`Fate»! Office
`Office européen
`des brevets
`(1 g)
`E? 2 6&6 "2’93 A2
`(43) Date of pubiicatien:
`2&952313 Butietin 2913/25
`int CL:
`A471 maximal?“
`A421 swims-0'“
`(21) Appiicaiion number: 12193fi26f
`(22) Date (Jffiiing: 15.?1.2612
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`Hera, Ryosuke
`Afijfi” Aishi 445~8502 (JP)
`» Tahara, Takayiiki
`Ania” Aiohi 4463502 (JP)
`(30) Priority: 29.122911 JP 2811278596
`(71) Appiisant; Makita Corporation
`Ania, Aiohi 44643502 (JP)
`Bust ooiiector for oieaning a fitter
`(74) Representative: Kramer — Barske _ Sehmidtohen
`Landsberger Strasse 399
`80637 Miinehen (DE)
`A dust ootteotor (1)- having a iiiie. (20,22,223) for
`catching dust from air flowing through an intake path is
`provided. A pair of the intake paths are formed so as to
`be combined on an upstream side of an eieeiric btower
`(31) provided in a main body (4). A pairotcommunication
`pains (50, 51) attow a discharge passage (44) to corn—
`mnnicate with each of the intake paths. A first opening
`and closing member (55, 55’) is provided so as to open
`and dose each intake path, and in a normet state,
`biased to open the intake path. A second opening and
`oiosing member (61, 61’) is provided so as to open and
`oiose each communication path (50, 51), and in the nor—
`rnai state, is biased to Ciose the communication path (50,
`51), and opens the communication path (50, 51) in re—
`sponse to a closing operation of the intake path by the
`first opening and oiesing member (55, 55‘).
`FIG, 2
`Printed by .Jouve, 75001 PAREE': (FR)
`E? 2 696 7M5 A2
`[0001} The present invention retates to dust coiiectors
`that inciude, in an upper part of a tank having a suction
`port, a main body having an electric btower, and that draw
`air through the suction port irorn outside by the etectric
`btower, and catch dust in the air by a titter provided in
`the tank.
`For example, Japanese Patent No. 3,457,929
`discloses a dust coiiector in which a titter group separat—
`ing a gas intet ofa dust containerfrorn a gas outtet thereof
`is contained in the dust container having a hermeticatly
`seated structure, air and dust are drawn through the gas
`inlet into the dust container having a negative pressure
`due to evacuation from the gas outiet, and the dust is
`captured bythe fittergroup. This dust cottector is provided
`with a pluraiity of air iniet pipes each having at its one
`end an air inlet port provided so as to protrude from the
`dust container and to open. and having at the other end
`an air discharge port. The air, which has been drawn in
`the dust coilector through the air intet port by opening the
`output air inlet port by an eiectromagnetic yaive, is btown
`trom an air discharge port onto the fitter group to remove
`the dust adhering to the filter group.
`For exampie,
`in the case where two air intet
`pipes are provided in t. its dust coiiector, an electromag-
`netic valve of one of the air intet pipes is opened, and an
`etectromagnetic vaive oi the other air iniet pipe is ciosed
`during operation of the dust coiiector. Thus, the dust ad-
`hering to a part of the fitter group is removed by using
`the one air intet pipe, whereby the part of the fitter group
`can he cteaned while capturing dust by another part of
`the fitter group.
`[£36043 However, since the above dust coiiector uses
`the electromagnetic vaives to open and close the air intet
`pipes, a device that etectricatty controis electromagnets
`itia drive the ele ,trornagnetic vatves is required, which
`may complicate the structure or’ the dust cotlector.
`SUiv’il‘v’tAf-"t‘i’ OF THE iNVENTtON
`it is an object of the present invention to provide
`a dust cottector capabte of cleaning a filter during oper-
`ation with a simple structure.
`[9996} According to a first aspect of the present inven—
`tion, in a dust cotiector, a main body inciuding an etectric
`btower is provided in an upper part of a tank having a
`suction port, air drawn through the suction port from out-
`side by the electric btower is discharged through the tank
`and the main body, and a fiiter that separates the suction
`port from the main body in an intake path extending from
`the suction port to the electric blower and that is capabie
`of catc,
`g dust in the air is provided in the tank. in the
`dust cotlector, a pair ofthe intake paths in which air flows
`respectivety through a pair of the tiiters projecting within
`the tank are formed so as to be combined together on
`an upstream side of the etectric btower, a pair of com-
`rnunicatioh paths are formed so as to attow a discharge
`passage on a downstream side of the electric btower to
`communicate with each otthe intake paths, first opening
`and ciosing members are each provided on a down—
`stream side of the communication path in the intake path,
`are capabie ot opening and ctosing the intake path, and
`are biased, in a normai state, to a position where the first
`opening and closing member op ens the intake path, sec--
`ond opening and ctosing members are each provided in
`the communication path, are capa'oie of opening and
`ciosing the communication path, are biased, in the nor-
`mai state, to a position where the second opening and
`ciosing member cioses the communication path, and
`open the communication path in response to a ctosing
`operation of closing the intake path by the t‘irst opening
`and ctosing member, and an operation unit is provided
`that: is capahte of alternateiy causing the first opening
`and ciosing members in the intake paths to perform the
`ciosing operation. in the dust coilector, when the opera-
`tion unit causes one of thefirst opening and ciosing mem—
`bers to perform the closing operation and thus causes
`the second opening and ctosing member to open the
`communication path, discharged air in the discharge pas-
`sage is guided to one of the intake paths via the commu—
`nication path, the discharged air is caused to fiow back-
`ward in the intake path and returned to the tank through
`the fitter, and is combined to the other intake path, so
`thatthe dust on thefitter ofthe one intake path is removed.
`[@3007] According to a second aspe
`)t the present
`invention, in the first aspect, the operation unit inciudes
`a motor piaced between the pair of first opening and cios--
`ing members, and a cam member provided on an output
`shaft of the motor and formed to alternateiy contact the
`first opening and ctosing members respectiveiy in re-
`sponse to rotation of the output shaft so that the first
`opening and closing member performs the closing oper—
`[@3008] According to a third aspect of the present inven~
`tion, in the second aspect, the fitters through which air
`flows in the pair' of intake paths are piaced outside the
`motor so as to face each other with an intervat therebe—
`tween, and each o'fthefirst opening and ciosing mem'oers
`is placed between each of the fitter and the motor.
`{@999} According to a fourth aspect of the present in—
`vention, in the first aspect, the fitter inctudes a primary
`fitter capabte of catching the dust and having been sub-
`,iected to an antistatic treatment.
`{@919} According to a fifth aspect ofthe present inven—
`tion, in the first aspect, a tilted portion having a vent hoie
`is provided on the downstream side otthe communication
`path in the intake path so as to face ti
`‘ first opening and
`ciosing member in the normai state Witn a space for air
`EP 2 696 7M5 A2
`ftow therebetween, and the first opening and ciosing
`member performing the closing operation is capabie of
`contacting the tiited portion in a state where the vent hoie
`is ciosed and the space for air flow is eiiminated.
`tn the dust cotlector according to the first aspect
`of the present invention, the first opening and ciosing
`members of the pair of intake paths is atternately caused
`to perform the ciosing operation by the operation unit.
`Thus, dust can be atternatety removed from the fitters of
`the pairofintake paths. Accordingiy, the tiiters in the pair
`of intake paths can be cteaned during the operation of
`the dust cottector as wett. Moreover, since the first open—
`ing and closing members and the second opening and
`ciosing members are operated by the operation unit,
`etectric oontrot is not required to operate the opening and
`closing members, whereby the structure of the dust cot--
`tector is simptified.
`tn the dust cotiector according to the second
`aspect of the present invention, the number of motors
`and cam members thataiternateiycause thefirstopening
`and ciosing members to pertorm the ciosing operation
`can be minimized. This can suppress manufacturing cost
`of the dust cotlector.
`in the dust colteotoraccording to the third aspect
`otthe present invention, the fitters through which airflows
`in the pair of intake paths can be arranged in the tank so
`as not to interfere with the motor and the first opening
`and closing members, so that iongitudinai dimension oi
`the tank can be suppressed.
`in the dust coliector according to the fourth as—
`pect ofthe present invention, accumuiation of static etec—
`tricity on the primary fitter can be suppressed. This supi-
`presses etectrostatic attraction of dust to the primary fi -
`ter, whereby satisfactory dust separation from the fitter
`can be achieved.
`in the dust cotlector according to the fifth aspect
`of the present invention, in the normai state of the first
`opening and closing member, the vent hole of the titted
`portion provided on the downstream side of the commu--
`nication path in the intake path is opened. in addition,
`the space for airflow is retained sufficiently between each
`of the first opening and ciosing members in the normai
`state and the titted portion. Accordingiy, the intake paths
`can be opened in the normai state. On the other hand, if
`the first opening and ciosing member is caused to per-
`form the ciosing operation. the vent hote is ciosed and
`the space for air flow is etiminated, whereby each intake
`path can be ciosed.
`is an overatt perspective view of a dust cot-
`Pie. 1
`lector according to an embodiment of the present
`FtG. 2 is an overatt perspective view of a main body
`inctuded in the dust cotiector.
`Ft G. 3 is an expioded perspective view ofa fitter iixing
`member, a main body case, and a main body case
`cover which form the main body.
`PEG. 4 is an overatt perspective view of the main body
`HS. 5 is an overatt perspective view of the main body
`case cover.
`FiG. 6 is a plan view of the main body case.
`PEG. 7 is a back view of the main body case.
`FiG. 8 is a perspective view ofa second openin and
`ctosing member capable of opening and ciosing a
`communication path formed in the main body case.
`PEG. 9 is a diagram itlustrating an operation ofcatch—
`ing dust by a pair of fiiters provided in a tank.
`FiG. ‘i t) is a diagram itlustrating an operation of clean—
`ing right fitters and catching dust by ieft filters.
`FiG. 11 is a sectionat side view of a main part of the
`main body.
`FiG. 1'2 is a partiat sectionat side view ofa main body
`inciuded in a dust coiiector according to another em-
`{EMMY} An embodiment ofthe present invention witt be
`described with reference to FtGE-Z. i
`to it. As shown in
`FtGS. i to 3, a dust cotiectort inctudes a traveiing base
`2, a tank 3. and a main body 4. The traveiing base 2 is
`motded by using a synthetic resin, and has a circutar
`recess 5 (see FiG. i) in the upper surface thereof. One
`front wheet 6 is rotatabty provided on a front (the side
`ctoser to the viewer in Fifi. i) centrat part of the bottom
`surface oithe traveiing base 2, and a pair of rear wheets
`7, 7 are rotatabty provided on the rear (the side away
`from the viewer in HQ. 1) lett and right parts of the
`traveling base 2. The dust coltector t
`is capabte or’
`traveling by the front whee! 6 and the rear wheeis 7, 7.
`{0918] The tank 3 is made of stainiess steel, and is
`formed to have a bottomed cyiindricai shape opening in
`its upper part. The tank 3 is ptaced on the upper surface
`of the traveting base 2 so as to be fitted in the recess 5.
`A suction port 8 is formed in the front surtace (the side
`ctoser to the viewer in HQ. i) of the tank 3. A dust-cot-
`iecting hose is connected to the suction port 8. Hooks 9.
`9 are attached to the outer side surfaces of the tank 3.
`As shown in FiG. t. the main body 4 can be fixed to the
`upper part ofthe tank 3 by engaging the ends ofthe hooks
`9, 9 with hook engagement portions; 19, 19 (see PEG. 2)-
`ot a main body case it described beiow.
`{9919} As shown in HS. 3, the main body 4 has a fitter
`fixing member ii:- the main body case it, and a main
`body case cover 12. The fitter fixing member i0 is
`screwed on the tower surtace of the main body case it.
`As shown in FEGS. 3 and 9, the filter fixing member 10
`is provided with a hoiiow portion iii that extends from the
`centrat part of the fitter fixing member if) to the rear part
`of the filter fixing member if), that protrudes downward,
`and that is ciosed in the lower part thereof and open in
`EP 2 696 736 A2
`t. -e-upper part thereof.‘The fittertixing member 10 is pro-
`vided, on the right and tett sides ofthe hottow portion 14,
`with'tong hoies 15, 15 extending in the front—rear direction
`of the dust coitector 1. Moreover, as shown in FEGS. 2
`and 3, iatch members 46,16 each capabie of swinging
`via asupport shaft are attached to the left and right srde
`surfaces oithe fitteriixing memberiO Anetectrode hoi d—
`ing ptate1'i’is screwed on a front pa-t oi the tower surface
`of the fitterfixing member 10 so as to project downward.
`[@3620] As shown in FEGS. 2, 3, and 9, pretitters 20, 20
`serving as primaryfitters are attached to the tower surface
`of the t‘iiter fixing member 40 so as to communicate with
`.e long hotes 15, 15. Since the main body 4 is fixed to
`he upper part of the tank 3, the prefiiters 20, 20 and the
`etectrode holding ptate 1.7 project wrthin the tank 3 from
`the tower surface of the fitter fixing memb 3r 10A pair of
`water—ievel detection etectrodes ( not shown) are heid on
`the back surface of theetectrode hoiding piate 17 so as
`to be located at the same position in the verticat direction
`and with a predetermined intervat therebetween in the
`tater'at direction. in the present embodiment, a voltage is
`applied to the pair of water-ievet detection etectrodes,
`and when the water-ievet detection etectrodes are etec—
`tricatiy connected together via water, it is detected that
`a certain amount of water has entered the tanit 3. The
`dricat portion 25 is provided, protruding downward, at a
`part of the main body case 11, which is iocated more
`toward the front side (theeside ctoser to the viewer in
`FiGS. 3 and 4) with respect to the center of the main
`body case 11. An inlet port 25 (see PEG. 4) is formed in
`the centrat portion of the tower 8U!race of the cyii-ndricai
`portion 25. in the state where the fitter fixing member 10
`is fixed to the tower surface of the main body case 11,
`the cylindrical portion 25 can fit in the hottow portion 14
`of the titter fixing member 40. An electric blower 3‘: (see
`FiGS. 3 and 11) is fitted in the cylindrical portion 25 in
`such an attitude that a fan cover 3 (see FtG. 3) covering
`a fan F (see FtG. 11)- faces downward. The fan F is cou—
`pled to the tip end of a rotating shaft 35 (see FtG. 11) of
`a motor, and a pturatity of air discharge portions 32 (see
`FtGS. 3 and 44:) are providedon the outer peripherat
`surface of the upper part of the tan cover 30. The tan
`cover 30 exctuding the upper part thereof is fitted in the
`cylindrical portion 25. so that the air discharge portions
`32 can be piaced outside the cyiindricat portion 25. When
`the fan cover 30 is fitted in the cyiindricai portion 25. a
`vent hoie H (see FtG. 11) provided in the centrat portio.n
`of the lower surface of the fan cover 30 is ptaced so as
`to face the iniet port 26 of the cytindricat portion ‘25. Ret—
`erence numerai 27 in FtGS. 3 and 14: represents a ring-
`shaped seat member that seais between the peripherai
`edge of the lower end of the fan cover 30 and the iniet
`port 26, and r'eierence numerai 23 represents a sound—
`absorbing materiai.
`[@3022] As shown in FEG 9, intake passages 33, 34 are
`formed in-the fiitertixing member.4u’ The intake passag-
`es 33, 34 extend in the front-rear direction of the dust
`cottector t on the tett and right sides of the cyiindricai
`portion 25 fitted in the hottow portion 4:4, and extend to
`the rear side of the cytindricai portion 25 to communicate
`with the hottow portion 14. The intake passages 33, 34
`communicate with the long hoies 4-5.
`{0923] As shown in Fit‘8. 4. 6, and9 amotor accom—
`modating portion 37' is piaced onthe upper surface oi
`the main body case ‘t 4.. The motor accommodating por-
`tion 37 is provided behind the cyiindricai portion 25 so
`as to stand on the upper surface of the main body case
`41 and so as to surround a speed reducer cover 40 (see
`FiGS. 3 and 11) attached toa '8 motor 35. As shot n
`in FtGS. 6 and 7,a communication hole 38 that aliows
`the motor accommodating portion 37 to communicate
`with the main body case 4 t isformed in the uppersurface
`of the main body case 11 which corresponds to the bot-
`tom surface ofthe motor accommod ating portion 37. The
`DC motor 35 is fixed in the motor accommodating portion
`37 by tightening screws in screw holes in the speed re—
`ducer cover 40 attached to the DC motor 35 and screw
`operation ofthe dust cottector1 is stopped it it is detected
`that the certain amount of water has entered the tanit 3.
`The prefitter 20 is a cyiindricai body that is made ofwoven
`fabric, that has an etiipticat shape as viewed in pian, and
`hat is open in the upper part and closed in the tower part.
`Thhe pretitter ‘20 thus can separate the suction port 8 from
`theemain body 4within thettank 3. A ring-shaped engage
`rnent member 21 (see FEGS. 2 and 3) is attached to the
`peripherat edge of the upper part of the prefitter 20 in
`'ne presentembodiment,..neieft and right iatch members
`16, i5 are respectiveiy engaged with the engagement
`members 24: , 21 oiihe prefiiters 20, 20, whereby the pre-
`fiiters 2t), 20 are fixed to the tower surface of the fitter
`fixing member 10 in a ctose contact state. Each prefitter
`20 has been subjected to a wett—known antistatic treat—
`mer using an antistatic agent.
`[9621] As shown in FEGS. 3 and 9, a paper fitter 22 as
`a tertiary frtter is mounted inside each prefitter 20 so as
`to communicate with the long hole 15. This titter 22 is a
`cylindrical body that has an ettiptical shape as viewed in
`ptan and thatrsopen in tne u;per part and ctosedin the
`tower part. The filter 22 is pieced inside the prefiiter 20
`so thattsfii ter surface faces an inner s-irface of the pre--
`titter 20. A potyurethane sponge titter"23 serving as a
`secondary fitter is mounted on the frtter surface of the
`tiiter 22 in each prefitter 20. Since the main body 4 is fixed
`to the upper part of the tanit 3, each fitter 22, 23 can
`separate the suction port 8 from the main body 4 within
`each prefiiter 20. The prefitter 20 and the fitters 22, 23
`are an exampte of the filter of the present: invention. As
`shown in FEGS. 3 and 4. the main body case 41 inctudes
`a bottomed cytindricai portion 25 that: is made of a syn--
`thetic resin and that is open in its upper part. The cyiin—
`notes 39 39see.-tGS. 4and (3)in the motoraccommo~
`dating portion 37. A cam member 43\sese FtGS. 3 and
`it) having substantially a reversed t_-shape as v.ewed
`from the side is coupied to an output shaft 42 (see FtG.
`41) of the DC motor 36 through the communication hoie
`38 via a speed reducer4.1 (see FtGS. 3 and ’ti“iaccom-
`EP 2 696 7%} A2
`modated in the speed reducer cover 40. in the present
`embodiment, the DC motor 36 is rotated aiternateiy to
`the right and left, whereby the cam member 43 can be
`rotated alternatety to the right and ieft.
`[E3624] As shown in 17163.4 and 6, a discharge passage
`44 is provided in the uppersurface ofthe main body case
`11. The discharge passage 44 is formed by a space 47
`that is surrounded by a wait surface 45 (see f—‘iG. 4) and
`a rib 46 (see Pie. 4) and is continuous to the opening in
`the upper surface ot the cyiindr'icai portion 25. As de—
`scribed beiow, air discharged from the air discharge por-
`tions 32 (see F G. :J) located on the downstream side of
`the electric btower 31 can be discharged from an outiet
`port 48 and outiet windows 49 (see F112. 5) to the outside
`of the main body 4 through the discharge passage 44.
`{0025} As shown in FiGS. 4, 6, and 9, communication
`paths 50, 51 that are continuous to the downstream side
`or the discharge passage 44 are formed on the ieft and
`right sides of the motor accommodating portion 37 in the
`upper surface of the main body case 11. As shown in
`F165;. 4 and 6, the upper surface of the main body case
`11 is provided wit” iniet ports 52, 53 on the downstream
`side of the c3mmunication paths 50, 51, respectiveiy,
`which allow the communication paths 50, 51 to commu-
`nicate with the intake passages 33, 34 (see FiG. 9). This
`allows the discharge passage 44 to communicate with
`the intake passage 33 via the communication path 50
`and the iniet port 52. and aiso allows the discharge pas~
`sage 44 to communicate with the intake passage 34 via
`the communication path 51 and the iniet port 53,. The
`hook engagement portions 19, 19 are aiso provided on
`the upper surface of the main body case 11. As shown
`in FiGS. 3 and 9, a ring-shaped seat member 13 is at-
`tached to the tower surface of the main body case 11.
`This aiiows the main body case 11 to be fixed to the tank
`3 in a ciose contact state.
`[$13263 As shown in F168. 6, 7', and 9, a titted waii 5.7”
`is provided in a communication part ofthe intake passage
`33, which is iocated on the downstream side of the iniet
`port 52 and which communicates with the hoiiow portion
`14. The tilted wait 57" separates this communication part
`from the hoiiow portion 14, and has a vent hole 58’. The
`iited wait 57’ is formed integraily with a titted wail forma—
`tion member 56 (see FiGE-Z. 3 and 7) that is attached to
`the communication part. A piate-iike first opening and
`ciosing member 55’ {see FiGS. 3 and 9) capabie ot open~
`ing and ciosing the vent hoie 58 is rotatably supported
`near the titted wait 5.7” on the tower surface of the main
`body case 11 via a support shaft 60 (see HS. 9). Ret‘er—
`ence numerai 54 in HS. 7 represents a fitting hoie in
`which the support shaft 61) is rotatably fitted. in a normai
`state, as shown in HS. 9, the first opening and ciosing
`member 55’ is biased so as to extend in the vertical di—
`rection at a position where the first opening and ciosing
`member 55 opens the vent hole 58’. As shown in F153.
`6, 7, and 9, the titted wall 57’ is titted such that the upper
`part thereof is iocated more toward the first opening and
`ciosing member 55’ than the tower part thereof in the
`normai state, and faces the first opening and ciosing
`member 55’ in the normai state so that a space for air
`flow 59’ {see 1:16. 9)-
`is interposed therebetween. The
`titted wait 57’ is an exampie of the tilted portion of the
`present invention.
`{992?} As shown in 13163.8 and 9, a piate-iike second
`opening and closing member 61 ’ capable ofopening and
`ciosing the iniet port 52 is provided in the inlet port 52 of
`the communication path 50. The second opening and
`ciosing member 61’ in iudes a bar~shaped arm portion
`62 extending in the verticai direction with its distai end
`facing the first opening and closing member 55’. The sec~
`ond opening and ciosing memberat’ is supported in the
`communication path 50 so as to be rotatabie about a
`support shaft 63 (see Fifi. 9) supported by the bottom
`surface of the communication path 50. in a normai state,
`the second opening and ciosing member 61’ is biased to
`a iaterai attitude at a position where the second opening
`and closing member 61 cioses the iniet port 52 by its own
`[E3028] As in the communication part of the intake pas~
`sage 33 which communicates \
`ith the hoiiow portion 14,
`a tilted wait 57' hauling a vent hole 58 is provided in a
`communication part of the intake passage 34, which is
`iocated on the downstream side or’ the iniet port 53 and
`which communicates with the hoilow portion 14. A tirst
`opening and ciosing member 55 capabte of opening and
`ciosing the vent hole 58 is provided near the tiited wait
`57. As in the iniet port 52 of the communication path 50,
`a second opening and ciosing member 61 capable ot
`opening and ciosing the iniet port 53 is provided in the
`iniet port 53 ofthe communication path 51 shown in F168.
`6 and 9. The titted wait 5.7 is also an exampie ofthe titted
`portion of the present invention.
`[E3029] As a characteristic configuration of the present
`embodiment, in order to suppress an increase in longi—
`tudinai dimension of the dust coiiector 1, the pair of pre--
`titters 20, '20 are piaced outside the DC motor 36 in the
`tank 3 shown in F165. 9 so as to face each other with an
`interval therebetween in the iaterai direction. in addition,
`each of the first opening and ciosing members 55, 55’ is
`placed between the pretiiter 21) and the DC motor 36 in
`the lateral direction of the dust coliector ‘1.
`[E3039] The main body case cover 12 shown in FEGS.
`1 to 3, and 5 is made ota synthetic resin, and cioses the
`opening in the upper surface of the main body case 11.
`'i'he main body case cover 12 has a body cover accom—
`modating portion 6.7 that is open in its upper part. The
`body cover accommodating portion 67 is provided, pro~
`truding upward, at a part of the main body case cover
`12, which is iocated more toward the front side with re—
`spect to the center or’ the main body case cover 12.
`the state where the main body case cover 12 is fixed to
`the upper part of the main body case 11 by tightening
`screws in the main body case cover 12 and the main
`body case 1 1, the body cover accommodating portion 67
`verticaiiy accommodates a body cover .72 (see HS. 3)-
`accommodating the motor of the eiectric biower 31, etc.
`EP 2 696 736 A2
`As shown in FtG. 5, the outlet port 48 is formed in the
`upper sun‘ace of the main body case cover 12. The outiet
`port 48 aiiows the upper surface of the main body oase
`cover 12 to communicate with the opening in the upper
`surface of the main body case it. The piur'aiity oi outiet
`windows 49 are formed in a wait surface 73 iocated on
`the rear'side ofthe main body oase cover 1 2. An operation
`portion 76 is provided on the front surface of the main
`body case cover 12. Various switches such as an oper-
`ation switch 8 and an outiet for power suppiy to externai
`equipment are pieced in the operation portion 76. in FtG.
`3 reference numerai 77 represents a oontroiier', and ref—
`erence numeral 73 represents a sound—absorbing mate-
`riai. The controiter 77 and the sourid-absorbing materiai
`‘78 are accommodated in the main body case cover ‘i2.
`{0031} Operation of the dust collector 1 will be de--
`scribed beiow. in response to turning-on ot the operation
`switch 3 ’see HS. 1) provided in the main body 4 {see
`FlG i) of the dust coilector t, the motor of the etectric
`biower 31 shown in FtG. 3 is driven to rotate the fan F
`(see FiG. it) in the tan cover 30. Then, air containing
`dust is drawn into the tank 3 through the suction port 8
`(see PEG. 1) from outside via the dust-coiiecting hose,
`and this air flows through the pretitters 20, 20, the filters
`23, 23, and the r'itters 22, 22 shown in HS. 3, and into
`the intake passages 33, 34 through the iong hotes 15. At
`this time, part of the dust is caught by the prefilters 20,
`2G, and the dust that has passed through the pretilters
`20, 20 is sequentialty caught by the r’itters 23, 23 and the
`r‘itters 22, 22.
`[0032] Then, the air that has ftown into the intake pas—
`sage 33 flows through the vent hole 53’ of the tilted wati
`57’ and the space for air ttow 59" into the holtow portion
`14 of the fitter fixing member 10. Then, the air flows
`through the vent hoie ft (see FiG. it) of the tan cover 30
`from the intet port 26 (see FtG. ‘i i) otthe main body case
`i 1, and is guided into the fan cover 30. Simiiarly, the air
`that has ftown into the intake passage 34 tiows through
`the vent hole 53 o ' the titted wait 57' and the space for air
`tiow 59 into the hollow portion 14 of the fitter fixing mem—
`her iii. Then, the airfiows through the vent hoie H {see
`FlG it) of the tan cover 30 from the intet port 26 (see
`FiG. 1 1) of the main body case it, and is guided into the
`tan cover 30. As described above, in the dust collector
`1, the prer'itters 20, 20, the filters 23, 23, and the filters
`22, 22 are provided, the pair of intake paths are formed
`so as to extend from the suction port 8 to the vent hoie
`ii of the tan cover 30 on the upstream side of the etectric
`biower 31, and the pair of intake paths are combined
`together near the vent hoie H of the tan cover 30. The
`air guided into the tan cover 30 is discharged into the
`discharge passage 44 shown in HS. 4 from the air dis—
`charge portions 32 (see FiGS. 3 and it). Then, the air
`flows through the outiet port 48 (see HS. 5) from the
`discharge passage 44, and is discharged to the outside
`of the main body 4 from the outlet windows 49 (see FiG.
`[0033] The dust caught by the profitter2i) and the filters
`23, 22 can cause clogging otthe fitters. in orderto prevent
`this, in the present embodiment, the pretiiter 20 and the
`fitters 23, 22 can be cieaned by performing the operation
`described beiow 'uring operation of the dust coiiector 1.
`During the dust coiiecting operation of catching dust by
`the prefiiters 20, 20, the titters 23, 23, and the fitters 22,
`22 as shown in HS. 9, the cam member 43 rotates right~
`ward and contacts the first opening and ciostng member
`55 ofthe intake passage 34 in response to rotation ofthe
`output shaft 42 ofthe DC motor 36, as shown in FtG. 10.
`Thus, thefirst opening and ctosing member 55 is pressed
`by the cam member 43 toward the titted wait 57 of the
`intake passage 34, and contacts the tilted wait 57 so as
`to ctose the vent hoie 58 and to eiirninate the space for
`air tlow, thereby performing the operation of ctosing the
`intake passage 34. in this manner, the first opening and
`ctosing member 55 ctoses one otthe intake paths, which
`extends from the suction port 8 to the tan cover 30 through
`the intake passage 34. At this time, the arm portion 62
`is pressed in a direction away from the tilted wali 57 by
`the first opening and closing member 55. Thus, the sec~
`ond opening and closing member 61 rotates in response
`to the operation of ctosing the intake passage 34 by the
`first opening and ciosing member 5. As a resuit, as
`shown in FiG. to, the second opening and closing mem-
`her 31 opens the intet port 53 of the communication path
`tn the state where the operation of ctosing the
`intake passage 34 is performed and the intet port 53 is
`opened as shown in FtG. 10, the tank 3 and the main
`body case it has a negative pressure. Accordingiy, the
`discharged air that has passed through the disc arge
`passage 44 is guided from the inlet port 53 into the intake
`passage 34 as shown by two—dot chain arrow in FEG. 4.
`The discharged air in the intake passage 34 fiows baok~
`ward from the downstream side to the upstream side in
`the .take passage 34, and into the right fitter 22 through
`the tong hoie 15Then, the discharged air sequentiaiiy
`ftows through the right filter 22, the right fitter 23, and the
`right pretiiter 20, and returns to the tank 3. At this time,
`the discharged air fiowing backward can 'oiow away the
`dust caught by the fitters 20, 22, 23. Accordingiy, in this
`dust coitector i, the right prefilter 20 and the right fitters
`23, 22 can be cleaned while catching dust by the teft
`prefiiter 20 and the teft filters 23, 22. in addition, since
`the right and teft prefiiter's 20, 20 have been subjected to
`an antistatic treatment, eiectrostatic attraction of dust
`the prefilter 20 can be suppressed. As a result, a dust
`separation property is improved.
`{9935} The discharged air that is returned to the tank
`3 through the right fitters 22, 23 and the right prefiiter' 2O
`ttows into the intake passage 33 through the tong hoie
`“:5 after flowing through the teft pr'eiiiter zg and the teft
`fitters 23, 23. Thus, the discharged airttows into the other
`intake path extending from the s