`(19) World Intellectual Property Organization
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`26 July 2001 (26.07.2001)
` (10) International Publication Number
`WO 01/53506 A2
`(51) International Patent Classification7:
`7/01, A61K 48/00, C12Q 1/02
`C12N 15/869,
`(74) Agent: WOODS, Geoffrey, Corlett; J.A. Kemp &Co., 14
`South Square, Gray’s Inn, London WC1R 51X (GB).
`(21) International Application Number:
`(22) International Filing Date: 22 January 2001 (22.01.2001)
`(25) Filing Language:
`(26) Publication Language:
`(81) Designated States (national): AE, AG, AL, AM, AT, AU,
`AZ, BA, BB, BG, BR, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CN, CR, CU, CZ,
`DE, DK, DM, DZ, EE, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, GH, GM, HR,
`HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KP, KR, KZ, LC, LK, LR,
`LS, LT, LU, LV, MA, MD, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MZ,
`NO, NZ, PL, PT, RO, RU, SD, SE, SG, SI, SK, SL, TJ, TM,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VN, YU, ZA, ZW.
`(30) Priority Data:
`21 January 2000 (21.01.2000)
`8 February 2000 (08.02.2000)
`5 January 2001 (05.01.2001)
`6 January 2001 (06.01.2001)
`(84) Designated States (regional): ARIPO patent (GH, GM,
`KE, LS, MW, MZ, SD, SL, SZ, TZ, UG, ZW), Eurasian
`patent (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, MD, RU, TJ, TM), European
`patent (AT, BE, CH, CY, DE, DK, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, IE,
`IT, LU, MC, NL, PT, SE, TR), OAPI patent (BF, BJ, CF,
`CG, CI, CM, GA, GN, GW, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`(71) Applicant (for all designated States except US): BIOVEX
`LIMITED [GB/GB]; The Windeyer Institute, 46 Cleve—
`land Street, London WlP 6DB (GB).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt of that report
`(72) Inventor; and
`(75) Inventor/Applicant (for US only): COFFIN, Robert,
`Stuart [GB/GB]; The Windeyer Institute, 46 Cleveland
`Street, London WlP 6DB (GB).
`For two—letter codes and other abbreviations, refer to the "Guid—
`ance Notes on Codes andAbbreviations " appearing at the begin-
`ning ofeach regular issue ofthe PCT Gazette.
`(54) Title: VIRUS STRAINS
`(57) Abstract: The present invention relates to non—laboratory Virus strains, for example of herpes viruses such as HSV, with im—
`proved oncolytic and/or gene delivery capabilities as compared to laboratory virus strains.


`WO 01/53506
`Field of the Invention
`The present invention relates to non-laboratory virus strains, for example of
`herpes viruses such as HSV, vm'th improved oncolytic and/or gene delivery
`capabilities as compared to laboratory virus strains.
`Background of the Invention
`Viruses have been suggested or demonstrated to have utility in a variety of
`applications in biotechnology and medicine on many occasions. Each is due to the
`unique ability of viruses to enter cells at high efficiency. This is followed in such
`applications by either virus gene expression and replicationand/or expression of an
`inserted heterologous gene. Thus viruses can either deliver and express genes in cells
`(either viral or other genes) which may be useful in for example gene therapy or the
`development of vaccines, or they may be usefiJl in selectively killing cells by lytic
`replication or the action of a delivered gene in for example cancer.
`Herpes simplex virus (HSV) has been suggested to be of use both as a gene
`delivery vector in the nervous system and elsewhere and for the oncolytic treatment
`of cancer. In both applications the virus must however be disabled such that it is no
`longer pathogenic but such that it can still enter cells and perform the desired
`function. Thus for non-toxic gene delivery to target cells using HSV it has become
`apparent that in most cases immediate early gene expression must be prevented/
`minimised from the virus. For the oncolytic treatment of cancer, which may also
`include the delivery of gene(s) enhancing the therapeutic effect, a number of
`mutations to HSV have been identified which still allow the virus to replicate in
`culture or in actively dividing cells in vivo (e.g. in tumours), but which prevent
`significant replication in normal tissue. Such mutations include disruption of the
`genes encoding ICP34.5, ICP6 and thymidine kinaSe. Of these, viruses with
`mutations to ICP34.5, or ICP34.5 together with mutations of e.g. ICP6 have so far
`shown the most favourable safety profile. Viruses deleted for only ICP34_.5 have


`WO 01/53506
`been shown to replicate in many tumour cell types in vitro and to selectively replicate
`in artificially induced brain tumours in mice while sparing surrounding tissue. Early
`stage clinical trials have also shown their safety in man.
`However, while promise has been shown for various viruses including HSV
`for gene delivery/therapy or for the oncolytic treatment of cancer, the majority of this
`work has used virus strains which have been maintained in tissue culture cells for
`many years. In applications where the virus merely needs enter cells to deliver genes
`this may not prove problematical as maintenance in cell culture also requires the
`virus to enter cells, albeit often cells of a different type or species in comparison to
`the likely target cells for a vector. However, in applications where other properties
`are required, the use of laboratory virus strains may not allow the filll potential of a
`virus in a particular application to be utilised.
`HSV has the unique ability amongst viruses currently under development as
`vectors in that it has naturally evolved to infect and remain latent in neurons. HSV
`has also evolved to be highly efficiently transported along nerves from the site of
`infection, usually at the periphery, to the neuronal cell body, usually in the spinal
`ganglia. Such capabilities are not required in cell culture and as such capabilities
`require specific evolved properties of HSV, further adaption to growth in culture may
`have resulted in optimally efficient axonal transport capabilities to have been lost.
`HSV vectors for gene delivery to the central or peripheral nervous system are likely
`to show maximum effectiveness if axonal transport properties have been retained at
`maximum efficiency. Here, inoculation at a peripheral site would then allow
`maximally efficient gene delivery to peripheral neuron cell bodies, and inoculation in
`the brain would allow maximally efficient gene delivery to multiple connected sites.
`Current vectors based on laboratory strains of HSV may not allow this to occur at the
`maximum efficiency possible. Indeed, because of HSV’S high capacity to be
`transported along nerves, there is potentially a particularly large discrepancy between
`the properties which it is desired to conserve and those likely to be retained in
`HSV and other Viruses such as adeno- or rheovirus also have potential utility
`in the oncolytic treatment of cancer. However, again viruses under development for


`WO 01/53506
`such purposes have previously been extensively maintained in culture. As the
`oncolytic treatment of cancer requires active replication in often relatively slowly
`growing human tumour cells, it would be anticipated that adaptation of laboratory
`virus strains to growth in particular cultured cells may have reduced the efficiency
`with which such lytic replication in human tumour cells, or infection of human
`tumour cells, could optimally occur.
`Summary of the Invention
`The present invention provides the opportunity to deve10p viruses with
`improved in vivo capabilities of gene transfer and/or lytic destruction of tumour cells.
`Here, virus strains are constructed appropriate for these purposes based on recent
`clinical isolates of the appropriate virus rather than the serially passaged laboratory
`strains which have previously been used. The present invention therefore has the
`potential to provide viruses with improved capabilities of infecting human cells in
`vivo, improved replicative/lytic capability in such cells, and (in the case of HSV)
`improved abilities of trafficking along nerves from the inoculation site to the
`neuronal cell body. The invention is exemplified using HSV but is equally
`applicable for other viruses currently under development as vectors and/or for the
`oncolytic destruction of cancer cells.
`We have shown that two clinical isolates of HSVl (strains J81 and BLl) have
`enhanced replication in some human tumour cell lines as compared to HSVl strain
`17+ (a standard laboratory strain).
`We have deleted ICP34.5 from the clinical isolate J 81 strain and again
`compared replicative potential in human tumour cell types in comparison to HSVl
`strain 17+ (a standard laboratory strain) in which ICP34.5 was also deleted. This
`strain (JSl/lCP34.5-) is a modified strain derived from a clinical isolate, and is thus a
`modified non-laboratory strain of the invention.
`JS1 with ICP34.5 deleted showed enhanced growth in some human tumour
`cells tested as compared to HSVl ICP34.5 deleted strain 17+, i.e. a laboratory strain
`virus with the same modification. However, as compared to the laboratory strain


`WO 01/53506
`derived from strain 17+, cell killing capabilities were enhanced with the
`JSl/ICP34.5- virus in all tumour cell lines tested.
`Thus, the use of non-laboratory virus strains can be seen to enhance the anti-
`tumour capabilities of such viruses and was evident in all the tumour cell lines tested
`so far. This will have applicability for cancer treatment in human patients.
`Further enhanced activity may also be anticipated if these viruses are then
`used to deliver genes with anti-tumour activity. Such genes include those encoding
`pro-drug activators, tumour suppressor or pro-apoptotic factors, or immune
`stimulatory proteins.
`For this purpose, we have produced an ICP34.5 deleted clinical isolate of
`HSV] which expresses human GMCSF. This virus is designed to enhance anti-
`tumour immune responses following intra-tumoral injection.
`The invention also provides viruses of the invention which carry a
`heterologous gene/genes. The term heterologous gene is intended to embrace any
`gene not found in the viral genome. The heterologous gene may be any allelic
`variant of a wild—type gene, or it may be a mutant gene. Heterologous genes are
`preferably operably linked to a control sequence permitting expression of said
`heterologous gene in a cell in vivo. Viruses of the invention may thus be used to
`deliver a heterologous gene/genes to a cell in viva where it will be expressed. For
`oncolytic virus therapy, such genes typically encode proteins capable of enhancing
`the tumour destroying properties of the virus. These genes may encode proteins
`which are themselves cytotoxic, are pro-drug activating, or which may be capable of
`stimulating lenhancing an anti-tumour immune response. For gene delivery to the
`peripheral nervous system using HSV, the heterologous gene/genes may encode a
`polypeptide capable of modifying responses to painful stimuli or reducing chronic
`pain, for example a protein capable sequestering e.g. nerve growth factor, other pain
`modulating neurotrophic factor or neurotrophic factor-like molecules, or substance P
`i or other neuropeptides. The heterologous gene/genes may also encode a polypeptide
`capable of stimulating the re-growth of damage nerves or preventing the further
`degeneration of nerves in degenerative conditions. In the central nervous system,
`heterologous genes may include those potentially beneficial in neurodegenerative


`WO 01/53506
`disease such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease and might typically
`include genes encoding neurotrophic factors and/or enzymes capable of enhancing
`the activity of remaining cells in such diseases. In all cases, single or multiple
`heterologous genes may be carried by a single virus.
`Accordingly the invention provides:
`Use of a modified, oncolytic, non-laboratory virus strain in the manufacture of a
`medicament for the oncolytic treatment of cancer;
`Use of a modified, replication incompetent, non-laboratory virus strain comprising a
`heterologous gene in the manufacture of a medicament for the delivery of said gene
`to a subject;
`A method of determining whether a gene has an effect on a phenotype associated
`with a peripheral nervous system disorder or on a cell of the peripheral nervous
`system which is relevant to a peripheral nervous system disorder, which method
`inoculating a replication incompetent herpes virus of the invention
`comprising a heterologous gene into a peripheral nerve; and
`monitoring a phenotype of said disorder or an effect of expression of
`said gene on said cell to determine thereby whether said gene has an
`effect relevant to said disorder;
`A method of determining whether a gene has an effect on a phenotype associated
`with a central nervous system disorder or on a cell of the central nervous system
`which is relevant to a central nervous system disorder, which method comprises:
`inoculating into a cell of the central nervous system with a replication
`incompetent herpes virus of the invention; and


`WO 01/53506
`monitoring a phenotype of said disorder or an effect of expression of
`said gene on said cell to determine thereby whether said gene has an
`effect on said cell or said phenotype;
`A method of determining whether a gene encodes an antigen associated with a
`pathogenic infection or cancer, which method comprises infecting a dendritic cell or
`a macrophage with a replication incompetent virus of the invention comprising a
`heterologous gene encoding an antigen and monitoring antigen presentation of the
`polypeptide product of said gene, or an effect of expression of said gene, or a
`phenotype of said pathogenic infection or cancer to determine thereby whether said
`gene encodes an antigen associated with said infection or cancer and which itself has
`therapeutic potential or is a target for therapeutic intervention;
`A method of determining the suitability of a non-laboratory virus strain for
`modification into a modified strain as defined herein , comprising:
`optionally, isolating a non-laboratory virus strain from a host;
`providing said non-laboratory virus strain;
`assessing the properties of the virus in respect of one or more
`desirable characteristics; and, optionally,
`selecting for modification virus strains with desirable properties;
`A method of determining the suitability of a non-laboratory virus strain for
`modification into a modified oncolytic strain of the invention, comprising:
`optionally, isolating a non-laboratory virus strain from a host;
`assessing the growth of the virus in one or more types of tumour cell;
`and optionally
`selecting for modification virus strains with a high growth rate or cell
`killing capability;
`A method of determining the suitability of a non-laboratory virus strain for
`modification into a modified oncolytic strain, comprising:


`WO 01/53506
`providing a non-laboratory virus strain, optionally one selected by a
`method as just defined;
`modifying said strain such that it becomes oncolytic; and
`assessing the ability of said modified, oncolytic non-laboratory strain
`to kill tumour cells; and optionally
`selecting strains that exhibit high tumour cell-killing capacity for
`further modifications; and optionally
`carrying out further modifications;
`A method of determining whether a gene enhances the anti-tumour effects of a virus
`providing a modified, oncolytic non-laboratory strain of the invention;
`inserting said gene into said virus as a heterologous gene; and
`assessing the ability of said modified, oncolytic non-laboratory strain
`to kill tumour cells compared to the ability of the precursor strain
`provided in step (i);
`A method of producing a modified, oncolytic, non-laboratory virus strain
`isolating from a host a non—laboratory strain of a virus;
`optionally determining its suitability for modification as defined
`above; and
`(iii) modifying it to render it oncolytic, and optionally
`carrying out further modifications;
`A method of producing a modified non-laboratory virus strain comprising:
`providing a non-laboratory strain of a virus;
`modifying it to render it replication incompetent and,
`inserting a heterologous gene;
`A modified, oncolytic, non-laboratory virus strain as defined herein;


`WO 01/53506
`A modified non-laboratory virus strain comprising a heterologous gene, as defined
`Use of a gene identified as having an effect on a phenotype associated with a
`peripheral nervous system disorder or on a cell of the peripheral nervous system
`which is relevant to a peripheral nervous system disorder by a method as defined
`above, or of a gene product encoded by said gene in the manufacture of a
`medicament for the treatment of a peripheral nervous system disorder;
`Use of a gene identified as having an effect on a phenotype associated with a central
`nervous system disorder or on a cell of the central nervous system which is relevant
`to a central nervous system disorder by a method as defined above, or of a gene
`product encoded by said gene in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment
`of a central nervous system disorder;
`Use of a gene identified as encoding an antigen associated with a pathogenic
`infection or cancer by a method as defined above, or of an antigen encoded by said
`gene in the manufacture of a medicament for the treatment or prevention of said
`infection or cancer;
`A non-laboratory virus strain identified by, or produced in the course of, a method of
`the invention;
`Use of a gene identified as enhancing the anti-tumour effects of a Virus by a method
`as defined above, or of a gene product encoded by said gene, in the manufacture of a
`medicament for the treatment or prevention of cancer;
`A modified non—laboratory virus strain obtained or obtainable by a method of the


`WO 01/53506
`HSVl strain JSl as deposited at the European Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC)
`under provisional accession number 01010209, or an HSV] strain derived therefrom,
`a pharmaceutical composition comprising such a virus; such a virus for use in the
`treatment of the human or animal body;
`A method of treating a tumour in an individual in need thereof by administering to
`said individual an effective amount of an oncolytic virus of the invention;
`A method of delivering a gene to an individual in need thereof by administering to
`said individual an effective amount of a non-oncolytic virus of the invention; and
`A method of treating or preventing a central peripheral nervous system disorder by
`administering to a peripheral nerve of an individual in need thereof an effective
`amount of a neurotrophic virus of the invention.
`Brief Description of the Drawings
`Fig 1. Viruses
`From top to bottom, diagrams show: laboratory HSVl strain 17+, clinical
`strain BLl, clinical strain .181, 17+/ICP34.5-, JSl/ICP34.5-, JS]/ICP34.5-/ICP47-/
`Fig 2. Clinical isolates show enhanced growth in tumour cells
`Growth of 17+, BLl and J81. Left hand diagram: U87 cells. Right-hand
`diagram: LNCaP cells.
`Growth of ICP34.5- 17+ and .1S1 on tumour cells. Left-hand diagram:
`LNCaP cells. Right-hand diagram: MDA—MB—231 cells.


`WO 01/53506
`JSl/34.5- does not grow on cells non-permissive for HSV ICP34.5 mutants.
`Left-hand diagram: 3T6 cells — 17+, J81. Right-hand diagram: 3T6 cells —
`17+, JSl ICP34.5—.
`Fig 3. An ICP34.5 deleted HSV clinical isolate shows enhanced lysis in all
`tumour cells tested
`Tumour cell lines were either mock infected, infected with HSVl strain l7+/
`34.5—, or infected with HSVl strain JSl/34.5— at the indicated M01 and stained
`with crystal violet at time points after infection to allow Visualisation of cells.
`Each block of photographs relates to a cell type. From top to bottom, these are
`HT29 colorectal adenocarcinoma, LNCaP.FGC prostate adenocarcinoma, MDA-
`MB-231 breast adenocarcinoma, SK-MEL-28 malignant melanoma and U-87
`MG glioblastoma astrocytoma. Left-hand blocks relate to results for HSVl
`strain 17+/34.5-. Right—hand blocks relate to results for HSVl strain JSl/34.5-.
`Central blocks represent mock infected cells. Within each block, the top row
`represents a 24 hour time-point, the second a 48 hour time-point and the third at
`72 hour time-point within each block, the left-hand column represents MOI=0.2,
`the central column MOI=0.1 and the right—hand column MOI=5.
`Detailed Description of the Invention
`Virus Strains of the Invention
`The invention is applicable to viruses in general. Preferably, a virus strain of
`the invention will be a strain of a herpes virus, adenovirus, picornavirus, retrovirus or
`alphavirus. More preferably, a virus strain of the invention will be a strain of a
`herpes virus. Still more preferably, a virus strain of the invention will be a strain of a
`herpes simplex virus (HSV), typically a strain of HSVl or HSV2.


`WO 01/53506
`When the virus of the invention is a herpes simplex virus, the virus may be
`derived from, for example HSVl or HSV2 strains, or derivatives thereof, preferably
`HSVl. Derivatives include inter—type recombinants containing DNA from HSVl
`and HSV2 strains. Such inter-type recombinants are described in the art, for example
`in Thompson et al (1998) and Meignier et a] (1988). Derivatives preferably have at
`least 70% sequence homology to either the HSVl or HSV2 genomes, more
`preferably at least 80%, even more preferably at least 90 or 95%. More preferably, a
`derivative has at least 70% sequence identity to either the HSVl or HSV2 genome,
`more preferably at least 80% identity, even more preferably at least 90%, 95% or
`98% identity.
`For example the UWGCG Package provides the BESTFIT program which
`can be used to calculate homology (for example used on its default settings)
`(Devereux et al. (1984) Nucleic Acids Research 12, p387-395). The PILEUP and
`BLAST algorithms can be used to calculate homology or line up sequences (typically
`on their default settings), for example as described in Altschul (1993) J. Mol. Evol.
`$290600; Altschul et al. (1990) J. Mol. Biol. fiz403—10.
`Software for performing BLAST analyses is publicly available through the
`National Centre for Biotechnology Information (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ 1. This
`algorithm involves first identifying high scoring sequence pair (HSPs) by identifying
`short words of length W in the query sequence that either match or satisfy some
`positive-valued threshold score T when aligned with a word of the same length in a
`database sequence. T is referred to as the neighbourhood word score threshold
`(Altschul et al., 1990). These initial neighbourhood word hits act as seeds for
`initiating searches to find HSPs containing them. The word hits are extended in both
`directions along each sequence for as far as the cumulative alignment score can be
`increased. Extensions for the word hits in each direction are halted when:
`cumulative alignment score falls off by the quantity X from its maximum achieved
`value; the cumulative score goes to zero or below, due to the accumulation of one or
`more negative-scoring residue alignments; or the end of either sequence is reached.
`The BLAST algorithm parameters W, T and X determine the sensitivity and speed of
`the alignment. The BLAST program uses as defaults a word length (W) of 11, the


`WO 01/53506
`BLOSUM62 scoring matrix (see Henikoff and Henikoff (1992) Proc. Natl. Acad.
`Sci. USA Q: 10915-10919) alignments (B) of 50, expectation (E) of 10, M=5, N=4,
`and a comparison of both strands.
`The BLAST algorithm performs a statistical analysis of the similarity
`between two sequences; see e.g., Karlin and Altschul (1993) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
`USA fl: 5873-5787. One measure of similarity provided by the BLAST algorithm is
`the smallest sum probability (P(N)), which provides an indication of the probability
`by which a match between two nucleotide or amino acid sequences would occur by
`chance. For example, a sequence is considered similar to another sequence if the
`smallest sum probability in comparison of the first sequence to the second sequence
`is less than about 1, preferably less than about 0.1, more preferably less than about
`0.01, and most preferably less than about 0.001.
`A derivative may have the sequence of a HSVl or HSV2 genome modified
`by nucleotide substitutions, for example from 1, 2 or 3 to 10, 25, 50 or 100
`substitutions. The HSVl or HSV2 genome may alternatively or additionally be
`modified by one or more insertions and/or deletions and/or by an extension at either
`or both ends.
`Properties of Virus Strain of the Invention
`Virus strains of the invention are “non-laboratory” strains. They can also be
`referred to as “clinical” strains. A person of skill in the art will readily be able to
`distinguish between a laboratory strain and a non-laboratory, or clinical, one. Further
`guidance on the properties likely to be exhibited by virus strains is given below.
`The key distinction between a laboratory and non-laboratory strain is that
`laboratory strains currently in common use have been maintained for long periods,
`many years in some cases, in culture. The culture of viruses such as HSV involves a
`technique known as serial passage. To grow and maintain viruses, suitable cells are
`infected with the virus, the Virus replicates within the cell and the virus is then
`harvested; fresh cells are then re-infected. this process constitutes one cycle of serial
`passage. Each such cycle may take, for example, a few days in the case of HSV. As


`WO 01/53506
`discussed above, such serial passaging may lead to changes in the properties of the
`virus strain, in that selection takes places for properties that favour growth in culture
`(6. g. rapid replication), as opposed to properties useful for practical applications, e.g.
`maintenance of the capacity to travel along axons in the case of HSV.
`Virus strains of the invention are non-laboratory strains in that they are
`derived from strains recently isolated from infected individuals. Strains of the
`invention are modified compared to the original clinical isolates, and may have spent
`a time in culture, but any time spent in culture will be comparatively short. Strains of
`the invention are prepared in such a manner as to retain substantially the desirable
`properties of the original clinical isolates from which they are derived.
`A virus of the invention is capable of efficiently infecting target human cells.
`Such a virus is recently isolated from an infected individual and then screened for the
`desired ability of enhanced replication in tumour and/or other cells in vitro and/or in
`vivo in comparison to standard laboratory strains, or (in the case of neurotrophic
`viruses such as HSV) for an enhanced ability to traffic along nerves as compared to
`standard laboratory strains using an in vivo model. Such viruses with improved
`properties as compared to laboratory Virus strains are viruses of the invention.
`Identified viruses with such desired improved properties can then be engineered such
`that they can selectively kill tumour cells by the mutation of appropriate gene(s), or
`mutated such that they can deliver a gene(s) to target tissue without toxic effect in
`non-oncolytic applications. These modified viruses are also viruses of the invention.
`Alternatively, virus strains may be isolated from an infected individual and mutations
`anticipated to be appropriate for oncolytic therapy and/or gene delivery made. These
`modified viruses are then screened for the desired improved properties as compared
`to laboratory strains, viruses with such improved properties providing further viruses
`of the invention.
`Further guidance on the likely properties of the virus strains of the invention
`is provided as follows.
`Preferably, a virus strain of the invention has undergone three years or less in
`culture since isolation of its unmodified clinical precursor strain from its host. More
`preferably, a strain of the invention has undergone one year or less in culture, for


`WO 01/53506
`example nine months or less, six months or less, three months or less, or two months
`or less, one month or less, two weeks or less, or one week or less. By these
`definitions of time in culture, is meant time actually spent in culture. Thus, for
`example, it is a common practice to freeze virus strains in order to preserve them.
`Evidently, preserving by freezing or in an equivalent manner does not qualify as
`maintaining the strain in culture. Thus, time spent frozen or otherwise preserved is
`not included in the above definitions of time spent in culture. Time spent in culture
`is typically time actually spent undergoing serial passage, i.e. time during which
`selection for undesirable characteristics can occur.
`Preferably, a virus strain of the invention has undergone 1,000 or less cycles
`of serial passage since isolation of its unmodified clinical precursor strain from its
`host. More preferably, it has undergone 500 or less, 100 or less, 90 or less, 80 or
`less, 70 or less, 60 or less, 50 or less, 40 or less, 30 or less, 20 or less, or 10 or less
`such cycles.
`Preferably, a virus of the invention has a greater ability, as measured by
`standard statistical tests, than a reference laboratory strain with the equivalent
`modifications to perform certain functions useful in the application at hand. For
`example, in the case of an oncolytic virus for tumour treatment, a virus strain of the
`invention will preferably have a greater ability than a reference laboratory strain with
`equivalent modifications to infect or replicate any tumour cell, to kill tumour cells or
`to spread between cells in tissue. More preferably, such greater ability is a
`statistically significantly greater ability. For example, according to the invention, a
`may have up to 1.1 fold, 1.2 fold, 1.5 fold, 2 fold, 5 fold, 10 fold, 20 fold, 50 fold, or
`100 fold the capacity of the reference strain in respect of the property being tested.
`Preferably, a virus of the invention has, i.e. retains, substantially the ability of
`its unmodified clinical precursor strain in respect of one or more of the properties
`characteristic of usefulness in the application at hand. For example, in the case of an
`oncolytic virus intended for the treatment of tumours, a Virus strain of the invention
`preferably has substantially the ability of its unmodified clinical precursor strain to
`infect or replicate a tumour cell, kill tumour cells or to spread between cells in tissue.


`WO 01/53506
`Preferably, according to the invention, a virus retains substantially the
`properties of its unmodified clinical precursor strain if, in a quantitative test, it retains
`75%, more preferably 80, 90, 95, 98, 99 or 100% of the capacity of the unmodified
`clinical precursor strain in respect of the property being tested. More preferably, in
`respect of the property being tested, any differences between the unmodified clinical
`precursor strain and the modified strain of the invention will not be statistically
`Statistical analysis of the properties described herein may be carried out by
`standard tests, for example, t-tests, ANOVA, or Chi squared tests. Typically,
`statistical significance will be measured to a level of p = 0.05 (5%), more preferably
`p = 0.01, p = 0.001, p = 0.0001, p = 0.000001.
`Viruses of the invention are typically modified as compared to their precursor

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