`Filing Date:
`March 31, 2020
`This Amendment pursuant to 37 C.F.R. § 1.312 is being filed after the mailing of the
`Notice of Allowancein the above-identified application and before paymentofthe issue fee.
`In this Amendment, Applicant has amended the claims as shownherein without prejudice
`or disclaimer. Applicant respectfully notes that a Primary Examiner “has authority to enter
`amendments submitted after Notice of Allowance of an application which embody merely the
`correction of formal matters in the specification or drawing, or formal matters in a claim without
`changing the scope thereof, or the cancellation of claims from the application, without
`forwarding to the supervisory patent examiner for approval.” M.P.E.P. § 714.16. As such,
`Applicant respectfully requests entry of these amendments.
`No Disclaimers or Disavowals
`Reviewers of this or any parent, child, or related prosecution history shall not reasonably
`infer that Applicant has madeany disclaimers or disavowals of any subject matter supported by
`the present application.
`Applicant respectfully requests entry of this amendment and prompt forwarding to the
`Office of Patent Publication for printing in the issued patent.
`If there are any remaining issues,
`the Examineris cordially invited to call the undersigned at (949) 760-0404.
`Please charge any additional fees, including any fees for additional extension of time, or
`credit overpayment to Deposit Account No. 11-1410.
`Dated: May 5, 2020
`Respectfully submitted,
`/Jarom Kesler/
`Jarom D. Kesler
`Registration No. 57,046
`Registered Practitioner
`Customer No. 64735
`(949) 760-0404