`; 35
`W E
`(19) Weer inteiieetuai Property Organizatinn
`internatinnai Bureau
`(43} International Pubiieatinn Date
`31 .i'uly 2:308 (31.07.2698)
`(10) Internatinnai Pubiieatinn Number
`we zeeeieaizea Ar
`iniernaiinnai Patent Ciassification;
`A43. 9/20 (2006.01)
`iniernaiinnai Appiieatinn Nniniaer:
`(22) international Filing Date; 25 iaiinm‘y 3008 (25.01.2008)
`(35) Fifing Language:
`(26) Publicatinn Language:
`(3%) Prinriiy Data:
`(71) Appiicant (for all designated Slams excepi US): AK—
`gaian 143. 3—105 45 Stockhnirn (SE).
`(72) Inventnrs; and
`(75) linemen/Applicants (fur US only};
`[SE/SE]; Riflambsvfigen 2i. $412 59 Stockholm
`(SE). BESKOVV, Jonas [SE/SE]; Lin _gatan 17 A,
`3-114 47 Stockholm (SE). NYQVIST, Henrik [SE/SE];
`Kriyppiersskevfigen 24. $7168 38 Bremnia (SE).
`(’74) Again: MAGNUS, Laurin; AB Electrolux. Group inte -
`icctuai Property. 8—105 45 Stockholm (SE).
`(81) Designated States (unless mite/wise indicated, for every
`kind of national protection available): A L, AG. AL. AM.
`AG. AT. AU. AZ. BA. BB. BG, BH, BR. BW. BY. BZ. CA,
`CH. CN. CO. CR. CU. CZ. DE. DK, 01%. DO. DZ. EC. BE.
`EG. ES, F1 GB; GD. GE, GH, GM, GT7 HN HR; HU» ID,
`1L. IN. IS, 3?. KE. KG KM. KN. KP. KR. KZ. LA. LC.
`LK. LR. LS. LT. LU. LY. MA. MD. ME. MG. MK. MN.
`MW MX MY MZ N we NE N0 V2 0M pr PP
`’7 A“ V
`SY. TJ. 'E‘M. iN. Tix. 1'1. 1/. UA. UG. US. UZ. VC. VN.
`ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless azhenvise indicated, for every
`kind of regional prulerliun available): ARTPO (BW. GH.
`GM. KE. LS. M‘W. MZ. NA. SD. SL. SZ. TZ. UG. ZM.
`ZW). Eurasian (AM. AZ. BY. KG. KZ. MD. RU. TJ. TM).
`Eurnpean (AT. BE. BG. CH. CY. CZ. DE. DK. EE. ES. Pi.
`FR. GB, GR, HR. HU. TE. IS. IT. LT. LU. LV. MC. MT. Ni...
`[Continued on next pagex..
`A vacuum cieaner
`(57} Abstract:
`enmprising a main separating unit (35).
`typically a cyclone (13‘). a vacuum source
`(:31) for creating a negative air pressure.
`and a dewnsneam filter (33‘). The vacuum
`switchable from a vacuum
`cleaning inc-Lie to a filter cleaning mode,
`where the vacuum serene is curinecicd to
`the downstream filter in force an airstream
`(57) therethrough in a reverse direction in
`order E) remove dust from the downstream
`fiber. and has an auxiliary separating unit
`In the vacuum cleaning mode. the
`auxiliary separating unit. is bypassed. and
`in the filter cleaning (node. the auxiliary
`separating unit
`connected between
`the downstream fiiier and the vacuum
`source to separate dust. released by the
`downstream filter.
`from the airsireani.
`This fliiQWS the downstream filter to be
`autematicni] y cleaned.
`WG 2998;991283 A1
`NO, PL, FT, RO, SE, SI, SK, TR), OAPI (BF, 33.}, CF, CG,
`CI, CM, GA, GN, GQ, G‘N, EVIL, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG). — wizh internmional search repon‘
`Wt) Whit/691293
`Teehnieat tietd
`The present diseiesure retates to a vacuum cieaner comprising a main
`separating unit, a vacuum seurce ter creating a negative air pressure, and a
`dewnstrearn fitter, the vacuum eieaner being centigureti tn operate in a
`vacuum cteaning made, wherein the vacuum source is eenneeteri te the
`separating unit ts farce a dust tarten airstrearn therethreugh in enter te
`separate dust trern the airstrearri, and the dewnstrearn titter is eennected
`between the separating unit and the vacuum seurce te receive the airstrearn
`in a terward directien fer fittering remaining dust theretrern, and the vacuum
`eteaner being switchahie tn a titter eteantng matte, wherein the vacuum
`seurce is eenneetee ta the dewnstrearn fitter tn terce an airstream
`therethruugh in a reverse directien in Greer te remeve dust tram the
`newnstrearn fitter. The present inventien aces atse retate te a n’iethert fer
`eteaning a dewnstrearn fitter at a vacuum eteaner.
`Such a vacuum cteaner is disctesett in Wt) 28651953497 A1. in that
`aecument twe dewnstrearn fitters are used, and when ene is cieggett hy tine
`dust the user is aitewed te tet the fitters switch pieces and tu etean the
`ctegged fitter using the separating unit and the ether dewnstrearn fitter. The
`cteaned fitter is then ready t’er use when the ether tiiter heeernes etegged.
`One prehiern with this vacuum eteaner is that the user rnay target
`eteaning the fitter er may find the precess seinevvhat cumberaenie.
`Ari ehiect at the present disctesure is to whetty er eartty ehviate this
`prehien’i. This ehieet is achieved by means eta vacuum eieaner aeeerding te
`etairn ’i and by means at a methed aeeerrting te ctairn “t6.
`iv‘tere seeciticatiy a vacuum eieaner at the initiaitv mentinnea kind then
`campuses an auxitiary separating unit, wherein in the vacuum eieaning rnette,
`the auxitiary separating unit is bypassed, and in the fitter cteaning made, the
`auxitiary separating unit is eenneeted between the dawnstrearn titer and the
`Wt) 2iii38/ii912ii3
`vacuum seeroe ta separate dust, reieased hy the dewnetrearn fitter, from the
`The use of an auxiiiary separator aiiews eieahing at a eioggea
`dewnetream fitter without the use at anether dewnstrearn fitter, as the
`auxiiiary separator may previae for a separator eentiguration with a much
`hatter separatien pertermanoe. This is tine to the fact that a much higher
`separater tiew resistance may he aiieweri in the titter eieaning made. The
`auxiiiary titter need not he meved, and the preeess may he simpier from the
`users paint of view, it may even he carried out autematioaiiyu
`in the vacuum eieaning made, the anxiiiar‘y separating unit is bypassed
`such that there is no suhatantiai air how there through. This can he aohievert
`in different ways, fer exampie, the auxiiiary separating unit can he
`dissenneetea aitegether, er auhstantiai air tiew through the auxiiiary
`separating unit can be prevented by a higher tiew resistance thereof than at
`an aiternative air flew passage threugh the main separating unit.
`Nermaity the vacuum sieaner wiii he arranged to operate in area at the
`twn modes “vacuum eieaning made" and “titter eieaning maria” at a time.
`Hewever, it weuiri aiee he aessihie to direct a trastien at the air stream
`threugh the main separating unit and anether trachea through the auxiiiary
`separating unit and therehy arrange the vacuum eieaner to eeerate in the two
`modes ”vacuum eieaning made" and “fitter eieaning mode" at the same time.
`The anxiiiary separating unit may, in the tiiter eieaning made, he
`eenneetea in series with the main separating unit, eg. with the anxiiiary
`separating unit connected dewnetrearn in reiatien tn the main separating unit.
`This may provide exeeiient separatien.
`The auxiiiary separating unit may have a higher separation ratio for a
`given duet than the main separating unit as higher tiaw resistanee is aiiewed.
`The auxiiiary separating unit can he especiaiiy adapted ter separating tram an
`air stream the type of dust that is caught by the downstream fitter daring
`vacuum eieaning.
`The main separating unit may oernprise a eyeiene separater, and the
`auxiiiary separating unit may eempriee a eyeinne separator having a vertex
`chamber with a emaiier average diameter than a vertex chamber at the
`eyeiene senarater at the main separating unit"
`The main separating unit may cemprise one er severai eyeiene
`seearaters of eguai or different vertex diameter. The severai eyeienes at the
`main separating unit may he eenneetert in series aneier in paraiiei:
`WO Whit/691293
`The auxiiiary separating unit may eernpriee ene er eeverai cyctene
`separators at eguai er dittereni'vertex diameter. ”the eeverai eyctenee at the
`euxiiiary separating unit may he cennecteei in eeriea and/er in parattet.
`Aeeercting ta at ieaet ene emhediment ef the inventien, the auxitiary
`separating unit eemprieee three eyeione separators which are connected in
`eeriee. The three eyeienee may have three different average vertex
`diametere, wherein the eyeienee can he arranged in the air stream with
`heereaeing vertex diameter. Thereby the separatien unit, which eemprisee the
`three eyetenee, aehievee a aequentiai separation. wherein mainiy a certain
`traction at the duet ie eeparated in each eycteneietep.
`The dewnetream fitter may eeneiet of a rniere gore fitter.
`The vacuum eieaher ie a atatienary vaeuum eieaner, er a meveahie
`vacuum eieaner, such as at the canister er upright type.
`. .Si‘he vacuum eteaner may further comprise rneane tar rapping er
`vibrating the dewnetrearn fitter in the fitter eieahing matte.
`Brief deeerigtien at the drawinge
`Fig 1 ehewe a vacuum eteaner.
`.Fig 2 iiiuetratee eehemetieatiy a evetene.
`Fig 3e itiuetretee a vacuum eieaner in a vacuum cteaning made.
`Fig 3b iiiuetratee the vacuum eieaner of fig 3a in a fitter eteaning made.
`Fig. 4 iiiuetratee an exameie embodiment at an auxiiiary separating unit
`and a dustbin et a vacuum cteaner.
`Detaited eeeerigtien .
`Fig 1 ehewe a vacuum eieaner ’t of the eanieter er eyiinder type. The
`vacuum eieaner cernpriees a main part 3, having a vacuum eeeree and a
`eeparating unit (not Shawn). The main part may comprise wheeie 5 to: provide
`impreved meveahitity, and may. via a tiexthie tube ? anti a etitttuhe 9. he
`cenneetett te a nezzte ”it that ie eepahte at picking up duet hem tieere and
`carpets, etc.
`I The present dieeteeure ie reievant aiee fer upright typea et vacuum
`eieanere, where the main part is prevideci integrated with the etitt tube, anti fer
`atetienary vacuum eieanere which may heprevidee as three inetaiiatiene in
`Wt) 2tit38/ti912ti3
`Fig 2 iitustrates schematicaiiy a cyciune 13 which may be used as a
`separating unit in the vacuum cieaner cf the present disctosure. The cyotcne
`13 has an iniet sict ‘15, through which dust iaden air enters ihtc a vertex
`chamber 17, which may have a substantiaiiy circuiar cross secticn berm
`bendicuiariy ta the verticai direction; as iiiustrated in tig 2. The dust iadeh air
`enters aichg a tangentiai directicn at the periphery cf the vertex chamber 17,
`and is sucked out of the vertex chamber 17' thrcugh an cutiet tube 19, which
`is inserted in the centre of the vertex chamber “ii". This makes the dust tartan
`air flow in a vortex 2t through the vertex chamber 17. Bust carticies 23 are
`theretcre subiected te a centrifugai force depending err vziR, where v is the
`flaw veiocity and R is the diameter at the vertex chamber crcss secticn, which
`furces the particies towards the vertex chamber side wait. Once a dust
`barticie 23 reaches the wait, it is caught in a secondary airstream directed
`dawnwards in the figure, and tatis through an charting 25 in the bettum part cf
`the vortex chamber t"? and into a dust chamber 27’.
`The dust chamber 2'? may be conveniehtiy emptied by the user of the
`vacuum cieaher, and the use ct e cyoiche at this kind may ubviate the need
`tar curtventicnai vacuum cieaner fitter bags.
`in the iiiustrated cycione 13, the vertex chamber 1? has a crcssnsecticn
`which tapers in the downward directicn and has a minimum crass sectich at
`the cpening. tvtcre barticuiariy, the vertex chamber has a frustoccnicai shape:
`However, it shoutd he hated that other tapering terms as wait as cyiindricai,
`nan-tapering forms may be considered in a cycicne vortex chamber.
`then, a cycione or a separating unit cf another type wiii have a trade
`cit between separation efficiency and ficw resistance, the higher the
`efficiency the higher the resistance. Therefore, eg if a cycicne capabie cf
`brevidihg a very high separation efficiencyiratic fer a standard dust weuid be
`used, the fiew resistance wouid be too high in urcvide an acceptabie airficw
`in the nczzie (11, fig t) at the vacuum cieaher with a reguiar vacuum source”
`Therefore the vacuum cieaner wcuiri net he capabie ct picking up dust from a
`tioor er a carpet in an acceptabie manner. Arr exampte at a standard dust is
`iIthiT TEST BUST TYPE 8® referred to in Diht EEC; 68312.
`in practice therefore, a cyciene with a tcvver fiow resistance is used,
`and any remaining dust which is sucked cut through the outiet tube 19 is
`instead remcved with a dcwnstream fitter in order to protect the vacuum
`scurce. Usuaiiy it is the finer dust fracticn that remains to be tattered as
`heavier barticies are subjected tc greater centrifugat frames The term
`Wt) 2iif38/ii912ti3
`dcwnstream fitter refers tn the fitter being pieced after the main separatcr but
`beicre the vacuum scurce in a vacuum cieahing made.
`There wiii new be described a vacuum ciearier with means fer cteaning
`such a dcwnstream fiiter, whereby ciegging cf the fitter can be avuided tc a
`great extent.
`The vacuum cieaner is then switched frcm the usuai vacuum cieaning
`made tn a fitter cieaning made. This may be dune manuaiiv er autcmaticaiiy.
`Fig 3a iiiustrates schematicaiiv a vacuum cieaner in a vacuum cieaning
`mcde, when the vacuum cieaner is used fer vacuum cieaning, and fig 3b
`iiiustrates the vacuum cieaner cf fig 3a in a fitter cieaning made.
`Referring he hath fig 3a and fig 3b, the vacuum cieaner has a vacuum
`scurce 31“ typiceiiy comprising a fan driven by an eiectric mctcr, which
`creates a negative air pressure in crder tc make the vacuum cieaner cciiect
`dust The vacuum scurce fit is, via a dcwnstream fitter 33 ccnnected tc a
`main separating unit 35, which may cemcrise a cycicne as described abcve.
`Thereby a dust iaden airstreem 3? is drawn threugh an iniet 39, which is
`typiceiiy ccnnected tn the fiexibie tube (7’, fig 1) if the vacuum cieaner is of the
`canister type“ iv’icst ct the dust is thereby separated frcm the airetream 3?.
`Any remaining dust is tiitered by the dcwnstream fitter 33, thrcugh which the
`airstream passes in a icrward directicn, in order tc crctect the vacuum scurce
`31 tram the remaining dust, which tyciceiiv ccnsists ct finer dust fractions.
`The airstream then passes thrcugh the vacuum scurce 31, and may tiriaiiy be
`fiitered by a meter titter 41 to separate erg, graphite cr carbcn particies
`reieased by the meter at the vacuum scurce St. The airstream cf fig 3a is
`acccmpiished by ccenihg a first set at vaives 43, 45, 4?. The vacuum cieaner
`further has an auxiiiary separating unit 49. Hewever, in the vacuum cieaning
`mcde, this auxiiiary unit is bypassed“ A secchd set at vaives 51, fate-and 55
`are eicsed in the vacuum cieaning made. in same embcdiments the ficw
`resistance at the auxiiiery unit 49 is sufficientiy higher than that of the main
`separating unit 35, such that there wiii be he substantiai air ficw thrcugh the
`auxiiiary unit 49 and that the vaive 53 can be dispensed with,
`in fig 3h, the vacuum cieaner has been switched in a fitter cieanihg
`made. in the iiiter cieaning made, the dcwnstream fitter is cieaned such that
`its ticw resistance may be reduced by remeving dust that may ctherwise cicg
`the iiiter; The vacuum cieaner is switched to the fitter cieaning made by
`cicsing the first set cf vaives 43, 45, 4'? and ccening the seccnd set cf veives
`51, 53, 55. Then an ambient air airstrearn 57 is drawn thrcugh a fitter cieahihg
`‘WQ 2GBS/‘ti912fl3
`epening 59 and grasses threegh the dewnstream fitter 33 in a reverse
`directien, such that the dewnstream fitter may reiease dust ith the airstreem
`517., "this precast-3 may eptienaiiy be enhanced by means of a rapper er
`vibrater 61, which vibrates er reps the dewnetrearn tiiter 33.
`Meta that the iayeut of tips 3a and 3b is eniy a schematic exameie.
`Other iayeuts are pessibte within the scape at the present diseiesure and the
`tunetiens at the vaives may he achieved diherentiyi
`The airstreern then passes threugh the main separater 35 and threugh
`the aaxiiiary separater 49 such that the reieased dust is again separated hem
`the airstrearn. The airstreani then passes through the vacuum seuree 31 and
`the nrater fitter 41.
`This preeess cieahs the ciawnstrearh fitter 33, such that it dees net
`atten need te he repiaeed.
`in Fig. 3b; an ambient air stream 57 is drawn threugh a tiiter cieahing
`epening 59. Hewever, it is eiee eessibie to dispense with the iiiter eieaning
`epehing 59 and tn direct ambient air tram the ihiet 39 te the dewnstrean’i tiiter
`33 such that the air stream wiii pass the downstream fitter 33 in a reversed
`directien. it weuid aise be pessibie ta shut aii air iniets at the vacuum bieaner
`during the fitter cieaning made and te farce air, which is aiready inside the
`vacuum cieaner, threugh the dcwnstream fitter 33 in the reversed directibn.
`in tip 3h, the main separatar 35 and the auxiiiary separater 49 are
`series connected with the auxiiiary separater dewnstreern in reiatien ta the
`rnain separater. Hewever, ether eeni’iguratiens are pcssibie, fer exampie, the
`erder between the separaters may he repiaced. it is further peesibie te
`bypass or disconnect the main seeareter 35 in the tiiter eieanihg made such
`there is he substantiai air tiew there threegh,
`in the tiiter cieaning rnecie, the tiew resistance at the used separaters
`may be higher, as there is ne need ta eeiieet dust eernprising heavier particies
`trern a tieer er carpet. ~this aiiews a higher separatien ratie, and thus makes it
`pessibie te etticientiy seearate the fine dust treetiens reieased tram the
`dewnetrearn fitter.
`it the main and auxiiiary separaters are series eenneeteti in the fitter
`cieahing made, they may hut need net have simiiar ereper‘ties, as twa series
`cennected separaters have a higher separation ratie than a singie separater.
`it eniy the aexiiiary separater 49 is used in the tiiter eieaning made, this
`separater may preterahiy have higher separatien perferrnance ter a given
`dust (eg. a standard dust) and a flaw generated by a given vaeuurh seurce
`VVO 2008/091203
`than the main separatcr 35, at the cast at higher ttew resistance. tiigher
`separatien pertcrrnence in a cyctehe may he previded by means at a cyctehe,
`as described eariier, having a vertex chamber (17, fig 2) with a smatter
`average crass secticn diameter. Aiternativeiy, tar instance, the iniet stet ti 5,
`fig 2) may he made tees wide te ccncentrate the flaw at the vertex chamber
`it is eise pessihte it) use twc er mere series cannected suh—separaters
`as the auxiiiary separatcr.
`in Fig. 4 crie exampte at an acxiiiary separating unit 49 having severat
`suh~separatcrs and a dust bin 53 fer a vacuum cieaher acccrding to the
`inventicn is shcwnu "the exampte auxitiary separater cernprises three sch—
`separatcrs, which each cemprises an individtiei titter cteaning cycicrie 49%.
`Each at the tiiter cteahing cycterres 490 can he at the type described aheve
`with reference tc Fig. 2 and cemprises an intet sict 15, a vertex chamber, an
`puttet tdhe i9 and an ripening 25 in the pattern part for separated dust. “the
`opening in the hettcm part at each cyctcrie 490 is cannected it) a separate
`dust chamber 27‘ at a dust pin 58, respectiveiy. Each dust chamber 27’ has an
`entrance ripening, by which the respective dust chamber 27 is cennected to
`the pattern epening 25 cf the cerresperiding tiiter cteahing cycierie 490.
`Furthermere, the dustbin 58 inciddes a dust chamber 27 fer the main
`separating unit, which ccmprises a vacuum ctearing cyctehe (net shev'vn). The
`tour dust chambers 27’ censtitute separate cempartrrients at the singie dust
`pin 58. Thereby att the tear dust charrrhers 27’ can cehvenientty he emptied
`simuttanecdsty hy emptying the singie dust pin 58, fer exampte by rernriving
`the dustbin 58 tram the vacuum cteaner using a handie 62 and pouring
`andicr shaking put the dust ceitected therein. The respective dust chambers
`2? can he substantiaity ttiiiti tight receptacies, wherein the entrance cperririgs
`are ccnnected tc the hettcrn ripening 25 at the cerrespcnding fitter cteaning
`cycicne 490 in a suhstentiaity tieid tight manner.
`L'When a vacuum cteaner having an eexiiiary separating unit 49 and a
`dust hie 58 acccrding id Fig. 4 is operated in the fitter cieanirig made, an air
`stream 60, which captains dust reieased trern the downstream fitter 33 {not
`sheath), passes, in sequence, threegh the three, in series ccnnected titter
`cteaning cyctcnes 49923. The successive cyctcnes 490 are arranged te fitter cat
`a different tractien at the dust respectiveiy. As seen in the iicw directien cf the
`air stream fit), the first fitter cieaning cycicne is arranged it: titter cut the mast
`ccarse particies, the seeped cycicrie is arranged to tiiter cut intermediate
`Wt) 2tii38/ii912ti3
`nerticies, and the third, test cyciene is arranged te fitter eat the finest partieies.
`This can he achieved by arranging the cveienes with different average vertex
`diameters, wherein the average diameter at the first fitter eieaning cyciene
`490 is iarger than that at the seeend, which in turn is target than that at the
`third, test fitter steering cyciene 490. The size at each duet chamher 2? at the
`dust bin 58 is adapted it: the emeunt and tractien at the dust that is separated
`by the cerreseending cyciene 4% er the vacuum cieaning cyciene.
`V See in that each subsequent cennected fitter cieaning cyciene thus
`has a higher seearatien efficieneylratie than the previeds‘ the pressure than
`ever each said subsequent fitter cieaning cvcienes 438 is higher than that
`ever the previous" in this regard, the emhediment with the seated dust bin
`having separate dust chambers 27 fer each fitter cieaning evciene 490 is
`advantageeus. in ernhedirnents having a cemrnen dust chamber fer severai,
`in series cennected fitter cieaning cycienes and/er where the dust bin is tess
`seated, care has in be taken in cheesing cycienes with respect in their
`respective pressure drep in enter in aveid a reversed air stream geing item
`the cemrnen dust chamber inte the first cyciene threugh the dust euttet
`eeening as in the hettern thereof. Thereby the first fitter eieaning cvciene
`disedvantaeeeusiy draws at ieast part at the air threugh the dest eutiet
`eeening 15 instead at aii air threugh the iniet 15, iFurtherrnere, the second
`and third titter cieaning cycienes weuid he bypassed and weuid thus net
`centrihute te separatist: at the anxitiary seearatien unit 49.,
`The shiiied eerseh weeid aise reaiize that such a described dust bin 58
`can he used in any type at vacuum cieaner that is erevided with severai
`eyciene separaters, wherein the dustbin hasa separate
`chamhedeemeartment fer each cvciene eresent in the vacuum cieaner. Thus,
`the use at this type at dust bin is net iirnited tn the use in the described
`vacuum cieaner cemprising fitter cieaning cycienes, hut ceuid aise he used in
`a vacuum cieaner having severat vacuum cieaning cycieries eniy.
`Qt seurse, many ether examptes and iay cuts at aurriiiarjvi separating
`units having severai sdhwseparatcrs are pessihiewithin the scene at the
`inventieni Fer exameie‘ in series cenneCted snhuseearatcrs in the term at
`cvcienes need net have different average vertex diameter, bet can he at
`eeuai size and eerterrnance. Furtherrnere, many different censtructiens ei‘
`dust bins are pessihie, fer exameie can each see-seearater he erevided with
`, a individeai dustbin, which can he separateiy emptied, fer exampie by being
`seearateiy remevahie.
`‘WO EMS/691263
`An eiectrcetattc fitter they etee he eeneirieree as the euxiiiery fitter.
`The dewnetreem fitter 33 in this cenfiguretien may he cieened
`reguiartv, either mahueiiv er eutemeticeiiy? eg. when the ueer finisher, er
`begins e vacuum cieening. tt is eise peeeihie to prev/tee e preeeure seneer
`thet meeeuree the preeeure drep ever the eewnetreern fitter in enter te
`determine when fitter cieehing is needed. The duratien in which the vacuum
`cieener ie in the fitter cieening rncde, er in ether werrie, hew teng the fitter ie
`subjected te fitter eteaning, can he a tixett time, decided en rnenueity er
`depend en the pressure strep ever the fitter, tor exempieu
`"the dewnetrearn fitter need net he ehie te carry a Eat at dust as it can
`he cteened reguierivr tv’ttcre pere fitters such as fitter mede et expanded PTFE
`(petytetretiuerethyten), eg. GORE-"TEX; (trademark) may he eenetdereri. On
`such fitters the dust is eetiected en tep et the fitter eur’taee, rather then in the
`depth of the fitter as in e cenventienei fitter. A micre pere fitter they theretere
`he eeeiiy eieenee.
`in summary. the present eieeipeure retetee te e vacuum cieener
`cemprising a main separating unit, typieeity a eyeiene, a vacuum eeurce fer
`creating a negative eir preeeure, anti 3 eewnetrearn fitter. The vacuum
`eieener ia ewitehahte hem a vacuum cieening made to e fitter eteening mede,
`where the vacuum source ie eenneeted tea the dewnetream fitter te force an
`eiretreern therethreugh in e reverse directien in enter te remeve duet trern the
`eewnatrearn fitter, and has en euxtiiery separating unit. in the vacuum
`eteaning made, the auxiiiery separating unit ie hypeeeed, end in the fitter
`eteening made the euxitier‘y separating unit is connected between the dawn"
`stream fitter end the vacuum euuree te separate duet, reieeeee by the
`dewnetreern fitter, trern the eiretreenr. This eiiewe the dewnetream fitter te he
`eutematieaiiy pieanedn
`The inventien is not restricted to the described embedimente, and may
`be varied and eitered within the eeepe pt the appended eieirneu
`Wt) 2tii38/it912it3
`t. A vacuum cteaner (t) cemprising a main separating unit (35), a
`vacuum scarce (31) ter creating a negative air pressure, anti a dewnetream
`fitter ('33);
`the vacuum cieaner being configured te aperate in a vacuum cteaning
`made, wherein the vacuum scarce (31) is cannected to the main separating
`unit (35) te tame a dust tartan airstream (3?) therethreugh in crater in separate
`dust from the airstrearn, and the rtewnstream fitter (33) is connected between
`the main separating unit (35) and the vacuum scarce (3t) tn receive the
`airstream in a terwarrt directicn tar fittering remaining eust theretrem; and
`the vacuum cieaner being switchahte to: a tiiter cteaning matte, wherein
`the vacuum seurce {3i} is cennected tn the dewnstrearn fitter (33) ta terse an
`airstrearn (57) therethrcugh in a reverse directien in enter te remeve dust
`trcm the dewnstream fitter; c h a r a c t e r i 2: e rt by
`an auxitiarv separating unit (49), wherein
`in the vacuum cieaning made, the auxitiary separating unit (49) is
`bypassed, and
`in the fitter cteaning made, the auxitiary separating unit (49) is
`cenneetect between the dewnstream fitter (33) and the vacuum seurce (3t) ta
`separate dust, reteased by the cicwnstream fitter, trern the airstrearn.
`2. A vacuum cteaner according tc ciaim ‘t, wherein, in the fitter cieaning
`matte, the auxitiary separating unit is cennecteet in series with the main
`separating unit.
`3, A vacuum cteaner acccrding ta ciairn 2, wherein, in the fitter cieaning
`made, the auxitiarv separating unit is connected dewnstrearn in retatien te the
`main separating unit.
`4. A vacuum cteaner accerding te any at the preceding ciaims, wherein
`the anxiiiarv separating unit has a higher separatien ratie fer a given east than
`the main separating unit.
`5., A vacuum cieaner accerrzting in any of the preceding ciairns, wherein
`the anxiiiary separating nnit cemprtses eeverai suheeparaters.
`6. A vacuum cteaner accerding ta any at the preceding ciaims, wherein
`the main separating unit cemprises a cyctene separater.
`7’0 A vacuum cieaner accerding te ctaim 5, wherein the auxitiarv
`separating nnit cemprises a cyctene separater having a vertex chamber with
`‘WQ 2GBS/‘ti912ti3
`1 1.
`a smaiier average diameter than a vertex chamber at the eyeinne separater at
`the main separating unit»
`8. A vacuum eieaner aeeerrting te ciaims 5 and s, wherein the auxiiiary
`separating unit cemprises three suh separaters, which are eenneetect in
`series anti which each eernprises a fitter cieaning eyeiene separater,
`Q. A vacuum eieaner aecerriing ta ciairn 8, further eamprising aeust hin
`having severai dust chambers ter saiteeting dust separated by the eyciene
`separaters, wherein each eveiene separater is eenneeted in a dust chamber,
`it}. A vacuum cieaner according in any at the preceding eiaims,
`wherein the newnstrearn fitter (33) is a micrc pare titter.
`ti. A vacuum eieaner assuming in any at the preseriing eiaims,
`wherein the vacuum steaner is a statiunarv vacuum eieaner.
`t2. A vacuum cieaner aecerciing ta any at eiaims “tutu, wherein the
`vacuum eieaner is a mnveahie vacuum eieaner.
`13. A vacuum eieaner aeserding tn eiaim 12, wherein the vacuum
`eieaner is at the canister type.
`14. A vacuum cieaner aneurciing tn eiairn 12, wherein the vacuum
`sieaner is at the upright type.
`15. A vacuum eieaner aeserriing ta any at the preeeriirig siaims. further
`comprising means {61) tar rapping er vibrating the dewnstream titter in the
`fitter eieaning matte.
`“t6. ivtethnri tar eieaning a duwnstrearn fitter (33} at a vacuum eieaner,
`the vacuum eieaner campuses a main separating unit (35); an auxiiiary
`separating unit and the downstream fitter (33), and wherein
`the tiewnstrearn tiiter (33} is used during a vaeuum eieaning methed,
`eemprising the steps at
`taming a dust iaaen air stream (3?) threugh the main
`separating unit in enter to separate dust tram the air stream,
`taming the air stream ieaving the main separating unit (35)
`threugh the riawnstream fitter (33) in a tcrwaru directien fer
`fittering remaining dust theretrem;
`eemprising the steps at
`~ taming an air stream (57') threugh the rinwnstream iiiter (33) in a
`reverse direction in enter tn remeve rtust from the riewnetream iiiter,
`‘WO 2938/(19912fl3
`~f<3r§3ing the air sstream (5?) thmugh me auxiiiary separating unit (49) in
`under $0 separate dugt, reieased by the dawnstream finer, from the airstream.
`‘WQ 299843,
`" "H.263
`“ u v. w
`nun-mum: ~. hwmcrmli'»
`W70 2068/991203
`‘WQ 2098/{3912fl3
`Enigmatic-rial applicafian No.
`see extra shéet
`According to lntematianal Patent. Classificalian (WC) m is both national classification arid {PC
`Minimum dccumeniatfion searched (classification sysiem follcawed by claSSifiaaiian symbuh)
`I?C: A4?L
`Documanmxion searched other than minimum daaumemaiion m: Ihe extenl that such documents are incluéed in the fields searched
`SE,DK,FI,NB claS§es as abnve
`Elecirumc dew, base annulled during 7.3m“: internatianal march (name 0:” data base and, where praciica‘o‘la, search terms used)
`Citation 0f docummamg with indication, where appropriate, 0f the relevant passagefi
`Relevant m claim N0”
`GMBH), 25 Nuvember 2094 {25.11c2604}, figure 1,
`US 3951?46 A (TREITZ ET Ang 14 Sept 199$
`(14.99vlggg), figures lmé, abstract
`15 June 2%95 (16.96.2995), figures ings
`(GLLILA, MARTTI), 29 June 1985
`KB 8502523 A}
`{20,06,1985), figuras 1*5, abstract
`Further dacumenm are listed in the caminuafian of Em: C.
`Special mtegariucs a!" cited dacumems:
`document defining me general state of lhe 22': which is not mnsidemi
`to In of particular relevance
`came! applicaiizm or pawm but published on I}! after Eh: irxlcmafi‘onal
`filing date
`document which may throw doubis 0:: priority claimis) or which is
`cimrj to establish Ehc publiqation chm: cf another citation or omcr
`special mas

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