`Fate»! Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`EP 2 2555 "2’98 81
`Date of publication and mention
`of the grant of the patent:
`99.91.2813 Buttetin 291392
`Appticetion number: {391E14M.3
`(51) Em C!"
`A471 5i22 (20:36.01)
`A471 9mg (2005.91,:
`A47L 91-22 (20:16.01)
`Date of filing: 29.95.2399
`Sucking device
`Disposittt d’aspiretion
`Designated Contracting States:
`Date of publication of appiication:
`01.12.2910 Buttetin 201Gl48
`Proprietor: Soteco S.p.A.
`26922 Castetverde (ET)
`Avenzini, Mauro
`26932 Ostiano (CR) (ET)
`0 Bertoietti, Qiuflieno
`2619i} Eremone (3?)
`% Roneni, Domenico
`26638 Torre Elie” Pieenerdi (CR) (ET)
`v Raineri, Piertuigi
`253M?» Persist: Doeimo (CR) (ET)
`(74) Representative: Crugnota, Pietro
`Luppi Crugnote & Partners; Stat.
`Viate Coraeeort 534
`4119i} Modem (ST)
`(56) References cite-11':
`FR—A— 2 733 435
`US—B’tu 6 381893
`US—A- 2 3364 58?
`Note: Within nine months of the pubtication oftne mention of the grant of the European patent in the European Patent
`Boiietin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the
`tmptementing Regutations. Notice of opposition sanett not be deemed to have been titect ontit the opposition fee has been
`paid. (Art. 99(1) European Patent Convention).
`Printed by .Jouve, 75001 PAREE': (FR)


`E? 2 255 768 81
`[$0613 The invention reiat s to a sucking device, in par—
`ticular a domestic or industrial vacuum cleaner that sucks
`a dry or liquid product from surfaces such as floors, fur~
`niture, furnishing elements or the like.
`[$0623 Vacuum cieaners are known comprising a plu—
`rality of sucking eiements, such as, for example, tans,
`each driven by a respective motor. Each sucking element
`comprises a sucking opening through which air is sucked
`to generate a vacuum in relation to the outside environ—
`ment. The sucking openings of all the sucking eiements
`are connected to a same sucking pipe of the vacuum
`cleaner. The vacuum cieaner is able to suck an air flow
`rate that is substantially the same, less the head losses,
`as the sum of the air flow rates of the single sucking
`[$6033 US 6,,381803 81 discloses a sucking device
`according to the preamble of claim 1. FR 2733406 dis-
`closes a further sucking device.
`[$0643 A drawback of the vacuum cleaners disciosed
`above is that although they are able to suck significant
`airflow rates they are unable to generate great: vacuums.
`[60053 Vacuum cleaners are further known comprising
`a multistage aspirating element, such as, for example, a
`tan driven by a respective motor.
`[$6063 A drawback of the vacuum cleaners disclosed
`above is that, although they generate a high vacuum they
`are not able to such great air flow rates, unless driving
`motors are installed of the multistage sucking element
`that are very powerful and therefore very costly.
`[$6073 An object of the invention is to improve known
`sucking devices.
`[60683 Another object of the invention is to pr vide a
`sucking device in which the sucked air flow rate and the
`vacuum can be varied simply.
`[$6063 According to the invention, there is provided a
`sucking device, comprising first sucking means having a
`first sucking opening and second sucking means having
`a second sucking opening, characterised by further com—
`prising switching means that enables said sucking device
`to assume aiternatively a first operating configuration, in
`which said first sucking opening and said second sucking
`opening are both connected to a sucking element of said
`sucking device arranged for interacting with a product to
`be sucked and a second operating configuration, in which
`said first sucking opening is connected to said sucking
`element and said second sucking opening is connected
`to a discharging opening of said first sucking means.
`[$6163 Owing to the invention, it is possible to obtain a
`sucking device provided with a significant flexibility and,
`thus, able to adapt to various conditions of use, these
`conditions being able to depend on the quantity and type
`of product to be sucked.
`[$6113 The sucking device can operate according to
`two distinct operating modes.
`the first sucking
`lo a first operating mode,
`means and the second sucking means are connected in
`parallel. in this case, the sucking device enables a large
`air flow rate to be sucked.
`in a second operatin mode, the first sucking
`means and the second sucking means are connected in
`series. in this case, the sucking device enables a great
`vacuum to be generated. in conclusion, the sucking de-
`vice can pass with extreme simplicity from a work con~
`figuration - corresponding to the aforesaid first operating
`mode — characterised by a preset air flow rate and by a
`preset vacuum — to a further work configuration — corre—
`sponding to the aforesaid second operating mode - char-
`acterised by a lesser air flow rate and by a greater vac~
`uum, or vice versa.
`36$143 The invention can be better understood and im--
`plemented with reference to the attached drawings,
`which show an embodiment thereof by way of non-limit-
`ing example, in which:
`is a diagram of a sucking device in an op—
`Figure ’l
`erating configuration;
`Figure 2 is a diagram ofthe sucking device in afurther
`operating configuration.
`Figures 1 and 2 schematically show a sucking
`device 1, for example a domestic or industrial vacuum
`cleaner, arranged for sucking a dry and/or wet waste rna~
`[$0103 The sucking device 1 comprises first sucking
`means 5, for example a fan driven by a corresponding
`motor, provided with a first sucking opening 6 and with
`a first discharging opening 22, and second sucking
`means 20, for example a further fan driven by a corre-
`sponding motor, provided with a second sucking opening
`13 and with a second discharging opening 23.
`[$0173 The motors that drive the aforesaid fan and the
`aforesaid further fan can be single—phase or three-phase
`electric motors.
`ln an embodimen that is not shown, the first
`sucking means 5 can comprise two or more fans. Simi-
`Early, also the second sucking means 20 can comprise
`two or more fans.
`[$6193 The sucking device 1 further comprises collect—
`ing means 2, configured, for example, as a casing, such
`as a barrel of a vacuum cleaner intended for receiving
`the aforesaid waste materia removed by the sucking de—
`vice 1.
`[$6203 The collecting means 2 is provided with a hole,
`not shown, to which a sucking element is con-
`nected with which the sucking device 1 is provided. The
`sucking element is intended to interact with the aforesaid
`waste material. The sucking element may comprise a
`flexible pipe having afirst and connected to the aforesaid
`hole and a second end connected to a cleaning tool, such
`as a brush, or the like. inside the collecting means 2 a
`filtering element can be provided that separates the
`aforesaid waste material from the current of air generated
`by the first sucking means 5 and by the second sucking
`means 20.


`E? 2 255 798 B1
`T'he first sucking opening 6 faces the collecting
`means 2 directly and is thus connected thereto.
`[0022} The first discharging opening 22 teads into a
`first chamber 12 having an outlet passage 15 that com-
`municates with a discharging conduit 1 3. The discharging
`conduit 13 is intended for evacuating into the externai
`environment the air sucked by the sucking device 1. At
`the outiet passage 15 there is provided first valve means
`14 - for exampie an automatic vaive ~ that enables the
`air to pass from the iirst chamber 12 to the discharging
`conduit 13 and prevents air from passing from the dis—
`charging conduit 13 to the first chamber 12.
`[1313231 The sucking device 1 further comprises a sec-
`ond chamber 11 provided with an iniet passage 8 con-
`nected to the collecting means 2. At the iniet passage 8
`there is provided second vaive means 9 .. for example an
`automatic vaive - that enabies the air to pass from the
`coiiecting means 2 to the second chamber 11 and pre-
`vents air from passing from the second chamber 11 to
`the coiiecting means 2.
`[0024} The second sucking opening 19 faces and is
`thus connected to the second chamber 11.
`$11325} The second discharging opening 23 ieads into
`the discharging conduit 13.
`[139261 Between the first chamber 12 and the second
`chamber 11 switching means 18 is interposed. The
`switching means 18 comprises a vaive 24 - which is driv-
`abie by a user — positioned in passage means 25 extend
`ing between the first chamber 11 and the second cham—
`ber' 12. The vaive 24 is movabie between an open posi—
`tion Y, in which the vaive 24 does not obstruct the pas—
`sage means 25, enabiing air to pass from the first cham-
`ber 12 to the second chamber 11, and a ctosed position
`X, in which the vaive 24 obstructs the passage means
`25. preventing air from passing i'rom the first chamber 12
`the second chamber 11.
`$11327} The switching means 18 aiiovvs to pass from an
`operating configuration A (shown in Figure 1), in which
`the sucking device 1 sucks a iarge air fiow rate and gen--
`erates a smail vacuum, to a further operating configura—
`tion B (shown in Figure 2), in which the sucking device
`1 sucks a smati air flow rate and generates a great vac-
`in the operating configuration A, the iirstsucking
`means 5 and the second sucking means 20 are connect-
`ed par'attel.
`in this case, in tact. both the first sucking
`opening 6 and the second sucking opening 19 the sec-
`ond sucking opening 1.
`through the iniet passage 8 (as
`wiii be disciosed in greater detaii beiow), are connected
`to the coilecting means 2. Similariy, both the first dis-
`charging opening 22, through the outiet passage 15 (as
`wiii he disciosed in greater detaii below), and the second
`discharging opening 23 are connected to the discharging
`conduit 13.
`$11329} When the sucking device 1 is in the operating
`configuration A the vaive 24 is in the ctosed position X.
`in the further operating configuration 8, the first
`sucking means 5 and the second sucking means 20 are
`connected in series. in this case, in fact, the second suck—
`ing opening 19 is connected to the first discharging open-
`ing 22, through the first chamber 12 and the second
`chamber 11.
`{0&31} When the sucking device 1 is in the further op—
`erating configuration 8 the vaive 24 is in the open position
`[13032] With reference to Figure 1, when the sucking
`device 1 is in the operating configuration A, after the first
`sucking means 5 and the second sucking means 21) have
`been activated the coiiecting means 2 is traversed by a
`flow of air F and waste materiai coming from a surface
`to be cieaned.
`{OMS} The fiow F is separated into two iiows, Le. into
`a first ftow F1 sucked by the first sucking means 5 and
`into a second flow F2 sucked by the second sucking
`means 20.
`{0&34} As the vaive 24 is in the closed position X, the
`first flow F1 and the second iiow F2 remain separated
`from one another and do not come into contact, the first
`ftow F1 traversing the first chamber 12 and the second
`flow F2 traversing the second chamber 11.
`{OMS} The first fiow F1 is sucked by the first sucking
`means 5 through the first sucking opening 6 and is intro—
`duced inside the first chamber 12 through the first dis-
`charging opening 22. As the pressure inside the first
`chamber 12 is greater than the pressure inside the dis—
`charging conduit 13, the first vaive means 14 moves from
`a closing configuration K1 , shown in Figure 2, to an open-
`ing configuration H1, shown in Figure 1 in this manner.
`the first flow F1 can pass from the first chamber 12 to the
`discharging conduit 18 through the outiet passage 15.
`{01335} As the pressure inside the second chamber 11
`is iesser than the pressure inside the coiiecting means
`2, the second vaive means 9 moves from a ctosing con~
`figuration K2, shown in Figure 2, to an opening configu—
`ration 1-12, shown in Figure 1. in this manner, the first fiovv
`F2 can pass from the coiiecting means 2 to the second
`chamber 11 through the iniet passage 8.
`[13037] The second fiow F2, after traversing the second
`chamber 11, is sucked by the second sucking means 20
`through the second sucking opening 19 and is introduced
`inside the discharging conduit 13 through the second dis-
`charging opening 23.
`{131338} With reference to Figure 2, when the sucking
`device 1 is in the further'oper'ating configuration 8, after
`the first sucking means 5 and the second sucking means
`20 have been activated, the coiiecting means 2 is tra-
`versed by a fiow oi air F3 and o waste materiai coming
`from a surface to he cieaned.
`{0&39} As the vaive 24 is in the open position Y, the
`fiow F3 is not separated into two tiovvs, as occurs in the
`operating configuration A, but successiveiy traverses the
`first sucking means 5 and the second sucking means 20.
`{weird} The flow 3 issucked bythe first sucking means
`5 through the first sucking opening 6 and is introduced
`inside the first chamber 12 through the first discharging
`opening 22. The iiow F3 passes from the first chamber


`EP 2 255 798 B1
`12 to the second chamber 11 traversing the vaive 24. As
`the pressure inside the second chamber 11 is greater
`than the oressureic-side the coilecting means 2. the sec—
`ond vaive means0a is maintained in the ciosing configu-
`ration K2.
`[119411 The flow F3 is sucked by the second sucking
`means 2(3- through the second sucking opening 19 and
`is-nitroduced ins:do the dischargi-ng conduit 13 through
`the second discharging opening 23.
`[11642] As the pressure inside the di<charging conduit
`13 is greater than the pressure inside the first chamber
`12. the first vaive means 14 is maintained in the ciosing
`configuration K1.
`[913431 As the first vaive means 14 is maintained in the
`closing configuration K1 and the second valve means 9
`is maintained in the closing configuration K2 the flow F.
`is induced to traverse in succession the first sucking
`means 5, the first chamber 12, the second chamber 11
`and the second sucking means 20 to reach the discharg-
`ing conduit 13
`[00441 A user, by acting on the switching means 18,
`can move very simply and rapidiy from the operating con—
`.1guration A to the further operating configuration 8 and
`vice versa.
`[119451 The sucking device 1 is consequently very ver—
`satileinasmuch as the air flowrate sucked and the vac
`uum generated can be varied according to requirements,
`for exampte to adapt to the various duuahtities and/or type
`of waste material that has to be sucked
`Sucking device, comprising first sucking means (5)
`having a first sucking opening (6) and second suck—
`ing means (20) having a second sucking opening
`(19), further comprising switching means (18) which
`comprises valve means (24) drivable by a user and
`interposed between a first chamber (12) and a sec--
`ond chamber (1 1) wherein said first chamber (12) is
`connected to a discharging opening (22) and said
`second chamber ('11) is connected to said second
`suciting opening (19); said switching means (18) en—
`abiihg said sucking device (1)1o assume aiternative—
`ly a first operating configuration (A),
`in which said
`first sucking oIzening (6) and said second sucking
`opening (13) are both connected to a sucking eie-
`ment of said sucking device (1) arranged for inter--
`a .tihg with a product to be sucked, and a second
`operating configuration (B) in which said first suck-
`ing opening (6) is connected to s2aidsticking element
`and said second suciting opening’ 19)'is connected
`toa disc'rarging opening (22) IJf said tirst<ticking
`means (5), characterized"in thatsaid second cham-
`ber(11)compr:sesin1etpassage means (8) connect-
`ed to said sucking eiement in which there is provided
`second vaive means (9) that enables the air to pass
`from coilecting means (2) of said sucking device (1)
`to said second chamber (11) and prevents air from
`passing from said second chamber (11) to said coi-
`lecting means (2); said second vaive means (9) be—
`ing movabie between an opening configuration (H2),
`in which said second chamber (1 1) and said sucking
`eiement are mutuaiiy connected, and a ciosing con-
`figuration (K2), in which said second chamber (11)-
`and said sucking element are not mutuaiiy connect-
`ed, and in that said second vaive means (9) com-
`prising an automatic vaive and assuming said open—
`ing configuration (H2) when the pressure inside said
`sucking element is greater than the pressure inside
`said second chamber (11) and said ciosing config—
`uration (K2) when the pressure inside said sucking
`eiement is iesser than the pressure inside said sec—
`and chamber (11).
`Sucking device according to ciaim 1, wherein said
`vaive means (2-1!)- is commandabie by a user.
`Sucking device according to claim 1 or 2 wherein
`said vaive means (24) is movabie between an open
`osition (Y), in which said valve means (24) does
`not obstruct passage means (25) extending between
`said first chamber (12) and said second chamber
`(11), and a ciosed position (X) in which said vaive
`means (24) obstructs sa:d passage mea:12.s( '3)
`Sucking device according to any preceding claim
`wherein saidfirstchamber11.2)comprises ouiiet pas~
`sage means (15)connected to a discharging conduit
`(13) oisaid sucki.1g device{1).
`Sucking device according to ciaim 4, wherein in said
`outlet passage means (15) there is provided first
`vaive means (14).
`Sucking device according to claim 5, wherein said
`first vaive means (14) is rnovabie between an open-
`ing con.iguration (H1),.-n which said first chamber
`(12) and said discharging conduit (13) are mutuaily
`connected, and a closing configuration (K1),in which
`said first chamber (12) and said discharging conduit
`(13) are not mutuaiiy connected.
`Sucking device according to ciaim 6, wherein said
`first valve means (1 4-) comprises an automatic valve
`said first vatve means (14) assur .ingssaid 0 pening
`contiguration (H1 ) when the pressure inside said first
`chamber(12) is greater than the pressure inside said
`discharging conduit (13) and said ciosing configura—
`ton (
`1 ‘-when the pressure inside said first chamber
`(123)1s1esserthan the pressure inside said discharg~
`ing conduit (13).
`Sucking device according to any one of claims 4 to
`7' wherein said second sucking means (20) comoris—
`es a further discharging opening (23) connected to


`EP 2 255 798 B1
`said discharging conduit (13).
`Saugvcrnchtung, die eine erste Saugeinrichtung (5)
`mii einser erstsen Saugéifinung (6) end seinse Zweite
`Saugeinrichtung (20) mit einer zweiten Saugéfinung
`(‘19) Limfasst, die ferner sine Umschaiteinricntung
`(18) umiasei, dise eine Vsentiiseinrichiung (24) um
`fasst, die von einem Benutzer anti'eibbar ist und zwi—
`semen seine sersie Kammer (12) und seine zweitse Kam—
`mer(11)eingeftigtist,wobeidie erste Kammer (12)
`mii seiner Aussiaseéiffnung (22) verbunden ist und die
`zweite Kammer (11) mit der zweiten Saugdfinung
`(19) vserbunden isst; webei die Urnschaitseinrichtung
`(18) ermdgiichi, dass die Saugvorricntung (1) an—
`wsecl'iseind eine erste Betrisebekorifiguration (A),
`der die erste Saugéfi‘nung (6) und die zweite Sang-
`ijfi‘nung (19) beide mit einem Saugeiement der
`Saugvorrichtung (1) vserbunden sind, (has; zur Wedn—
`seiwirkung mii einem ZLE saugenden Produkt ange—
`ordnet ist, Lind eine zweite Bsetrisebekonfiguration (B),
`in der die ersie Saugéti‘nung (6) mit dem Saugeie-
`merit verbunden 131 und die zweite Saugéffnung(19)
`mii seiner Ausiassé‘aifnung (22) der ersien Saugein—
`richtung (:3) verbunden ist, annimmt, dadumh ge—
`kennzeichnet, daee die zwseiie Kammser (11) seine
`E1niassdurchgangeinrichtung (8) umfasst, die mit
`dsem Saugeisemsent verbundsen isi, in der seine Zweite
`Ventiieinrichtung (9) vorgesehen ist, die ermdgiicht,
`daee di. 14:11 ven dser Samrneiseinriizhtung (2) deer
`Saugvcrrichtung (1) zur zweiien Kammer
`stn‘jmt, und verhindert, dass Luft vcn der zweiten
`Kammer (1 1) 2w Sam meieinrismtung (2) stréimt; wo—
`bei die zweite Ventiieinricntung (9) zwischen einer
`Elfinurigskonfiguration (H2), in der dise zwr—eitse Kamm
`mer(11) und das Saugeiement miteinander verbun-
`dsen sind, end seinser SchiireBkenfiguratien (K2), in der
`die zweiie Kammer(11) und das Saugeiement nicht
`miteinandserverbimden sine, bewr—egiich Est, end ease
`die zweite Ventiieinricntung (9) em automatisches
`Ventii umfasst Lmd die Offnungskonfiguration (H2),
`wenn deer Drunk inrtsernaib dee Saugseiements gréiiger
`isi ais der Druck innerhaib der zweiten Kammer(11),
`und die Schiieflkenfiguration (K2), warm der Drunk
`innernaib des Saugeiements geringer ist ais der
`Druck irinerheib deer zwseiten Karnmser(11),.annirnmt.
`Saugvorrichtung nach Ansprucn 1, wobei die Venti-
`1einrichtung(24)durch einen Benutzser kontrdiiiserbar
`Saugvorrichtung nach Anspruch 1 Oder 2, wobei die
`Vsentiiseinriizhtung (24) zwischsen seiriser offsensen Peei-
`tion (Y), in der die VentiEeinrichtung ('24) die Durst)-
`gangseinricntung (25), die ssiizh zwischsen der ersten
`Kammer (1'2)- und der zweiten Kammer (11) an
`streeki, nichtversperrt, und einergeschidssenen F’o—
`sition (X), in der die Veniiieinrichiung (24) die Burch-
`gangsseinrichtung (25) vsereperrt. bsewegiicn ist.
`Saugvorrichtung nach seinsem vorangehenden An—
`sprucn, wobei die erste Kammer (12) eine Aus-
`iassdurcngangseinricntung (15) urnfasst, die mit ei~
`nem Ausiasskanai (13)- der Saugvorricntung (1) ver-
`bunden ist.
`Saugvorrichtung nacn Anspruch 4, wobei in derAus-
`1assdurcngangseinricntung (15) eine erste Ventiisein—
`richtung (14) vorgesehen is).
`Saugvorrichtung nach Anspruch 5, wobei die ersie
`Vsentiiseinrichturig (14) zwieizhen seiner @ffriungskon-
`figuration (H1), in der die erste Kammer (12) und der
`Aueiasskanai (13)- mitseinand :J" verbuncisen sind, urid
`einer Schiieflkdnfiguration (K1),
`in der die ersie
`Kammer (1‘2) Lind der Ansiasskanai (13) nichi mit-
`seinander verbunden 51nd, bewsegiich Est.
`Saugvorrichtung reach Anepruch 6, wcbei dise serene
`Ventiieinnchtung (14) em autcm iisches Ventii Lim—
`fasst, wobei die erste Veniiieinrichtung (‘14)die Qt?-
`nungskoniiguration (H1), wenn der Druck inrtsernaib
`der ersien Kammer (12)gré13>eristais der Dru-3k in—
`nernaib (fies Aueiasskanais(13). und die Schiisefikon—
`figuration (K1), wenn der Druck innerhaib der ersien
`Kammer (12)- geringer isi ais dser Drunk inrtsernaib
`des Ausiasskanais (13), annimmi.
`Saugvorrichtung nach einem der Anspn‘icne 4 bis 7,
`wobei die zweite Saugeinricntung (2G) eine weitere
`Ausiassdfi‘nung (23) umfassi die mit dem Ausias—
`skanafi (13) verbunden ist.
`dse premiers
`Dispositif d’zespiraticn,
`moyens d’aspir hon (5) ayant une premiere ouver—
`ture d’aspiration (6) et de seconds mcyens d'aspi-
`ration (20) ayant une ssecondse ouverture d’aspiraiion
`(19), ccmprenant en outre ties moyens de commu—
`taiion (18) qui comprennent des moysene dse vanne
`(24) pouvani étre piiotés par un utiiisateur ei inter—
`poes’es sentre unr—e preemis‘erse (:harnbre (12)- «et unre ere-
`conde chambre (11), dens Eequsei iadiie premiere
`chambre(12)estreiiéeauneouverture d’évacuation
`(22) set iadiie secondechambre(11)sestrseiiéses‘e1eediie
`seconde ouverture d’aspiration (19); tesdits moyens
`de cemmutation (18)- permsettant audit disposititd’as~
`piration (1) de prendre aitemativement nne premiere
`configuration de fonctionnement (A) dens iaqueiiie
`iadite premiére ouverture d’aspiration (6) e1 Eadiie
`esecondse ouvr—edure d’zespiration (1 mean? metres deux
`reiiées {a un éiément d’aspiration dudii disposititd’as-


`EP 2 255 798 B1
`dons Iaouoiie tadite promioro chambre (12) ot iodit
`conduit d'evacuation (13) sont mutuetlemont reiios,
`at uno configuration do tormoture (K1) dans iaquoiio
`tadito premiere chambro (12) et tedit conduit d’eva—
`cuation (13) no soni pas rnuiuoiiernoni ratios.
`Dispositifd’aspiraiion soion Ea rovendication 6 dens
`toque! iesdits moyens do vanne (14) cornoronnent
`uno vanno automatioue, iosdits premiers moyens do
`vanne (14) pronant iadiio configuration d’ouvoriuro
`(H1) tors-due ta pression a i’interieur do iadtto pro-
`riioro cnambre (12) est supor'ioure a to prossion a
`t’interieur dudit conduit d’evacuation (13) et tadito
`configuration do formeturo (K1) torsduo ta pression
`a i’intonour do tadito premiere chambro (12) est in—
`torieuro a to pression a t’interieur dudit conduit deva-
`cuation (13).
`Dispositiid’aspiration seion i’une quetconque dos ro—
`vendications 4 a 7, dans quuoi
`tesdtts seconds
`rnoyons d’aspiration (20) cornpronnont uno ouvoriu~
`re d’ovacuation suppiernentaire (23) rotioe audit con-
`duit d’ovacuation (13).
`piraticn (1) agence pour intoragir avoc un produit
`devant étre aspire, et uno seconde configuration do
`fonctionnomont (B) dans iaouoiie iadito promioro
`cuverture d‘aspiraticn (6) est reiioe audit element
`d’aspiration ot iadite socondo ouvoriuro d’aspiraiion
`(19)estreiioe a une ouverturo d'évacuation (22) des—
`dits premiers moyons d’aspiration (5), caraotérisé
`en ce qua tadito socondo cnembre (11) ccrnprend
`dos moyons do passage d'entree (8) reites audit ete-
`rnont d’aspiration dons toque! soni agoncos do so
`conds moyons de vanne (9) qui permettont a do i'air
`do passor do moyens do coitecto (2) dudii disposiiif
`d’aspiration (1 ) a iadito seconde chambre(11)otem-
`pochont do i’air do passer do iadito second cl .am'oro
`(11)auxdits moyons do cottecte ('2); Iesdits seconds
`moyens do vanne (9) atom mobites entro uno con--
`figuration d’cuvorturo (H2) dens toquetto iadito so—
`condo cnam'oro (11) et iodit element d’aspiration
`sont mutuoiiement ratios, at uno configuration do for-
`meture (K2) dans iaqueite iadito second chambro
`(11)etioditoiomentd’aspiration no sont pas mutuei--
`Iernent reiiés, et on so que iesdits seconds moyons
`do vanno (9) compronnont one vanno automatiduo
`ot pronnent
`iadito configuration d’ouvorturo (H2)
`torsquo 1a pression a i’interiour dudit eioment d'as—
`piration est suporiouro a to prossion a i’inioriour do
`Iadite seconde cnambro (11) ot iadito configuration
`do formoture (K2) iorsquo Ea prossion a i’intériour
`dudit étémont d’aspiration est inferioure a la pression
`a i’intoriour do iodiio socondo ctiarntzro (11).
`Dispositif d’aspiration soion Ea rovendication 1, darts
`toque! iesdits moyons do vanno (24) pouvont étro
`commandos par un utilisateur.
`Dispositif d’aspiration seion ta revendtcaticn 1 cu 2,
`darts toque! iosdits moyons do vanno (24) sont mo-
`biies ontre une peeition ouvorto (Y) dens tequetio
`tosdits moyons do vanno (24)- n’obstruont pas dos
`moyons de passage ('25) s’otendant ontre tadito pro—
`mioro chambro (12) ot iadito secondo chambre (1 1),
`ot uno position ierrnoe (X) dons iaquetto iosdits
`moyens do vanne (24) obstruont iesdits mcyens do
`passago (25).
`Dispositif d’aspiration soion iuno (iiiolconque dos re-
`vendications précédontos, dans iequet
`tadito pre-
`miere cnambro (12) comprend dos moyens do pas--
`sago do sortio (15 roiiés a un conduit d’ovacuation
`(13) dudit disoositifd’aspiration (1).
`Disposittfd'aspiration seion ta revendication 4, dans
`ioouoi dens tesdiis moyons do passage do sortie (15)
`sont agonoos de premiers moyens de vanne (14);
`Dispositif d’espiration seion ta revendication 5. dans
`toquei tosdits premiers moyens do vanno (14) sont
`mobitos ontre uno configuration d’ouverture (Ht)


`EP 2 255 798 B1


`EP 2 255 798 81
`Fig. 2


`EP 2 255 798 81
`This list of references cited by the applicant is fOf‘fhEE‘ reader’s ccnvenience oniy. it does no! form part of the European
`patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
`exciuded and {he EPO disciaims elf ”ability in {his regard.
`Patent {jacumems cited in the descripticn
`US 6381803 81 {0003]
`FR 2733406 [E39833

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