`1411113311 set 31.
`(111) Patent N
`(45) Data 61' Patent:
`US 9,869,961 112
`Jan. 16., 2918
`S W986
`/’\Ur1.. \./
`4"\x} 'Jl 1.-
`Inventor's: James Allismn New York. NY (:13);
`WIicI'iael Cia1'1'amNew Yet1,
`Assigned The Regents (if the University 01'
`Califflrnia. Oakland, CA (US)
`Suhiect to any disclaimer, the term (if this
`patent is extended or adjusted under 35
`11.81:. 154(k) by 2097 days.
`PCT 1:111:11:
`‘Mar. 39, 2997
`Pti'i‘ No.2
`PCT/U 829971997983
`1% 371 411,,
`(2,I, (4) Date:
`PCT P1311, No.1
`Oct. 29, 2011}
`PCT Put-.13
`Datc:Nav.1 2997
`131101“ Publication Data
`US 201141044953 Al
`US 2017/0114364 1419
`Feb. 24. 21311
`Apr. 27. 21.117
`Reiatefl US. Applicatifln Data
`Provisional application No. (BU/70.972. filed 011N131:
`30, 2006, pmvisinnfll application N1). 60/737,973,
`tiled on Mar. 31, 2006.
`lat. Cl.
`CIA/V 115/86
`U .S .
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`ELS, Patent
`Sheet 1 0f 14
`US 958685361 BE
`”MWn w-
`U5. Patent
`Sheetz @E14
`US 958689961 32
`ELS, Patient
`Jan. 16, 2818
`Sheet 3 92’ 14
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`RS. Patent
`Sheet4 ufifi
`S 9368,9435} BE
`ELS, Fatwa
`Jan. 16,2033
`Sheet 5 M14
`US 9,8685%} E32
`an...uy-<.<~mx\\\wwvrmlyvfliNuIJ/WWMv-Wflt‘fmww' )yumxnm~.\mmmekk‘awmtulw’mm‘uxvm’
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`Siam. 16,, 2018
`Sheet 6 (3f 14
`US 998689961 82
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`ELS, Fatwa
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`Ell-C Tins-4
`AP jLlCA’l‘lONS
`lhis is the National Stage filed under 35 U .C. §37l of
`International App cation PCT/l lSZOG7/fifi7983 filed on
`'30, 2007 , which desi nated the United States of
`America, the disclosure of which is nicorporated herein by
`reference. 'lhe present application claims priority from US
`nal Patent Application No. 60/787,972 lilcd on 30
`Mar. 2066, and US. Provisional Patent Application No
`60/787,978 filed on 3i Mar 2066,
`the contents each of
`whic i are incorporated herein by reference.
`The disclosure cl
`inis benefit under 35 11.811. §l lgte) of
`US. Provisional Application Ser. No, 60/7873? . tiled l‘vlar.
`30, 2306, and ll S. Provisional Appli ation Ser. No 601787,
`9‘67 filed Pillar. 3 l, 2006, each of which is incorporated herein
`by reference in its entirety.
`A Sequence Listing is provided in this patent document as
`a t
`. e entitled “l 87609US3__ST25.txt” and create . Sep,
`30, 2010 sise 10 Kb) The contents of this file is incorpo-
`rated herein by reference in its entirety.
`'lhe disclosure relates
`the localized secretion ofanli~C'l‘Lfir—4 '
`use in immunotherapy.
`Cytotoxic T lymphocyte antigen-4 {CTLA-Jv) is a member
`or” the CD28-B7 irrnnunoglohu in superiamily of immune
`regulatory molecules. Greenwald et al., Ann. Rev. Immunol.
`23"“ 5—548 (2005/. Although initially mis ‘haracterixed as a
`ive regulator based on homology to its co—s
`counterpart CD25, C A—Aé l: s now been recognized as one
`o l'the key negative regulators of adaptive immune responses
`in general, and T cell prolife ation and etlector functions in
`particular. Peg ,
`et al,, Curr. Opin.
`(2006). Unlike eonst’
`tively-expressed (,ZJJZS, Cl Li‘s-4
`expression is tightly reg latcd and short—lived on activated T
`cells, and exhibits signif “antly higher afilnities for the B7
`ligands it shares with CD28.
`A number or" clinica ellbrts are underway to therapeuti—
`cally exploit the important biological function of this mol—
`ecule. On the one hand, C'lll N415?
`sioi niolecu‘
`been created and employed as immune suppressants in vivo
`based on its higher atiinity for 87 and the consequent
`inhibition oliCl)28--B7 mediated 'ostinrulation. Bluestone et
`al., Irmmmi. 241233-38 (2006‘). The hCTLA~lg fusion pro-
`tein Orcncra M (abatacept) recentl‘
`received FDA approval
`as a fu‘st-in-class antagonist of CD28 costimulation in rheu—
`nratoid arthritis.
`On t re other hand, (I'l‘er—él blockade is being explo red as
`a promising approach to cancer immunotherapy, employing
`monoclonal antibodies directed against CTLA-‘l to prevent
`its negative regulati n and thereby enhance t e cellular
`immune response. Peggr, supra. Ongoing clinical investi—
`gations utilizing, systemic administr: ion of these antibodies
`have provided dramatic successes, but have also produced
`undesirable toxicities. in particular, adverse immune events
`immune-mediated colitis.
`uveitis and hepatitis have been observed, and serious Alli
`often correlate Witt antitumor responses or freedom. from
`relapse. Attia at al., J, Clin. Oneal. 23:6043—53 (2005).
`Accordingly, altlio ug i the curre it systemic approach may be
`clinically acceptable
`in a
`population having
`adv anccd disease and very limited treatment options, further
`improvement is
`lc early warranted to dissociate the positive
`anti-tumor effect from the negative adverse events.
`'l‘he present invention resolves this unmet need in the art
`by etieetuating localized CTlUA—él hloekami in vivo, such
`that the distribution and ellect of the desired ITLA-u’l
`is substantially restricted to a particular target
`tissue. More specifically, cells, viral vectors, compositions
`and methods are provided for the localized, in vivo secretion
`of anti—JlLA—4 antihodies from in vivo modified endog—
`enous cells or e: vivo modified autologous or allogeneic
`cellular vaccines that are subsequently administered.
`ln one aspect,
`the invention provides a viral vector
`encoding an anti-CTlLA-A antibody (Ab) that binds to the
`extracellular domain of Clllrilr-A and inhibits (“TEA-4 sig-
`naling. ln preterred em iodiments for ex vivo tr' nsfonna—
`the viral vector can be an integrative viral vector
`‘apahle of providing constitutive expression when trans—
`feeted into a human cell such as, e.g., adcno—associated viral
`(AA‘V) vectors and lentiviral vectors.
`In preferred embodi—
`me its for in
`o trar slomration, the viral vector can be :1
`'iral vector capable of providing transie .
`expression when transiected into a human cell such as, e.g.,
`an adcnoviral vector or an alpha virus vector. ln certain
`preferred embodiments, the vector is an alpha virus vector
`selected irom the group consisting of an SFV and an VEE
`The vector can further include a nucleic acid encoding a
`eytolcinc. ln preferred embodiments, the cytokinc is ’iM—
`the invention provides a modilied
`in another aspect,
`human cell expres ng an anti—C “L; —-l antibody that s e—
`cilically binds to the extracellular domain ot‘ TEA-4 and
`inhibits CTLA~4 signaling. l’relerably, the modified human
`is capable of expressing the anti~CTlA Al antibody
`proximal to a tumor cell ii a cancer it atient in need thereof.
`111 one embodiment, the cell is an endogenoi ‘ cell modified
`in vivo in a patient to effectuate localized expression of
`anti—C'l’LA—él antibody in a target tissue. ln an alternative
`embodiment, the human cell is an autologons or allogeneic
`cell modified ex vivo to effectuate localized expression ol
`aiiti-CTLA--4 antibody upon adin . istration to a target tissue.
`ln a preferred embo '
`ent, the target tissue is tumor tissue.
`in a further embodiment, the human cell is further modi-
`lied to secrete at
`least one additional
`immune ell'ector'
`molecule such as, e.g., G-CTE, GM~CSR Ila-2 and the like.
`elerrcd embodiments. hu: an cells suitable for modi-
`fication in accordance with the invention include tumor
`cells, T cell" and antigen—presenting cells such as, e.g.,
`dendritic cells. Su h cells may be endogenous and/or autolo—
`gous to the pa ient for personalized cellular therapies

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