`Fate»! Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`E? 2 $39 9&2 A’E
`(43) Date of publication:
`2&982313 Bulletin 2913/35
`(21) Application number: 131561011
`(22) Date of filing: 21.92.2913
`int CL;
`A424; altar; (25125.91;
`am; finial-rear}
`A4 7L 513$ (2095.91,:
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`(30) Priority: 23.82K2Q12 lT CRZG’QQMS
`(7’!) Applicant: Selarys Saul“
`260M Pessina Crernonese (CR) (ET)
`inventor: Bettelia, Giancarlo
`261th} Cremona (l?)
`(74) Representative: Marcio’, Paola et at
`Eng. Mari 8: C: SRL
`Via Garibetti, 3
`aims Cremona in")
`Vacuum cleaner with reverse airjet filter cleaning device
`The present invention relates to the industrial
`vacuum cleaner sector.
`in particular, the invention relates to a vacuum clean-
`er (1)with a reverse air'jet i‘ilier cleaning device cornpris~
`irig suction means (2) of known type associated with a
`vacuum chamber (3) and activated by a control unit, car—
`tridge liiier means (5) to liiire a primary liew oi‘dust—laden
`air (F) connected to said chamber (3), and containment
`means (4) to contain the dust drawn up and retained by
`said filter means.
`Said reverse air jet filter cleaning device comprises
`feed means (6) to feed a secondary reverse airjet (F’),
`emission ducts (8) connected to said feed means (6),
`and solenoid control valves (7) associated with said emis-
`sion ducts (8) and that can be selectively activated by
`said controt unit.
`Furthermore, said filter cleaning device comprises
`sleeves (Q), connected between said emission ducts (8)-
`and said filter means (5), and each sleeve (9')- comprises
`a plurality of ports (1 1) adapted to piece the inside of the
`sleeve (9) in communication with said vacuum chamber
`(3) to ensure suction of the primary flow of dust-laden air
`(F), wherein said sieeve (9) comprises rnovahie means
`slidihgly associated therewith, adapted to reversibly
`close said ports (1 1) during cleaning of said filter means
`(5) and to simultaneously allow the passage of said sec-
`ondary reverse airiet.
`Fig. :i
`Printed by .Jouve, 75001 PAREE': (FR)


`EP 2 63% 992 A1
`[0001} The present invention relates to the industrial
`vacuum cleaner sector.
`tn particular, the invention relates to a vacuum
`cleaner with a reverse air jet filter cleaning device.
`[0003} A problem with industrial vacuum cleaners is
`the rapid clogging ofthe internal tillers, requiring frequent
`interventions to remove the deposits of solid particles
`from said filters, and to restore their efficiency. at least
`in part.
`[0004} The filters are arranged between a chamber
`placed under vacuum conditions by an intalte turbine and
`a dust-laden air intake chamber for collecting and accu-
`mulating said dust once it has been separated from the
`air ttow drawn up.
`Filters normally comprise one or more cartridg—
`es placed in parallel, each cylindrical in shape, with a
`side surface composed of a sheet of plteaed porous ma-
`terial, the bottom of which is closed and the top has a
`circular opening through which the air flows after being
`filtered as it passes through said porous material.
`tt is known that: it is possit le to clean a filter by
`passing a secondary jet of cleaning air through it, in the
`opposite direction to the primary flow of air t; at passes
`through the filter during normal operation.
`Some vacuum cleaners are provided, for this
`purpose, with a reverse airjet iilter cleaning device that,
`by means of a compressor, generates a hi h—pressure
`jet oi air adapted to strike each of said filters in turn. there—
`by cyclically freeing them from the dust that has accu—
`mutated thereon.
`tn general, said devices comprise, for each fil-
`ter, an emission duct for the reverse jet cleaning air and
`specific solenoid control valves activated in rotation by a
`control unit with a timer.
`Said emission ducts and the inlets of said filters
`are not in direct contact with each other, but are sepa-
`rated from each other by the space taken up by the chant--
`ber placed under vacuum conditions by the intake tur—
`bine, and the cone of reverse air, which is emitted by
`each duct in the direction of the circular opening at the
`top of the fitter, therefore only partially strikes the porous
`material making up the side surface otthe cylindrical litter.
`[Emmi Disadvantageously,
`the effective-
`ness of the litter cleaning depends specifically on the
`position and range of the cone of reverse air: if the emis-
`sion ducts are placed far away from the filters, because
`the chamber under vacuum conditions is high, the air
`pressure only acts on the top of said filters, and does not
`have enough power to clean and shake the bottom part
`thereof, and vice-versa ifthe emission duct is placed very
`close to the filters, the cleaning at the top will be ineffec—
`Filter cleaning always takes place while the vac-
`[(391 "ll
`uum cleaner is in operation, and therefore the secondary
`reverse air jet must be at a very high pressure to over--
`come the vacuum effect already present inside the vac—
`uum cleaner and required for normal operation thereof.
`Such high pressures can only be achieved by
`using compressors, which however dlsadvantageously
`are quite cumbersome, resulting in high electricity con—
`surnptlon and matting the vacuum cleaner heavier and
`Even more disadvantageously, such high re—
`verse jet air pressures, in addition to the risk of breaking
`the filters, in most cases also lead to problems of con—
`densation: any humidity that may form in he compressed
`air storage tank is emitted along with the reverse airjet
`and mixes with the dust. thereby dirtylng the illter even
`more and damaging the vacuum cleaner.
`{WM} The aim o the present invention is to eliminate
`these disadvantages, by providing a vacuum cleanerwith
`a reverse air jet filter cleaning device that is particularly
`effective even with a low—pressure reverse jet of second-
`ary cleaning air, which does not damage the filters, con--
`sumes little energy, avoids the formation ofcondensation
`and can also be easily adapted to any type of vacuum
`'l'hese aims are achieved by a vacuum cleaner
`with reverse alriet fitter cleaning de 3e comprising:
`suction means of known type associated with a vac-
`uum chamber and activated by a control unit;
`cartridge filter means to filter a primary flow of dust—
`laden air connected to said vacuum chamber:
`containment means to contain the dust drawn up and
`retained by said filter means.
`wherein said reverse air jet filter cleaning device
`feed means to feed a secondary reverse air jet;
`emission ducts connected to said feed means;
`solenoid control valves associated with said emis~
`sion ducts and that can be selectively activated by
`said control unit,
`characterized in that said filter cleaning device com-
`prises sleeves, connected between said emission ducts
`and said cartridge filter means, and each sleeve corn--
`prises a plurality of ports adapted to place the inside of
`the sleeve in communication with said vacuum chamber
`to ensure suction of the primary flow of dust—laden air.
`wherein said sleeve comprises movable means slidingly
`associated therewith, adapted to reversibly clrse said
`ports during cleaning of said filter means and to simulta—
`neously allow the passage of said secondary reverse ir
`{99th Accordingtoafirstembodimentoftheinvention,
`said movable means comprise a piston, sliding in said
`sleeve as a result of the thrust of the secondary reverse
`air jet, against the action of elastic return means. so as
`to cause, through its alternating movement, the opening
`and closing of said ports, where said piston is provided
`on its head With a plurality of holes, adapted to allow the
`passage of said secondary reverse air jet: toward said
`filter means.


`EP 2 63% 992 A1
`in particular, said sleeve is associated with said
`tiltermeans by means of an eiastomerictype airtight gas—
`[9918} According to a further embodiment of the inven-
`tion, said elastic return means comprise a helical spring
`coaxial with said sleeve, arranged between the head of
`said piston and a ring fixed to an intermediate section of
`said sleeve.
`[9913} According to a possible embodiment of the in-
`vention, said means to feed said secondary reverse air
`iet comprise a blower controlled by said control unit and
`placed in connection with the outside atmosphere from
`which it draws air to transfer it to said emission ducts
`through a distribution manifoid.
`[9626] According to a further embodiment of the inven-
`tion, said fitter means comprise a pluratity of cartridge
`tillers connected in parallel to said vacuum chamber and
`to sa'o' distribution manifold by means of said sleeves.
`[9621] According to a possible embodiment of the in-
`vention, said filter cleaning device comprises at ieast one
`motorized filter shaker controlled by said control unit, to—
`gether with said solenoid valves, comprising a striking
`mass adapted to strike said filter to exert a mechanicai
`shaking action.
`[9922} The invention also relates to a reverse air iet
`tilter cleaning device, adapted to he titted to a vacuum
`cleaner provided with said fitters associated with a vac-
`uum chamber, comprising feed means to feed a second
`ary reverse air jet, provided with emission ducts, and
`characterized in that it comprises sleeves connected
`between said emission ducts and said filters, and in that
`each sieeve comprises a pturality of ports adapted tr
`place the inside of the sleeve in communication with the
`vacuum chamber of said vacuum cleaner to ensure suc—
`tion of a primary flow of dust~laden air, wherein said
`sleeve comprises movable means stidingly associated
`therewith, adapted to reversl'oty close said ports during
`cleaning of said fitters and to simultaneousiy allow the
`passage of said secondary reverse air ,iet.
`[0023] The main advantage of the invention is that said
`emission ducts for the secondary reverse airjet are con-
`nected directly to the filter means by means of sleeves,
`so that each individual filter, when being cleaned, can be
`isolated from the remaining vacuum cleaner tters which
`remain active, thereby making the cleaning action more
`ette two without losing any power.
`[9624] Aturther advantage is thefact that it is no longer
`necessary torthe cleaning air to have the high pressures
`needed to overcome the primary flow of dust—laden air
`created by the vacuum cleaners suction effect, because
`it is introduced into a filter without any intake airtlow, yet
`is still connected to the containment chamber for the dust
`drawn up, which, ‘ince it is kept under vacuum condi—
`tions, favors the passage or’ the reverse jet cleaning air
`from the isolated fitter to said drawn up dust containment
`{@025} The use of lower pressures and consequent
`avoidance of the need for compressed air storage also
`eliminates problems associated with the formation of
`condensation, and atlows the use of tess powerful blow-
`ers, making the device more economical, lighter, with
`tower electricity consumption and much smatler dimen—
`sions, and therefore easy to lit to various models of vac—
`uum cleaner, which can therefore be used on sites with
`a limited electricity supply.
`Furthermore, the use of a piston With a perio-
`rated head, sllding alternately inside the sleeve as a result
`of the thrust of the secondary reverse airiet and ot the
`return action exerted by a spring compressed by ‘he
`same piston as it moves, allows the ports on the sleeve
`to be automatically reversibty ciosed and opened as soon
`as the relative solenoid vaive is selectively activated by
`the control unit, without the need for any specific addi—
`tionai electrornechariical devices.
`'l'hese and other advantages of the present in-
`vention wiii become more apparent from the foiiowing
`detaiied description of an embodiment thereof, which is
`illustrated by no way of limitation in the accompanying
`drawings, in which;
`figure 1 shows a partially exploded perspective view
`of a vacuum cieanerwith a reverse airjet filter clean—
`ing device according to the invention;
`figure 2 shows a transparent overhead plan view of
`the vacuum cleaner with a reverse alrjet filter clean—
`ing device shot In in fig 1;
`figure 3 shows a schematic, axial cross—section view
`along the vertical plane ill—ill shown in figure 2, of
`the vacuum cleaner with a reverse airjet filter clean-
`ing device shown in figure 1;
`figures 4 and 5 show a transparent front view and a
`cross—section view, according to a vertical plane re-
`spectivety, ota detail of the reverse airiet tilter clean~
`ing device during operation;
`figures 6 and 7' show a transparent front view and a
`cross—section View, according to a vertical plane re—
`spectivety, of a detail of the reverse airiet filter clean-
`ing device when in standby;
`figures 8-10 show an overhead view, a cross-section
`view along a vertical plane tX-iX, and an axonometric
`view, respectively, of a detail of the filter cleaning
`figure 1’: shows a cross-section view along a vertical
`plane of a possible more complete embodiment of
`the reverse air jet tilter cieanlng device according to
`the invention.
`{9928} With reference to the details shown in figures
`1—3, the invention relates to a vacuum cleaner 1, partic—
`ularly an industrial type cleaner, with a reverse airjet fitter
`clearing device.
`{9929} The vacuum cleaner 1 essentially comprises
`suction means associated wit: . a vacuum cl .amber 3 and
`activated by a control unit (not shown), filter means to
`filter a primary flow of dust-laden air F connected to said
`vacuum chamber 3 and containment means 4 to contain


`EP 2 635‘ 992 At
`the dust drawn up and retained by said fitter means.
`Said suction means comprise a turbine 2 adapt—
`ed to piace said chamber 3 under vacuum conditions.
`Said fitter means,
`in the embodiment shown,
`comprise three cartridge type filter‘ 5.
`Said containment means 4 consist of a cylindri—
`cat tank provided with a disposal outlet (not shown)- for
`the dust drawn up, according to prior ar.
`Said fitter cteaning device comprises feed
`means 6 to feed a secondary jet of air F’ in the opposite
`direction to the primary fiow of dust—iaden air F, in order
`to ciean said tiiters 5.
`[99343 The feed means 6 are provided with emission
`ducts 8 provided with soienoid controt valves 7', that can
`be seiectivety activated by said controt unit, to open or
`ctose the passage through said emission ducts 8.
`‘aid fitter cieaning device comprises, for each
`fitter 5, a sieeve 9 connected between said emission
`ducts 8 and said fitters 5, which passes through said vac-
`uum chamber 3.
`in particutar, each steeve 9 is associated with
`its respective fitter 5 by means of an eiastomeric type
`airtight gasket 19, such as an O-—Ring.
`[9637] Each steeve 9 comprises a piurality of iaterai
`ports ‘tt adapted to ptace the inside of the sieeve 9 in
`communication with said vacuum chamber 3 to ensure
`suction of the primary fiow of dust—taden air F.
`[@3638] With reference to the details shown in tigures
`4—7, each sieeve 9 also comprises movabie means stid—
`ingly associated therewith and adapted to reversibly
`ctose said ports it during ctearing of said fitter means
`and to simuttaneousty atlow the passage of said second-
`ary reverse air jet F’.
`Said movabie means comprise a piston 12 slid—
`ing in said steeve 9 as a resuit of the thrust of the sec—
`ondary reverse airjet F' against the action ofeiastic return
`means so as to cause, by means of its atternating move-
`ment, the reversibie opening (figures. 6-7) and ciosing
`(figures. 4-5) of said ports 11.
`[0049] The piston 12 stides with a small amount of
`ctea rance with respect to the inner surface of the steeve
`9, so that the aiternating movement of the piston 12 can
`cause the substantialty airtight opening and ctosing of
`the ports 11.
`[99413 Advantageousty, the sleeve 9 is made of metai,
`white the piston 12 is made o a sett~tubricating rnateriai
`such as Teflon@.
`{0042} As shown in figures 8-10, said piston 12 is aiso
`provided, on its head “:2, with a pturaiity of hotes 13
`adapted to atiow the passage of said secondary reverse
`air iet F’ toward said fitter means.
`[9943} The hoies 13 are distributed uniformiy on the
`surface of the head 12’ of the piston 12.
`Said elastic return means comprise a heticai
`spring 15 coaxiat with said steeve 9, arranged between
`the head 12" of said piston 12 and a ring 16 fixed to an
`intermediate section of said sieeve 9.
`[0045] The helical spring 15 has a truncated conicai
`shape to better adapt to working conditions.
`in a preferred embodimentofthe invention, said
`feed means 6 to feed the secondary reverse air _ie F’
`comprise a biower 4:7 controlted by said controt unit and
`placed in connection with the outside atmosphere trom
`which it draws air to transfer it to said emission ducts 8
`through a distribution manifoid 14.
`[33047] The device subject of the present invention,
`however, may simiiariy be provided with other feed
`means adapted to generate the secondary reverse air
`,iet F’ in the steeves 9, including for exampte a suction
`assembty different from the one shot In, or a compressed
`air intake connectabie to an externat compressor, or sim—
`ply an air
`.take connected to the outside atmosphere.
`in the embodiment shown in figure 11, on
`fitter cteaning device a known sotenoid-—type motorised
`fitter shaker 18 is fitted, for each filter 5, in paraiiel with
`the piston 12.
`Said motorized filter shaker 18 is controtled by
`the controt unit at the same time as the respective sote-
`noid valve 7 and, during the passage of the secondary
`reverse airiet F’, produces a mechanicai cieaning action,
`thanks to an aiternating verticai translation movement of
`a striking mass adapted to repeatediy strike the top sur—
`face of the respective fitter 5 on which it is fitted, causing
`the shaking of said filter and thereby helping to remove
`the dust.
`{MSG} According to the invention, during normal oper—
`ation of the vacuum cieaner, the primary ftow of dust-
`taden air F passes through the fitters 5 to the vacuum
`chamber 3 through the ports 11 and is then emitted clean
`to the outside atmosphere through the turbine 2.
`{0951] During the cyciicat cleaning operation ofthe iii—
`ters 5, the controt unit is preset to feed pressurized air
`F’ into the manifold 14, into the emission ducts 8 and into
`the sleeves 9, by activating the compressed air feed
`means 6 connected thereto.
`Said controt unit, controtting the cyclicat open—
`ing of the soienoid vatves 7', simultaneousiy aiso acti-
`vates the btower ‘t 7 that draws air in from the outside and
`introduces it under pressure into the emission ducts 8,
`to which the device sleeves 9 are connected.
`{99533 The secondary reverse airiet F’ thus generated
`pushes each piston 12 in turn downwards inside the re—
`spective sieeve 9, as shown in figures 4 and 5.
`{WM} As it descends, the piston 12 compresses the
`spring 4.5 and its cytindricai body causes the ports 11 to
`ctose, so that at! the reverse air iet F’ is directed inside
`the tiiter 5 without any dispersion.
`in particular, the passage of the reverse airiet
`F’ inside the steeve 9 goes through the notes 13 provided
`in the head 12' of the piston.
`[boss] Once the filter 5 has been cleaned, the controt
`unit ctoses the respective sotenoid vaive 7, the pressure
`on the piston head 12’ decreases and, consecuentty, the
`piston 12 rises as a resuit of the thrust from the heticat
`spring 15, as shown in figures 6 and 7.
`[33057] The rising piston t2 re—opens the ports ‘.4. and


`EP 2 63E) 992 A1
`the fitter 5 is ptaced under vacuum conditions once again
`by being re-connected to the suction chamber 3.
`it the motorized fitter shaker device 18 is atso
`present, the controi unit activates it at the same time as
`the respective sotenoid valve 7 is opened, and the clean~
`ing action of the fitter 5, generated by the secondary re—
`verse airjet F’, is increased by the mechanical action of
`striking and vibrating the motorized fitter shaker 18.
`1. Vacuum cieaher (t ) with reverse airiet filter cieahihg
`device comprising:
`- suction means (2) of known type associated
`with a vacuum chamber (3) and activated by a
`control unit;
`— cartridge filter means (5) to fitter a primary flow
`of dust-laden air (F) connected to said vacuum
`chamber (3);
`— containment means (4) to contain the dust
`rawn up and retained by said fitter means,
`wherein said reverse airiet fitter cleaning device
`~ feed means (6)- tc teed a secondary reverse
`ir jet (F’);
`— emission ducts (8) connected to said feed
`means (6);
`~ soienoid controi vaives (7) associated with said
`emission ducts (8) and that can be setectively
`activated by said control unit,
`characterized in that said fitter cleaning device
`comprises steeves (9), connected between said
`emission du ts (8) and said cartridge fitter
`means (5), and each steeve (9) comprises a piu-
`raiity of ports (1 1) adapted to piece the inside of
`the sleeve (9')- in communication with said vac-
`uum cham'oer (3) to ensure suction of the pri--
`mary tiow of dust—iaden air (F), wherein said
`sleeve (9) comprises; movable means stidingly
`associated therewrth, adapted to reversibly
`close said ports (1 1) during cieahihg ofsaid fitter
`means (5) and to simultaneousiy attow the pas—
`sage of said secondary reverse air jet.
`2, A vacuum cleaner (1) with reverse airjetfitter clean—
`ing device according to ctaim 1, characterized in
`that said movabte means comprise a piston (12),
`siiding in said steeve (9) as a resuit ofthe thrust of
`the secondary reverse air_iet (F’), against the a ation
`of etasttc return means, so as to cause, through its
`alternating movement, the opening and ctcsing of
`said ports (11), where said piston (12) is provided
`on its head (1 2’)\ lith a pturalityofhotes(13), adapted
`to allow the passage of said secondary reverse air
`jet (F’) toward said fitt :J" means.
`3. A vacuum cleaner (t) With reverse airjet fitter clean—
`ihg device according to ciatm 1, characterized in
`that said sleeve (9) is associated with said fitter
`means by means ofan elastomeric type airtight gas—
`ket (10).
`A vacuum cleaner (1) with reverse air jet tiiter clean~
`ing device according to ciaim 2, characterized in
`that said etastic return means comprise a heiicat
`spring (15) coaxiai with said steeve (9), arranged be—
`tween the head (12’) of said piston and a ring (18)-
`tixed to an intermediate section of said steeve (9).
`A vacuum cleaner (1) \ lith reverse air jet fitter clean--
`ing device according to ciatm 1, characterized in
`that said means (6)- lzo feed said secondary reverse
`airjet (F’) comprise a btower (17) controtted by said
`controi unit and pieced in connection with the outside
`atmosphere from which it draws air to transfer it to
`said emission ducts (8) through a distribution mani-
`totd ( 4).
`A vacuum cleaner (1) with reverse air jet fitter clean--
`ing device according to ciatm 1, characterized in
`that said fitter means comprise a piuratity ofcartrtdge
`titters (5) connected in paratlet to said vacuum cham~
`bar (3)- and to said distribution manitotd by means of
`said sleeves (9).
`A vacuum cleaner (1) with reverse air jet tiiter clean~
`ing device according to ciaim 1, characterized in
`that it comprises at teasl: one motorized fitter shaker
`(18) controtied by said controi unit, together with said
`sotehoid vatves (7), comprising a striking mass
`adapted to strike said filter (5) to exert a mechanicat
`shaking action,
`Reverse airjet fitter cleaning device, adapted to be
`titted to a vacuum cteaner (1) provided with said fit-
`ters (5) associated with a vacuum chamber (3), com-
`prising feed means {6)- lzo feed a secondary reverse
`airjet it") provided with emission ducts (8), charac—
`terized in that it comprises sieeves (9), connected
`between said emission ducts (8) and said tiiters (5).
`and in that each steeve (9) comprises a piurality of
`ports (11) adapted to piece the inside of the steeve
`(9) in communication with the vacuum chamber (3)
`of said vacuum cteaner (t) to ensure suction of a
`primary ftow of dust~taden air (F), wherein said
`steeve (9) comprises movabte means stidihgty as—
`sociated therewith, adapted to reversibty close said
`ports (1 ‘1)- during cteaning of said fitters (5) and to
`simuitanecusty attow the passage of said secondary
`reverse airjet (F’).


`EP 2 636) 992 A1
`Fig. 2


`EP 2 636) 992 A1


`EP 2 636) 992 A1


`EP 2 63% 992 A1
`Application Number
`EP 13 15 6191
`Citation ct document with indication. where appropriate,
`of relevant passages
`EP 1 454 266 Al
`5 October 2004 (2084x10—36)
`* paragraph [@001]
`— paragraph [@019];
`figures 3—fib *
`EP 1 997 411 A2 (GEN ASPIRAZIGNE [)1
`FAU [1T])
`3 December 2098 (2008—12-03)
`* paragraph [9617}; figures 11-13 *
`US 4 067 926 A {GROH ANDREW F)
`8 February 1977 (1977-02—68)
`* coiumn l4,
`iine 15 - autumn 15,
`figures 3-16 *
`tine 35;
`The present search report has been drawn up for at: claims
`Place of Search
`Date of campieticn m the Search
`Masset, Markus
`15 May 2613
`. :theory ar principle underlying the invention
`: earlier patent document, but published on, or
`X : particularly relevant ittaken alone
`ng date
`cited in the appl'
`Y: partic ‘
`rly relevant if combined with another
`docum .
`t of the same category
`hr other re
`t. ’
`2i background
`O ; non-written disckzsure
`&: n
`‘ same patent famiiy, corresponding
`P : intermediate decument
`E A47L9/26
`E A47L5/36
`E A47L9/12


`EP 2 630 962 A1
`EP 13 15 6161
`This annex lists that patent family members relating to the patenl dccuments cited in the above-mentioned European search reporir
`5‘ file on
`The members are as contained in the Eurapean Patent Offic
`The Eumpean Patent Office i~3 in no way liable forthese part
`1 s which are merely given for the purpose of inf-zirmaiicn.
`Patent document
`Patent family
`cited in Search report
`EP 1454266
`365019 T
`DE 602004007057 T2
`1464266 A1
`EP 1997411
`US 4007026
`7604955 A
`1094960 A1
`2620967 A1
`2320721 A1
`1501066 A
`5568162 B?
`55223868 A
`4007026 A
`EFOFORMPO45? For more delails aboul this annex ' see Officiai Journal ofihe European Patent Office5 No 12782

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