctg gagttcctgt aagat
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ecaatgecat cctggagttce ctgta
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ecccaatgeca tectggagtt ectgt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`getgeccaat gecatcctgg agttc
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`egetgeccaa tgecatcctg gagtt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`aacagtttge cgcetgeccaa tgceca
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`etgacaacag tttgecgctg cccaa
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 35
`gttgeattca atgttctgac aacag
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gctgaattat ttecttcccca gttge
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`attatttctt cceccagttge attca
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ggeatctgtt tttgaggatt gctga
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`tttgaggatt getgaattat ttectt
`Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 40
`aatttttect gtagaatact ggcat
`<210> 41
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 41
`atactggeat ctgtttttga ggatt
`<210> 42
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 42
`accgcagatt caggettcce aattt
`<210> 43
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 43
`aatttttect gtagaatact ggcat
`<210> 44
`<211> 25
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 44
`etgtttgeag acctcctgee accge
`<210> 45
`<211> 25
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`agattcagge ttceccaattt ttect
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`etetttttte tgtctgacag ctgtt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`acctectgec acecgcagatt cagge
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ectacctctt ttttctgtct gacag
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gacagetgtt tgceagaccte ctgecc
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gtegeectac ctctttttte tgtct
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gatctgtege cetacctctt tttte
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`tattagatct gtegecctac ctctt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`attectatta gatctgtcge cctac
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 54
`agataccaaa aaggcaaaac
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`aagataccaa aaaggcaaaa
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ectgtaagat accaaaaagg
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gagttectgt aagataccaa
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`teetggagtt cectgtaagat
`Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 59
`tgecatectg gagttecctgt
`<210> 60
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 60
`eccaatgeca tectggagtt
`<210> 61
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 61
`egetgeecaa tgecatcctg
`<210> 62
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 62
`etgacaacag tttgecgctg
`<210> 63
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 63
`gttgcattca atgttctgac
`<210> 64
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 64
`attatttctt ceccagttge
`<210> 65
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 65
`tttgaggatt gctgaattat
`<210> 66
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 66
`atactggeat ctgtttttga
`<210> 67
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 67
`aatttttect gtagaatact
`<210> 68
`<211> 20
`<212> DNA
`<213> Artificial Sequence
`<223> Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`<400> 68
`agattcagge ttcecaattt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`acctectgee accgcagatt
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`gacagcectgtt tgcagacctc
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`etetttttte tgtctgacag
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human dystrophin
`ectacctctt ttttetgtct
`Artificial Sequence
`Antisense sequence to target splice site of
`proprocessed human