`(19) World Intellectual Property
`International Bureau
`(43) International Publication Date
`6 February 2014 (06.02.2014)
`(10) International Publication Number
`WO 2014/022138 A2
`International Patent Classification:
`A61K 48/00 (2006.01)
`A61K 39/395 (2006.01)
`International Application Number:
`International Filing Date:
`Filing Language:
`Publication Language:
`22 July 2013 (22.07.2013)
`Priority Data:
`30 July 2012 (30.07.2012)
`Inventor; and
`Applicant : YEUNG, Alex Wah Hin [US/US]; 2 Nar-
`bonne, Newport Beach, California 92660 (US).
`& BRUCKER, 75 Enterprise, Suite 250, Aliso Viejo, Cali-
`fornia 92656 (US).
`Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind ofnational protection available): AE, AG, AL, AM,
`AO, AT, AU, AZ, BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY,
`BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ, DE, DK, DM,
`DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI, GB, GD, GE, G11, GM, GT,
`HN, HR, HU, ID, IL, IN, IS, JP, KE, KG, KN, KP, KR,
`KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR, LS, LT, LU, LY, MA, MD, ME,
`MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG, NI, NO, NZ,
`OM, PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT, QA, RO, RS, RU, RW, SC,
`SD, SE, SG, SK, SL, SM, ST, SV, SY, TH, TJ, TM, TN,
`TR, TT, TZ, UA, UG, US, UZ, VC, VN, ZA, ZM, ZW.
`(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated, for every
`kind of regional protection available): ARIPO (BW, GH,
`GM, KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW, SD, SL, SZ, TZ,
`UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM, AZ, BY, KG, KZ, RU, TJ,
`TM), European (AL, AT, BE, BG, CH, CY, CZ, DE, DK,
`EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HR, HU, IE, IS, IT, LT, LU, LV,
`MC, MK, MT, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, RS, SE, SI, SK, SM,
`KM, ML, MR, NE, SN, TD, TG).
`without international search report and to be republished
`upon receipt ofthat report (Rule 48.2(g))
`Wild Type Ad 5
`Packaging signal
`rml ElA
`\ /
`Endogenous promoters
`Midi-Iii III! Illlll. ,
`12.5, 6.7
`Fig. 1
`(57) Abstract: The invention discloses a novel tumor—specific complete vaccine system generated in—vivo. This vaccine system is de—
`Veloped by the use of separated tumor cells inactivated by irradiation and the in-vivo interaction with an oncolytic viral vector with
`transgenic expression of GM—CSF, completed with immune checkpoint modulators ("lCM") such as co—stimulatory signals confirma—
`tion with an anti-CTLA4 antibody. Specifically there will be no pre-incubation or interaction of the either two or all three compon -
`ents before administration to the patient. One of such oncolytic virual vector examples is CG0070 (GM—CSF expressing condition—
`ally replication competent adenovirus). Mixing of the tumor-Viral-ICM components will take place just prior to administration to
`preserve the effects of the oncolytic process and subsequent immunotherapeutic responses to be live and in vivo from the very first
`beginning. This invention is a complete live and in-vivo cancer vaccine system ("CLIVS").


`WO 2014/022138
`Applicant: Yeung, Alex Wah Hin, 2 Narbonne, Newport Beach, CA 92660, USA
`Inventor: Yeung, Alex Wah IIin (US)
`The present
`invention relates to novel cancer vaccine combinations.
`particular, the present invention relates to tumor-specific immunotherapeutic vaccine
`system comprising irradiated tumor cells, an oncolytic viral expressing GM—CSF, and
`an immune checkpoint regulatory molecule, kits comprising the tumor—specific
`immunotherapeutic vaccine system and methods of use therefor.
`An oncolytic virus with transgenic expression of GM-CSF, such as CG0070,
`has been preliminary successfully when given intravesically in bladder cancer [V0046
`trial]. Long term complete responses lasting more than a few years have been reported
`after only a six weekly course of therapy, raising possibilities that this agent is indeed
`be able to mount a tumor specific immunotherapy against this cancer. To further
`expand upon this theory, it is proposed here to use a unique way of interaction by a
`live vaccine system for other cancers that are not easily accessible as those inside the
`bladder. The first component is the patient’s own tumor cells (though allogeneic
`tumor cells may also be used), taken from biopsy or from a surgical specimen. The
`second component is an oncolytic virus with GM-CSF expression such as CG0070.
`The third component is the immune checkpoint modulators, an example given is the
`co-stimulatory signals confinnation molecule anti-CTLA4 antibody. Instead of pre-
`incubation or interaction such as in all past methodologies of cancer vaccine to
`generate antigens or virus attached, infected or modified tumor cells in—vitro, the


`WO 2014/022138
`present novel tumor—virus—ICM vaccine or CLIVS will be developed, live and in—vivo,
`by mixing the three components only just prior to administration to patients. This will
`allow the full oncolytic and immunogenic effects to be within the real time reaction of
`the patient’s own immune system. It is believed that such novel method of delivery
`will enhance the chance of a tumor specific tumor immunotherapy that has never been
`realized before.
`In addition, other
`immune checkpoint modulators, anti-suppressor cell
`molecules or stimulation of sustaining co-confirmatory signals modulators can also be
`co-administered to reinforce strong and long lasting tumor specific immune reactions.
`Alternatively, immune checkpoint modulators confirmation may be omitted in certain
`type of cancers.
`In one aspect of the invention, a tumor-specific immunotherapeutic vaccine
`system comprising either at least two or all three components: separated tumor cells
`isolated and inactivated by irradiation, an oncolytic viral and a cancer specific vector
`comprising a heterologous nucleic acid encoding GM—CSF and an immune checkpoint
`(“ICM”), wherein the three components are admixed just prior
`administration to patient without any pre—incubation are provided.
`In another aspect of the invention, the immune checkpoint modulator (ICM) is
`omitted from the vaccine system.
`In certain aspects, the immune checkpoint molecule (ICM) is an anti—CTLA4
`In certain preferred embodiments, the anti—CTLA4 antibody is selected
`from ipilimumab, tremilimuab and a single chain anti-CTLA-4 antibody.
`In other aspects, the ICM is the 0X40 binding agent or agonist, or an OX40L
`molecule that can maintain T cell proliferation beyond the first few days.
`In another embodiment, the ICM are antibodies or modulators against PDl,
`TIM3, B7—H3, B7—H4, LAG—3 and KIR or its ligands.
`In another embodiment, the ICM component can be the combination of two or
`more of ICMs as described in previous embodiments.
`In some embodiments,
`the separate tumor cells are collected and prepared
`from an autologous, allogeneic or a combination of autologous and allogeneic cells.
`'lhc autologous and allogeneic cells in certain embodiments may be prepared from


`WO 2014/022138
`cell cultures. In other embodiments,
`the tumor cells may have been modified to
`secrete agents that will enhance immune modulation. One of these examples is the
`GVAX autologous or allogeneic cancer cell therapy, the cells of which secrete GM-
`In another aspect, the oncolytic viral component is from an adenovirus, an
`example is CG0070, an adenoviral vector with an E2F promoter and transgene
`expression of GM-CSF.
`In another aspect,
`the oncolytic viral component is any one of the other
`oncolytic viruses that will be able to express GM-CSF after transduction. Examples,
`but not exclusively limited to this list, are Herpes Simplex Virus, Vaccinia virus,
`Mumps virus, Reovirus and Newcastle Disease Virus.
`In one aspect of the invention,
`the CLIVS is given subcutaneously to the
`In another aspect of the invention, the CLIVS can be given by other routes to
`the patient, such as epidermal, intramuscular, into lymphatic chains and other sites or
`organs known to those familiar with the art and that may enhance immune response.
`In other aspects of the invention, kits comprising: separated tumor cells
`isolated and inactivated by irradiation, an oncolytic viral and a cancer specific vector
`comprising a heterologous nucleic acid encoding GM—C SF and an immune checkpoint
`modulator (“ICM”), and a packaging insert containing directions for use are provided.
`In other aspects of the invention,
`tumor cell preparation kits comprising:
`materials and methods to conduct
`tumor dissociation and preparation, enzymatic
`and/or virus vector transduction agents, cryopreservation vials etc. and a packaging
`insert containing directions for use.
`Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of CG0070 and wild type (wt) adenovirus
`type 5. CG0070 is based on adenovirus serotype 5 and the endogenous Ela promoter
`and E3 19kD coding region have been replaced by the human E2F-1 promoter and a
`cDNA coding region of human GM-CSRF, respectively.
`Figure illustrates two bar charts. Selective Ela gene transcription and
`GM—CSF production in normal Wi38 fibroblasts and Wi38-VA13 cells. A. Selective
`Ela gene transcription. Wi38 (normal Rb pathway) and Wi38—VA13 (defective Rb


`WO 2014/022138
`pathway) cells were mock infected or infected with CG0070 at 100 or 1000 viral
`particles (Vp) per cell (ppc) for 1 hour on ice followed by incubation at 37°C to
`synchronize viral uptake. Quantitative RT—PCR for Ela 111RNA was performed 24
`hours post infection. Ela RNA levels were normalized to hexon DNA copy number
`determined at 4 hours post—infection.
`>“p<0.01 t—test, Ela RNA in Wi38—VA13 vs.
`Ela RNA in Wi38 infected with the same vector. B. Selective GM—DXF production.
`The supernatants from CG0070-infected Wi38 and Wi38-VA13 cells (100 ppc) were
`analyzed for human GM—CSF 15 24 hours by ELISA.
`>“p0<0.01, t-test, GM-DSF
`level in Wi38-VA13 cells vs. Wi38 cells.
`Figure illustrates a bar chart. Productivity of CG0070 and wild type
`adenovirus in Rb pathway—defective human bladder TCC cells and normal cells.
`Monolayers of 293, human bladder TCC cell lines (RT4, SW780, UC14 and 253J B—
`V cells) and human normal cells (fibroblasts MRC5 and aortic endothelial hAEC)
`were infected with either CG0070 or wild type adenovirus at a MOI of 2 plaque
`forming units (pfu)/cell. Cells were harvested 72 hours after infection and Virus titers
`were determined by plaque assay on 293 cells. The average of duplicate titers from
`two independent experiments was determined and normalized on 293 cells.
`Figure 2 illustrates
`a graph.
`Anti-tumor efficacy of CG0070 in the
`subcutaneous 253J BOV bladder TCC xenograft model. NCR.nude mice bearing
`subcutaneous tumors received intratumoral injections of saline or CG0070 five times
`as indicated by the arrows (SD 1, 3, 5, 8 and 10). The group average tumor volumes
`i standard deviation (n=10 per group) are shown for mice that received saline or 3 X
`108 Vp, 3 X 109 or 3 X 1010 vp of CG0070 per injection. No significant difference in
`anti—tumor efficacy was observed among three treatment groups during the course of
`the study. All of the CG0070-treated groups were all statistically different from the
`saline treated group (p<0.001, t-test) on SD 60. Between SD 43 and SD 47, 4/10
`animals in the PBS group were euthanized due to tumor volume resulting in a drop in
`the average tumor volume in this group.
`Figures 2.3.2A—C are reproductions of test mice images. Anti-tumor efficacy
`of CG0070 in SW780—Luc orthotopic bladder tumor model. Following establishment
`of orthotopic bladder tumors, mice were treated intravesically with 50 uL of either
`PBS or CG0070 at the dose indicated in the figure. Mice were imaged every week


`WO 2014/022138
`following intraperitoneal injection of Luciferin. The images shown were taken on SD
`1 (A-C) and SD 32 (C) or SD 42 (B) for all animals except as indicated in the figure.
`Figure 2.3.3 illustrates two graphs. Serum GM-CSF expression. CG0070 and
`Ar20-1004 (2 X 1010 vp/injection) were injected intratumorally on SD 1, 3, and 5 as
`indicated by arrows. Mice were bled and tumors were removed on indicated SD, and
`serum (panel A) and tumor extracts (panel B) were prepared and assayed for GM- CSF
`using human— or murine—specific ELISAs. No GM-CSF was detected in mice injected
`with saline (not shown). Each data point represents the average i standard deviation
`of 5 mice.
`Figure 2.3.4 illustrates a single graph. Anti-tumor efficacy in established
`CMT—64 tumors. CMT-64 tumors were established subcutaneously in C57Bl/6 mice.
`When the tumors reached an average of 120 mm3, saline or adenovirus (2 X 1010 vp)
`was injected once daily or three consecutive days, as indicated by the arrows.
`Treatments are indicated in the graph insets. Data represent
`the average tumor
`volume and standard error of the mean (n=9 per group). Asterisks indicate p<0.05
`versus saline. Asterisks below a symbol indicates significance only for the treatment
`group directly above the symbol whereas the asterisk above symbols indicates
`significance for all groups below the symbol compared to saline injection.
`Figure 2.3.5 illustrates a bar chart. Tumor—draining lymph node enrichment of
`CDllc+ cells in the CMT-64 tumor model following treatment with Ar20-1004.
`CMT—64 tumor-bearing C57Bl/6 mice were injected daily with HBSS (saline) or 1 X
`1010 particles/injection of Ar20-1004 or Ar20-lO6l for 4 days. Four days after the
`injection, mice were euthanized and the tumor—draining lymph nodes (right
`inguinal lymph node) were collected from each mouse. Single ell suspensions were
`prepared and stained with an anti-mouse CDllc monoclonal antibody. Each bar
`represents the man percent positive cell staining i SD (n:lO per group). The actual
`percent positive staining (background subtracted) is indicated above the bars. The
`asterisk indicated p<0.001 compared to HBSS or Ar20— 1061, by one—way ANOVA.
`Unless defined otherwise, all technical and scientific terms used herein have
`the same meaning as is commonly understood by one of skill in the art to which this


`WO 2014/022138
`invention belongs. All patents and publications referred to herein are incorporated by
`Cancer treatment vaccines, in various combinations and methodologies, have
`been developed in the past few decades without much clinical success. The human
`immune system of innate and adaptive immunity is an extremely complex system that
`has never been successfully utilized to fight against cancer. One explanation is, since
`cancers are usually developed within the later part of life, the development of an
`immunological response to counteract cancer is not vital to the survival of the fittest
`theory in the evolutionary process. In all likelihood, the different aspects of the human
`immune system are not designed specifically for that purpose.
`This invention relates to the preparation of a complete live and in-vivo tumor-
`virus vaccine system, and its use in immunotherapy of tumor
`treatment and
`metastases. This complete live and in—vivo cancer vaccine system (CLIVS) is then
`able to develop the specific cancer immunotherapeutic effects.
`Even after extensive removal of the primary tumor it is still a problem to
`prevent the formation of metastases either due to growing out of micro-metastases
`already present at the time of surgery, or to the formation of new metastases by tumor
`cells or tumor stem cells that have not been removed completely or being re-attached
`after surgery. In essence, for later stages of cancer, surgery and/or radiotherapy can
`only take care of the macroscopic lesions, while most patients will have their cancers
`grow back and not amenable to further therapies.
`More recently FDA has approved two immunotherapeutic agents against
`prostate cancer and melanoma. The first agent, Provenge, utilizes GM—CSF fusion
`molecule with a prostatic antigen to activate the mononuclear or antigen presenting
`cells of late stage patients in-Vitro and is able to lengthen the overall survival of these
`patients. The second agent is an anti—CTLA 4 monoclonal antibody that had shown a
`profound enhancing effect on immune checkpoint modulators signals in T effector
`cell generation for melanoma patients. An oncolytic virus CG0070 was also been
`shown to have a long—term complete response effect in bladder cancer patients after
`one series of six weekly intravesical treatments [V0046 clinical study report].
`An object of the present invention is to prepare a complete tumor-viral-ICM
`live (tumor and viral vector both) in-vivo (vaccine generated in patient) vaccine
`system with immune checkpoint modulators,
`such as co-stimulatory signals


`WO 2014/022138
`confirmation by an anti—CTLA4 antibody, which can selectively induce a specific
`immune response of the patient towards the tumor, and thereby enable a systemic
`effect against residual primary tumor or in metastatic lesions.
`Normally tumor—specific immune T lymphocytes in cancer patients, even
`when they are present, only occur at low frequency among the lymphocytes. The
`likely reason is that
`the antigenicity and immunogenicity of tumor antigens is
`generally weak, as well as the presence of overwhelming amount of suppressor
`activities through cytokines and regulatory cells such as Treg etc.
`It is now found that the activation of the immune system could be crucially
`improved by combining different specific immunogenic components. The older
`concepts of using nonspecific components to booster specific components were found
`to have little success, as the ability for a human body to generate very specific
`its own cells
`(most cancer cells
`are not
`immunogenic enough to be different from normal cells) is limited by nature. Such an
`action derived from non-specific immunological component, even if generated, will
`be short-lived.
`The present
`invention is
`to introduce a network of specific immune
`components that have never been tried in combination before to overcome the natural
`and complicated suppressing activities of the human body and to produce specific
`immunotherapeutic effects against its own cancer cells.
`The first specific component in the present invention is to use the autologous
`tumor cells isolated from the rcscctcd tumor by mechanical and cnzymatical methods.
`Since cancer cells, particular in metastatic sites, are heterogenous mixtures of
`different clones of cells undergoing rapid replications and frequent mutations, it is
`always best to have a specific component that may adapt to these changes while or
`when they do occur. Autologous tumor cells can be prepared from the original
`surgical specimen, biopsies or from removal of metastatic lesions later on. One of the
`advantages of this vaccine is that this component can be changed according to the
`patient’s response and the availability of tumor samples. Thus a tumor—viral live and
`in—vivo vaccine system generated in the primary tumor phase may be different than
`the one generated later on, using tumor cells from metastatic sites. The ultimate goal,
`of course,
`is to adapt the immunotherapeutic response according to the prevailing


`WO 2014/022138
`tumor types, an advantage that cannot be found in recent development of pathway—
`targeted therapy or monoclonal antibody—directed therapy.
`The second specific component is the live and replicative competent cancer
`specific oncolytic viral vector. One of such examples is the CG0070, which has a
`promoter of the Ela early viral gene using the cancer specific E2F group of
`transcriptional proteins. As recent studies showed, E2F protein is active in most
`cancer and progenitor cells, and not
`just only associated with RB pathway
`deficiencies. This component is different from other tumor-viral vaccines in the past.
`All of these past cancer vaccines are either non—specific, meaning they cause lysis of
`normal cells or are not administered as a live viral vaccine system without irradiation.
`The third specific component of the present
`live and in-vivo
`vaccine system is that the oncolytic virus will be able to generate GM—CSF,
`crucial cytokine that enable dendritic cell and other antigen presenting cells to mature
`and be able to both sample and then to cross-present tumor agents to CD4 cells. Even
`though antigen presenting cells are involved in non specific immune activities, the
`availability of suitable and sufficient amounts of GM-CSF in situ will move the
`direction of the immune response towards a more specific manner, namely in the Thl
`and Thl7 pathway, if there are sufficient as well as immunogenic tumor antigens
`present. Few past tumor—viral or tumor-infective agents were based on GM-CSF
`transgenic expression and even if they did, the vaccines were not delivered with a
`replicative competent form of the virus.
`The fourth and one of the most differentiating components of this tumor-viral
`live and in—vivo cancer vaccine system is that the generation of the vaccine will be
`developed in-vivo with immune checkpoint modulators, such as the use of co-
`stimulatory signals confirmation by an anti-CTLA4 antibody. And that is why the
`invention is named as a complete vaccine system rather than an already manufactured
`or in-vitro defined vaccine. This sets the current vaccine apart from the closest
`patented tumor—viral vaccine as shown in US patent 5273745, whereby the tumor—
`viral vaccine has to be incubated beforehand in serum free media and then irradiated
`again to confer non-replication of the viral vector. The viral part of the virally adhered
`tumor cells will be viewed more or less as an adjuvant, such that
`it can elicit
`cytokines, mainly interferon (described in the patent) and be a non—specific
`in this immunothcrapeutic approach.
`In this present


`WO 2014/022138
`system, the viral vector is replicate competent, though limited and specific only to
`cancer cells or RB defective pathway cells, and this replicative process will elicit the
`live and in—vivo system that has never been described. The most distinctive features
`is, as the tumor lysis is happening in Vivo, the vaccine is formed from the interaction
`of these components (tumor and live Virus), thereby enabling a stable, sufficient
`supply of immediate cancer cell death proteins such as tumor associated or tumor
`specific antigens that are vital to the stimulation of a specific tumor response. In
`recent studies, it has been shown that not only are these cancer antigens important, but
`the proteins released from cancer cell death,
`together with the right cytokine or
`chemokine environment will make this an ideal situation for the antigen presenting
`cells, mainly dendritic cell, now primed by the GM-CSF mentioned above,
`stimulate a successful and sustaining specific tumor
`response. The real
`happening of these events and the immune checkpoint modulators with co—stimulatory
`signals confirmation by an anti-CTLA antibody will increase the chance of success in
`this new invention.
`This complete live and in-Vivo cancer vaccine system or CLIVS is also
`obviously different from the intra—tumoral injection of oncolytic viruses with GM—
`CSF expression. The delivery of oncolytic viruses by the intra-tumoral route has the
`advantage that no tumor cell preparation in the in-vitro setting is necessary, but has
`obvious disadvantages such as excessive and uncontrollable leakage of virus vectors
`such that the dose of the Viral vector has to be increased to compensate for such a loss,
`while there will still be no guarantee such a dose can reach the ideal multiplicity of
`infectious ratio related to tumor cells. Most likely there will also be a lack of exposure
`and unpredictable receptor or adherence interaction between tumor cells and the Virus
`vector, disruptive tumor blood supply, difficulty in the access of most visceral tumors
`and the potential spreading of live tumor cells into other parts of the body during
`injections. Established tumors are also expected to have increased suppressor cell
`activities and hostile environment for such therapy. It will also be difficult to calculate
`the effective dose or to add other effective and supplemental immunotherapeutic
`agents such as anti—CTLA4 antibodies to intra—tumoral
`injections because of the
`inherent messy and unpredictable nature of the procedure. Furthermore, intratumoral
`injection of replication competent oncolytic Viral therapy will not be applicable to the


`WO 2014/022138
`adjuvant setting when immunotherapy will have the best predictable effectiveness by
`preventing recurrence.
`As can be shown in recent studies, 1L6 and TGFB are primarily responsible for
`the auto-immune process development in a number of experimental animal models.
`The Thl7 pathway and the activation and proliferation of CD4 cells associated in this
`process is driven by the presence of sufficient and immunogenic antigens, together
`with the availability of mature antigen presenting cells.
`In our previous study
`[V0046], one of the important cytokines associated with tumor response is 1L6
`(results not shown). In this novel CLIVS approach, the cancer specific oncolytic virus
`vector expressing GM—CSF (e. g. CG0070) will be responsible, hypothetically, for the
`purely immunogenic effect enabling the helper T cells pathway shift from a mainly
`Th1 to a mainly Thl7, with the presence of apoptotic tumor cells, its associated or
`specific antigens and mature antigen presenting cells
`from GM—CSF on-site
`expression. It will be the first time that any oncolytic viral vector is utilized only for
`its immunogenic effect, since the oncolytic effect is not meaningful because the tumor
`cells have already been irradiated and will not be able to proliferate. The use of the
`CG0070 immunogenic effect is also novel because it is hypothesized that this effect
`will be the T helper cell pathway type shift, by Th1 to Thl7, and not the usual
`expected viral
`immunological effects such as causing a cytokine inflammatory
`reaction for innate cell killing, meaning more or less as an adj uvant and tumor cell
`antigens production. As a matter of fact and exactly the opposite of the usual theory of
`how to use oncolytic viral vectors, it will be beneficial for the patient to develop
`neutralizing antibodies against the viral vector being used for the above T helper
`pathway shift, as the immune system will then be focused onto the necessity of
`eliciting the Thl7 cytokines and the necessary T effector cells and/or antibodies
`generation for the auto-immune cancer therapy.
`As a summary,
`the novelty of the present live and in-vivo tumor specific
`cancer vaccine system is based on the following facts.
`the tumor and viral components are completely separated until the
`moment of administration to the patient. No pre-incubation or mixture of these
`components for any measurable amount of time before treatment. All past cancer
`vaccines consisting of tumor cells and virus vectors have all
`involved in-vitro


`WO 2014/022138
`The viral component is cancer specific and replicative competent.
`The transgenic expression of GM-CSF is strategically happening at the tumor
`lytic site.
`The generation of the vaccine is live and in—vivo within the patient’s body,
`capturing all
`the necessary cellular, cytokine and chemokine and antigenic
`components during cancer cell death to be sampled and cross—presented by the GM-
`CSF primed and matured antigen presenting or dendritic cells and the immune
`checkpoint modulators signal confirmation by the anti-CTLA4 antibody.
`The easy and dependable access of producing tumor-viral-ICM interactions in
`the proposed complete live and in-vivo cancer vaccine system to most cancer patients
`is also immensely different from the setting of intra-tumoral injection of virus vectors.
`The administration of the CLIVS approach will also be novel since this will be
`the first time that a cancer vaccine may be given, with parts of or with all of its
`components, in multiple doses at the same or different injection sites, by more than
`once per week. The normal administration schedule of the CLIVS system will likely
`be an intradermal or subcutaneous injection of all or parts of its vaccine components
`once per week as a cycle and then the same cycle being repeated every two to three
`weeks for four (4) to six (6) cycles as one course. To further enhance and sustain the
`cancer specific immune response, the CLIVS system may also be administered twice
`or more per week as a cycle, and/or with injections of the vaccine at the same or
`different physical sites during each cycle. This “tandem” or two doses per week cycle
`will then be repeated every two to three weeks for a total of four (4) to six (6) cycles
`as a complete course of treatment.
`Finally, yet another aspect of novelty of the system, the why and how to
`implement the system, is based on the theory that the cancer specific oncolytic virus
`used is purely to act as an immunogenic agent (not for its oncolytic effect like most
`being developed are). That immunogenic agent effect is also novel in that it is aimed
`at a T helper cell type shift, and not as an adjuvant or tumor antigens production like
`in the past.


`WO 2014/022138
`Preparation of Tumor Cells:
`For the usual surgical specimen, a piece of the tumor is removed for
`pathological classification and the main tumor cell mass is then placed into a tube
`with HBSS containing gentamycin and stored at 8°C. Within about 8—12 hours, the
`fresh tumor specimens are carried to the laboratory, where they are further
`dissociated. The tumor specimens are cut into smaller pieces, usually in 1 cm cubes
`with a scalpel. They are then incubated in an enzyme solution at 37°C. The usual
`enzymatic solution most effective is
`a mixture of collagenase, DNase, and
`hyaluronidase. After incubation the resulting suspension is filtered through a nylon
`mesh with a pore of 40mm. These steps are repeated until all the main fraction of the
`tumor specimen has been dissolved. The resulting cell suspension is then washed
`three times in HBSS and then ready for cryopreservation.
`Cryopreservation and Thawing of Tumor Cells:
`Tumor cells isolated in this manner are then frozen in 10% human serum
`albumin and 10% DMSO and stored in aliquots of 107 cells in liquid nitrogen. Cell
`freezing can be performed in a freezing computer Kryo 10 series 11 (Messer-
`Griesheim). On the day of the planned vaccination, the cells are carefully thawed in
`warm medium with the addition of 10% human serum albumin and then washed three
`times in this medium.
`Inactivation of the Tumor Cells:
`The tumor cells proliferative capacity is inactivated with 200Gy using a
`telecobalt source prior to administration.


`WO 2014/022138
`Preparation of an oncolytic and cancer specific viral vector with transgenic
`expression of GM-CSF:
`While there are many viral vectors that are cancer specific and conditional
`replicative competent, they are usually

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