`(1 Si)
`Fate»! Office
`EP 2 $82 Gtt At
`(43) Date of publication:
`13112313 Butietin 2913/45
`int CL:
`A471 QIZO (2995.01)
`(21) Application number: 121er293
`(22) Date (affiiihg: 01952912
`(84) Designated Contracting States:
`Designated Extension States:
`(Ti) Appiicant: Soteoo Sort-t,
`25M? Caetetverde (ET)
`Suction apparatus
`v Ronahi, Domenico
`25038 Torre De” Pieenardi (CR) (ET)
`» Raineri, Piertuigi
`26643 Persist: Oosimo (CR) (ET)
`(74) Representative: Sinieoatsd, Fabio et at
`Luppi Crugnoia 3; Partners Sari.“
`Viaie Corassori, 54
`“’24 Modena (ET)
`A sucking appar tus (t), in particuiar for ciean—
`ihg, comprises at least two sucking motors (1 0) arranged
`for generating a tiow of air (F) from the outside to the
`inside of the apparatus (1), at teast two i‘iiters (1?)- ar—
`ranged downstream oi the sucking rndtors (13-) for filter—
`ing the flow of air, each filter (17)- being associated with
`a respective sucking motor {10), and a plurality of vaive
`eiements (23). The vaive eiernents (23) are interposed
`between, and operatiohaily associated with, each suck~
`ing motor (10) and each filter (17), and are movahie be—
`tween a rest position (R) wherein they are received in
`respective seats ('21), and a raised position (8), wherein
`they are raised from the respective seats (21)- when the
`sucking motor (10) associated therewith is working, to
`enabte the passage of the flow of air (F) prevalently along
`a first direction (A). The valve eiements ('23) are provided
`with a caiihrated passage (20) arranged for enabiing,
`when they are in the rest position (R), the passage of at
`ieast one portion (F’) of the tiow of air substantiaiiy along
`a second direction (8), opposite the first direction (A),
`from the sucking motor (1 O) to the fitter (t 7) for cleaning
`the latter.
`Fig. 1
`Printed by .Jouve, 75001 PAREE': (FR)


`EP 2 652 011 A1
`[0001} The invention relates toa’ sucki.itg a;>paratus, in
`partt C:u'arfor cleaning,:or example arrangd f sucking
`fragments of material or objects of small dimensions.
`[9992} Known sucking apparatuses comprise one or
`more filters and one or more sucking motors. The filter
`is interposed between the externat environment and the
`sucking motor for filtering the flow of air sucked by the
`sucking apparatus. The fitter, positioned inside a coilect—
`ing tank, retains here the sucked material, such that only
`ctean air' reaches the sucking motor.
`{99%} After a cerrtatn number of hours of operation of
`the suckttng apparatus the fttter'has to be c:'eaned, oth-
`erwtse it no tonger permits-the air to pass, which reaches
`the motor onty in extremely reduced quantities or even
`nothing. T'his thus compromises the operation of the ap—
`paratus, which is thus notLttsabte until the filter is cleaned
`or replaced with a new fitter.
`[9994} Accordingty, in known sucking apparat-ses itis
`necessary for the operator. i.e. the person who usually
`uses the sucking apparatus, to ctean the fitter.
`in ord :J" to otean the filter, the operator can dist-
`mantte the fitter from the sucking apparatus and then
`shake and hit the hits: energetiCalty in order to remove
`the materiai that has previously been deposited thereup—
`on. This matertat is generatty reteased into the surround-
`ing environment and so this method of cleaning the filter
`is not advtsabte because the materiai reieased into the
`environment is again sucked by the sucking apparatus
`with the result that thefiiterwrit again get dirty very rapidly.
`.-.tternativety, known sucking apparatuses can
`comprise air—channelling systems comprising pressure
`switches and/or deviator valves that comvey a flow of air
`to the filters so as to ciean the fitters.
`[99th One drawback of these sucking apparatuses is
`that they are rathercrJmptex, ano'thusCoostty, due to-.he
`presence of the air Channetting systems and of the devi-
`ator valves.
`[0038] One embodiment of these apparatuses pro—
`vides for these air channelling systems being driven by
`the operator. One drawback of this embodiment is that
`the apparatus cannot ensure complete and reliable fitter
`cteantng Effective fittercteaningin factsutistantiatty de—
`pends on the time that the operator dedicates to cleaning
`the filter. One serious drawback of these apparatuses is
`the fact that cleaning the fitter is manualty driven by the
`operator, who, -- typicatty because of tack of time or neg--
`tigence — does not dedicate sufticient time to ensure thor—
`ough removat of the materiai deposited on the filter.
`[@3609] One object of thevtention:s toimprove kno\ Ir
`sucking apparatuses.
`[0010} Another object of the invention is to suppty a
`sucking apparatus in which the fitter is cteaned compiete-
`ly automatically.
`[9611] A further object ofnth e:invention is to supply an
`efficient sucking apparatus that does not need to be
`stopped for filter cleaning operations and at the same
`time ensures good cteaning of the filter.
`{9912} According to the invention, a sucking apparatus
`is provided as defined in claim 1.
`{9913} The tnvention can be better understood and im—
`plemented with reference to the attached drawings,
`whtCh show an embodiment thereof by way of non—limit-
`ing exampie, in which:
`Figure 1 is an exploded view of a sucktng apparatus
`according to the invention in which some eiements
`have been removed to: the sake of Ctarity;
`Figure 2 is a perspective bottom view of a portion ot
`the sucking apparatusin.Figure 1;
`Fitouref’is an enlarge-'3't perspective view of a valve
`eiement comprised in valve means of the sucking
`apparatus in Figure 1;
`Figure 4 is an exptoded schematic perspective view
`of a portion of the sucking apparatus in Figure 1
`shown tn an operating contigu:c: on by way of ex—
`there is shown a
`[GOM] With reference to Figure 1
`sucking appa:atusi, in particular for rinanir-o The suck--
`tng apparatus 1 can be a vacuum cteaner, for exampte
`of the professtonat and/or industrial type.
`[@3015] The sucking apparatus 1 comprises at teast two
`sucktng motors t0 arranged for generating a ftow of atr
`F from the outside to the inside of the apparatus.
`{tm’tttt The sucking apparatus 1 further comprtses at
`least two fitters 17 arranged downstream of the sucking
`motors it) for filtering thettow of air.in sucha manner
`as to retain on the titter the suCkeo' materiai, such that
`substanttattyctean airreachest.he sucking motor to. The
`fitters t? are positioned instde a cottecting tank (which is
`not shown)- where the sucked materiai is retained such
`that only ctean air reaChes the sucktng motor :0.
`{GMT} Each fitter 17 is associated with a respective
`sucking motor ti). it shoutd be noted that tn Figure 1 for
`the sake of clarity onty one sucking motor 10 and one
`fitter t? are shown.
`{OMB} The sucking apparatus 1 further comprises a
`base 14 that supports the sucking motors 10. A support—
`ing element 16 on which the titters 17 are fixed is con-
`nected to the base 14 on a side opposite the sucking
`motors 10. The base 14 is thus interposed between the
`sucking motors 10 and the fitters 17. The sucking appa—
`rates 1 can comprise, for exampte, three sucking motors
`10 and three filters i7.
`[@019] The sucking apparatus 1 comprises valve
`means 13 interposed between, and operattonatly asso—
`ciated with, each sucking motor 10 and each fitter 17.
`The valve means 13, comprises, for exampte, three vatv
`elements 23, each of which is received in a respective
`seat 21 made on the base ”:4. The vatve eiements 23,
`forexampte the same as and independentofone another,
`are movable between a rest positron R (shown in Figure
`t), in which they are housed in the seats 2‘: (visible in
`Figures 2 and 4), and a raised position 8 (Figure 4):,


`EP 2 652 G11A‘i
`which they are raised from the respective seats 21. This
`occurs when the sucking motor ‘10 associated with the
`vaive element 23 is working, as will be explained in great—
`er detaii beiowwith particuiar reference to Figure 4. When
`a vatve element 23 is in the raised position 8 it atlows
`the passage ofthe fiow otair F prevalently along a direc—
`tion indicated by the arrow A in Figure 1
`'ach sucking motor 10 can be axialiy aligned
`along a direction that is substantiaily paraliei to the first
`dire ttion A, to a vaive element 23 and to a respective
`fitter 17.
`in alternative embodiments oi the invention,
`each sucking motor can be not aiigned axiaily on the
`vatve eiement 23 and on the filter 17 associated there-
`with, provided that the motor, the valve eiement and the
`titter are arranged in such a manner as to be traversed
`in sequence by the same flow of air.
`[$6223 With reference to Figure 3, a vaive eiement 23
`is visibie which has been significantiy enlarged.
`[9923} The valve means 13,
`in particuiar each valve
`element 23 comprised therein, is provided with a caiibrat—
`ed passage 20 arranged for enabling, when the valve
`means 13 is in the rest position R, the passage ofat least
`one portion F" of the tiow of air substantially along a sec-
`ond direction B, opposite the first direction A, from the
`sucking motor 1G- to the t‘iiter 17 for cleaning the latter.
`[99243 The caiibrated passage 20 is suitably sized in
`such a manner as to enable, on one hand, the passage
`or’a fiow otair F that is suitabie for ensuring good sucking
`capacity of the sucking apparatus 1, and on the other
`hand, to enabie a suitable portion F’ (Figure 4) ofthe tlow
`ot air to reach the filter 17 to ciean the filter 17. in other
`words, the calibrated passage 20 has dimensions that
`are such as to enabie a portion F’ of the flow of air to
`reach a titter 17 and clean the fitter without there being
`a toss in sucking capacity of the apparatus 1.
`[$6253 The valve eiement 23 comprises a base portion
`23a, for exampie disc—shaped, and a piuraiity ot tiaps
`23b, for exam pie eight flaps 23b that are anguiariy edui--
`distant at an edge of the base portion 23a. The tiaps 2313
`are arranged for defining a suitabie thickness forenabting
`the passage of the tiow of air F when the vaive element
`23 is in the raised position 8.
`[0026} The caii'orated passage 20. tor example shaped
`as a circular hoie, can be made substantiaily at a centrai
`zone ofthe base portion 23a (i.e. substantiaity at the cen~
`tre of the disc).
`in an alternative embodiment of the invention,
`the base portion 23a can have any other shape than the
`disc shape, for exampie a square shape or any other
`polygonal shape. When the valve element 23 is in the
`rest position R the base portion 23a abuts on the surface
`of the base 14 such as to ensure that the vaive element
`23 remains inside the seat 21 thereof.
`[$6283 The sucking apparatus 1 comprises a locking
`element 8 (Figure 1), fixed to the base 14, and in which
`a pluraiity otcavities 24 are made that are aligned on the
`seats 21 parailel to the first direction A. The sucking ap—
`paratus 1 thus comprises a number of cavities 24 that is
`equal to the number of seats 21. Each cavity 24, on one
`side receives an end of a sucking motor 10, and on the
`other side is shaped as a conduit that proiects to the base
`14, in particular to the seat 21 underneath. The locking
`element 8 thus enabies the sucking motors 10 to be
`stopped, and, owing to the cavities 24 that act as a guiding
`element for the vaive elements 23 - the valve means 13
`to be moved between the rest position R and the raised
`position 8.
`{99293 The sucking apparatus 1 further comprises a
`cover 4 that, togetherwith the base .4, bounds a charm
`ber in which the sucking motors 10 are positioned.
`inside this chamber different known eiements
`of the sucking apparatus 1 are positioned, such as, for
`exampie, a soundproofing eiement 12 -- arranged for re-
`the noise produced by the sucking motors 10 that
`spreads outside the apparatus -- or a cover 7' for the suck--
`ing motors 10.
`{99313 With the cover 4 a pluraiity of known eiements
`are turtherassociated such as, in particular; a pushbutton
`6 for switching on and switching otfthe apparatus, a han-
`dle 5 for carrying the apparat us, an eiectric cable 2 (pro--
`vided with a cabie giand 3')- to suppiy the apparatus.
`{99323 The sucking apparatus ‘1 can further comprise
`a piurality o wheels (not shown) owing to which the op—
`erator can position the sucking apparatus 1 in the desired
`{9933} The operation of he sucking apparatus 1 wiii
`now be explained with reterence to Figure 4.
`in the sucking apparatus 1, two sucking motors
`to are always working, vvhiist the remaining third sucking
`motor 10 is not working.
`For this purpose, the sucking apparatus 1 com-
`prises an eieotronic control unit U, for exampie an eieo~
`tronic card, which has been schematised in Figure 4. The
`controi unit U is further programmed for controtiing the
`sucking motors 10 in such a manner that at least one of
`the sucking motors 1 O is stopped and the remaining suckx-
`ing motors 10 are operationai. The eiectronic controi unit
`U thus drives the three sucking motors by suitably corn--
`bining switch—ons and switch—offs ot' the iatter. in partic—
`ular, the eiectronic controi unit U controls the sucking
`motors 10 according to preset cyclical temporal sequeno~
`es such that in successive work cycles of the same du—
`ration. the sucking motors 1K3- are stopped in sequence
`one after the other. Therefore, in the embodiment of the
`sucking apparatus 1 disciosed above and shown in Fig-
`ure 4,
`in which there are three sucking rnotors 10, the
`electronic controi unit U drives the apparatus 1 by repeat—
`ing over time three different successive work oycies, dur—
`ing each of which a different sucking motor 10 is stopped.
`[@3036] The vaive elements 23 positioned respectively
`below the two sucking motors 10 that are working are
`maintained in the raised position 8. in Figure 4, the dis--
`tance of the two vaive eiements 23 in a raised position
`8 from the respective seats 21 has been emphasised tor
`the sake of clarity and the movement of the vaive eie-


`EP 2 6&2 (311 A1
`ments 23 has been indicated by the arrows St and 82.
`The third vatve etement 23, arranged betow the non—
`working sucking motor 10 is in the rest position R. When
`a non-working sucking motor 1-" is driven by the etec-
`troniccontroi unit U, the vaive element 23 arranged 'oetow
`the motor goes from the rest position R to the raised
`position 3 owing to the vacuum created by the sucking
`motor. On the other hand, when a working sucking motor
`is stopped, the vacuum created by the motor stops sud-
`denly and the underneath vatve element 23 moves from
`the raised position 3 to the rest position R.
`[0037} The two working sucking motors 10 thus create
`a vacuum inside the cottecting tank of the sucked mate-
`riat. A ftow oi air F is thus created that: is sucked inside
`the apparatus 1 and which, after having passed through
`the two fitters 17 arranged betow the working motors,
`passes through the seats 21 and enters the chamber in
`which the sucking motors 19 are arranged. From here,
`a portion F’ of the fiow ofair passes through the calibrated
`passage 20 of the vaive element 23 which is in the rest
`position R so as to be directed to the third fitter 17, i.e.
`the filter arranged below the non-working sucking motor
`(on the left in Figure 4). This third filter 17' is then cteaned
`by the portion F’ offlow of air, which is ctean air inasmuch
`as it was previousty tittered by the remaining two filters
`17 arranged below the two working sucking motors 10.
`[913383 Owing to the presence otthe catibrated passag-
`as 20, which enahte the sucking motor 1 O to be obtained
`constantty in communication with the respective fitter 17
`associated therewith, it is possi'pte to clean in turn the
`fitters 17 of the sucking apparatus 1 in a comptetely au—
`tomatic manner. in fact, whitst the . ucking apparatus 1
`is in operation, stopping in turn one ofthe three sucking
`motors 10, it is thus possibte to ctean ettectivety the fitter
`associated with the non—working sucking motor 10 with—
`out this reducing the ftowrate of the flow of air F sucked
`by the pparatus 1. One advantage of the sucking appa-
`ratus 1
`is to make availabte automatic cteaning of the
`titters 1.7 with which the apparatus is provided without
`this reducing the performance of the apparatus in terms
`oi vacuum and ftowrate ot the sucked air.
`in tact, the
`portion F’ of flow of air that cteans the fitter 17 is aiready
`inctuded in the ftow of air F found inside the sucking ap—
`paratus 1.
`[9933} Another advantage of the sucking appar tus 1
`is that the fitters 17 are cteaned during normat operation
`of the apparatus.
`{@040} Afurtheradvantage is that cteaning otthe filters
`notongerdepends onthetimethattheoperatordedicates
`thereto, as it is no tonger performed manuatty by the op-
`erator but automaticaity by the apparatus.
`Stilt another advantage consists of the fact that
`the sucking apparatus 1 has tower structurat cornptexity
`and manufacturing costs than those of known appara-
`tuses, or at the limit structurat comptexity and manufac-
`turi.ig costs that are comparable with those of known
`apparatuses. in fact, the sucking apparatus; 1 does not
`require any externat system, in particutar it requires nei—
`therptpes, nor soienoid valves nor diverter vatves for the
`air that woutd make the apparatus 1 more complex and
`{9942} A stitt further advantage is that the tiiters 17 of
`the sucking apparatus 1 are more durahie and must
`therefore be reptaced significantty less often than known
`apparatuses. Owing to this, the time that the operator
`has to dedicate to checking the state of cleaniiness of
`thetiiters17,andto reptacing thetiiters 1.7 is significantty
`iess than known apparatuses.
`in alternative embodiments of the invention a
`diiterent number of sucking motors 10 of filters 17 and
`of vatve etements 23 can be provided, as iong as one
`sucking motor 10 is atways associated with a respective
`titter17 and a respective vatve etement 23 is piaced ther—
`ebetween that maintains the sucking motor 10 and the
`fitter 17 aiways in reciprocat communication ovving to the
`presence of a catibrated passage 20.
`Possible variations and/or additions are possi—
`ble to what has been disctosed above and/or shown in
`the attached drawings.
`Sucking apparatus (1),
`in particutar for cteaning.
`— at teast two sucking motors (10) arranged for
`generating a ftow oi air (F) from the outside to
`the inside of said apparatus (1);
`__ at ieast two fitters (17) arranged downstream
`of said sucking motors (1 O) for fittering said ftow
`of air, each fitter (17') being associated with a
`respective sucking motor (1 it);
`- vatve means (13)- interposed between, and op—
`erationati; associated with, each sucking motor
`(10) and eac fitter (17), and movable between
`a rest position (R)- wherein said vaive means (1 3)-
`is received in respective seats (21), and a raised
`position (8), wherein said vatve means (13) is
`raised from said respective seats (21) when the
`sucking motor (1 0) associated therewith is work-
`ing to enable the passage of said iiow of air (F)-
`prevatentty atong a first direction (A);
`characterised in that said vatve means (13) is
`provided with a calibrated passage (20) ar—
`ranged for enahting,when said vatve means (1 3)-
`is in said rest position (R), the passageof at least
`one portion (F’) of said flow of
`if substantiatty
`aiong a second direction (13), opposite said first
`direction (A), from said sucking motor (10) to
`said fitter (t 7) for cteaning said fitter (17).
`2. Apparatus acc rding to ctaim 1, comprising an etec—-
`trontc controt unit (U) arranged for controiiing said
`sucking motors (10) such that at teast one of said
`sucking motors (10) is stopped and the remaining


`EP 2 6&2 (311 A1
`sucking motors (10) are working.
`Apparatus according to claim 2, wherein said elec—
`tronic control unit (U) controls said sticking motors
`(’l {3) according to preset cyclical temporal sequences
`such that said sucking motors (10) are stopped in
`sequence one after the other in successive work cy—
`Apparatus according to claim 3. \. 'herein said work
`cycles have the same duration.
`Apparatus according to any preceding claim, where-
`in each sucking motor (10) is axiaiiy aligned, along
`a direction that is substantially parallel to said first
`direction (A), to a valve element (23) comprised in
`said vaive means (13) and to a respective filter (17).
`Apparatus according to any preceding claim, Where-
`in said calibrated passage (20) is sized in such a
`manner as to enable a portion (F’) of said flow of air
`to reach said filter (1 7) and ciean said filter (1 7) with—
`out there being a loss in the sucking capacity of the
`Apparatus according to ciairn 5 or 6, comprising a
`base (14) in which said seats (21)tor said valve el-
`ements (23) are made.
`Apparatus according to claim 7, comprising a locking
`element (8) fixed to said base (14) and arranged for
`locking said sucking motors (10).
`Apparatus according to claim 8, wherein said locking
`element (8) comprises a plurality oi cavities (24)
`aligned on said seats (21).
`Apparatus according to claim 9, wherein said cavities
`(24) are shaped as conduits and arranged tor acting
`as guiding elements for guiding the movement of
`said valve means (13) between said rest position (R)-
`and said raised position (3).
`Apparatus according to any one of claims 7 to 10,
`wherein said at ieast two sucking motors (10)- are
`supported by said base (1 4) and enclosed in a cham-
`ber bounded by said base (14) and by a cover (4) of
`said sucking apparatus (1).
`Apparatus according to any one of claims 7 to 11,
`wherein said filters (17)- are fixed to a supporting el~
`ement (‘15) connected to said base (8).
`Apparatus according to any preceding claim, com-
`prising three sucking motors (10}, three valve ele-
`ments (23) and three tiiters (17).


`EP 2 662 011 A1
`Fig. 1


`EP 2 662 011 A1


`EP 2 662 011 A1
`Fig! 4


`EP 2 662 011 A1
` Eurcpean .
`fies men-clip N
`i n.
`Wm” ”“mb‘”
`EP 12 16 .7029
`Citation of document with indication, where appropriate,
`of relevant passages
`END 2010/121656 A1
`EENEELHARDT) 28 October 2010 (2010—19—28)
`E* page 18, paragraph 3 - page 22,
`Eparagraph 1 *
`END 85/025255 A1
`E29 June 1§85 (1QSE—06—20)
`E* page 2, paragraph 5 *
`EDE 20 2904 612911 U1
`E21 October 2004 (2004—18—21)
`E* paragraphs [0009} —
`[8012] *
`EDE 20 2007 015242 U1
`E27 December 2507 (2097—12—27)
`E* paragraphs [9025} -
`[0929] *
`The present search report has been drawn up for all claims
`Place 01 search
`Dale of completion of the search
`(3LL V

`X : particularly relevant iftaken alane
`llarly relevant if combined with another
`‘ ‘t
`F the same category
`Q : non-w en disclosure
`edlate document
`Eckensehwllera A
`/ September 2612
`T : theory or principle underlying the invention
`E ' earlier patent document, but pubiished on; or
`after the filing date
`D : dorm.
`'ted in the applleatlon
`l. : do .
`. cited for other r
`EL : member at the same patent family, corresponding


`EP 2 662 0117-11
`EP 12 16 7029
`This annex izsis the paieni family members relating to ihe patent documents cited in the above-mentioned European search report.
`The members are as cantained in the European Patent Office EDP fiie 0:1.
`The European Paieni Office is in he way iiabie for these particuiars which are mereiy given for the purpose of informahon
`Patent document
`Patent famiiy
`ciied in search repori
`102421503 A
`W0 2010121656
`2421630 41
`2012090640 Al
`2010121656 Al
`W0 8502528
`DE 202004012911 U1
`DE 202007015242 01
`1260212 A1
`3481476 0
`0197036 A1
`834633 A
`1178293 3
`8502528 A1
`376797 T
`1757370 A
`0E 202004012911 01
`1629762 T3
`1629762 AZ
`547037 T
`0E 202007015242 01
`2052660 T3
`2052660 A2
`EPOFORMP0459 For mere details aha-UT ihi: annex : see Oific-iai dournai cfthe European Patent Office, Na. 12782

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